Feed, August 23, 2007
Posted by alex in Alex Linder, Spintros at 8:46 pm | Permanent Link
Jew Gottfried creams some White points; Cantrell emerges from the woodwork, after years of silence. He even takes a shot at racists like us who are practically the only ones promoting him, and in gorgeous terms. Rather caddishly refuses to admit that we’ve rebutted his argument, rather than evaded it. Here’s the jew-on-jew attack referred to. More decent jew-on-jew action here, Rosenbaum on Fish. Was WTC demolitions a jewish production? It was filmed just like one. The execremedia back up every stinking jew lie because, hey, they’re edited by lying jews. Makes sense, huh?
Libertarian Takes a Leap: “Saving England Wasn’t Worth It”
Scott Horton is right. This is an amazing step for a libertarian. Not only was saving England not worth it – ENGLAND WASN’T SAVED. Today White girls are groomed for prostitution by Muslim invaders, admitted by the jews controlling immigration policy, the same jews who forbid, by law, Whites from criticizing the ‘minorities’ that make up 92% of the world’s population and flock like shitpeas to the landing strip. Under Hitler, none of this would have happened. Under Hitler, White men had more free speech than you have in England today. What’s wrong with a world in which the interests of White men are put first? Nothing. Scott Horton is still naive about a lot of things, as you can see from his mention of the “death camps” that Whites and history know weren’t. Still, baby steps are appropriate for babies. Sometimes even littletarians grow up to become White men. The jews at WSJ are unhappy that not only is Putin encouraging youth to breed, he’s rewriting the history books in jew-uncomfortable ways. It’s anti-semitic to write your own history. The jews have a narrative for you and your people. It begins with their being “chosen” by god, and ends with you owing them eternal fealty based on imaginary wrongs committed against them by your ancestors. NO JEWS. JUST RIGHT.
Another Nigger Comes to Naught
More here. Nothing bawls like a nigger.
There is nothing a nigger won’t fuck, even other niggers, if they’re hard up. What is a nigger? Take a look, fathers. This is what your cable is bringing into your house. Here’s what niggers do in Freaka – not pretty. When niggers look at people they don’t see people they see parts for potions.
Political Correctness = Semitical Correctness = Communism = Judaism
Article by libertarian on Duke rape hoax, tied to PC, the subject of a monograph by Frank Ellis titled “Marxism, Multiculturalism, and Free Speech,” and discussed at length in our 8/21/07 and 8/22/07 Linder Radio shows, see below. Here the dirt on Tert. That would be V.D. “Tert” Hanson, a goyfront for the kikes murdering our land. Here the she-black Elizabeth Wright on black neocons like Sowell. They sell out to the jew just like their whiteskinned shabbos-goy counterparts. Once a fierce proselytizer against active involvement in fickle party politics, which he claimed distracted ethnic groups from achieving economic success in society, Sowell now is a major sycophant of the GOP. Although he rants about the cliches that permeated the old peace movement, he is a walking cliche for the war movement. Provoke war, just because you can, just because you’re bigger and stronger, and just because you’re the world’s only Super Power. This seems to be the heart of his message. Correct. Sowell was trained by yids, has a similar background to Colin Powell who was also raised as a darky shabbes goy. The kikes hate Ron Paul. Why? Because his foreign policy would put an end to their wars-to-extend-Israel. Here Ritter on Cheney. Here the latest missive from political prisoner Germar Rudolf. Here Larry Darby on the jewed Constitution. Not that he necessarily puts it that way, but that’s what Brown vs. Board and the rest of the Look-Ma-No-Precedents! mislawing is. Sobran often says that the Constitution poses no threat to our government, which is true, but what he ought to say is that the Constitution really is unfit to deal with the unprecedented power of the media. If the media are owned by a single party, then the rest of the country will hear about only those alternatives it profits the Media Party to present. Here on some especially nasty skullcap skulduggery. You can pretty much bet that if muzzy ever explodes a nuke on us, izzy will have sold him the components.
Loxist Attack in Huffington Post
Jew slams Romney. How dare Whites adhere to civilized standards? Don’t they know this is a new era, the Age of the Nigger? In fact, white people embarrass me. More often than not, I find them clueless, clumsy, soulless, insincere, patronizing, reeking of privilege, occasionally bordering on rude and, quite often, fat. Good rejoinder here from Lee County Today, one of our local affiliates. In the real world, every race but the White race is racially aware and self serving as Hell. Jews have successfully programmed most White sheeple into believing that they have no right to such a racial identity. In fact, in Jew-multi-cult-wacko-world, any White person who cleaves to a White Western Christian ideology is immediately suspect and subject to criticism. Misogynistic racist criminal Black gangstas are OK. Chant “Kill the Gringo” at a La Raza parade OK. Let your AIDS infected dick swing in the breeze at a Disneyland gay pride parade OK. Demand endless reparations and special privileges for a “Holocaust” that happened sixty plus years ago OK. But think White, act White and be White, and you’re fucked. Jews and their millions of brainwashed White philosemitic yada yadaing pseudo Jews would have us believe that their world is the real world. But, in increasing numbers, the goyim are waking up and catching on to the game, and that just scares the shit out of me. Great stuff. Orthodox jews are human-shaped vermin, as jew Klinghoffer attests. They hate all non-jews. If you want to learn more about their disgusting shenanigans, listen to Bud White on Free Talk Live, Friday nights at 9:00 p.m. Eastern.
Like Germany, Prussia has been dissed, and by the same kikes. Here on a professor in Berlin, busted for saying the wrong things. Cops are saying or pretending there’s some connection between Andrej Holm and recent fires.
VIDEO: Kinison in ‘Back to School’
Great clip, altho somewhat fucked up. Kinison exhibits an Aryan view of history. The jewish view is that the one duty we owe history is to rewrite it (Wilde) – in our interests! add the jews.
Libertarian review, another.
They loan at high rates. You pay. If you’re foolish. If you don’t pay, then you pay – through the government, which dilutes currency by printing printing printing the night away.
…the Fed has come to the aid of speculators and the financial industry. Here Steele on U.S. approaching the tipping point. Here on women outearning men.
Books: Jewess Encourages Whites Not to Procreate
If you think children suck, try jews. Children grow up. Jews just get jewier.
Science: Human Evolution Continues
Science, unlike jew anthropology profs, concerns itself with facts.
A woman unlike other women. A nasty miser and brilliant funds accumulator.
Moosebelch Is Killing Our Planet
A dilemma for the dull. If you see a moose, run it over. Good luck. Better yet, if you see an environmentalist, feed it to a moose. Since enviros don’t eat meat, they’re made of mulch and perfect for munching moose.
23 August, 2007 at 10:13 pm
Is Ian Gurvitz a Jew?
See http://www.cheers-becker.de/p_ian_gurvitz.JPG
24 August, 2007 at 2:50 am
Gurvitz is a Jewish surname, and his propensity to hate normal white people and culture is Jewish to the core. Which is why it’s so funny he claims to be white. No Gurvitz, you are the anti-thesis.
Shooter is a good movie, where the normal white country boy wins, the type Gurvitz and his ilk hate or enjoy using for their own wars.
24 August, 2007 at 6:10 am
Libertarian Takes a Leap: “Saving England Wasn’t Worth It”
I chuckle when I read things like this. As a descendant of Prussians, I delight in what that little Isle of wandering Jews and Goys called Britain is going through. And this little Kikeasskisser takes the cake! Yes, cry me a river…. as the Nigger said. Well, they are paying for their treachery and so too are Americans….in fact all Aryan traitors who fought against the Reich for the Jew are now feeling the heat.
The sins of the fathers…..I don’t need to say anymore.
I say let them get themselves out of the shit. No help until they take up arms and physically rid themselves of the Jew scourge. Until then, let them stew in their own multicult soup. They fought for the Jews…now they deserve to enjoy the Jew gratitude.
Only those who show a strong genetic disposition to the Aryan brothers in Germany should be spared. The rest…..fuck em! Let them enjoy their Beer, Premier League and curried chips….that’s the indicator of the moral level of the English and as such highlights their Darwinian destiny.
After all, the last great Briton Enoch Powell died nearly 10 years ago. They are due for extinction!