28 July, 2007

VNNB Free Talk Live – July 27th 2007

Posted by Archives in audio, VNNB, VNNB-Friday at 11:26 am | Permanent Link

Join your host Bud White for this week’s Free Talk Live: Friday.  Mark joins in on the conversation midway through the show.

To clean up the pile of stories we haven’t had a chance to cover the last few weeks, the pace of this weeks show in TJB news reporting will be nothing short of relentless.  He’ll be covering a NJ Kike slaughterhouse in deep trouble with the DEP, NY anti-zionist demonstations held by Hacidic Jews, NY kikes sentenced in insider trading schemes, 50,000 Yeshiva Students Avoiding IDF Service and a ton more.

  • 7 Responses to “VNNB Free Talk Live – July 27th 2007”

    1. jonas the con man Says:

      Harvard U needs to be nuked..why’s that O great orater, you ask ??That screwball ALEX JONES, of B’nai B’rith fame, is the Director of Harvard’s Shorenstein’s Center… Anything from Harvard reeks of socialism elitistism ….Any graduate of that expensive brain washing wasteland is connected at the hip with their fraternity elites….Phil bredesen, gov. of tenn., is typical of those lying tax and spend silver spoon elitist assholes !! Bredesen’s bullshit about working his way thru college (harvard) was such a goddamn lie, but, the media sold that line of shit to the voters …Christ I hate those crooked bastards…If anyone politician in the USA needs investigated, it’s Bredesen the MEDICAL INSURANCE PEDDLER !!

    2. TSman Says:

      I’ve worked for decades near this Berkowitz fat plant. The stench coming out of that place was unreal. What does this jew care about the neighbors near the plant, he lives far away in upscale Allendale.

    3. Stewart Gavin Says:

      Didn’t Dietrich use to do the Friday night show?

    4. johnny Says:

      Neturei Karta are not Hasidic. They are Cheredi (black hat, black coat) Orthodox, non-Hasidic Jews who, if your lucky, number 1, 000 worldwide. They think it is a sacrilege to go back to Israel except if the Messiah leads you there and he hasn’t appeared yet. Not every Jew is a Zionist fanatic but these are the only sect, along with the Satmar Hasidic, who virulently despise Israel. Also, they think places like Tel Aviv are secular whore houses. which it is.

    5. New America Says:

      Time is in minutes:

      146 Mark – story pulled re Israel spying in America – note they can do this pretty much with impunity.

      in reply:
      This is the Carl Cameron series that FOX NEWS didn’t complete. Linder has mentioned this, as well.

      159 Mark – (Describing the Locus of Evil that is the demonic Jews) “It’s like the fucking Wizard of Oz, every fucking golden road goes back to the Jew.”

      161 Mark – “April (Gaede) keeps talking about Montana and the Northwest.”

      in reply: Ironically, he then gave examples of WHY the Northwest Republic Model works, using the example of all of the White people who fled Los Angeles to Seattle, and what works against it in practice, by keeping their Los Angeles mindset.

      in reply: The issue is RACE; once we focus on THAT, First, Foremost, Forever, everything else will fall into place.

      191 Mark – Uses the example of the Jews (Neutra Karta) who protest against Israel, with about 2000 of them meeting to protest, and this protest is never reported in the demonic Jew-controlled American LameStream Media

      in reply:
      Neutra Karta (True Torah) Jews still believe in the Noahide Laws, and seem to be little more than the Jewish community hedging its bets against US response to Jews if the US turn against Israel. They only go against Israel IN IT CURRENT NATIONAL FORM; still Zionists, still Jewish Supremacists, still believe in the Noahide Laws as being superior to the Ten Commandments, because they support the One Jewish Commandment: “Is it good for JEWS?”

      199 – Mark noted, “Jews are simply more intelligent niggers,.. and we are open to the change of shit hitting the fan.”

      in reply:
      Strong point, indeed. The demonic Jews still have the same exclusively materialistic AND RACE-BASED Mindset, as the Niggers.

      205 – Mark’s strongest observation makes a profound point: “It is important to get wise to the Jew’s thing.” “It’s just a matter of time before they figure it out at all, and if they are involved in economics…they see the writing on the wall….Our economy is nigger rich…We are going into an inflationary state that is actually a deflationary state….There’s A Depression that’s coming, and it’s going to be inflationary…”

      in reply:
      We ARE heading into an Inflationary Depression, and before someone says this is impossible, have them look up the word “Stagflation.”

      What will happen is this” to stabilize the prices of certain asset classes, notably those held as securities by the banks (fuck the pension funds, by the way), the Federal Reserve and the Treasury will intervene to “stabilize prices” and create an “orderly market.”

      It’s still a loser, but the goal will be to consolidate the entire financial system into the hands of perhaps seven banks; two nation, and five superregionals. Remember, one outcome of the First Great Depression that no one has noted is the virtual elimination of all banks outside of the Federal Reserve System, consolidating national banking power in the Fed. This will further concentrate economic power.

      So, they will inflate the money supply to be able to purchase the bad debt and stabilize the values of asset classes.

      Where is the deflation?
      Housing prices – remember, all they want to stabilize is the values of the mortgages held by the banks – and the Real Economy, where they actually Make Things you can touch, and use.

      Oh, one more sector that will experience deflation.

      Your wages, today, and your job, tomorrow.

      209 – Mark just nails it – in terms of the economy, “There’s nowhere to go, our backs are against the wall” – “The only thing that’s beneficial to them at this time is the pure manipulation of the mind of the American people.”

      in reply:
      THAT is the strongest, and most subtle trap, the demonic Jews have set for us; THEY will control the words and pictures we see and hear to describe the collapse of the economy around us, while trying to convince us it is not happening.

      I have informal indicators I use; the use of check cashing places, business at liquor stores, use of thrift shops (the Salvation Army is in a land-office business), lottery ticket sales, and the unemployment/welfare offices, and, most well hidden, the people using churches for food assistance.

      They are all growing by leaps and bounds.

      People still blame themselves for the structural collapse the demonic Jews have set for them.

      Yet, as Metzger notes, it’s our fault. We allowed it to happen…

      Another strong argument for Harold Covington’s Northwest Republic Model…

      214 Mark – “The unemployment rate is a bullshit number.”

      in reply:
      For a GREAT analysis of the flaws in the government’s data and model see the Shadowstats website. They estimate the REAL unemployment rate at about 12%.

      I estimate it will go up dramatically after Jan 2008, and we all know where THAT leads…

      235 – Mark gives the best summary of one side of why we are in the sad situation of affairs we are in, and he almost gets it perfectly. He notes that Jews literally – and this is the key – literally, absolutely literally, DO NOT CARE ABOUT US AT ALL.

      To extend this critical insight, we must remember that:

      First, Jews see the world as RACE first, Family second, and Self third. We do the exact opposite.

      Second, the Jews ALWAYS address ALL issues in the light of their One Commandment: “IS IT GOOD FOR JEWS?”

      Third, the Jew is ALWAYS engaged in a RACE War against all other RACES; we are simply their Prime Current Target.

      It is their sole Racial obsession. It is not enough for them to win; all others must lose, totally and absolutely. Money is a major part of that, but it is power that they truly seek, and money is just a tool to them. After all, as Peter Shank astutely observed, they control the Federal Reserve Bank, the US Treasury, and the International Financial System. Their goal is racial genocide of the White RACE; period.

      Mark continued:
      “What have the Jews done, what have they created? They CREATE situations that make Jews look good.”

      in reply:
      This is a very important point; they have framed the issues to their RACIAL benefit. This brings to mind Chuck Pearson’s mind-stopping observation, as cited by Alex Linder:

      “Jews don’t just take ONE side of an issue. Jews take ALL sides of an issue. That way, they can make sure that, whatever side of an issue prevails, they control how it goes, and they ALWAYS make sure it goes THEIR way, and to Hell with you.”

      250 – Mark nails it – “Jews are the most vile, evil things on the planet. Niggers are the way they are; Jews are intentionally, totally, evil.”

      in reply:
      Exactly, because they are simply EVIL. Judaism is the EXACT opposite of what Christianity is supposed to be. Simple as that.

      254 – Mark noted:
      “The TMZ website only puts Whites in a bad light, never mention Jews in a bad light.”

      in reply:
      It really is a RACE WAR, fought on ALL possible fronts. They go to war when they get out of bed in the morning, and the war is against US, solely on the basis of RACE.



      No damn wonder we always lose…

      Charlie Brown, meet Lucy, and the Football…

      Mark continued:
      “Only WE are the Creative RACE, and only WE are the RACE that PRODUCES. Everyone else mimics us, copies us…the Japanese with cars in the 80’s, using our ideas…what made the Japanese flourish is Just-In-Time manufacturing, unburdened by the artificial limits of Detroit.

      in reply:
      Particularly they adopted the ideas of Edward Deming, who Japan’s highest civilian award, the Deming Award, is named for, AND as a historical note, Toyoda, the founder of Toyota, got HIS inspiration from visiting the Rouge Plant of Ford Motor Company. Toyoda listened to Taiichi Ohno, the Master of Ongoing Quality Control…

      We can deal with currency manipulation and the yen carry trade in a later post, and THAT discussion should focus on the fact that the currency-based profits were reinvested in real economic productivity, and thus, real economic growth.

      This is right out of the playbook for a National Socialist Economy, by the way…

      Bud White:
      “Without the White Man, the Jews will inherit a Mud World; nothing will advance.”

      in reply:
      True, and they do not care.

      They are Asiatic; the Asian Culture simply does not advance.

      263- Bud White just nails something that should be on the screensaver of all of us as a motivator:

      “The Jew’s RELENTLESS pursuit of their own agenda.”

      in reply:
      That is EXACTLY the sort of focused, disciplined RUTHLESSNESS we need to develop for ourselves.

      While we can…

      Have you read Harold Covington’s “A Distant thunder,” the first novel in his inspirational Northwest Trilogy.

      265 Mark said:
      “I have worked with Blacks, when there was still the possibility of Blacks being lynched, they were alright. The Blacks from then on turned into Niggers. The reason – the Jews. Before that time, they were, to a certain degree, well-behaved.”

      in reply:
      Welcome To The Real.

      266 Bud White said:
      “What do Blacks understand? Brute Force, and Consequences. That’s it. They’re not guided by any sort of moral compass, or intelligence, It’s high hormones, and very low IQ. It’s like letting a wild grizzly bear run around in your house…”

      in reply:
      Welcome To The Real.

      271 Mark goes to a Foundational Issue:
      “Who owned the ships that brought the Blacks over here?”

      Bud White – “Jews.”

      Mark – “Then they played other side of it like they do in wars…with everything being racist. If you go on tv and (discuss the FACTS about Black Crime), you are called a RACIST! If you say anything about (the Jews), you are called Anti-SEMITIC! And Semitic isn’t Jewish! Semitic is an area which includes Iranians, who they hate and what to bomb.”

      273 Bud White – “These creatures, these things, are not even from that part of the planet. They are from the Khazars. They’re a bastard race….”

      in reply:
      They are also our implacable RACIAL Enemy, and play ALL sides in the fulfillment of one purpose, their One RACIAL Commandment:

      “Is it good for JEWS?”

      We MUST develop the same Mindset, and the same Disciplined Ruthlessness, in the fulfillment of a greater RACIAL Purpose, by seeing Family as the microcosm of RACE, RACE as the macrocosm of Family, and Being what we want the world to Become.

      While we can…

      New America

      An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!

    6. New America Says:

      time is in minutes:

      146 Mark – story pulled re Israel spying in America – note they can do this pretty much with impunity.

      in reply:
      This is the Carl Cameron series that FOX NEWS didn’t complete. Linder has mentioned this, as well.

      159 Mark – (Describing the Locus of Evil that is the demonic Jews) “It’s like the fucking Wizard of Oz, every fucking golden road goes back to the Jew.”

      161 Mark – “April (Gaede) keeps talking about Montana and the Northwest.”

      in reply: Ironically, he then gave examples of WHY the Northwest Republic Model works, using the example of all of the White people who fled Los Angeles to Seattle, and what works agsinst it in practice, by keeping their Los Angeles mindset.

      in reply: The issue is RACE; once we focus on THAT, First, Foremost, Forever, everyhting else will fall into place.

      191 Mark – Uses the example of the Jews (Neutra Karta) who protest against Israel, with about 2000 of them meeting to protest, and this protest is never reported in the demonic Jew-controlled American LameStream Media

      in reply:
      Neutra Karta (True Torah) Jews still believe in the Noahide Laws, and seem to be little more than the Jewish community hedging its bets agsinst US response to Jews if the US turn against Israel. They only go against Israel IN IT CURRENT NATIONAL FORM; still Zionists, still Jewish Supremacists, still believe in the Noahide Laws as being superior to the Ten Commandments, because they support the One Jewish Commandment: “Is it good for JEWS?”

      199 – Mark noted, “Jews are simply more intelligent niggers,.. and we are open to the change of shit hitting the fan.”

      in reply:
      Strong point, indeed. The demonic Jews still have the same exclusively materialistic AND RACE-BASED Mindset, as the Niggers.

      205 – Mark’s strongest observation makes a profound point: “It is important to get wise to the Jew’s thing.” “It’s just a matter of time before they figure it out at all, and if they are involved in economics…they see the writing on the wall….Our economy is nigger rich…We are goin into an inflationary state that is actually a deflationary state….There’s A Depression that’s coming, and it’s going to be inflationary…”

      in reply:
      We ARE heading into an Inflationary Depression, and before someone says this is impossible, have them look up the word “Stagflation.”

      What will happen is this” to stabilize the prices of certain asset classes, notably those held as securities by the banks (fuck the pension funds, by the way), the Federal Reserve and the Treasury will intervene to “stabilize prices” and create an “orderly market.”

      It’s still a loser, but the goal will be to consolidate the entire financial system into the hands of perhaps seven banks; two nation, and five superregionals. Remember, one outcome of the First great Depression that no one hasn oted is the virtual elimination of all banks outside of the Federla Reserve System, consolidating national banking power in the Fed. This will further concentrate economic power.

      So, they will inflate the money supply to be able to purchase the bad debt and stabilize the values of asset classes.

      Where is the deflation?
      Housing prices – remember, all they want to stabilize is the values of the mortgages held by the banks – and the Real Economy, where they actually Make Things you can touch, and use.

      Oh, one more sector that will experience deflation.

      Your wages, today, and your job, tomorrow.

      209 – Mark just nails it – in terms of the economy, “There’s nowhere to go, our backs are against the wall” – “The only thng that’s benefical to them at this time is the pure manipulation of the mind of the American people.”

      in reply:
      THAT is the strongest, and most subtle trap, the demonic Jews have set for us; THEY will control the words and pictures we see and hear to describe the collapse of the economy around us, whilke trying to convince us it is not happening.

      I have informal indicators I use; use of check cashing places, business at liquor stores, use of thrift shops (the Salvation Army is in a land-office business), lottery ticket sales, and the unemployment/welfare offices, and, most well hidden, the people using churches for food assistance.

      They are all growing by leaps and bounds.

      People still blame themselves for the structural collapse the demonic Jews have set for them.

      Yet, as Metzger notes, it’s our fault. We allowed it to happen…

      Another strong argument for Harold Covington’s Northwest Republic Model…

      214 Mark – “The unemployment rate is a bullshit number.”

      in reply:
      For a GREAT analysis of the flaws in the government’s data and model see the Shadowstats website. They estimate the REAL unemployment rate at about 12%.

      I estimate it will go up dramatically after Jan 2008, and we all know where THAT leads…

      235 – Mark gives the best summary of one side of why we are in the sad situation of affiars we are in, and he almost gets it perfectly. He notes that Jews literally – and this is the key – literally, abolutely literally, DO NOT CARE ABOUT US AT ALL.

      To extend this critical insight, we must remember that:

      First, Jews see the world as RACE first, Family second, and Self third. We do the exact opposite.

      Second, the Jews ALWAYS address ALL issues in the light of their One Commandment: “IS IT GOOD FOR JEWS?”

      Third, the Jew is ALWAYS engaged in a RACE War against all other RACES; we are simply their Prime Current Target.

      It is their sole Racial obsession. It is not enough for them to win; all others must lose, totally and absolutely. Money is a major part of that, but it is power that they truly seek, and money is just a tool to them. After all, as Peter Shank astutely observed, they control the Federal Reserve Bank, the US Treasury, and the International Financial System. Their goal is racial genoicde of the White RACE; period.

      Mark continued:
      “What have the Jews done, what have they created? They CREATE situations that make Jews look good.”

      in reply:
      This is a very important point; they have framed the issues to their RACIAL benefit. This brings to mind Chuck Pearson’s mind-stopping observation, as cited by Alex Linder:

      “Jews don’t just take ONE side of an issue. Jews take ALL sides of an issue. That way, they can make sure that, whatever side of an issue prevails, they control how it goes, and they ALWAYS make sure it goes THEIR way, and to Hell with you.”

      250 – Mark nails it – “Jews are the most vile, evil things on the planet. Niggers are the way they are; Jews are intentionally, totally, evil.”

      in reply:
      Exactly, because they are simply EVIL. Judaism is the EXACT opposite of what Christianity is supposed to be. Simple as that.

      254 – Mark noted:
      “The TMZ website only puts Whites in a bad light, never mention Jews in a bad light.”

      in reply:
      It really is a RACE WAR, fought on ALL possible fronts. They go to war when they get out of bed in the morning, and the war is against US, solely on the basis of RACE.



      No damn wonder we always lose…

      Charlie Brown, meet Lucy, and the Football…

      Mark continued:
      “Only WE are the Creative RACE, and only WE are the RACE that PRODUCES. Everyone else mimicks us, copies us…the Japanese with cars in the 80’s, using our ideas…what made the Japanese flourish is Just-In-Time manufacturing, unburdened by the artificial limits of Detroit.

      in reply:
      Particularly they adopted the ideas of Edward Deming, who Japan’s highest civilian award, the Deming Award, is named for, AND as a historical note, Toyoda, the founder of Toyota, got HIS inspiration from visiting the Rouge Plant of Ford Motor Company. Toyoda listened to Taiichi Ohno, the Master of Ongoing Quality Control…

      We can deal with currency manipulation and the yen carry trade in a later post, and THAT discussion should focus on the fact that the currency-based profits were reinvested in real economic productivity, and thus, real economic growth.

      This is right out of the playbook for a National Socialist Economy, by the way…

      Bud White:
      “Without the White Man, the Jews will inherit a Mud World; nothing will advance.”

      in reply:
      True, and they do not care.

      They are Asiatic; the Asian Culture simply does not advance.

      263- Bud White just nails something that should be on the screensaver of all of us as a motivator:

      “The Jew’s RELENTLESS pursuit of their own agenda.”

      in reply:
      That is EXACTLY the sort of focused, disciplined RUTHLESSNESS we need to develop for ourselves.

      While we can…

      Have you read Harold Covignton’s “A Distant thunder,” the first novel in his inspirational Northwest Trilogy.

      265 Mark said:
      “I have worked with Blacks, when there was still the possibility of Blacks being lynched, they were alright. The Blacks from then on turned into Niggers. The reason – the Jews. Before that time, they were, to a certain degree, well-behaved.”

      in reply:
      Welcome to The Real.

      266 Bud White said:
      “What do Blacks understand? Brute Force, and Consequences. That’s it. They’re not guided by any sort of moral compass, or intelligence, It’s high hormones, and very low IQ. It’s like letting a wild grizzly bear run around in your house…”

      in reply:
      Welcome to The Real.

      271 Mark goes to a Foundational Issue:
      “Who owned the ships that brought the Blacks over here?”

      Bud White – “Jews.”

      Mark – “Then they played other side of it like they do in wars…with everything being racist. If you go on tv and (discuss the FACTS about Black Crime), you are called a RACIST! If you say anything about (the Jews), you are called Anti-SEMITIC! And semitic isn’t Jewish! Semitic is an area which includes Iranians, who they hate and what to bomb.”

      273 Bud White – “These creatures, these things, are not even from that part of the planet. They are from the Khazars. They’re a bastard race….”

      in reply:
      They are also our implacable RACIAL Enemy, and play ALL sides in the fulfillment of one purpose, their One RACIAL Commandment:

      “Is it good for JEWS?”

      We MUST develop the same Mindset, and the same Disciplined Ruthlessness, in the fulfillment of a greatrer RACIAL Purpose, by seeing Family as the microcosm of RACE, RACE as the macrocosm of Family, and being what we want the world to become.

      While we can…

      New America

      An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!

    7. New America Says:

      time is in minutes:

      146 Mark – story pulled re Israel spying in America – note they can do this pretty much with impunity.

      in reply:
      This is the Carl Cameron series that FOX NEWS didn’t complete. Linder has mentioned this, as well.

      159 Mark – (Describing the Locus of Evil that is the demonic Jews) “It’s like the fucking Wizard of Oz, every fucking golden road goes back to the Jew.”

      161 Mark – “April (Gaede) keeps talking about Montana and the Northwest.”

      in reply: Ironically, he then gave examples of WHY the Northwest Republic Model works, using the example of all of the White people who fled Los Angeles to Seattle, and what works against it in practice, by keeping their Los Angeles mindset.

      in reply: The issue is RACE; once we focus on THAT, First, Foremost, Forever, everything else will fall into place.

      191 Mark – Uses the example of the Jews (Neutra Karta) who protest against Israel, with about 2000 of them meeting to protest, and this protest is never reported in the demonic Jew-controlled American LameStream Media

      in reply:
      Neutra Karta (True Torah) Jews still believe in the Noahide Laws, and seem to be little more than the Jewish community hedging its bets against US response to Jews if the US turn against Israel. They only go against Israel IN IT CURRENT NATIONAL FORM; still Zionists, still Jewish Supremacists, still believe in the Noahide Laws as being superior to the Ten Commandments, because they support the One Jewish Commandment: “Is it good for JEWS?”

      199 – Mark noted, “Jews are simply more intelligent niggers,.. and we are open to the change of shit hitting the fan.”

      in reply:
      Strong point, indeed. The demonic Jews still have the same exclusively materialistic AND RACE-BASED Mindset, as the Niggers.

      205 – Mark’s strongest observation makes a profound point: “It is important to get wise to the Jew’s thing.” “It’s just a matter of time before they figure it out at all, and if they are involved in economics…they see the writing on the wall….Our economy is nigger rich…We are going into an inflationary state that is actually a deflationary state….There’s A Depression that’s coming, and it’s going to be inflationary…”

      in reply:
      We ARE heading into an Inflationary Depression, and before someone says this is impossible, have them look up the word “Stagflation.”

      What will happen is this” to stabilize the prices of certain asset classes, notably those held as securities by the banks (fuck the pension funds, by the way), the Federal Reserve and the Treasury will intervene to “stabilize prices” and create an “orderly market.”

      It’s still a loser, but the goal will be to consolidate the entire financial system into the hands of perhaps seven banks; two nation, and five superregionals. Remember, one outcome of the First great Depression that no one has noted is the virtual elimination of all banks outside of the Federal Reserve System, consolidating national banking power in the Fed. This will further concentrate economic power.

      So, they will inflate the money supply to be able to purchase the bad debt and stabilize the values of asset classes.

      Where is the deflation?
      Housing prices – remember, all they want to stabilize is the values of the mortgages held by the banks – and the Real Economy, where they actually Make Things you can touch, and use.

      Oh, one more sector that will experience deflation.

      Your wages, today, and your job, tomorrow.

      209 – Mark just nails it – in terms of the economy, “There’s nowhere to go, our backs are against the wall” – “The only thing that’s beneficial to them at this time is the pure manipulation of the mind of the American people.”

      in reply:
      THAT is the strongest, and most subtle trap, the demonic Jews have set for us; THEY will control the words and pictures we see and hear to describe the collapse of the economy around us, while trying to convince us it is not happening.

      I have informal indicators I use; use of check cashing places, business at liquor stores, use of thrift shops (the Salvation Army is in a land-office business), lottery ticket sales, and the unemployment/welfare offices, and, most well hidden, the people using churches for food assistance.

      They are all growing by leaps and bounds.

      People still blame themselves for the structural collapse the demonic Jews have set for them.

      Yet, as Metzger notes, it’s our fault. We allowed it to happen…

      Another strong argument for Harold Covington’s Northwest Republic Model…

      214 Mark – “The unemployment rate is a bullshit number.”

      in reply:
      For a GREAT analysis of the flaws in the government’s data and model see the Shadowstats website. They estimate the REAL unemployment rate at about 12%.

      I estimate it will go up dramatically after Jan 2008, and we all know where THAT leads…

      235 – Mark gives the best summary of one side of why we are in the sad situation of affairs we are in, and he almost gets it perfectly. He notes that Jews literally – and this is the key – literally, absolutely literally, DO NOT CARE ABOUT US AT ALL.

      To extend this critical insight, we must remember that:

      First, Jews see the world as RACE first, Family second, and Self third. We do the exact opposite.

      Second, the Jews ALWAYS address ALL issues in the light of their One Commandment: “IS IT GOOD FOR JEWS?”

      Third, the Jew is ALWAYS engaged in a RACE War against all other RACES; we are simply their Prime Current Target.

      It is their sole Racial obsession. It is not enough for them to win; all others must lose, totally and absolutely. Money is a major part of that, but it is power that they truly seek, and money is just a tool to them. After all, as Peter Shank astutely observed, they control the Federal Reserve Bank, the US Treasury, and the International Financial System. Their goal is racial genocide of the White RACE; period.

      Mark continued:
      “What have the Jews done, what have they created? They CREATE situations that make Jews look good.”

      in reply:
      This is a very important point; they have framed the issues to their RACIAL benefit. This brings to mind Chuck Pearson’s mind-stopping observation, as cited by Alex Linder:

      “Jews don’t just take ONE side of an issue. Jews take ALL sides of an issue. That way, they can make sure that, whatever side of an issue prevails, they control how it goes, and they ALWAYS make sure it goes THEIR way, and to Hell with you.”

      250 – Mark nails it – “Jews are the most vile, evil things on the planet. Niggers are the way they are; Jews are intentionally, totally, evil.”

      in reply:
      Exactly, because they are simply EVIL. Judaism is the EXACT opposite of what Christianity is supposed to be. Simple as that.

      254 – Mark noted:
      “The TMZ website only puts Whites in a bad light, never mention Jews in a bad light.”

      in reply:
      It really is a RACE WAR, fought on ALL possible fronts. They go to war when they get out of bed in the morning, and the war is against US, solely on the basis of RACE.



      No damn wonder we always lose…

      Charlie Brown, meet Lucy, and the Football…

      Mark continued:
      “Only WE are the Creative RACE, and only WE are the RACE that PRODUCES. Everyone else mimics us, copies us…the Japanese with cars in the 80’s, using our ideas…what made the Japanese flourish is Just-In-Time manufacturing, unburdened by the artificial limits of Detroit.

      in reply:
      Particularly they adopted the ideas of Edward Deming, who Japan’s highest civilian award, the Deming Award, is named for, AND as a historical note, Toyoda, the founder of Toyota, got HIS inspiration from visiting the Rouge Plant of Ford Motor Company. Toyoda listened to Taiichi Ohno, the Master of Ongoing Quality Control…

      We can deal with currency manipulation and the yen carry trade in a later post, and THAT discussion should focus on the fact that the currency-based profits were reinvested in real economic productivity, and thus, real economic growth.

      This is right out of the playbook for a National Socialist Economy, by the way…

      Bud White:
      “Without the White Man, the Jews will inherit a Mud World; nothing will advance.”

      in reply:
      True, and they do not care.

      They are Asiatic; the Asian Culture simply does not advance.

      263- Bud White just nails something that should be on the screensaver of all of us as a motivator:

      “The Jew’s RELENTLESS pursuit of their own agenda.”

      in reply:
      That is EXACTLY the sort of focused, disciplined RUTHLESSNESS we need to develop for ourselves.

      While we can…

      Have you read Harold Covington’s “A Distant Thunder,” the first novel in his inspirational Northwest Trilogy?

      265 Mark said:
      “I have worked with Blacks, when there was still the possibility of Blacks being lynched, they were alright. The Blacks from then on turned into Niggers. The reason – the Jews. Before that time, they were, to a certain degree, well-behaved.”

      in reply:
      Welcome to The Real.

      266 Bud White said:
      “What do Blacks understand? Brute Force, and Consequences. That’s it. They’re not guided by any sort of moral compass, or intelligence, It’s high hormones, and very low IQ. It’s like letting a wild grizzly bear run around in your house…”

      in reply:
      Welcome to The Real.

      271 Mark goes to a Foundational Issue:
      “Who owned the ships that brought the Blacks over here?”

      Bud White – “Jews.”

      Mark – “Then they played other side of it like they do in wars…with everything being racist. If you go on tv and (discuss the FACTS about Black Crime), you are called a RACIST! If you say anything about (the Jews), you are called Anti-SEMITIC! And Semitic isn’t Jewish! Semitic is an area which includes Iranians, who they hate and what to bomb.”

      273 Bud White – “These creatures, these things…”

      in reply:
      There is an issue that few really dare face:

      The most successful RACE on the face of the planet, the goddamn demonic Jews, address ALL issues in Light of their ONE RACIAL COMMANDMENT: “Is it good for JEWS?”

      They THEN move forward, actively, relentless, ruthlessly, in the fulfillment of this one goal, by any and all means necessary.

      They are ALWAYS on OFFENSE.

      Let me repeat that, for the baby Hamlets among us:

      They are ALWAYS on OFFENSE.

      They are ALWAYS thinking, one way or another, “If our RACE can not get ahead in this particular situation, how can we insure that the other RACE does not get ahead, or, preferably, move down the wrong track?”

      They ALWAYS define ALL issues in terms of what is best for their RACE; First, Foremost, Forever.

      Our Ancestors took that model for granted; they defined RACE in terms of their Family, writ large, and the Family as the RACE, writ small.

      My Ancestors did not come here as immigrants.

      MY Ancestors came here as CONQUERORS.

      Until we get that Mindset back, we are doomed to playing their Games, by their Rules.

      If you aren’t seeing ALL issues in the Light of RACE – First, Foremost, Forever – you will always be playing the Game of your RACIAL Enemies.

      New America

      An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!