17 July, 2007

The Next Important High Court Ruling?

Posted by Socrates in guns & goy controllers, Socrates at 2:47 pm | Permanent Link

The U.S. Supreme Court has handed down some landmark decisions over the years – for example, Brown v. Board of Education in 1954 [1]. Will Parker v. District of Columbia, a gun-control case, be the next important high court ruling? Will goy control suffer a huge setback? Will Jewish gun-banners have to get real jobs? Given the ideologies of the current justices, if the case is taken up, the court will likely rule in favor of gun owners [2]:


[1] about Brown: [Here]

[2] more about the Parker case: [Here]

  • 8 Responses to “The Next Important High Court Ruling?”

    1. chocoalate whining Says:

      One MUST go back to W.E.B. DuBois the tarbaby commie and follow history of anti- white movements and LAWS from there…Many whites joined into coalitions with these fuzzy wuzzies……I hate the “christians” freemasons/fraternal groups for that very reason !!! The US should have sent them ALL back as so many wanted to do….

    2. Olde Dutch Says:

      The thing you gotta remember, is that, if you have a little screw up with a gun, you’re looking at minimum a $40,000 dollar bill in attorney fees, court costs, plus lost wages, expenses, etc. Just to prove you were in the right; even if you were 100% right in using, or threatening to use a gun.

      If you notice, many of these gun nuts are lawyers, looking to help you out of a jamb for a price. Deed to your house?

    3. greywolf Says:

      old saying but true, when guns are outlawed only outlaws will have guns.

    4. greywolf Says:

      check this out…. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/europe/1566715.stm

    5. Steve Says:

      “if you have a little screw up with a gun, you’re looking at minimum a $40,000 dollar bill in attorney fees, court costs, plus lost wages, expenses, etc. Just to prove you were in the right”

      Better that than being killed.

    6. Olde Dutch Says:

      “Better that than being killed”. That seems to be the logic. But, the consequences of using a gun, or threatening to use a gun ain’t pretty either.

      Btw, I do remember “White America”, before we had the crime & violence we have today. And I don’t remember guns being used for protection as a part of that “White America”.

    7. NRAboy Says:

      How much trouble using a gun to defend yourself will get you into depends on the state or city you live in. If there’s a right to defend yourself, especially the right to stand your ground, then you’re safe as long as the local culture still reflects the law. In other words you’re not in the middle of a liberal invasion. If self defense is narrowly defined the best thing to do is move. Especially if you’re in a nog or spic infested area.

    8. Anti Says:

      “One MUST go back to W.E.B. DuBois the tarbaby commie”

      That’s just great. How far afield are we going with this “communist” label? So far we have Adam Weishaupt, DuBois, and Christ. Definition of commie: anyone WNs do not like.

      Too much to ask that you people just TRY to be more careful with words.