13 July, 2007


Posted by alex in Alex Linder at 7:14 pm | Permanent Link

FTL Friday with Bud White 9PM EST


  • 5 Responses to “FREE TALK LIVE FRIDAY with BUD WHITE!”

    1. Anti Says:

      If the europeans are being genocided then why are there more whites than there hve ever been in the history of the world?

    2. Me Says:

      That is quite immaterial. The fact is that Every single nation we inhabit,from Argentina to New Zealand and all over the world,is being beset by “needy immigrants” and asylum seekers” and ALIENS from the seven sewers of the world.Our populations have stabilized in most of our nations and are decreasing in some.Ireland and Iceland are both around 1.8 fertility rate and Argentina about 2. On the low end,you have Germany,Italy and The great slavic nations of Eastern Europe,including Russia between 1.28 and about 1.45. Those who are invading us have higher fertility rates,low intelligence, large criminal elements,and little capacity for civilization. With our nations under attack by said ALIENS, our Genocide is being attempted. Deadly and slow,but genocide nonetheless. Did i spell it our enough for you,or do you not understand English?

    3. Stronza Says:

      The actual numbers may be greater than ever, but it is the percentages that matter. The percentage of whites is getting smaller and smaller as the years go by on this godforsaken planet.

      Come on, Anti, you are pretty smart. Why do you ask such a question when the answer is so obvious?

      I’ve always been scared to bring this up, but, hell, the worst you can do is call me names, the standard response among the habitues of some forums.. Has anyone considered that maybe, like the Beothuks, Ainu, Caribs and others, White peoples’ time is just up? That in the divine plan, if there is one, no one was guaranteed anything? If there is a reason why we should be exempt from extinction, I’d like to hear any opinions as to why you would think so. One might suggest that we have done our bit here, served our purpose, etc. Nothing lasts forever. On a vengeful note, if it is our fate to disappear, as a people, I would hope it happens quickly rather than slowly, and I’d love to watch certain parties scramble around wondering how to organize their world to keep it comfortable and clean.

    4. TonyK Says:

      Nixon obvious knew who and what the JEW was and is BUT he gave the KIKES 2.2 BILLION in EMERGENCY MILITARY AID in 1973 during the Yon Kippur war.

    5. DQ Says:

      I posted the last couple times as Anti asking the question above. I am glad someone finally answered it. That seemed like a hard question I saw on the youtube anti racism campain(ytarc) and I wanted to see how it would be responeded to. I agree with me on his answer but I would also add the the lowbirthrate among withes is new and has not had time to take too much affect. But being white we plan for the future and are concerned about it, thats how we survived the hard winters.