Feed, August 30, 2007
Posted by alex in Alex Linder, Spintros at 11:55 pm | Permanent Link
Jews simply will not allow others to criticize their behavior. In this instance they try to get two old women fired. Why? They spoke the truth about jews on video in their off hours. Isn’t that free speech? Jews don’t believe in free speech. To them, free speech means pornography – Sarah Silverman’s right to talk about cornholing Jesus with a Mary-shaped dildo. But if you try to talk about atrocities committed by jews, such as their mass murder of tens of millions of Eastern Europeans last century, they want you thrown in jail like Ernst Zundel. That is why we’ve alwasy said, ‘Truth is an anti-Semite.’ The truth about the jews is that they hate all other peoples. Hate them and try to dominate and destroy them. The jews set up a bogus scientific study culiminating in ‘The Authoritarian Personality’ with the sole mission of using its pseudo-scientific findings to try to destroy the White family. There’s no way to live with jews, and anybody who tells you that jews are White, or that some jews are on our side, is lying. There’s only one answer to the genocidal loxism pouring out of judea and that’s NO JEWS. JUST RIGHT.
L.A. Sucks Bigtime: A Picture is Worth 1,000 Illegals
It is mere convention that Mexicans aren’t defined as pollution. In fact, they are. Read through this great new blog, loaded with original photos. Ask yourself why, since America is majority-white and Whites are Evil Racists, you can’t read this kind of report in anything you buy on the newsstand. Something’s controlling the media. And whatever that is always portrays Mexicans as the shat-upon rather than the shit. WHAT IF AMERICA WERE CONTROLLED BY AMERICANS? But it isn’t. It’s controlled by jews. Mention of Putnam’s disproving the Big Lie that “diversity is our greatest strength” here.
“Holocaust Should Replace Christianity,” Says jew Lantos
Not really. But that’s exactly what’s going on here. A slave class is being conditioned to accept a master class by means of atrocity propaganda. Jews have a 2,000-year history of telling lies. Some of those lies concern what was done to them; others concern what jews did or didn’t do to others. It all amounts to jews living at the moral and financial expense of others. You pay, White man – they play. Tired of it? Here’s the solution: NO JEWS. JUST RIGHT. Background here, from Mark Weber. Did you know that the Czar and his family were murdered by jews? Not if you read jew-controlled media. They always cover up the dirty deeds of the “chosen.” It’s the only way to cover the stench arising from jew behavior in history.
31 August, 2007 at 4:44 am
Flood of Mexican immigrants (in semisolid form) heading north:
Tucson, Arizona | Published: 08.28.2007
The mayor of Nogales has proclaimed a state of emergency as local, state and federal officials battle to prevent a pipe carrying millions of gallons of sewage from Mexico into the U.S. from bursting and causing a major environmental hazard for Southern Arizona.
Heavy rains fell in Nogales, Ariz., and Nogales, Sonora, Friday, flooding the underground drainage system that connects the two sister cities. More than 116 feet of the concrete floor was ripped off and carried one-half mile downstream, said Nogales Mayor Ignacio Barraza.
It is a stretch that protects the main trunk line of a 30-inch pipe that carries 12-14 million gallons of raw sewage a day from Nogales, Sonora, to Nogales, Ariz., on its way to the Nogales International Waste Water Treatment Plant, about 8.5 miles north of the border in Rio Rico, he said.
“If it becomes damaged, we could see 12-14 million of gallons of raw sewage spill into the Santa Cruz River and work its way north,” said Barraza, who issued the proclamation of emergency Saturday. “It would be an environmental nightmare. Not only for our region, but moving its way north.”
31 August, 2007 at 4:38 pm
Everything the jews do seems to conflict with Christian belief. From the Christian perspective, jews should appear to be an earthly manifestation of Satan, pursuing the will of the anti-christ almost as if under direct command. This should be exploited when approaching christians with jew-truth. The word Judeo-christian is an absurdity, akin to saying ‘Christian-Anti-Christ’. Jews are a despicable race of corrupters and despoilers. As the motto says, DEATH TO THE JEWS