9 July, 2007

The Kalamazoo Rally: Saturday, August 4, 2007

Posted by Socrates in rallies, Socrates, White Nationalists at 2:49 pm | Permanent Link

Details about the rally: [Here]

  • 2 Responses to “The Kalamazoo Rally: Saturday, August 4, 2007”

    1. jimbo Says:

      don’t take any shit from those fckn ZOG pigs!….it’s time those fckn jew bitches were taught a hard, bloody lesson…..FUCK THEM!…..95% of those scum’ll hafta go up the chimney!….’collabarators’ with the Third Reich were given short shrift…..WTF shouldn’t we return the favour for kike collabarators?

      DEATH to THEM!

    2. jimbo Says:

      Alex…..check this shit out!

      floyd ‘cock-head’ rckns he’s gunna have a ‘GO’! @ u & Hal T on the 4th….with some help from his ‘mates’…..watch ya back, buddy, just in case….perhaps this prick’ll get a bit more than he bargains for, eh?….wot do bullet-proof vests retail for in the ‘Kwa these days?

      hope fuck-head floyd shows up in oz one day…..