12 August, 2007

VNNB Free Talk Live – August 11th 2007

Posted by Archives in audio, VNNB at 8:13 am | Permanent Link

“The Birth of the Jew”

With Randy Gray and OTPTT

  • 6 Responses to “VNNB Free Talk Live – August 11th 2007”

    1. Olde Dutch Says:

      Too much gun bullshit.

    2. Gebirgsjager Says:

      Very interesting discussion concerning how jews came into existance.

    3. Mark Says:

      The term Caucasian, used as a racial term, was coined by the German scientist Blumenbach, and did not come from Christianity.

    4. Gebirgsjager Says:

      Yes, the gunplay was sort of crass, but the overall discussion was pretty good. I’d like to hear more on this topic.
      Perhaps there can be future discussions about the origin of the
      jews ?

    5. Pissed Off V.N.N.er Says:

      Christianity is a nonwhite religion.

      Face the facts.

    6. New America Says:

      Some quick comments, as I have only heard the first hour:

      “The Law” is a deeply misunderstood concept, particularly in Light of the New Testament. My personal Scripture is the Anointed Standard Translation, published by the gentlemen at christianseparatist.org. They also publish all manner of enlightening commentary.

      That having been said, two points:

      One, Christianity is to be found in the first four books of the New Testament, and Christianity as it may become can be seen, in part, in the only book written by Jesus Christ, the Book of Revelation.

      Two, Christianity’s spiritual forbearer is Zoroastrianism; remember the Magi, who attended the birth of Jesus? Magi are the Zoroastrian priesthood.

      Three, “The Law” is, essentially, One Law: Love God, and Do What God Wants You To Do. (Faith and Works!)

      The spiritual law of cause and effect, from your failure to obey The Law, is called the Law of Karma, and is closely tied into another doctrine, Reincarnation. Karma, in turn, is not totally mechanistic, as Judaism is; rather, karma is mediated by Grace.

      The doctrines of karma at the level of the group soul can be seen running like a silver thread throughout the Old Testament; reincarnation, of course, runs like a golden thread throughout Scripture.

      Reincarnation can be seen quickly in two examples; the first, obviously, is the Resurrection. The second can be seen in Malachi, where we are told that Elias (Elijah) must return before the Messiah. We see Jesus look at one of His Disciples during the Last Supper and say, “This is Elias returned.”

      The rest of the Apostles, of course, were dumbfounded by this, as the knowledge of the truth of reincarnation had been hidden from the mass of Mankind until they were ready to accept the awesome responsibilities needed to deal with it in their lives.

      So, that’s “The Law,” in macrocosm, and the costs of breaking The Law, in one short lesson.

      After all, Christ came and fulfilled “The Law,” meaning that He offered the Way off the wheels of materialistic reincarnation; after all, He said He was “The Way.”

      Got that right.

      Now, back to our regularly scheduled program.

      New America

      An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!