22 July, 2007

Concerning the Vanishing White Aesthetic

Posted by Socrates in Socrates, Western culture, White identity, White philosophy at 7:01 pm | Permanent Link

White people need to receive positive, uplifting, White cultural messages on a regular basis. When they don’t, cultural rot sets in, and pretty soon negro music, Jewish TV shows and junk “art” is standard.

As a little change of pace from the usual VNN news and spintros, here are some artistic items to consider.

Item #1: Andrea Palladio, great architect.

You’ve probably noticed that they don’t make good-looking buildings anymore. Instead, they make Bauhaus-inspired (read: Marxist-inspired) crap that’s deliberately ugly and unWestern. That’s the plan: pollute White culture and make it bleak and soul-less.

Thomas Jefferson used Palladio’s ideas in his own home (i.e., Monticello).

A Palladio design: [Here]. (A different photo of the same house): [Here].

About Palladian architecture: [Here]

Item #2: Public memorials/monuments these days.

Did you happen to see the new Medal of Honor memorial? If you did, did you find it attractive, or “White”? [1]. Public art and architecture = culture on display, so its appearance is important. Back in the old days, when America was still a White republic, public monuments and/or memorials looked like [this] or [this] or, even more grand, like [this]. They reflected White culture and White attitudes. Do you think that an ugly, steel blob made by an artist named Steinbergwitz reflects White culture? Should our public monuments be made by negroes or Mexicans?

[1] [Here] (see upper, right photo)

  • 23 Responses to “Concerning the Vanishing White Aesthetic”

    1. Ernst Blofeld Says:

      Excellent post! The two no talent kikes the Jewish cultural establishment are currently pushing in architecture are Daniel Libeskind and Frank Gehry. You will find their hideous buildings popping up in every major city. Particularly ugly is Libeskind’s Victoria and Albert Museum in London, the design of which caused an outcry of protest from all sectors of English society. These voices were dismissed as belonging to close minded individuals who weren’t forward thinking enough.
      Gehry has been largely bankrolled by the Jewish Pritzker family.

      The painter who has benefited most from the New York Jewish hype machine in the last couple decades is Julian Schnabel. He once exhibited a number of canvases that he dragged behind a jeep. The crudeness of his work has to be seen to be believed.

      It’s a staggeringly long list of Jews who have garnered acclaim if you factor in the fields of acting(David Schwimmer), photography(Cindy Sherman), literature(David Sedaris), music(Phillip Glass) to name but a few.

      The Jews used to toss in a handful of gentiles artists of questionable talent to be used as a cultural solvent but now they have elbowed nearly everyone out of the magazines, galleries and museums who isn’t a member of the tribe.

    2. Olde Dutch Says:

      When the moon hits you in the eye like a big pizza pie, itz amore.

    3. sfg Says:

      This is a very good thing. Show young people what America used to look like, what we used to value and think was beautiful. I lived in Richmond, VA from 1955 to 1967 when my father was a professor and Chairman of a dept. at the University of Richmond. God, that campus was the most beautiful campus I have ever seen.

      His first office was in the Chapel overlooking the lake. The library sat up on the opposite hill overlooking the lake as well. I used to give my friends tours of the campus (haha) and thought I was hot stuff. We used to feed the ducks and ice skate in the winter. We have home movies–it was almost deserted looking.

      Today, the UR campus looks like crap, overcrowded and ugly. But back in the fifties and sixties it was so gorgeous. Several times during the time we lived in Richmond, we took trips to Monticello. It was and is a beautiful place. I remember some of my father’s first students commenting that they thought it was one of the most beautiful places on earth.

      And the City of Richmond was a beautiful place as well. Of course, Richmond was a segregated city back then, so everywhere was safe and nice. Monument Avenue was a beautiful stately street. Don’t know what it looks like now. Haven’t been back in over fifteen years. The last time I went back it had been twenty years since I had been there.

      Young people nowadays just don’t have a CLUE what America was like back before segregation and immigration ruined everything. They just can’t imagine how wonderful life was–how wonderful life could be in this country.

      Keep showing these things–maybe we’ll wake some young people up who otherwise wouldn’t be awakened. At the very least, it’s nice to look at beautiful things for a change.

    4. Seasalt Says:

      How fitting that the ugly memorial is located in a park named after that ZOG tyrant Roosenfeld. He was a dictatorial big government liberal mass murdering warmongering piece of shit while he lived, and so he should have a piece of shit memorial on one of his parks.

      And screw his dyke feminist hag wife too.

      As for white architecture, nothing else compares. Have any of you ever really looked at “modern art”? There’s a scene in Ferris Bueller’s Day Off where they go to the metropolitan museum of art in Chicago. After the obligatory holding of hands and chain walking with the multicult kids, they show some of the modern art in the museum. It’s all ugly, haphazard, and of kindergarten hand painting quality you might see at a special needs school. The scene is a couple minutes long with a nice white song by The Smiths. But the art is just HORRENDOUS stuff. And the same holds true for the sculpture. How did we ever let ourselves be fooled by the kikes and their junk art? Maybe we didn’t. Juxtaposed to the junk art in the museum are those nice paintings and works by white men long since dead. They are, each and every, pleasant, pleasing to the eye, and ordered and good.

      The Jews truly are out polar opposites in every sense and in every way.

    5. Filles du Roi's Boi Says:

      Damn that M of H memorial is almost as ugly as that Holocaust thing in Berlin. On top of everything else, Jewish tyranny is really fucking boring. No wonder the Russians all became alcoholics. It’s all chaos and stupidity. Congress spends all its time faux debating the Jew’s war or trying to shove the various jew social destruction agendas down our throats when they when they should be doing something about stabilizing our energy supplies, meanwhile the dominant media spends all its time trying to tailor the jew agenda to appeal to the minds of twelve-year-olds. You find yourself wondering if it would be worthwhile to get a lobotomy, just to be able to have a conversation with a lemming for a change that wouldn’t have the inevitable MEGO ending. Sure, there are a few moderately interesting remnants left over from when this was a healthy White civilization, like NASA, but we see how well that’s functioning these days, and computers of course, but I can’t help but wonder if all the persistent glitches in the IT field would be as bad as they are if all the R&D departments were still overwhelmingly White. It’s all screwed up. It sure would be nice to drive down an L.A. freeway and see a sight like this http://preview.tinyurl.com/2pyogm again, instead of a filthy highway covered with shitskin litter and grafitti.

    6. Olde Dutch Says:

      Hitler was some what fractured in his taste and talent in art & design.

      On one hand Hitler creates the beautiful simplicity of the Volkswagen, a work that would make the Bauhaus envious. On the other hand, he works with Speer to build a grotesque neo-classical Palladian pile like Germania.

      Contrast Germania with Hitler’s home in the Bavarian Alps.

    7. Steve Says:

      Artist or ape: http://reverent.org/
      Check out the Pavel Jerdanowitch Painting Contest, in bottom right corner. He hoaxed the modern art world. A lot of people hate modern art if you point out disapproval of it in public. Fewer than maybe 20% will even defend it.

    8. America First Says:

      This is a crime and pure kikeadoodle insanity to have a MOH memorial like this, but perhaps it is only fitting considering how Whites at large have been duped in to dieing for nothing in so many wars that were against our own interest.

      As for the MOH see this.


    9. America First Says:

      correction for Web Site.


    10. lawrence dennis Says:

      There is a VNNF thread describing the apparent inherent inability of jews to create *anything* of lasting aesthetic value:


    11. lawrence dennis Says:

      Another story on modern “art” by John Stossel:

      Observers, Artists, Critics Rank Children’s Paintings With the Masters

      We ran a test.

      On ABCNews.com, we showed four reproductions of art works that are considered masterpieces of modern art along with six pieces that will never make it into any museum. We asked viewers to decide which work was art and which was not.

      I assumed the famous art would get the most votes if only because art lovers would recognize them, but they didn’t. Most got far fewer votes than the winner.

      The one that received the most votes as a “real” artwork was a piece of framed fabric “20/20” bought at a thrift store for $5.

      We also conducted the test with New Yorkers at Manhattan Mall. We asked people to tell us which artworks they’d expect to see in a museum. We included copies of the famous paintings, plus some other items.

      How do critics and curators decide which is art?

      How do they determine that Damien Hirst’s embalmed shark and sliced cow carcasses are art?

      Why is Willem de Kooning’s “A Tree in Naples,” which we included a reproduction of in our quiz, worth millions, when a more realistic looking landscape, done by elephants with paintbrushes in Thailand, is worth much less?

      More here:

    12. paki hater Says:

      pal is a disgusting word !!Why is that oh great orater, you say??? BHO PAL is a bhutanese style of architecture fro the BHO PAL region of PAKISTAN/INDIA region… Matter of fact the Roman Catholic Church of SWAMMI and U THANT created the PAY PAL credit system for your much needed USURY NEEDS !! GUNGA bin La DIN with a lease on life !!!

    13. brutus Says:

      Architecture and painting are analogous artistically

      Aesthetic expression ultimately exudes from the genes of a race thus revealing the essence of that race. This is self evident. However, the jew’s media allows them a closed and artificial environment in which to interpret aesthetic expressions to the masses and in so doing they present a plausible lie to those who see nothing else. The applause, glowing reviews and astronomically inflated price tags are all part convincing strategy of the lie.

      This the highest priced painting ever, sold for 142 million:


      More overpriced jew shit:


    14. lawrence dennis Says:

      This Age of the Jew will someday be known as the age of shit.

    15. sgruber Says:

      I’ve systematically purged my library and CD collection of anything jew-made. With each improvement, I felt my mind and soul growing in health and power.

      Although it is hard at first to find, for example, classical music performed by White gentiles, some of the greatest performances are by White gentiles. The best books are by Whites gentiles. The best paintings. The best architecture. The best design. The best thinking. And so on.

      This is all part of the process of “de-jewing.”

      “De-jewing” your entire life – from books to friends to jobs – is fundamental to improving your mental health, and increasing your White power.

      Just as we should get ourselves out of material hock to the jews, by getting out of debt; so we should get ourselves out of spiritual hock to the jews, by disconnecting cable TV (or throwing TV out completely), quitting those jobs where we must deal with jews, moving to Whiter “few-jew” areas, and UN-YIDDING generally.

      Rid yourself of humanoid hookworms, if you want to be stronger and more effective.

      As the man said,

      No jews, just right.

      And NO jews means ZERO jews.

    16. Hugh Lincoln Says:

      Who designed the Getty Museum in NYC? That thing is UGLY. I know the ugly piece of metal in front of One Police Plaza was made by a Jew.

    17. Petrarch Says:

      sgruber Says:

      I’ve systematically purged my library and CD collection of anything jew-made. With each improvement, I felt my mind and soul growing in health and power.

      Although it is hard at first to find, for example, classical music performed by White gentiles, some of the greatest performances are by White gentiles.


      I have had a similar feeling of “my mind and soul growing in health and power” as I de-jewed my classical music collection. I like to refer to my classical music collection as kosher free. Actually, I was jew-aware before I became a serious collector of classical music recordings, so I did not have to purge much. Prior to each purchase, if I’m not confident the recording is kosher free, I do research.

      I have become a collector of WW2 period, and the decade following, classical music recordings performed in Germany and Austria. Sure the sound quality of the old recordings in not great, but to know I listing to a performance of the highest order which can only be performed by all Aryan ensemble is … truth. These recordings show that there is no need for all the supposed jew and mongoloid “geniuses” imitators forced upon the world today. When I viewed the videos of performances I realized some of the most beautiful music was produced by a couple dozen White middle aged men one can see … truth. Look at the orchestra and you see absolutely no diversity. Many music critics will say that some of these recordings have never been surpassed. And why is that? Because the existence of an all Aryan male orchestra will never be permitted again as long as jew money control the symphony halls and opera houses.

      Bottom line, when you seriously start de-jewing, you will realize how, at best, the jew is an over (self) hyped parasite.

    18. Gerald E. Morris Says:

      How ironic that people on VNN decry rightly the kike, but then resort to invoking Founding Niggerfucker and Kikelover Tommy Jefferson’s abortion, Monticello as an exemplay of “white” architecture. Once again, we see how generic, rootless american “whiteness” obfuscates the jewry at its rotten core!

      Jefferson was a shameless judeophile, as were Washington and most of the other Founding Fuckups. Monticello was built on jew money, loaned to Tommy-boy for his service to them in creating the Kwa. he died owing them his fortune, and a brood of kikes wound up owning Massuh Jeff’sons monstrosity. They kept it out of small, but real gratitude to him.

      “Thomas Jefferson argued that the Great Seal of the United States should depict the Israelites, ‘led by a cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night’. George Washington claimed, in his inaugural address, that every step towards independence was ‘distinguished by some token of providential agency'”. CHOSEN PEOPLE – the Big Idea that shapes England and America, Hodder Headline, Clifford Longley, 08/22/2002, http://homepage.ntlworld.com/clifford.longley/

      Washington was bad enough, and by no means exceptional. For real scabby-kneed kikeophilia though, one must examine cases like Tommy Jefferson. How many of you know that “the sage of Monticello” [8] wrote as he did about religion and laws pertaining to it with the goal of bringing this modern America-cult into being and that he confided this to one of his jew buddies, Mordecai M. Noah?

      “Montpelier, May 15

      Sir: I have received your letter of the sixth, with the eloquent discourse delivered at the consecration of the Synagogue. Having ever regarded the freedom of religious opinions and worship as equally belonging to every sect, and the secure enjoyment of it as the best human provision for bringing all, either into the same way of thinking, or into that mutual charity which is the only proper substitute, I observe with pleasure the view you give of the spirit in which your sect partake of the common blessings afforded by our Government and laws.”

      He fawns on, noting to jew Noah that:

      “More remains to be done,
      for altho’ we are free by
      the law, we are not so in

      From the Ends of the Earth: Judaic Treasures of the Library of Congress: The Author of the Declaration and the Architect of the Constitution, Abraham J. Karp, Library of Congress, 1991. http://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jsource/loc/madison.html

      Until The (Bowel) Movement gets over this “Founding Jewloverism” cult and recognizes and ADMITS that america never has been anything BUT a big jew plantation, nothing significant for the Aryan Race will be achieved. America MUST DIE if our Race is to live. Get your heads out of the assholes of senile kahnservatives people.


      Gerald Edward Patrick Morris

    19. Gerald E. Morris Says:

      How nauseatingly ironic that you would use Tommy kikelover Jefferson’s Monticello as an example of anything but the monument to jewry that it is! Jefferson spent his whole career in service to jewry, like the rest of the Founding Niggerfuckers. He was so exceptionally of service to them that they even loaned him the money to build his fantasy house, in which he could fuck his nigger concubine Sally Hemmings, and entertain his rabbinical pals.

      Jefferson wound up so deeply indebted to his Shylocks that his worthless family lost Monticello to them. In a rare show of gratitude to their investment in Jefferson, kikes acquired Monticello, renovated it and maintain it today. Read on and look at just what kind of judeophile filth Massuh Jeff’son was.

      For openers, he would have decorated american currency with their totems, like the coinage of the by then defunct (thanx to jews) Polish empire:

      “Thomas Jefferson argued that the Great Seal of the United States should depict the Israelites, ‘led by a cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night’. George Washington claimed, in his inaugural address, that every step towards independence was ‘distinguished by some token of providential agency'”.

      CHOSEN PEOPLE – the Big Idea that shapes England and America, Hodder Headline, Clifford Longley, 08/22/2002, http://homepage.ntlworld.com/clifford.longley/

      Washington was bad enough, and by no means exceptional. For real scabby-kneed kikeophilia though, one must examine cases like Tommy Jefferson. How many of you know that “the sage of Monticello” [8] wrote as he did about religion and laws pertaining to it with the goal of bringing this modern America-cult into being and that he confided this to one of his jew buddies, Mordecai M. Noah?

      “Montpelier, May 15

      Sir: I have received your letter of the sixth, with the eloquent discourse delivered at the consecration of the Synagogue. Having ever regarded the freedom of religious opinions and worship as equally belonging to every sect, and the secure enjoyment of it as the best human provision for bringing all, either into the same way of thinking, or into that mutual charity which is the only proper substitute, I observe with pleasure the view you give of the spirit in which your sect partake of the common blessings afforded by our Government and laws.”

      He fawns on, noting to jew Noah that:

      “More remains to be done,
      for altho’ we are free by
      the law, we are not so in

      From the Ends of the Earth: Judaic Treasures of the Library of Congress: The Author of the Declaration and the Architect of the Constitution, Abraham J. Karp, Library of Congress, 1991. http://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jsource/loc/

      And such a character you would have us admire? No wonder “The (Bowel) Movement” doesn’t get anywhere further than agitating some darkies!

      Until Aryans living in this continent cure themselves of this artificial, jew-masonic contrived, rootless generic american “whiteness” and return to their Aryan roots, nothing Revolutionary will come from them. They will continue to wring their hands in kahnservative “horror” at the depredations of the kikes, and then die indebted to their Shylocks and Shysters, like jefferson.


      Gerald Edward Patrick* Morris

      *I now sign my name including my Confirmation Name in celebration of my return to the True Faith and gratitude to God for opening my eyes to the false ways of america, the synagogue of Satan.

    20. sfg Says:

      Well said, sgruber. I’ve thought about doing just that with my books and music and movies. I’d probably end up with about five in each category, so it will be a job. Seriously, not that drastic, but it will certainly clear things out.

    21. Irish Observer Says:

      A website pertinent to this thread:


      Like most White people, they decry the destruction of that which is their chosen specialisation & close to their hearts, without ever seeing that it is but another symptom of a much more widespread rot.

      A subtle but well-structured email might nudge them in the right direction.

    22. Petrarch Says:

      Aristotle, Dante, Newton, Jefferson, Gauss, Beethoven, Darwin, Dostoevsky, Wagner, Nietzsche, Hitler, Pierce, etc, all said, wrote, believed and promoted things that today we know are wrong and even seemingly stupid. The greatness of these Aryans is not based on the mistakes but the insights their genius, their genes, produced.

      Newton was a religious fanatic, but is fact does not in the slightest impact his reputation his reputation as the greatest scientist of all time. Even with America pathetic education system, the average high school student could recognize Newton’s alchemy work as ridicules.

      Who profits from highlighting the mistakes of a great Aryan? Certainly not a single Aryan!

      Just think about it, no other race has even come close to producing the quality of the MEN produced by the White race.


    23. bob Says:

      hi nice post, i enjoyed it