1 August, 2007

Posted by alex in Alex Linder, Spintros at 1:39 am | Permanent Link

Non-Jews Have No Rights


Certainly none jews respect. Load the terms, load the guns, fire at will. Anyone who opposes the jews, anyone who criticizes the jews is an anti-semite. There is no word for the hatred displayed by the folks who start wars based on lies. If you say otherwise, yep, you’re the hater. Play by jew rules, you can’t win. Reject their terms, reject their policies, reject their people. We don’t need them. Rather dumb parody of neocon warmongers falls flat with the Semitically Correct inclusion of Israel, solely out of fear of being labeled anti-Semite. Here on jews Wolfensohn and Wolfowitz. Here Buchanan on Sovereign Wealth Funds, which represent foreign countries buying ours.


Iraq Today


U.S. plans – bases, B-1s, bombs, local boys for exciting wog-on-wog action. …the USAF can today reach and strike any point on the globe with devastating accuracy, speed and force. It is the mightiest, most technologically accomplished military force in history. More here. Here Reamoondo specs on Tillman. “The Army used him,” says his mother. “They knew right away he was killed by fratricide and [they] used him for their own purposes to promote the war, to get sympathy for the war, for five weeks.” Is that the kind of country you want to fight for, White teen? Refuse to be used! You ever been to the hardware store and seen a box full of bolts? That’s how the government sees you. Very interesting here – Raimondo links to an article by James Buchanan, “Was Pat Tillman Murdered by Neocons?“, which probably originated at David Duke’s site. Is Raimondo growing balls? He has always linked to jew-commie sites without problem but has shied from anything race-realist, for fear of damaging his girlfriend Pat’s reputation. Did you know that Pat Buchanan was the inspiration for the SNL character featured in the movie? Gender identity disorder is disturbingly common among pallid-cons.




Germany has $5 billion of trade with Iran. Jews representing the U.S. make rounds in Frankfurt to browbeat German bankers into cutting ties. The neat thing about being allied with and represented by jews is that all their enemies become yours. It occurs to us that if jews disappeared, so would the problems they cause. In a nutshell, NO JEWS. JUST RIGHT. Here on media control and the ensuing indoctrination of such as watch Fox, uncomprehending.


The Meaning of Ron Paul and His Campaign for President


A man of German descent, defending traditional American policies, takes on the corrupt oligarchy best described as ZOG, Zionist Occupational Government. Paul is anti-racist but supports the free association that alone, short of formal separation, gives Whites the legal freedom to protect their communities. Paul is anti-anti-jews, but his MYOB foreign policy would cripple the neokahn warmongers. Paul’s campaign for president is the most interesting System politics in a good long while. The jews must destroy Paul to protect their interests, and they’re getting red in the face trying to get a hook or handle on him to do this. Unlike the jews who run our country, Paul is honest, principled and modest. His appeal is not meretricious, in the way of your usual Glibbington Gladhanding-Frontsley, it’s his earnestness combined with his intelligence. He’s a goyish obstetrician in a world of abortionist jews. In his example we see for the umpteenth time that there is nothing fundamentally or essentially wrong with White people. Given a chance, they choose correctly. They oppose open borders, crazy foreign wars, nigger integration. Therefore they must be lied to and hectored around the clock; taxed of their money and deprived of their sons and daughters, who are needed to feed the Great White Teen Killing Machine in Iraq and anywhere else the commie-cons see fit. America is actually a carefully concealed oligarchy. A few thousand people, mostly in government, finance, and the military-industrial complex, run this country for their own purposes. By manipulating the two-party system, influencing the mainstream media, and controlling the flow of campaign finance money, this oligarchy works to secure the nomination of its preferred candidates (Democratic and Republican alike), thus giving voters a “choice” between Puppet A and Marionette B. The other good thing about Ron Paul’s campaign is that it gets people writing sentences like this. It gets them thinking about the System, and examining its parts; discussing the charade that is democracy and freedom in a land in which virtually all major media are owned by jews. Much of what libertarians say is elegant in the way of unvarnished furniture. It requires the finish of racial nationalism to protect the solid wood and give it gleam. Anyway, very nice article, with solid speculation on the methods the System will use to derail Paul. We WN are long familiar with the techniques, of course. The System laughs at libertarianism but it fears the potential in racialism, for racialists alone identify the opponent, whereas the libties are satisfied with abstractions. Here you can try an inside-the-bun take on Paul from Reamoondoggie. Here Gary North’s view. According to this third-hand, unverifiable testimony – which Skousen relayed to me a few years later – they presented Reagan with a choice: Bush as VP with media neutrality or someone else with media skewering. One of these figures was a talking head with enormous influence. The other was a Rockefeller hireling with enormous influence. They are still alive. One of them still has influence. Libertarians are sounding more and more like race realists these days. Here jew-lackey Derbyshire on Paul.


Amnesty Analysis


By Sailer. Here on a recent shitskin-on-White attack. Typically dismissive headline: Late-night snack soured by racially motivated violence. Yeah, that’s the problem. The snack lost its savor. Why not: Gang of Mexishits attacks humans. You know why not. The people who control our government, and the media are part of government, want open borders. Anything that tends against open borders, such as reporting the facts about race and crime will be played down or ignored. The brothers said they have heard from friends of similar attacks on whites by Hispanics in Grand Junction. They said police indicated they have had problems with fights at Los Jilbertos. And: Greg Corle said it appears to him the Hispanic men were simply driving around town, looking for some white people to attack.“If we don’t take it seriously right now, it will turn into a blight in our community,” he said, noting he found himself in the middle of several racially motivated assaults growing up in Albuquerque, N.M. Nothing journalists love like a trend, you know. Makes it easy to write your article. But here the lead is buried. The soured snack takes center stage while the shitskin-attack trend is downplayed.


Nerd = Hyperwhite to NYT


The matter of nerdiness is examined from every angle to find ways to bash White ways. In declining to appropriate African-American youth culture, thereby “refusing to exercise the racial privilege upon which white youth cultures are founded,” she writes, nerds may even be viewed as “traitors to whiteness.” Huh? Nerds are Whites who reject their racial (?) privilege to copy nigger dress, speech and behavior? That makes no sense. So-called black culture is the foul fruit of jew producers, not niggers themselves. Whites who refuse to fall to the jungle common denominator are always treated as weird by jew-controlled junk media sources. You might say they know that a culture based on theft is a culture not worth having. On the other hand, the code of conspicuous intellectualism in the nerd cliques Bucholtz observed may shut out “black students who chose not to openly display their abilities.” Sure, you bet. Niggers are shy, humble intellectuals who choose to hide their light under a bushman. What culture do niggers have that wasn’t stolen from White men? Niggers never invented anything. They didn’t have wheels or language or indoor plumbing — all that is ripped off from their betters. Not wanting to associate with niggers is natural and normal. Allowing jews to remake your culture and your people in outcasts in their own land – that is abnormal. There is a solution. NO JEWS. JUST RIGHT.
Here some babble from love measurers.


Books: The Jewing of Yale


Discussion of the history of the Ivy League universities, like everything else, has been jewed. The universities, like America, have some vague and insignificant backstory until the jews showed up, at which point the failure of these institution-founding non-jews to admit jews at overrepresentative levels acceptable to same becomes the pudding’s theme. Yes, that’s right. The jews whine about being excluded from Harvard, Yale, etc., but in fact, in the period they complain of, they were already being admitted in higher percentages than Whites. Jews coopt and destroy institutions, and after they have taken over, much of their so-called scholarship is devoted to proving the evils of the founders they displaced. Why do Whites allow jews into their nations, let alone their institutions? What do we get out of that? Inferior scholarship, anti-scholarship, discrimination against our people, lies against our ancestors – and the chance to subsidize these things at higher and higher rates as year succeeds years.




On the fifty “best” robots in movies. Hmm. Here on the politics of The Simpsons.

  • 17 Responses to “”

    1. jimbo Says:

      AWESOME STUFF!, Alex!……m8: u keep gettin’ better with the passage of time…..just like a good Grange Hermitage!; consider yr-self ‘up there’ on the numero uno JOG/ZOG ‘shit-list’: a badge of honour!


    2. oy veyista Says:

      Barcelona residents naturally indisposed to partially fund Woody Allen’s next film through taxes: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/entertainment/6922536.stm

      The Jew: you pay for the pleasure of him screwing you.

    3. english nigger hater Says:

      Selecting a pres. candidate based on image is silly….All the candidates run on some nonsensensical pro abotion/anti gun/ pro/con drivel…..They are figureheads for the BRITISH/ROME masters….NOW, if all the candidates were OPEN and HONEST, would they not also declare the names of the CABINET level positions and the other bureaucratic fuedal lord selections prior to the campaign start….Hell, the chosen candidate,although white, could put all niggers and chinks in those positions as so many have done .. Even Pat Buchanan selected a damn nigger as his running mate… “CHRISTIAN” gorilla appeasement gone crazy………piss on “CHRISTIAN”/CATHOLIC niggers and shitskins…

    4. smitty Says:

      the only nerds I ever met were hook nosed Hebs.

    5. Cormac Says:

      Hey check this sordid story on “Mayor” Bloomberg >


      This is the scum we allow to rule over us ?!

    6. Odle Dutch Says:

      I don’t doubt in the least, that the “boobus americanus”, our kwans’, are going to get all worked up about point #3 of the Ron Paul agenda.

      3. America should abolish the Federal Reserve Bank, eliminate fiat currency and return to hard money.

      That damn fiat money, sounds like an eye-talian car, don’t it. May I suggest that those who hate our fiat money send it to Alex Linder for VNN.

      Gee, and what will we repalce the Federal Reserve with? Banking anarchy?

      Itz all a plot by the jewdoughfreemasonicmembersofthecfr ain’t it?

      Dr. Paul’s looneyterianism & looneyterian friends are going to kill his chances of being President. Too bad.

    7. Campbell Crawford Clan Says:

      Re:Was Pat Tillman Murdered By Neocons… Who cares? To me he’s just another fool who goes off to war for his country, without questioning why. Had Tillman bothered to examine ANYTHING, he would have realized that the real war is here, not in Afghanistan or Iraq. He was just another liberal democrat do-gooder who should have stayed at home, gotten married and had a brood of beautiful White children. What a waste!

    8. Newe Dutch Says:

      Gee, and what will we repalce the Federal Reserve with?

      How about a non-usury non-monopoly banking system that doesn’t turn our citizens into debt slaves by encouraging the government to borrow massive amounts of money which must be repaid by taxing those citizens to death, hmmm?

    9. Olde Dutch Says:

      “How about a non-usury non-monopoly banking system that doesn’t turn our citizens into debt slaves by encouraging the government to borrow massive amounts of money which must be repaid by taxing those citizens to death, hmmm?”

      The Federal Reserve has nothing to do with Congress borrowing money—that is a Constitutional function of the Congress. Paul’s criticism of the Federal Reserve deflects away from the real culprit Congress.

      There are problems with the Federal Reserve & banking law. But they are created by Congress & the Federal Courts. Not by the Federal Reserve itself.

    10. Newe Dutch Says:

      The Federal Reserve has nothing to do with Congress borrowing money…

      Of course it does. Who do you think Congress has been borrowing all those millions of fiat dollars from?

      There are problems with the Federal Reserve…

      The problem with the Federal Reserve is that it’s run by Jewish usurers for the benefit of Jewish usurers. I think that should be rather obvious to anyone who’s researched this un-Constitutional privately owned monopoly.

    11. Olde Dutch Says:

      “Of course it does. Who do you think Congress has been borrowing all those millions of fiat dollars from?”

      No way Jose. The Congress does not borrow from the Federal Reserve. You must be reading jewish looneyterian Sol GoldSilverwitz on “How to Rob the Federal Reserve on $5 Dollars a Day”.

      Money is “borrowed” by the US Treasury by holding auctions of debt instruments called T-Bills & T-Bonds. You can buy T-Bills & T-Bonds. You can even buy them online.

      Sure, Ben Shalom Bernacke is a southern fried coonfederate flag waving jewboy. And there are jews at all levels of the Federal Reserve system—jews looking for good pay & benefit government jobs. But, I’m sure in your hometown government there are jews holding good key government jobs that you don’t even realize are jews. Name that jew. Don’t forget Sol Goldsilverwitz your personal good jew.

    12. Newe Dutch Says:

      Money is “borrowed” by the US Treasury by holding auctions of debt instruments called T-Bills & T-Bonds.

      Whoopty doo. The convoluted manner in which the borrowing and repaying is done is irrelevant.

      Sure, Ben Shalom Bernacke is a southern fried coonfederate flag waving jewboy.

      ROTFLMFAO. The Federal Reserve’s principal owners are Jewish and those are the Jewish usurers I was referring to.

    13. Occidental Dissent » The Ron Paul Revolution at VNN Says:

      […] VNN, Linder has some thoughts on Ron Paul’s presidential campaign. Much of what libertarians say is elegant in the way of unvarnished furniture. It requires the […]

    14. Olde Dutch Says:

      “Whoopty doo. The convoluted manner in which the borrowing and repaying is done is irrelevant.”

      You don’t have a clue. Sol Goldsilverwitz at the jewish looneyterian von Mises Institute tells you that the mechanics of a transaction don’t matter, in the same way a jew says, trust me. You know von Mises was a jew don’t you?

      Btw, the Chicago School of Jewish Looneyteranism has produced such spawn of satan as Milton Friedman and Henry Kissinger.

      The jews are pissing on you, and you don’t even know it.

    15. ben tillman Says:

      “There is no word for the hatred displayed by the folks who start wars based on lies.”

      Yeah, there is. It’s ‘misanthrope’.

    16. ben tillman Says:

      Sorry, the hatred is ‘misanthropy’; the haters are ‘misanthropes’.

    17. Newe Dutch Says:

      You don’t have a clue.

      Pot. Kettle. Black.