21 August, 2007

Aryan Matters 17

Posted by Archives in Aryan Matters, audio at 2:06 pm | Permanent Link

Lee Gardener and James Hawthorne engage in one hour of pro-White commentary. Topics include:

US Suckers give $30 billion to Supremacist Jews
UK: 4 in 10 homes gone to Immigrants since 1997
Voodoo now used to “calm students”, Diversity!
Idiocracy, Mobacracy, The Sham of Democracy

For more information, go to http://www.aryanmatters.com/

  • 3 Responses to “Aryan Matters 17”

    1. Tommy Gun Says:

      Great show – Lee and James hit the ball right out of the park on this program. What joy to hear Aryan racialists talking openly about issues the effect me and my people.

      Indeed there is no Jew between us and you !

      Great Show Lads !!!

    2. Stewart Gavin Says:

      Lee made a brilliant point, he’s right on target that the foreign aid given to Egypt is to bribe them to not attack Israel so realistically that’s still foreign aid for the sake of ISRAEL.

    3. Tommy Gun Says:

      Great show. Lee and James knock the ball out of the park.

      AmeriKwa has become the host of the parasitic nation known as Israel.

      Well done lads great broadcast .. keep em coming!

      No Jew between us and you — Itz.