26 July, 2007

Bye, Bye Local Authority

Posted by Socrates in federal power, immigration, immigration bills/laws, Socrates at 9:16 pm | Permanent Link

It happens routinely: a city or state creates a law to deal with illegal immigrants, but a federal judge voids it:


  • 9 Responses to “Bye, Bye Local Authority”

    1. Steve Says:

      Decreasing the size and scope of the federal govt is a parallel method to overcome the jewish stranglehold, but has more diverse support. Taking away their ability to override local control will inevitably lead to the resurrection of the natural white political will. I believe there’s only 1 presidential candidate who fits the ideal, Ron Paul.

    2. nick Says:

      I have to give props to you Ron Paul people. You are everywhere on the net.

    3. Kievsky Says:

      I think that the US government is going broke with the failure of the dollar, the massive debt to the Chinese, and peak oil. I’m looking forward to the day when the US government can’t afford to answer the telephone, much less dictate to local people who are hundreds or even thousands of miles from Washington DC.

      I think this is coming. It’s going to be a hard life, but at least we won’t have ZOG burrocrats on our backs.

    4. Ed Watts Says:

      I understand that the basis for the judge’s decision was his belief that “…immigration is a Federal issue and should be enforced only at the border…” (not a direct quote, but the essence of his decision). If this were true, then robbing banks, which is a Federal crime, would not be prosecutable if the bank robber was able to get out of the door after collecting his loot.

      I cannot make any sense at all out of these court decisions which are ruining our once-proud nation unless I look at the larger picture, which makes everything quite logical. This larger picture is, of course, the destruction of America as it was once constituted. It will soon be too late to effect change because the government is becoming too large and powerful.

      Any attempt too rein in Big Brother using the system is met with court challenges and, eventually, losses — because the government owns the courts. Although I don’t like the thought of it, it seems that the people, if they are to succeed, must regain the country by means of force. The Founders saw that such things become necessary from time to time.

      The brainwashing we all receive in the state-run schools teaches us that those brave Americans rose up agains the nasty British and threw them out. In fact, there were no “Americans” at the time; the “revolution” was exactly that: British citizens rising up against their own government in order to cast off the yoke of oppression. Well, today we are more heavily taxed, and we have absolutely no representation in our government. Indeed, our government frequently, if not usually, makes decisions and establishes policies which are in direct conflict with what we, the people, want and request.

      It is again time.

    5. Ed Watts Says:

      Sorry about the typo.

    6. Filles du Roi's Boi Says:

      Whites gave ZOG a free hand to pulls stunt like this when they allowed themselves to be cowed into not resisting the kike’s racial equality lies, mostly because they had the option of moving away from niggers. With these filthy Mexicans infesting every corner of America that option is disappearing. Now the question is, will Whites take a stand. If the Freeper types are any example, it doesn’t look good. Fat, bovine baby boomers so desperate to prove they’re not racist they align themselves with the likes of this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ted_Hayes
      Well, we’re just going to have to push those failed fucks to the side and handle this issue the way it should have been handled from the beginning; racially. Like the Captain in Cool Hand Luke said when the Sheriff asked about getting the mortally wounded Luke to a hospital; “Git outa the way. He’s ours.” The way to deal with this is with White Nationalism, not with that “illegal” crap that can disappear with just one amnesty vote.

    7. MB Says:

      “Local authority” has been nothing but a sham, a temporary ‘granted permission’, since 1865. Where’ve you folks been?

    8. VNN Reader Says:

      Creating a central government was the single biggest mistake the Founding Fathers ever made. There NEVER should’ve been a central government at all.

      Now the Europeans are making the same dumb mistake with respect to the so-called “European Union”. Formerly independent European countries are being robbed of their sovereignty by unaccountable NWO puppets.

    9. Ed Keiser Says:

      I live near the town of Hazelton and let me say the that intrusion of the A.C.L.U. and the Federal Courts is this matter is unconscionable. The people of this tiny town have spoken and what they want is nothing more than the return of their city. Crime in Hazelton was nearly non existant before the mexican/latin invasion. Now, this area is overun with drugs, gangs and the violence these brown degenerates bring with them. It’s very sad. The will of the people continues to be subverted at all levels of government. Mexican criminals running wild in the streets and brown gangs everywhere destroying major American cities at will yet WE THE PEOPLE are powerless to stop it. First our so called leaders fail us now they have abandoned us altogether. What is the future of the White Man in America?