6 July, 2007

Globalism Marches Onward

Posted by Socrates in globalization, Jew World Order, Socrates at 6:41 pm | Permanent Link

Another “-ism” in a world full of “-isms” usually produced by kikes. Say, do you see the Jews giving up their sovereignty, their authority? Jews never give up anything – unless they can benefit from it. Only the gentiles are supposed to give all their authority away. All countries have natural or automatic sovereignty. Unions of countries – such as the EU – are bogus and are a result of the dangerous idea(s) of internationalism [1]. The people who benefit the most from unions are the Jews. Consolidation always makes things easier to control. Instead of having to manipulate dozens of top, gentile officials in different countries, in a union the Jews only need to control a few key people:


[1] e.g., baloney such as “international human rights,” which sprang from Jewish-spread propaganda about the Holocaust

  • 2 Responses to “Globalism Marches Onward”

    1. bean flatulence Says:

      A good start to exposing globilization would be to get the records of OBAMA’s $25M in campaign money. Someone wuld have to UNRAVEL each contribution back thru the webs of shell groups to the original soures….Doesn’t it seem odd that a mongel out of no-where jumps from oblivian into a $25M tarbaby ?? My concern are the “RELIGIOUS” Monies that have been redirected thru their shell groups …. Who’s up for the challenge and it’s resultant blowing the lid off those phoney FREDERICK DOUGLASS LOVIN PUPPET MASTERS? Could any of you vnn guys jump into a $25M golden calf in less than 2 years ??? hhhmmmmm

    2. open the books !!! Says:

      ALEX, Blow the lid off the religion rackets ! how do I do that mr. “Radical RACIST”, You ask ? Simply this…Get members of various religious denominations to request the CORPORATE ledgers be opened for all the members to review…Ever wonder if those $millions just might be creating industries in CHINA and other sweat shop countries for resale in the US ? What about usury banking investments…hmmm NAW you don’t think a CHRISTIAN CHURCH would invest in a BANK or insurance companies or AGRIBUSINESS or OIL COMPANIES or WHISKEY DISTILLERIES or EAST Indian telemarketers or MEDICAL MONOPOLIES or FOOTBALL,BASEBALL,etc other sports monopolies or media sources….The list can only be complete if and when the TITHE payer gets CURIOUS and DEMANDS answers…. OPEN THE BOOKS, saith the rose colored glasses TITHE PAYER,,, !!! RELIGION has been USED against the “eireann” white boy!!!!!!!!