21 August, 2007

Linder Radio at 2:30 CST…

Posted by alex in Alex Linder at 2:08 pm | Permanent Link

First self-produced show. Expect errors. This show is more for technical practice than anything, but once I get it going will run down a full shopping agenda. Will NEVER waste your time with shit better unsaid, noble listener.

Plan is to run from 2:30-4 CST.

Discussion topics include: Leona Helmsley, Nigkultur, Derb-cum-Curbyshire’s semitically correct article on political
correctness in AmComMag, the economics of publishing magazines, music not heard on other shows, and more…

Probably won’t bring guests on this time but if you have questions, put them in the sticky in general discussion at VNNF or skype me at alinder5.

  • 4 Responses to “Linder Radio at 2:30 CST…”

    1. Olde Dutch Says:

      Have you forgotten about the original Protestant reformer—Englishman John Wycliffe. Don’t forget that while he lived the catholic church could not touch him. Years after his death the catholic church had his bones dug up and burned.

    2. Kievsky Says:

      Very good Alex. I listened live, and it was good to hear someone stay on topic.

    3. Bud White Says:

      Caught the last few minutes of the show, sounded good, feed was coming thru real clear. Don’t sweat the tech stiff, it’s not hard. Also might want to post your broadcast schedule on the forum too. Good luck with the show, I’ll be tuning in.

    4. alex Says:

      Articles referred to:

      jewess Leona Helmsley

      Jew Magnet on Nigkultur

      Derbyshire on PC

      Discussion of “Marxism, Multiculturalism, and Free Speech,” by Frank Ellis, published by Scott-Towsend (Washington, D.C.)