27 August, 2007

Feed, August 27, 2007

Posted by alex in Alex Linder, Spintros at 1:05 pm | Permanent Link

VIDEO: How to Make a Human out of a Nigger

Funniest thing you’ll see today, if you haven’t already. Maybe rap can work where Christianity, loads of money and integration have failed. I doubt it. More gettin’ niggy wit it vids here. Shaking their gluteal orbs is, well, let’s just say there’s not a whole lot more nigkultur has to offer. Here Suckpoop Joe’s rag reinforces the jewish lie-meme that blondes are stupid. Here on trend toward extreme torture and sex in movies.

$30 BILLION for Jews, Nothing for Yous

Do you think jews should live at your expense? They do. They are. NO WAY OUT BUT THROUGH THE JEWS.  Here nominally American Congressman show where their real loyalty lies – to the kikes who pay them, feed them, junket them, and hold over them the threat of assassination, character or physical, should they fail to toe the Israeli line. Cowards, curs, Christians and Congressmen: only a specialist can tell them apart. Those who report the truth about wars instigated by jews are harassed. Why, again, do we tolerate jews living among us? They cost endless money; they bring endless misery. Why, again, do we allow jews to live among us? NOTHING GOES RIGHT UNTIL WE GO WHITE. Then there’s shabbes goy John Bolton, famous in shabbes circles for his ability to drink more jewish sperm in one kneeing than anyone else in Washington. What to do with all that money stolen from Whites? Jews start wars with it. Here on the future of Israel, the world’s most dangerous country. War criminals spew lies and bomb babies and gnosh bagels in Israel, where Hate hangs its hat. Jews are a highly ethical people, just ask them. Why, look at how they treat the Palestinians. We give these nose niggers money? Here Gary North on the Fed and inflation.

Shitskins Flee Tulsa

They’re not here to grow our economy, they’re here to grow their economy. Why is economic growth the be-all and end-all anyway? The state of Oklahoma recently approved a new law that requires deportation for illegal aliens who are arrested, and limits benefits and jobs to those individuals. The report said in East Tulsa, where a community of Hispanics has grown over recent years, there’s been a sudden drop in population.  The jews, commies and dupes are fighting back with billboards making the usual character smears. Smearing and murder are the only tools the judeo-left ever used, or needed. Never argue on their terms. They always attack your character. Don’t defend yourself, attack them. They are the ones who let the shitskins into the country. They are the ones full of hate. Their hate is for you, the ordinary White they consider the root of all evil. Everything they do they accuse those they hate of doing. The only way to win the game is not to play – to attack them directly, and repeatedly until they are stomped out of existence.

Germany: Judeo-Left Trying to Ban NPD

We “liberated” Germany into a nation in which you can’t speak your mind or organize a political party without being thrown into a dungeon. Are you getting that not-so-fresh feeling? Me too. Time to spray some barbecue-scented Jewbgone. Here the judeo-commies arrest an enemy of the people – an Austrian who “denied” something that never happened. How AmeriKwa looks these days.

Slavery in Your Wallet

It used to be almost nobody could get credit. Now almost every college student has a credit card. Perhaps that is not surprising, since the use of credit to pay for what is 95 out of 100 times NOT a college education is itself promiscuous. So, after going deep into debt to pay for Marxist lies misrepresented as a college education, what are a few more thousands to party with? Remember that Congress has tightened bankruptcy laws, and that school debts are not dischargeable.

Books: “The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy”

NYT tries to distract attention from new book by focusing on the reaction rather than the damning thesis put forward by the authors. More here. Here Weber’s view.  Here’s a Pauli Girl article in which he, finally, following our lead, brands Congressmen appeasers of AIPAC. Jew lackeys like Ann Coulter and Sean Hannity, as with the Congressmen, should always be labeled either appeasers or collaborators. They are. They are responsible, collectively, along with the jews they eat toads for, for wasting $2 trillion murdering innocents in the Middle East, destroying tens of thousands of American soldiers’ lives, and destroying our reputation with the rest of the world. Nice work, kikes ‘n’ cunts. Remember when America was run by Americans, rather than Asskenazis and appeasers? Me either. Here on SF as the possible site of Israel’s next false flag.

DMX Busted

Drugs and dead dogs. It just goes to prove the ancient truth: nigger + money = nigger. Here’s a White man 150k richer due to his nigger boss, who is still employed, as far as we can see.

The Drone That Never Ends

Blah blah blah nazis, blah blah blah they’re coming again. Is a single claimed advanced by these say-anything Sadies ever authenticated? Of course not. To make a call to check would be anti-semitic. No matter, let’s devote three yards of newsprint to the atrocity fantasies of another demented yenta.  What else is there to report on in Los Angeles? Well, if you want to hear about what’s actually going on and see pictures, it is clear that you need to be reading a brand-new blog called “L.A. Sucks Bigtime.”

What You Know That Just Ain’t So

Recluse bites ain’t. “Patients came to the hospital as … ‘probably brown recluse,’ and the brown recluse is not found within a thousand miles of the hospital,” they wrote.  Face it. Those patients were bitten by jews. What this interesting story shows is actually the power of tv. All that it takes is one or two animal channel horror shows about a gaping necrotic wound inflicted by a brown recluse, and – it gets in people’s heads. Here on small change with big effects.

Books: Review of Swain’s Debating Immigration

By Sailer.

  • 7 Responses to “Feed, August 27, 2007”

    1. sfg Says:

      Blacks love horror movies and are probably fueling the current trend toward these films. They absolutely love anything like this. I’ve heard some nig explaining some horror movie as if heshe were explaining some deep thoughtful movie. These people simply don’t understand anything of any real depth or seriousness but attribute some deep thoughtful meaning to the shallowest of things.

      And the thing that has always disturbed me the most is that adult blacks take the youngest of children to see the most awful things in movies. It’s not so much that I’m bothered by the fact that the black child is seeing those things, but I know what that young child will do when he grows up to be an adult: come after us with all those sick fantasies and twisted realities in his head.

      I don’t have stats right in front of me, but I would imagine that nowadays blacks are fueling a lot, if not most, of the porn and horror industries.

      And that young lady in the beauty pageant who didn’t speak too well, well, I feel sorry for her. I hope that isn’t indicative of who she really is. I really do think that young people aren’t as well spoken as my generation is. I hope it was just an attack of the nerves.

      But Neal Boortz was at her all morning on his talk show. He really is getting to be the biggest jerk on radio. I have noticed that when given the choice between a jew and a non jew, he will always bash the non jew more harshly. Has anyone else noticed that trend with him. I’ve had it with him. I only listen now occasionally when I’m driving in my car, and I switch back and forth between talking and music, as I get tired of each after a while. But Boortz really is becoming one of the most boorish white hating people on talk radio. Not that I listen to them all. I’m to the point that I can’t stand the sound of his voice anymore.

    2. Mark Says:

      About that “blondes are stupid” article and clip. Yeah, the poor girl got confused and couldn’t articulate well. Wow, that never happens! Come on, I’ve seen so many men and women do that. She’s probably a dyed blonde anyway.

      They love to show how stupid blondes are, or Americans… but what about other people? It’s done purposefully and with malicious intent, they selectively show people what they want. It’s propaganda.

      I remember watching a competitive show about America’s smartest child. Guess who won that? Over Asian, whites, and half-Asians… a blond boy! And his whole family was blond! How about that! Most people probably didn’t watch it or know about the show. Did the media make a big deal out of that? No, not a peep.

      How about this clip, are most French people stupid?


    3. Campbell Crawford Clan Says:

      Yes, we all know the blonde hatred out there is actually anti-White animus. Blonde is White. This includes all Whites; not only blondes. Over the years, I have received countless dumb blonde jokes from non-thinking friends and email pals, however I refuse to forward these stupid jokes to anyone else. I am not blonde, so feel I can be objective when I state that dumbness has absolutely nothing to do with the color of hair. I’ve known many blondes, both male and female who were highly intelligent. Also, I wonder about the negative impact of being labeled a dumb blonde must have on the more sensitive of our race? The impact is probably much the same as those stupid, faggot White guy commercials. Negative and harmful. My guess is that the source of all this blonde hatred is jealous niggers and joos. Blonde IS beautiful, after all.

    4. Mark Says:

      I would disagree that it’s just anti-white hatred. No, it targets a specific type of white person, typically one of Northern European descent. This type of hatred also comes from whites as well. Of course the greatest perpetrators are Jews, who hate whites in general, but especially blond Germanics for reasons of jealousy and historical grievance.

    5. sfg Says:

      Yeah, you know how complete the brainwashing has been when white men are the greatest purveyors of “dumb blonde” jokes. They don’t even stop and think what they are really doing. Of course, white women come in a close second.

      I am blonde and I got so damn tired of dumb blonde jokes that I actually dyed my hair red for a few years just to get away from it. One of my best friends, a white female who is a brunette but dyed redhead, used to tell dumb blonde jokes around me as a passive aggressive means to get me angry. Finally, one day, I looked at her in front of a lot of people and said “(insert name here), you have me at a disadvantage because YOU are the only REDHEADED JOKE I KNOW”. That shut up her and got a few laughs as well.

      What I usually tell people is that all those supposed “dumb blondes” are actually bottle blondes. Check out those roots.

    6. Marwinsing Says:

      And as for lil’ Missy-blonde South Carolina @ the cattle show UGH SORRY MAN meant beauty contest…

      Blondie: I meant to say Aztlan erm NWO ugh it doesn’t matter…

      Marwinsing: All’s forgiven. Come here young lass my Geography ain’t so hot either BUT lemme teach you a few things about Biology…

      Blondie: Euw! O-kay-y…

      Marwinsing: Awl-rightee… lemme take ’em off for yer gal – lemme show you where YOU came from…

      “And what was that you said about the future of OUR children?

      Can you be more specific? – as in WHOSE children?”

    7. DMS Says:

      Darren Bousman, Eli Roth…. kind of sounds like something you find in an abscess, doesn’t it?

      Don’t moralize, cauterize.