28 August, 2007

Reader Mail, August 28, 2007

Posted by alex in Reader Mail at 4:07 pm | Permanent Link


Treacle-On-Lard for the patriotard:




While I thanked most of the members of the media for acting in a respectful and responsible manner pertaining to the way they handled Aaron Russo’s death, there are two media outlets which didn’t do so well: The Las Vegas Review-Journal and the Vanguard News Network. One isn’t to surprised to see a title like “Movies: Jew Russo Dies” from a vile organization which uses the tagline of “No Jews. Just Right.”






MOSCOW, July 30 (RIA Novosti) – Russia’s Foreign Ministry condemned Monday a meeting of veterans of Estonia’s Waffen SS division in the Baltic state over the weekend, calling it an outrageous event and regretting that it received official backing.

Estonian SS veterans and their supporters gathered Saturday in the northeast of the country to commemorate one of the bloodiest battles in Estonia during World War II. Reunions to glorify so-called fighters against the Soviet occupation have become a tradition in the Baltic state in recent years, angering Russia.

“Moscow is deeply outraged by reports of a regular session of Estonian SS Division 20… which Estonian authorities have chosen to call ‘fighters for Estonia’s freedom,’ ignoring the internationally-recognized decisions of the Nuremburg Tribunal,” the Foreign Ministry said in a statement.

“The open glorification of former Nazi fighters’ actions in World War II by the Estonian government, voiced in a congratulatory speech to members of the Nazi coven by the defense minister, is especially outrageous,” the ministry said.

As many as 800 people have gathered at the meeting this year, including Austrian and Norwegian nationals. “The growing extent and internationalization of such neo-Nazi manifestations in the EU member state is particularly obvious,” the ministry said.

The ministry also said the military competition Erna Raid, scheduled for August 6 through 11 and held annually since 1993, complied with Estonia’s line towards glorifying Nazism, as it commemorated the Abwehr-trained Erna reconnaissance group, which operated in the rear of the Soviet Army in 1941.

Estonia’s Defense Ministry finances the competition, attended by representatives of a number of Western countries.

“It is astonishing that some of the former members of the anti-Hitler coalition nowadays send their representatives to the Erna Raid without realizing that in this way they morally support those who have a ‘specific’ view on the historical role of SS and Abwehr divisions. Doing so, they insult the memory of soldiers, including their soldiers, who died fighting Hitler’s regime,” the ministry said.

Shortly before VE-Day celebrations this year, the Estonian government removed a Soviet war memorial from the center of the country’s capital Tallinn.

The removal of the Bronze Soldier monument sparked violent protests from the ex-Soviet republic’s ethnic Russian minority. One person was killed and several dozen injured in clashes with police April 27.

Moscow issued strong protests, with some parliamentarians calling for cutting diplomatic ties with Tallinn.

The Russian leadership has repeatedly called the EU’s attention to Estonia’s attempts to glorify Nazi Germany, and to its discriminatory policies relating to ethnic Russians who moved to the republic following its annexation by the Soviet Union following the war.



Toddler shot during weekend drive-by shooting
A three-year old was shot Saturday night during an apparent “drive-by” shooting.

Officers were called to Wilson Avenue in East Knoxville just after six o’clock. They say a driver in a passing car fired several shots at a parked black Pontiac car before speeding away. Four people were inside the Pontiac, including a toddler and his father.

Authorities say the child was shot one time. They would not release the child’s name or information on extent of his injuries. However, officers do believe the child will survive.

The alleged shooter was said to be driving a maroon Caprice Classic.

Anyone with information on the shooting should call the Knoxville Police Department tipline at (865) 215-7212.



Racist attack fuels debate in Gemany
printable versionbigger textsmaller text

As protests against a recent racist attack in Germany continue, a senior Jewish leader in the country has called on authorities to investigate claims some places have become ‘no-go’ areas for foreigners. The claim has been made by anti-racism campaigners amid a growing debate on the issue. Eight Indians were injured in the weekend attack in the town of Muegelin.

India’s Ambassador in Germany, Meera Shankar said: “Trade and economic relations and cultural contacts and scientific contacts between the two countries are growing and we hope that those incidents will not impact adversely on that.”

Muegelin is in the eastern state of Saxony, a stronghold of the far-right. But the town itself was not considered a hotbed of racist activity. Mayor Gotthard Deuse said the community is in shock: “I can’t understand why people didn’t jump in to help victims straight away. I think people were afraid to.”

The eight men were set upon by a mob during a festival in the town. The gang, shouting racist slogans, chased them through the streets. Police intervened after the men took refuge in an Indian-owned pizza restaurant. Police patrols have been increased in the aftermath of the attack.


jews in Germany kiking about Indian attacks

reader reaction at Spiegel






Outre Entree

By Patrick Grimm

The Jewish is the outre (pronounced oo-TRAY). It is the parading of the bizarre, the twisted, the malign, the disturbingly unconventional, the perverse, the hazardous and the harmful before the eyes of the masses. It is both Hollywood and much of the Halakha. It is the labeling of the sick and the diseased as sweet and delightful. It is Jewish culture, or at least the most radical segments of it.

The freshly putrid hors d?oeuvres served up by our Jewish cooks are not a delicious entr?e, but an outre, an amalgamation of the horrific, the degraded, the degenerate and often, the scatological. It?s Jewish ADL sex-ed manuals instructing kindergartners in the joys and delights to be had from free-wheeling buggery with a friend. It?s shameless Jewish comedienne Sarah Silverman frolicking about on stage, singing songs about the cuteness of homosexual anal sex and graphic descriptions of excretory functions and defecation. It?s comedy programs written and directed by Jews explicitly detailing exploitative sex with the mentally handicapped, necrophilia and other things that perhaps seem normal in Jewish bizarro world..

But the frightening reality of depravity is that there is no bottom to it. And Jewish outre should cause any sane Jew (please step forward and identify yourself) to scream ?Oy vey!? Yet this is not what we see. What we witness is more of the same and the bottom continues to fall out of a culture degraded beyond all recognition by the Jewish hand and the Jewish obsession for all things malignant. Some may balk at these harsh words, but simply turn on your television for a confirmation.




No More Wars For Israel Conference..October 12-14, 2007

    From: [email protected]
    On the weekend of October 12-14 ( Traditional Columbus day weekend) patriots from around the world will be gathering in southern California to call for an end to the endless wars being waged… and yet more planned, if the neokahns get their way…. in the middle east by the U.S., sacrificing the lives of our sons and daughters all for the sake of a worthless parasitic and terrorist nation by the name of “Israel,” and at the behest of their powerful lobby here in D.C.
    NOW is the time to stand up and let your voices be heard….BEFORE our out-of-control president and the Israeli moles who encircle and advise him begin what very well may be World War III by attacking the peaceful nation of Iran….AGAIN for the sake of the cancer in the middle east known as Israel.
    This one of a kind and important conference will be held in Orange County, California, minutes away from John Wayne International airport, and 30 minutes from LAX.
    Friday evening, the 12th, a cocktail/ meet-and-greet party will kick off the weekends events, which will include a banquet dinner on Saturday evening and breakfast Sunday morning.
    CONFIRMED speakers include:
    Canadian free speech activist Paul Fromm,
    American Free Press founder and publisher Willis Carto,
    AFP correspondent, author and radio talk show host Michael Collins Piper
    Author and popular AFP correspondent Mark Glenn of Crescent and Cross
    Vote fraud investigator and anti-zionist activist Jim Condit Jr.
    Long time patriot, nationalist activist and AFP correspondent Ralph Forbes
    John de Nugent, contributing editor for The Barnes Review
    Margaret Huffstickler, contributing editor and translator for The Barnes Review,
    911 widow and truth activist Ellen Mariani who will discuss her ongoing lawsuit and the efforts of judicial criminals to silence her,
    European American activist Stan Hess
    Deirdre Fields South African pro-white activist, writer and political analyst
    These are just a few of the weekends speakers…MORE will be announced in the weeks to come.
    Reserve your place now for this history making conference and be among the number of your fellow patriots who are saying with ONE VOICE: NO MORE WARS FOR ISRAEL!
    Hotel rooms are $109.00 per night ( double occupancy allowed)
    Registration: $ 150.00 per person, couples $ 195.00  student discounts available. Registration fee includes Saturday evening banquet and Sunday breakfast.
    Send checks or money orders to Mark Glenn www.crescentandcross.com
    Mailing address:
    Box 27
    Careywood, Idaho 83809
    also visit: www.nomorewarsforisrael.wordpress.com

The Top Politically inCorrect Words for 2006:

Macaca, Global Warming Denier, Herstory and Flip Chart Top Annual List

San Diego, California (December 13, 2006) Macaca, Global Warming Denier, Herstory and Flip Chart top the list of the most egregious examples of politically correct language found in 2006 by the Global Language Monitor (www.LanguageMonitor.com) in its annual global survey.

“In 2006, the Political Correctness movement continued to gain momentum to the effect that many were unaware of the extent that it had inserted itself into ordinary English-language conversations,” said Paul JJ Payack, President of The Global Language Monitor (GLM). The year has been rife with examples that have been nominated by the GLM’s Language Police, volunteer language observers from the world over”.

The Top Politically inCorrect Words and Phrases for 2006:

1. Macaca – Might have changed the political balance of the US Senate, since George Allen’s (R-VA) utterance (which is an offensive slang term for Indians of the Sub-continent in the West Indies) surely has impacted his election bid.

2. Global Warming Denier – Since there are those who now believe that climate changed has moved from scientific theory to dogma; there are now proposal that ‘global warming deniers’ be treated the same as ‘holocaust deniers:’ professional ostracism, belittlement, ridicule and, even, jail.

3. Herstory for History – ‘Herstory’ again attempts to take the male element out of ‘HIS story’. Though there are nearly 900,000 Google citations for ‘HERstory, they are all based on a mistaken assumption. When Herodotus wrote the first history, the word meant simply an ‘inquiry’.

4. Flip Chart. The term can be offensive to Filipinos, please use ‘writing block’.

5. 1a and 1b — The headmistress of a grade school in Midlothian (Scotland) had to split a grade into two equal classes. Though the split was purely alphabetical, parents objects because those with children in ‘1b’ feared they may be perceived as academically inferior to those in ‘1a’.

6. Politically Incorrect Colors — Staff at a coffee shop in Glasgow refused to serve a customer who had ordered a ‘black coffee’, believing it to be ‘racist.’ He wasn’t served until he changed his order to ‘coffee without milk’. Around the world we have reports of the word ‘black’ becoming emotionally charged and politically correct or incorrect depending upon one’s point of view.

7. Oriental – Asian, please. Though this is generally a purely American phenomenon. In Europe, Asians prefer the term Oriental, which literally means ‘those from the East’.

8. Menaissance – The rise of a ‘manliness’ culture or male renaissance. Replaces metrosexual, which evidently appealed to women but not men.

9. Momtini — A Michigan mother invented the term ‘momtini’ as an act of rebellion against ‘parental correctness’. This has raised the hackles of child protection and ‘anti-alcohol’ groups.

10. “Our Mother and Father Who are in Heaven” – From a new, ‘inclusive’ Bible translation (The Bible in a More Just Language) that replaces what it believes to be “divisive” teachings of Christianity.

Bonus: Political Correctness — ‘Equality Essentials,’ a 44-page training manual book called has been used for staff training courses at Kirklees Council in West Yorkshire suggests that the term Political Correctness is now politically incorrect.

Top Words for 2005 and 2004

The Top Politically Incorrect Words for 2005 were the BBC’s use of the euphemism ‘Misguided Criminals’ for Terrorists after the 7/7 Tube Bombings.

In 2004, the List was highlighted by Los Angeles County’s insistence of covering over with labels any computer networking protocols that mention master/slave jargon.


Bill Clinton gets Chelsea a job at the New York Times.  They send her to
Iraq to interview the troops.  She speaks to the first platoon that she can

Chelsea:”What are your greatest fears?”
Voice from the back:”Ossama, Obama, and your mamma.”


a jew with a good idea — a damn good one too — must be as rare as a planetary alignment.


The affliction known as adolescence is a recent historical development. Many pre-industrial cultures, where teenagers are integrated into adult life, don’t even have a word for it. Adolescence exists only in Western industrial countries, where education and laws have isolated teenagers from adults. We all know the pathologies of adolescence – the awful conflicts between parents and children, the drugs and alcohol, the obsession with appearance, the negative peer pressure, the moods, depression and anger, the cheap material culture. It’s a miserable stage of life.

The modern education system was created in order to supply the factories of the industrial age with a reliable stream of standardized, skilled labour. Today, the Industrial Age is dead, and the factory system is obsolete. The knowledge that people need for most jobs is specialized and changes quickly. But we still educate our kids in the same old way. “We need education spread over a lifetime, not jammed into the early years,” he argues. “Past puberty, education needs to be combined in interesting and creative ways with work.”

Yet we still insist that young adults, many of whom are indifferent and unmotivated, stay incarcerated in school until they’re old enough to legally escape. Instead of admitting that this model doesn’t work any more, our plan is to extend it until the poor kids turn 18.

Mr. Epstein has a far more radical idea: shorter compulsory school hours, mandatory education for basics only, more individualized instruction, and an end to age segregation. He’d also repeal the laws that restrict younger adults from doing adult jobs, owning property, and all the rest.


Ron Paul Wins Five Straw Polls, Mainstream Media Remains Silent



Familiarity breeds contempt

I tuned into 89.8 FM (Portland) a few minutes ago and I was appalled to find that their “Choral Hour” was devoted to Arvo Pärt. For those of you who are unaware of this “composer” let me enlighten you:

A pitter and patter of mouse feet signifying nothing!

This minimalist decomposer was part of the ilk of degenerates who devoted their lives to making Western existence even more unbearable through cacophany. Now, since atonality is no longer popular, and – perhaps more importantly – does not sell, he has turned to copying sacred homophonic music from before the Renaissance.

His “musical” output is nothing but trivial imitation. This is a sure sign that he has nothing to say, that he is not a master of novel tunes, but an amanuensis. Moreover, this can be said about every other modern “artist”. Whether it’s splashing paint on canvas, experimenting with electronic media, taking one’s influence from a non-Western society, or writing run-on poetry, these “Modernists” have nothing to show the world save their lack of talent, depth, and honesty.

This Estonian is yet another example of mediocrity apotheosized.

  • 12 Responses to “Reader Mail, August 28, 2007”

    1. re: Ms Teen USA Says:

      “Cruz” is Sephardic, btw.

    2. tj Says:

      Regarding Arvo Part:
      He married a Jew and sought to emigrate to Israel.Of course ,Jews are quite rare in Estonia..Although some of his works are not unbearable (Speigel im Speigel),I can’t disagree with your comments in general, and could apply them to any”modern composer”.Maybe one exception is Gorecki.

    3. sfg Says:

      I think it would be a very good idea to segregate the sexes from age twelve to age eighteen when they go off to college. There is so much torment during those six years and it could all be avoided if girls and boys were not allowed to go to school together. And they would both probably get a better education as a result. The fickleness of girls wouldn’t get them in trouble and they wouldn’t be subject to the pressure from boys to engage in sexual acts.

      Of course, it goes without saying that nigs should be far away from both white boys and girls during this time. Preferably on another continent.

    4. ML Says:

      What isn’t mediocre about Estonia?

    5. Anchorage Activist Says:

      Stephen Gordon impresses me as a wine-sipping, cheese-nibbling avant-garde metrosexual. When I asked him what was so “vile” about VNN, he merely responded that “my site was almost as vile as VNN”. As if that was supposed to hurt my feelings. LMFAO!
      I then asked him if he was prepared to dismiss the 43% of Democrats in his state who voted for Larry Darby for Attorney General in 2006 as “vile”, despite the fact that Darby was running as an atheist in a fairly religious state. I’m not holding my breath waiting for him to address that dichotomy.
      Glenn Miller ran into the same types of libertarians during his Congressional campaign. Raceless libertarians are hopeless!

    6. abe foxman Says:


      LMFAO!. Since when would any beer swilling, national team supporting fishn’ chip guzzeling pinko pass themselves off as a Teutonic Knight?
      Talk about ‘dressing mutton up as lamb’!
      The fact is, pathetic Englishmen have now realized the only ones capable of saving their jewed asses were the ones they took Jew gold from to destroy. Their little pantomime is delusional.
      Maybe they should take it a more constructive step further and dress up in clean deloused striped uniforms, build delousing chambers, get a haircut and take a bath. At least it would be close to the original and would give them a sense of hygiene they currently lack.
      Whatever befalls that shitty little isle and it’s people can’t come quick enough for this Prussian.
      Deutschland Uber Alles

    7. abe foxman Says:


      Maybe there should be some mention of the ethnic Germans murdered by Bolshevik Poles prior to Germany invading and regaining control of those Prussian territories stolen by the International Plutocracy after WW1.
      Google links that may serve as a historical reminder but you won’t find any reference on the ADL site.

    8. Marwinsing Says:

      Whatzabet Lil’ Missie Aztlan’s sportin’ a fine Frank Zappa droopie/goatie combo by the time she hits thirty-six?

    9. Marwinsing Says:

      …and as for the patriotard’s ‘hold my hand I’m dying’ crappy muzak-vid… it reminds us of… oh those lyrics; of… dunno – lost for words – it’s unique; uniquely out of place with reality. Because nobody cares anymore for reality – except for a few neo-nazis and white racists – like us?

    10. Marwinsing Says:

      Russo… on Cheney: Bloody goy oil-pig.

      Cheney… on Russo: Thank heck it’s dead.

    11. GB Says:

      Million Laughs: “flip chart” !

      Flip Chart. The term can be offensive to Filipinos, please use ‘writing block’.

    12. sgruber Says:

      I’ll have a cup of nigger coffee…I mean BLACK…BLACK coffee is what I meant. Black. Coffee. Uh, thanks.