20 August, 2007

Misdemeanors and Constitutional Rights These Days

Posted by Socrates in guns & goy controllers, Socrates at 3:31 pm | Permanent Link

Sometimes you have Second Amendment rights, sometimes you don’t, depending on a variety of factors – such as a certain misdemeanor conviction. In some cities, like New York, gun ownership rights have nearly vanished [1]. The mention of the 1996 law – i.e., law expansion – refers to ”The Lautenberg Domestic Confiscation Act,” which came from Jewish senator Frank Lautenberg [2][3]:


[1] there are two rights mentioned in the Second Amendment

[2] more about the Lautenberg gun law: [Here]

[3] more about gun control laws: [Here]

  • 7 Responses to “Misdemeanors and Constitutional Rights These Days”

    1. greywolf Says:

      they cant take away the right to keep and bear arms, unless they make everyone a criminal!!!! this bullshit has been creaping in for a long time. i had a friend that could not buy a deer rifle, when he checked into it he owed a10 year old parking ticket in ohio and left to another state, the guy was called a fugitive from justice!!!!!

    2. religion plowed under Says:

      yep, typical… did jew know that terry schiavo’s maiden name was schindler….schindler’s freemasonry for operative freemasons….I wonder why the shitheads hate the germans ??? Hitler hated the swindlers and their gypsy violins, especially in warsaw….the roma or romanitos as they were called in greece..

    3. Steve Says:

      “terry schiavo’s maiden name was schindler….schindler’s freemasonry for operative freemasons….I wonder why the shitheads hate the germans ??? Hitler hated the swindlers and their gypsy violins, especially in warsaw”

      I keep reading that and I don’t understand what you’re saying there. It seems like a mish mash of words with no clear point.

    4. Chuck Says:

      During our annual Juth 4th cookout this year, one of my wife’s cousins was quite shocked to learn he has no Second Amendment rights because of a fight he had with his brother back in 1986. I, being the good citizen I am, informed him that his loss of constitutional rights are attributable to a jew.

    5. Mr. Antisemite Says:

      1994 was a good year for the jews to ban guns apparently. Don’t forget Senator Lieberjew of CT and his partner in Crime: Attorney General of CT, Blumenthal who were responsible for pushing the assault rifle ban in CT which is still in effect today and did not sunset like most states did when Clinton Assault Rifle Ban expired.

      excerpts from the link below:

      The leading gun control organization, Handgun Control, considers Lieberman’s record on gun control solid. Lieberman co-sponsored the 1994 crime bill that banned 19 types of assault weapons; backed the Brady bill, which established a waiting period and background checks for handgun purchases; and supported mandatory trigger locks and tougher penalties for gun-related crimes.


      Here Blumenthal jew teams up with coreligionist New York Attorney General to sue gun manufacturers in Bridgeport, CT


      mo links on Blumenjew of CT:


    6. Proud Non Kosher Says:

      At our annual July 4th barbeque, my wife’s cousin was quite startled to learn he is prohibited for life from owning a firearm due to a fight he had with his brother back in 1986.

      The news only gets worse. Instead of being repealed, the Lautenberg gun ban is expanding.


      Other statistics clearly and unequivocally prove the very Jewish Lautenberg gun ban was nothing more than a naked measure to disarm the White American citizenry.


      More folks with lifetime bans on their 2nd Amendment rights for the most petty offenses:


    7. jimbo Says:

      aren’t all ‘gun laws’ in the ‘Kwa ‘un-constitutional’ re: 2nd Amndmnt?

      if so: y not just ignore them, go ahead and buy, BUY, BUY!…..aren’t there plenty of places/states where u can purchase guns with little or no aggro’?

      u wanna try livin’ in oz….so how bloody HARD it is to acquire fire-arms here!