22 August, 2007

Linder Radio, August 22, 2007

Posted by alex in Linder Radio at 11:18 am | Permanent Link

Will be back on air today, 3pm CST until ?

Calls taken at 660 675 4388, if you’re on a landline. Skypers can reach me at vnnfreetalklive.

  • 3 Responses to “Linder Radio, August 22, 2007”

    1. eireann Says:

      “Mac Giolla Phoil” needs to win this election….. piss on mac gilli bhain,eh ?

    2. eireann Says:

      Hey Alex, was harry dexter white an asshole Baptist.?…..Was Walter Raushchenbusch a wired nutcase along with sidney webb and beatrice potter webb ???? This shit can ONLY be made in Venice England, eh ?? Of course when you throw in a dago name like Tony Campolo, the mo mo’s level the playing field with tommy guns and concrete shoes, eh ???

    3. LoveWhite Says:

      Alex, you mentioned you need a name for your monologue radio show. Perhaps you could dub it ‘Linder Solo’? Just an idea.