25 August, 2007

Reader Mail, August 25, 2007

Posted by alex in Reader Mail at 3:16 pm | Permanent Link



By now you are aware that the Knoxville city bosses want to cater to the Nigs.  I doubt very much if the 5 charged in Channon and Chris’s butchery will ever actually be convicted of murder.  I could tell you of at least two instances that I personally know about, where suspects were never apprehended because of shoddy police work.   One a rape, another a murder. Another where a murderer (see Zoo-man) was not tried for murder because the senior detectives did not get him a lawyer when he asked-5 times, recorded on tape, and all evidence was thrown out.  The cops really are low IQ, and are promoted if they toe the line.  Anyway, just wanted to keep you up to date on the nig problem here in Knoxville.  Keep up your good work.




Maybe stories about Whites doing the White thing could fit into VNN?
Human interest stories that show our people at their best?
Read this one and smile. Notice the lack of muds and/or yids all around.
This is what our people do when we’re allowed to take care of our own!
The baby born at 30,000ft on holiday flight who weighed just 1lb
Eric in NJ


Watch this case and whatch the judge who tries it. Could be significant in the same way as Bixby Knolls.



Video: Norman Podhoretz States George Bush WILL Bomb Iran
Chutzpah! What Podhoretz is really saying is that the United States WILL bomb Iraq irregardless of whether or not the American public supports the decision. Podhoretz knows that Israel and the traitors within our own government will soon launch “Al Qaeda’s” newest ‘terrorist attack,’ and Podhoretz knows that the Iranians, as opposed to Bin Laden [fictitious enemy] and Iraq, will be blamed for it this time. The only real question is, will YOU fall for it again?




Disputing The Indisputable

by Voltaire
[email protected]

Aug. 23, 2007

It is always a wonder and a marvel to this writer how people can dispute the non-disputable. One of the most eternally contested issues in historiography-but one of the least factually contestable-is the Jewish controlling element in communism from 1880 to 1955. The proofs are consistent on all levels.

Let us review the evidence. Starting with the assasination of Czar Alexander Two in 1881 revolutionary Marxism was top heavy with Jews. All the Marxist parties were permeated with Chosen Ones. That included the Bund, 100% Jewish and Marxist, the Social Revolutionaries, the Polish Social Democrats of Rosa Luxemburg, the Russian Social Democratic Labor Party (later to become the Communist Party), et! c. It is idle to debate whether there were more Jews in the Menshevik rather than the Bolshevik faction of the Russian Social Democratic Labor Party; it is merely a standard Jewish apologetic quibble.

If one reviews the Zionist parties in Russia, many of them, such as the Fahyernitke (the union of the Jewish Socialist Workers Party and the Jewish Zionist Socialist Workers Party) or Poale-Zion were also avowedly Marxist as well. Jews were also prominently involved in the Constitutional Liberals and other parties, which is to say that Jews worked both sides of the spectrum, as in the U.S. today. However, none of this stopped Jews from joining communism en masse when the Bolshevik regime took over. They had good reason to do so. The Communist regime removed the disabilities under which the Jews had labored in Czarist times. All the employment and occupational restrictions were removed and Jews flooded into the new communist bureuacracy. Bundists and other Jewish Marxist rivals of the Bolsheviks abandoned their parties and joined the communist regime in bloc after their political organizations were declared illegal.

None of these facts are disputed by any competent researcher, to my knowledge. The famous Jewish Section of the Communist Party, disbanded in 1930, existed to help ease the transition of capitalist Jews and merchants into the new communist order. Opportunities for them in a decidedly philo-semitic atmosphere were certainly not lacking. All of this is admitted and documented in Jewish reference works such as Soviet and Kosher and Farming The Red Land, referring to the Jewish communist collective farms in the Crimea. Moreover, innumerable foreign visitors to Red Russia in the ’20’s and ’30’s testified to the Jewish paradise which was Soviet Russia. The Frenchman, Andre Gide and the Englishman, Malcolm Muggeridge, were two such.

Anyone who examines the diplomatic records of either the American State Department or the British Foreign Office, 1919-1925, will find overflowing consular and military intelligence reports from the field on the Jewishness of Communism. Russians who survived it in its murderous heyday, and not just Alexander Solzhenitsyn, tell the same story. It strains credulity to believe that all these people in a position to know were simply making it up. It is particularly unbelievable when their testimonies are consistent with each other and with what Jewish scholars admit in their own reference works.

Jewish involvement in communism was not localized just to Russia or the early days of the revolution. It went much further than that. For essentially forty years after the October, 1917 revolution wherever communism spread, it spread under Jewish auspices. That constitutes a common denominator which cannot just be dismissed as coincidence. Poland, Germany, Hungary and the U.S., Britain and Argentina all experienced communist revolutions or attempted subversion in the post World War One period. In every single case Jews were behind it. What are we to make of this fact? It will not do to say that not all Jews are communists. What meaningful actions did Jews, world wide, ever take against communism? They did not demand its destruction as they demanded the destruction of National Socialist Germany.

The Jewish control behind communism continued for at least ten years following the Second World War when Joseph Stalin installed overwhelmingly Jewish commissars in Eastern Europe. Poland, East Germany, Czechoslovakia, Hungary and Rumania all suffered terribly under Jewish totalitarian regimes.  The names of Jacob Berman, Marcus Wolf, Hilda Benjamin, Ana Pauker and Matyas Rakosi suffice to illustrate the point. When communist subversion under Senator McCarthy’s investigations was exposed in the United States, the infiltrators and atom spies were overwhelmingly Jewish.

What, then, is there to dispute? Not all the snivels over real and alleged pogroms, not all the claims that Communist Jews had abandoned their religion, not all the shrieks over the threat of fascism, not all the irrelevancies about which percentage of Jews joined which political party, can get around the plain facts. Communism was a Jewish movement. Other groups participated in it and shared the guilt. But communism could never have risen to its world wide power unless a Jewish international stood behind it. That the late Adolf Hitler reached the same conclusion does not rebut the facts; it merely provides the tribe with another opportunity for finger pointing.


Jesse Jackson has added former Chicago Democrat Congressman Mel Reynolds to Rainbow/PUSH Coalition’s payroll.  Reynolds was among the 176 criminals excused in President Clinton’s last-minute forgiveness spree.

Reynolds received a commutation of his six-and-a-half-year federal sentence for 15 convictions of wire fraud, bank fraud, and lies to the Federal Election Commission  He is more notorious, however, for concurrently serving five years for sleeping with an underage campaign volunteer.

This is a first in American politics: 

An ex-congressman who had sex with a subordinate…won clemency from a president who had sex with a subordinate…then was hired by a clergyman who had sex with a subordinate.

His new job?
Ready for this??





“Hoodie” picture manipulated via Photoshop?

32 Kimpton House, Fontley Way,
Roehampton, London SW15 4ND.
Tel: 20 8789 0450
The Editor,
The Daily Telegraph,
London SW1W 0DT.

Dear Sir,

I refer to the photograph which accompanied the main article (“I’ve never felt less like hugging a hoodie”) in Jan Moir’s ‘Wednesday Column’ published in today’s (15th August) Daily Telegraph.

The photo depicts a white lad wearing a ‘hoodie’ top, part of which is drawn up over his mouth to provide a mask. The front part of the garment appears to have a logo comprising a twice-repeated “NF” imprinted on it. The letters of the logo are straight, and are not in any way distorted by the fact that the material is being stretched up to form a mask.

In view of this, can you give an explicit and categorical assurance that the photo has not been manipulated by employment of Photoshop software?

Am I wrong in thinking that the ‘hoodie’ in the photo is the same lad who, a couple of months ago, appeared in news reports after having given hostile gestures to Conservative Party leader David Cameron during one of his walkabouts? If so, I do not recollect seeing the “NF” logo on the ‘hoodie’s’ garb in any of the photos which accompanied reports of that event.

The point of Jan Moir’s article was to deplore the thuggish behaviour of many young people today. Putting to one side the most significant aspect of the current youth crime wave — “black-on-black” gun and knife crime which largely seems to be connected with turf wars among drug-dealers — the recent deplorable incidents involving white louts seem to be promoted by alcohol and boredom-fuelled summer holiday hooliganism with no discernable political motivation.

If I am right about the photo having been manipulated by Photoshop, why did you and/or Jan Moir find it necessary to politicise the current spate of white lout thuggery by employing a dishonest subliminal technique to suggest that the phenomenon has a connection with or is inspired by white racialist affiliation or sympathy?

Yours faithfully,

Martin Webster.


Have A Snort Of Zambian Brown, Niggaz!

I swear, you couldn’t make some of this stuff up. The BBC reports this fascinating bit of negritude from the Dark Continent. (Oh, sorry, the “Cradle of Mankind.” Must be PC, now.)

The Beeb: “At the Lusaka sewage ponds, two teenage boys plunge their hands into the dark brown sludge, gathering up fistfuls and stuffing it into small plastic bottles. They tap the bottles on the ground, taking care to leave enough room for methane to form at the top. A sour smell rises in the hot sun, but the boys seem oblivious to the stench and the foul nature of their task. They are manufacturing “Jenkem”, a disgusting, noxious mixture made from fermented sewage. It is cheap, potent and very popular among the thousands of street-children in Lusaka. When they cannot afford glue or are too scared to steal petrol, these youngsters turn to Jenkem as a way of getting high.”

Methane. These stupid kaffirs are sniffing METHANE to get high. Methane from feces, no less. What part about IT WILL KILL THEM do they not understand?

Beeb again: “‘It lasts about an hour’, says one user, 16-year-old Luke Mpande, who prefers Jenkem to other substances. ‘With glue, I just hear voices in my head. But with Jenkem, I see visions. I see my mother who is dead and I forget about the problems in my life.'” (Yeah, well, I suppose it’s always nice to have video as well as audio when you’re destroying your own brain.) “Nobody knows exactly where the idea for making Jenkem came from, but it has been used by street-children in Lusaka for at least two years. Nason Banda of the Drug Enforcement Agency is not proud when he says that it is unique to Zambia. He shudders when he sees the boys at the sewage ponds, scavenging for faecal matter to make Jenkem. Sniffing sewage is a symptom of the desperate plight of Zambia’s street-children.” (Their “desperate plight” being that they can’t afford regular booze or Los Angeles-style designer drugs to get high on?) “With the Aids epidemic affecting an estimated one in four adults in urban areas, and the government’s harsh privatisation policies throwing thousands out of work, it is the children who have suffered the most. ”

Oh, that’s why these slopes are sniffing their own excrement? Because the nasty mean old government won’t let them have socialism?

BBC blathers on: ‘Victor Chinyama of the United Nations Children’s Fund in Lusaka says it is imperative that the Zambian government gets to grips with this problem. “So far, one doesn’t get the feeling that this has been recognised as priority, or as a problem that needs to be nipped in the bud, he says. This problem is on the rise and the sooner it is dealt with, the better.”

I know! How about a big campaign of posters and TV and radio ads saying, “Just say no to shit!”



Dear American worker,

Read the article below and tell me that we aren’t being screwed.



The reason the power structure hates Hitler so much has nothing to do with any of the claims that we are all familiar with.  No, this hate for Adolf Hitler is rooted in the WILL of Adolf Hitler.  The idea that an ordinary man of the West could motivate a broken people to strength, just by WILL alone, is as dangerous as gets for an elite who wishes to displace another broken people with race replacement.  Its much better that we look to Hitler as the great “monster” of history instead of a man who proved that if determined enough, that Western man could accomplish great things no matter where he comes from.  Its better we see Hitler as the “failed artist” or “megalomaniac” that Summer Red-stone’s “History” channel tells us to see him as.

Adolf Hitler is proof that if Western Man puts his mind to something and doesn’t give up, that anything is possible.  Knowing this, the elite must distort the life of Hitler and replace him with the story of the negro as an example of the great underdog.  But just like the negro’s whole experience in America, the 1960’s showed the negro to be the great tool of the power structure again, this time in the form of a battering ram designed to smash White civilization.  Adolf Hitler, who instead of being the tool of the power structure, became the power structure, and this while “the man did everything to keep a brother down.”

So when reading about Hitler the important point to take from his life is not necessary the ideology or tactics like the retarded “Nazis” do today.  The crucial aspect of Hitler that one must learn from him is his WILL.  If we can generate even half of this WILL, our destruction will be very unlikely.
Posted by 2R on Friday, August 24, 2007 at 05:04 PM | #



Today’s Letter: A Missouri Reader Wishes A Texas Reader Good Luck When She Gets To Wichita

From: Keith Carlsen: (e-mail him)

Re: A Texas Reader Says So-Long To The Lone Star State

Having lived in Wichita on three separate occasions, I can state confidently that your Texas reader will be horrified when she gets there.

Wichita has a substantial Mexican population with numerous enclaves.

The largest construction company in Wichita is Cornejo & Sons, whose sombrero-logoed, bright chartreuse trucks are ubiquitous all over town.

I have never seen a single non-obviously-Mexican person in or around those trucks.

There are also significant numbers of Vietnamese in Wichita, primarily from the post-Vietnam refugee programs.

Despite the fact that Wichita’s business base is two-thirds aircraft related—Boeing, Cessna, Learjet and Hawker Beechcraft—virtually none of Wichita’s youth has any desire to learn to fly, design or maintain aircraft

Instead, many white kids have joined the Latino Dreams Car Club in fulfillment of their only long-term career goal, which is to build low-riders.

Who says Mexicans are wholly intolerant of integration?

Carlsen lives near Columbia, home of the University of Missouri


My Child’s Backpack looks like a normal school bag but contains a bulletproof panel for added protection.
Parents have a new item to add to their kids’ back-to-school supplies list: the bulletproof backpack.

Just in time for the new academic year, Massachusetts-based MJ Safety Solutions has unveiled My Child’s Pack, described on the company’s website as the first “full size, lightweight ballistic protection backpack that is affordable and practical.”


  • One Response to “Reader Mail, August 25, 2007”

    1. Joe Says:

      White grandmother killed confronting shitskins?

      Alex, it must be time for an eye exam. How any White racialist could look at the pic of Elena Hicks and mistake this obvious beaner for a White woman is beyond me. She may be a hi yella beaner, but she’s obviously a beaner.