30 August, 2007

Conference: “No More Wars For Israel”

Posted by Socrates in conferences, Israel, Israel - the facts, jewed foreign policy, Socrates, Zionism at 6:24 pm | Permanent Link

Will be held on the weekend of October 12-14, in Orange County, California: [Here]

  • One Response to “Conference: “No More Wars For Israel””

    1. Socrates Says:

      radical white boy Says: “off topic AGAIN… some blogger named kennewick man on Stormfront just fullfilled my request…. He exposed the filthy lyimg shyster Lawyers…. A JOB well done and I sincerely hope just the beginning !!!! THANX GUYS !! erase this message at will…”

      I’m happy for you. But why do you constantly make off-topic comments at VNN? You have made dozens of them under different screennames. In fact, that was your last off-topic message here. Either make on-topic
      comments, or your comments won’t remain posted. It isn’t hard to stay on-topic.