23 August, 2007

Jewish Senator Lieberman Urges Getting Tough with Syria

Posted by Socrates in jewed Congress, jewed foreign policy, Socrates, tikkun olam, Zionism at 5:39 pm | Permanent Link

Is Syria located anywhere near America? Didn’t Lieberman also suggest, just two months ago, that the U.S. should consider attacking Iran? Is Iran located anywhere near America? [1]:


[1] about Lieberman, re: attacking Iran: [Here]

  • 3 Responses to “Jewish Senator Lieberman Urges Getting Tough with Syria”

    1. Vaultner Says:

      Of course, he’s a Jew. If these a**holes were true to their word of “What’s best for the Israel is best for the U.S.” They’d get the f**k out of Palestine & stop dragging this Nation to hell. The Jews love their little desert life over there & want the whole region for themselves. The only thing that makes this possible is their dirty money, bribing our pissant politicians.

    2. Stewart Gavin Says:

      Syria should guard their borders while America should let in more Mexicans to please Big Jew? Screw you Lieberman.

    3. jackumup Says:

      This jew wants to get tough with your goyum kids doing the toughness while little jew cunts stay at home stealing more money and crying anti-semitism. Here is a better idea lets put this freak show on a train to happy camp where with a little manual labor he can learn his place.