9 July, 2007

Fatal Overdose

Posted by Dietrich in Alex Linder at 6:07 pm | Permanent Link

  • 7 Responses to “Fatal Overdose”

    1. sfg Says:

      Thank you for supplying me with a hoot before bedtime.

    2. blood stains missing Says:

      THAT stupid monkey must have been on a diet… No banana peels !!! HE looks Identical to Archbishop Ncube of England ,jessee jackson and millions mo’…….Of course maybe I’m a little(?)prejudiced…

    3. Neal Joitke Says:

      Looks like niggers littering and not cleaning up after them selves.

    4. Steve Says:

      Looks like the janitor dropped some trash on the curb there on the way to the dumpster. I see a few watermelon rinds, a greasy nigger, and a KFC bucket. We know the janitor wasn’t black, or the melon would be down to the green of the rinds.

    5. cliff Says:

      I saw this watermelon picture a few months back on http://www.niggermania.com and it is good. But it cannot hold a candle to the Spongebob niggergirl under the spell of a bucket of kentucky-fried-chicken photo.

      Print that for your fans if you want a real laugh.

    6. jackumup Says:

      And my wife thinks you have to travel to go on vacation

    7. negro environmentalist Says: