19 August, 2007

VNNB Free Talk Live – August 18th 2007

Posted by Archives in audio, VNNB at 4:52 am | Permanent Link

“The Wicked people of America”

With hosts Randy Gray and OnThePathToTruth

  • One Response to “VNNB Free Talk Live – August 18th 2007”

    1. FeralWhiteMale Says:

      I’m sure some folks will run shrieking from the room when they hear this Christian Identity guy’s spiel. LOL. I heard it a long time ago, so it doesn’t bother me. Of course, the man is ignorant when he talks about “Catholic pedophile priests” because many good Catholic priests years ago warned everyone that the Catholic Church had been infiltrated by fags. The seminaries were particularly full of fags. The reason the homos, many of whom were jews, to destroy the church as many were following Marxist and Communist ideology as well as to avoid the draft. The Catholic Church is fucked up now, no doubt, but Yahweh isn’t “cursing” us, bubba.

      The simple fact is that all religions are faith-based whereas the ideology that we should be stressing — White Nationalism stemming from National Socialism — is reality-based. There’s no debate about these 2 points. There is a debate however on which religion is the most truth-based. And of course, this debate will never be answered until a Supreme Being shows up and says, “This is how it is.” Barring that, you can keep on preaching, but it won’t make any difference. Just like you can vote for Ron Paul too, but he won’t win. As you brought up, when you ask people about Ron Paul they never heard of him. It’s the kikenmedia blackout again. That paradigm is: if it’s not reported in the mass media, no one knows about it. If it is reported in the mass media, everyone believes it happened, whether it did really happen or not (e.g. the “Holocaust”).

      I don’t have any problem with CI or Creator or what-have-you religions. The point is that most mainstream religious ideologies have been corrupted by Jews. So any religion that is correct on the racial issue is certainly not harmful to our people.

      It’s a good thing to bring up how Whites are divided. Rockwell said that’s our biggest problem, and of course, he’s right as usual. He also the Hitler and the Germans did it was by “being in the streets.” They’re breaking through the paper curtain and all.

      Good job, taken everything into account, and the fact that quoting from Chronicles grates on my ears. LOL. Just kidding.