17 July, 2007

BBC Allows One Paragraph of Jew-Truth on Message Board, Yids Gnash and Howl

Posted by alex in Britain, media control at 4:11 pm | Permanent Link

Jewish groups are upset with the BBC, which has refused to remove an offensive posting placed on one of its Web message boards.

According to the Jerusalem Post, the message on the BBC Radio Web site was posted after a showing of a TV program on anti-Semitism that aired on England’s Channel Four network last week.

The message was posted by someone using the alias “Iron Naz.” It reads: “Zionism is a racist ideology where jews [sic] are given supremacy over all other races and faiths. This is found in the Talmud. There is a law called Baba Mezia which allows jews to lie as long as its to non-jews. Many pro jewish supporters will cringe at this being exposed because they know it exists, yet they keep quiet about it, hey frip, jla and co [the aliases of other people taking part in the discussion]. The Law of Baba Mezia!! Tsk tsk tsk! It’s in the Talmud.”

When a number of Jewish groups asked the BBC to remove the posting, the station replied: “We have decided that it does not contravene the House Rules and are going to leave it on the site…”


  • 8 Responses to “BBC Allows One Paragraph of Jew-Truth on Message Board, Yids Gnash and Howl”

    1. Olde Dutch Says:

      Remember, four or five years ago, when the American Jewish Committee published the passage on their website from the Talmud in which the jews admit to killing Jesus Christ. VNN was one of the two or three news outlets broadcasting the story.

    2. sicily Says:

      What’s the difference, jews, roman, arab, gleeks, ethiopians, armenians, berbers they are all the same .. White people CANNOT live in that HEAT !!!! It’s all bullshit !!

    3. Irish warrior Says:

      You DUMB Knuckleheads!!! St. Brigid warned all of you who the people were that were going to destroy the Ancient IRISH FAITH…. Read your damn history !!SHEESH !!!

    4. cliff Says:

      I have tried many times to post anti-zionist truth with limited success–well done BBC radio in this instance. Too bad they do not print the truth on a daily basis.

      I encourage people to try and be clever and slip the truth in where ever possible. It is worth the effort.

      Thanks for the article Alex, very interesting.

    5. confederate Says:


      in order to defeat the jew one must out jew the jew. no?
      the only technique that will work; jewdo (judo).

    6. Anti Says:

      To hell with “anti-Zionist” remarks. Soft words for soft heads.

      I’ve tried a dozen times over the past three or four years to slip by an ANTI-JEW remark, direct and indirect, veiled and naked, humorous and deadly serious, not one made it through, naturally. BBC is an exhaustingly leftish outlet. Every time you turn on NPR for their “World Service”, the first thing you hear is: “A bomb in central Gaz(er) exploded today….”

      Twisting it as “zionist racism” is no more helpful than the Jewish metanarrative itself. People who harp on it are either softheads, or desperate WNs who think it will get people ready for their big “Itz coming.” OF COURSE they will leave the remark on the site — THEY ARE INVARIABLY ANTI-ZIONIST THEMSELVES.

    7. 1st waterboarding Says:

      wonder if ole ted kennedy is up for a few to many toasts today ?? Mary Jo probably would like to attend, but, alas today is her death day !!! What a disgraceful SOB to the IRISH and their people… His asshole kin schwartzenegger,the kennedy clone, and another KENNEDY JR. spoiled brat, are behind the GLOBAL Climate BULLSHIT !!! Whomever ole ted sold out to ,to get his drunken ass off the hook, must have been some POWERFUL WIZARD OF OZ behind that curtin…Reckon he was one of the flying monkeys ??

    8. Bill Says:

      I don’t understand how this is “Anti-Semitic”? It is simply stating a fact. By calling it “Anti-Semitic”, they are proving the remarks are indeed accurate.