4 July, 2007

Russia Curbs U.S.-backed Media

Posted by Socrates in jews, media control, Russia, Socrates at 3:53 pm | Permanent Link

Somewhere in Moscow, a rabbi sleeps fitfully. He is worried. The spread of equalocracy has been slowed. Russia may never become an eastern version of America. The rabbi knows that someday he may have to quickly pack a suitcase and flee to Jerusalem or New York City:


  • 16 Responses to “Russia Curbs U.S.-backed Media”

    1. dq Says:

      What does anti think about this story?

    2. Blond Celt Says:

      I sincerely hope that folks call up RABBI….It’s origins are not where you suspect !!

    3. cliff Says:

      Makes one want to move to Moscow no?

      Everyday I feel it would be good move for U.S., based WN branchs to be set up in Moscow. Maybe I will move there so you heard it here first.

      The thought must equally send fits up and down the CIA, FBI, Homeland kike Security, the mossad killer CLUB, NSA, and is enough to send Condi’s muddy puntang quivering. If President Putin ever gets wind of the job people like Alex Linder and Hal Turner are doing to stop the jew in the U. S., He will hire every gansta nigga he can find to work those Caspian oil fields. Bring your white T-shirts my niggas.

    4. Anti Says:

      If you moved to Russia Putin would kill you too.

    5. dq Says:

      All aryans should decide to move to one area and take it over like the mexicans.

    6. crystal balls Says:

      YES, tis refreshing to do a search on : “NORMAN KABALLA” ….so many political hacks and foozebag religious hash suckers appear for the world to reject !!

    7. crystal balls Says:

      Yes, if honesty and openess were the ideals of this website an expose’ of “THE COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES” IN NORMAN, OKLAHOMA has many courses called “WHAT IS KABBALLA”….. Exposing religious fraud and it’s parasitic destruction should be made priority !! Praise be to the scumbag Normans and their nigger RAPIST followers…..Norman invasion of England….1000 years of BLACK BRITAINS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    8. FeralWhiteMan Says:

      Anti, you’re fucking retarded. There’s nothing about killing anybody in this story, so you must be connecting it to something else irrelevant in your so-called mind.

      Putin is playing the kikes like a fiddle. He knows the score, and his actions speak louder than words. If he talked about kikes they’d report it in the jews’ media all over the world, like when that Malaysian leader said that Jews rule the US by proxy.

      VNN — whoever’s moderating here should not allow any posts by “Anti.” Not just because he/she’s retarded, but because he/she confuses the novices to white nationalism and VNN.com. If he/she wants to demonstrate their stupidity, let them post in the forum. Someone else asked to ban him/her in the past. I think it’s overdue. Thanks.

    9. Anti Says:

      The “Anti” above isn’t me, for what it’s worth.

      I looked at the article, but found this more interesting.

    10. Been through it Says:

      It figures “Anti” would be more interested in men stuffing hot dogs in their mouths.

    11. Righter Says:

      The photo of Putin that accompanies the news story…I copied and pasted it next to a photo of that fucking moronic kike-loving faggot George W. Bush. The contrast could not be more striking.

      Seriously, even if her wasn’t ex-KGB, is there no doubt at all that he would kick the shit out of Bush in a fistfight? I mean, just look at Putin in that photo.

      Then look at Bush – just about any photo ever taken of him will do. What a little putz. A little spic-loving turd. What a weak, limp-wristed fruit, our “Leader.” Russia’s got goddamn Vladimir Klitschko, and we’ve got a goddamn shrub.

      It doesn’t make me depressed, though. It makes me angry.

    12. Righter Says:


    13. Rumplestilzchen Says:

      These Kikes are a riot. Articles like this are appearing all over the world, which PROVES there is a zionist conspiracy.

      One jew is leaving Russia for New York, while a jew in New York is packing and leaving for Israel, and one in Brazil is packing and leaving for Russia.

      What they are doing is whining. jews are the only RACE in the world which is oblivious to the relationship between their behavior and anti-semitism.

    14. John Says:

      Anti is the communist scum Slovjanski/Captain Marinesko from thephora.

    15. dq Says:

      Hell yes we reclaimed the hot dog eating title.

    16. Hoosier Says:

      # Anti Says:
      5 July, 2007 at 12:33 pm

      The “Anti” above isn’t me, for what it’s worth.

      I looked at the article, but found this more interesting.

      Ah, looks like my intuition was correct:

      Hoosier said to “Anti:”
      4 July, 2007 at 1:06 pm

      BTW, a persons writing style is like a fingerprint, and yours keeps changing from post to post and thread to thread. You’re either a schizophrenic or a “community” of freaks. Either way, it looks like you’ve been “outed”

      Will freako now try to “reverse” itself/themselves? A better question, does anyone, outside of practicing their identifying skills, care what this creature/creatures has/have to say?

      One fool, or an hive of fools, it all produces – foolishness.