24 July, 2007

VNNB Free Talk Live – July 23rd 2007

Posted by Archives in audio, VNNB, VNNB-Monday at 12:43 pm | Permanent Link

Please join Stan Sikorski and Yankee Jim as we bring you “Free Talk Live.”Due to some technical issues last week during our fundraiser for the Doles family (see HERE), we’ll be playing TONS of OUTLAW Country again this week…featuring the music of Waylon Jennings, Johnny Paycheck, David Allan Coe and Johnny Cash.

We’ll also be discussing the upcoming “RALLY AGAINST BLACK GANG TERRORISM” IN KALAMAZOO, MI

And of course, there’ll be the usual TNB, TJB, TSB, TQB, OGB, etc.

  • 5 Responses to “VNNB Free Talk Live – July 23rd 2007”

    1. greywolf Says:


    2. john Says:

      Government run protest rallies? Bus, wand, frisk, cage, eye scan, collect DNA, undercover feds…fuck that. Stan is right, just show up on the street like a legal American citizen and speak your mind.

    3. john Says:

      Who shuttles the fucking mexicans when they rally in your town? NOBODY…the mexican’s will not stand for it. They’re gonna’ rally weather the feds want it or not.

    4. jimbo Says:

      Stan…’email’ us ASAP re: next week…..was a bit crook this morning….couldn’t get on to Skype!


    5. Hibernian Says:

      These rallies where WN are herded and penned into “free speech zones”(?) like slightly more aggressive sheep are a complete waste of time and effort.

      We have been doing THE EXACT SAME THING with these kind of events for at least 40 years, with zero effect.

      When you play by the system rules, expect to be marginalized.

      American White Nationalism really, really needs somebody with fucking vision.

      It’s 2007. Are we ever going to start acting like it?