Immigrant Amnesty Bill Fails in Senate
Posted by Socrates in immigration, immigration bills/laws, Socrates at 2:59 pm | 
It looks like there will be no amnesty for illegal immigrants until after the November 2008 elections:
28 June, 2007 at 3:30 pm
Woohoo! Hal Turner does it again!
28 June, 2007 at 5:22 pm
I guess no violence yet. Did the jews and traitors get scaired? Did they know about the threats? Last night I went on youtube and posted a shitload of provocative comments refering people to VNN and WVWN. On this video that had like 50 people a minute viewing called stand up for world peace I said stand up for world peace stop jewish power.
28 June, 2007 at 5:48 pm
Great, for a couple of reasons. One, it’s great to see that moron in the WH pissed off. Now, whoever’s got that photo of him and a donkey taken during a lost weekend in Mexico might decide that there’s no longer any need to keep it hidden.
Two, all the anti-illegal immigrant laws being passed by state and local governments will remain viable. I think those are the areas where we can be most effective legislatively, because I expect Chertoff the Kike to scale back what little stepped-up enforcement there’s been lately now that this bill has failed. Nothing short of a real threat of impeachment will force Bush to secure the borders, and that’s not going to happen. I’d use state and local laws to push these arrogant beaners out of one community after another after another until they’re all concentrated into limited areas that then become so overwhelmed they can no longer provide any reasons for them to stay here in the states. It sure would be nice to be on the offensive with these taco-benders for a change.
28 June, 2007 at 6:40 pm
You wrote: “It looks like there will be no amnesty for illegal immigrants until after the November 2008 elections.”
It’s nice to see someone even more cynical than myself.
28 June, 2007 at 7:32 pm
yep, temporary victory. The war is still going to continue. These scum will continue to spout “democracy” out of their mouths, yet spew plutocratic enriching dictats out their ass. Those scum in DC still need an attitude adjustment.
29 June, 2007 at 9:23 am
I’m glad as hell that the current amnesty legislation is dead, but all of you are absolutely right–this shit will return sooner or later in another form.
This morning on the radio I think I heard this right: Georgia Senator Chambliss (one of the crafters of the Senate bill but who ultimately voted no only because his constituents screamed so loudly) said that he hoped that those who were against this current “Immigration Bill” would offer some positive suggestions of what we COULD do and not just complain about the bill itself.
And I thought to myself: you damned lying conniving SOB–you would have rammed this bill through if it weren’t for the absolute outcry from Georgians–have the nerve to act as if we have no other option BUT to pass nonsense like this under the guise of “comprehensive immigration reform”.
If I wasn’t convinced before that these elected officials (with few exceptions) are dedicated to one thing and one thing only: their continued power and the financial gains of their contributors who are becoming millionaires at the expense of this country–I am certainly convinced now.
I think most people are of the opinion now that both Chambliss and Isakson MUST GO next election regardless of what their final vote was on this bill. At least this is my opinion. And I’m going to look long and hard at the people who want to replace them.
I have no confidence, however, that their replacements will be any better than they have been.
Washington continues to do to us what Letalvis and Lemarcus did to poor Christopher. I say this with a heavy heart and rejuvenated resolve to continue to fight this fight for the integrity of this country.
I am seeing some teeny weeny small lights of hope in some of the media. I do mean SMALL. But anything better is good. Don’t know if this is a trend or what. The editor of the county paper recently wrote an editorial about all the criminals in the NFL. Of course, it was the two ton elephant in the room–RACE–that he didn’t mention, but they showed a picture of Adam “Pacman” Jones in the article. The article was entitled “NFL players fill police blotter”.
And Bill Shipp recently wrote a column where he talked about the fuss being made about the so-called “injustice” done to DRUM ROLL PLEASE……..Genarlo Wilson……black rapist. Bill Shipp rightly comments that all the people, black and white, liberal and conservative, who are coming to his aid need to rethink their position. Genarlo Wilson didn’t just have “oral sex” with someone. He and his buddies were shown on tape gangraping a white 17 year old female in a hotel room. I’m sure you guys know this story. He is shown anally raping the 17 year old white girl who is so drunk she can’t fight him off. Somehow, EVERYONE has forgotten this small fact.
Genarlow Wilson, rapist, is just where he deserves to be: in Jail for ten years. And wouldn’t you know it: the Atlanta Urinal shows his picture in his prom tuxedo when they do a story on him.
It’s things like this that make me gain further resolve to fight even harder in this war for America. And for WHITE PEOPLE.
29 June, 2007 at 12:26 pm
Victory? One small step… The beaners continue to cross the border every day, and until stronger measures are taken, nothing will change. I think many Americans would take up arms along the border and push back, if it were not for fear of our OWN government. We’re not afraid of the beaners; hell, we’ve beaten them before! It’s the system that’s in our way.
29 June, 2007 at 7:42 pm
Keep on screaming. This war is not over until we get every last illegal out of this country. After 30 years of invasion, they think we are lame and will eventually give up. Keep after your Senators and keep screaming at the ones who refuse to listen. We need a pro-active Congress and a pro-active enforcement 24/7/365 to get them to do what we want, not what the jews want.
29 June, 2007 at 8:45 pm
Our “victory” is only temporary. Tonight Fox News interviewed some talking head who said “hispanics” will punish both parties for not passing this bill. It would have been racist and hateful to say that whites will punish both parties if this bill had passed because we simply don’t count in the eyes of the media elites. Radical spic Juan Hernandez said he and his ilk will work day and night until “immigration reform”, i.e., amnesty and special privileges for non-white illegals is passed.
This problem is far from over, and all this means is that the status quo of 1 million illegals annually and 1 million “legal” immigrants will continue to lessen the percentage of whites in this country. Until illegals are forced to go home and there is a moratorium on legal immigration we are not winning.
Whites better be prepared to defend themselves and even go on the offensive because the police won’t protect you when third world violence and mayhem come to a locale near you.
29 June, 2007 at 11:43 pm
Let’s do the math. Latest MSM statistics say that in the age group 40-and-under, the US is already less than half white. Then add 20 plus million illegal muds, plus the 50 million annual foreign visitors, the vast majority of whom are muds, then it’s plain to see whites are less than half the number of people in the U.S. on any given day.
Shit, truth be known, I think we’re down to about 40-45 percent. And dropping rapidly.
30 June, 2007 at 10:53 am
IMO, the situation would have gotten dramatically worse had this bill passed. Illegals would have been legalized overnight, which would have made it next to impossible for any states or municipalities to draft legislation to protect their citizens. That doesn’t mean that the war’s over, it just makes it a little easier to fight back. Forget about any help from FedZog for the time being, stopping crap like this is about the best we can do there, but If we can chase these greasy squats from state to state, (Joo wanna sanctuary city, mofo? Here, here’s 5 million broke-ass, diseased Mexicans for ya to deal with!) it’ll help to preserve White living space, and possibly be a backdoor way to create White homelands, as our people flee the parts of the country that are beginning to smell like a Mexican toilet. Here’s an article from Tulsa that illustrates what can be done along those lines:
Future State Law: Fiscal Impact Now: State immigration law cuts into Hispanic trade
By LEIGH BELL World Staff Writer
Business owners say their customers are shying away, but the law’s author says that’s the goal.
Car dealer Jorge Figueroa said he can hardly sell a car because of a state immigration law that doesn’t even go into effect until November.
Rep. Randy Terrill, R-Moore, the lawmaker who wrote House Bill 1804 to force illegal immigrants out of Oklahoma says he isn’t very sympathetic and the law does exactly what it’s supposed to.
Figueroa, who owns Universal Vehicle Sales on 11th Street and who says most of his customers are Hispanic, said he sold one car last month, compared to the usual 10 or 15 cars a week.
Customers are frightened by the law and aren’t spending their money, he said.
Figueroa, who moved to the United States from Mexico 14 years ago and says he is a legal permanent resident, had considered opening a second car lot in Tulsa. Now, he might take that new business to a neighboring state.
Or maybe return to Mexico with his wife and three daughters, who are U.S. citizens.
“People are scared of the new law,” Figueroa said. “They are trying to save money to move to another state or back to Mexico.”
Estevan Torres at Azteka Motor is experiencing a similar effect at his two car lots in town. He said sales are down by 50 percent. Some 90 percent of his customers are Hispanic, he added.
“Sometimes they’re returning cars or trading in for a cheaper one so they can move out of the state,” said Torres, who claims U.S. citizenship.
“Or they try to refund it.”
Torres said he also had considered opening another location in town but now will likely do it in another state.
Other car dealers in the area said sales were down but not to such an extent. One blamed gas prices, not the immigration law.
Terrill said people shouldn’t profit off illegal immigrants.
“It’s ill-gotten gain that they never should have received in the first place,” he said.
“To that extent, I’m not real sympathetic to their plight.”
Gov. Brad Henry signed the immigration bill in early May. It addresses illegal immigration in many ways, including ways to prevent illegal immigrants from getting public benefits and jobs.
1 July, 2007 at 3:55 am
IMO, the situation would have gotten dramatically worse had this bill passed. Illegals would have been legalized overnight, which would have made it next to impossible for any states or municipalities to draft legislation to protect their citizens. That doesn’t mean that the war’s over, it just makes it a little easier to fight back. Forget about any help from FedZog for the time being, stopping crap like this is about the best we can do there, but If we can chase these greasy squats from state to state, (Joo wanna sanctuary city, mofo? Here, here’s 5 million broke-ass, diseased Mexicans for ya to deal with!) it’ll help to preserve White living space, and possibly be a backdoor way to create White homelands, as our people flee the parts of the country that are beginning to smell like a Mexican toilet. Here’s an article from Tulsa that illustrates what can be done along those lines:
Future State Law: Fiscal Impact Now: State immigration law cuts into Hispanic trade
By LEIGH BELL World Staff Writer
Business owners say their customers are shying away, but the law’s author says that’s the goal.
Car dealer Jorge Figueroa said he can hardly sell a car because of a state immigration law that doesn’t even go into effect until November.
Rep. Randy Terrill, R-Moore, the lawmaker who wrote House Bill 1804 to force illegal immigrants out of Oklahoma says he isn’t very sympathetic and the law does exactly what it’s supposed to.
Figueroa, who owns Universal Vehicle Sales on 11th Street and who says most of his customers are Hispanic, said he sold one car last month, compared to the usual 10 or 15 cars a week.
Customers are frightened by the law and aren’t spending their money, he said.
Figueroa, who moved to the United States from Mexico 14 years ago and says he is a legal permanent resident, had considered opening a second car lot in Tulsa. Now, he might take that new business to a neighboring state.
Or maybe return to Mexico with his wife and three daughters, who are U.S. citizens.
“People are scared of the new law,” Figueroa said. “They are trying to save money to move to another state or back to Mexico.”
Estevan Torres at Azteka Motor is experiencing a similar effect at his two car lots in town. He said sales are down by 50 percent. Some 90 percent of his customers are Hispanic, he added.
“Sometimes they’re returning cars or trading in for a cheaper one so they can move out of the state,” said Torres, who claims U.S. citizenship.
“Or they try to refund it.”
Torres said he also had considered opening another location in town but now will likely do it in another state.
Other car dealers in the area said sales were down but not to such an extent. One blamed gas prices, not the immigration law.
Terrill said people shouldn’t profit off illegal immigrants.
“It’s ill-gotten gain that they never should have received in the first place,” he said.
“To that extent, I’m not real sympathetic to their plight.”
Gov. Brad Henry signed the immigration bill in early May. It addresses illegal immigration in many ways, including ways to prevent illegal immigrants from getting public benefits and jobs.
S. Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham revealed their thinking on this when he released a statement Thursday that said, in part: “I worry that local and state governments will begin to act more aggressively and create a hodge-podge of laws.”
Busted! THAT’S why they wanted these walking turds legalized! I sure hope the Sons of the South send this SOB packing when he’s up for reelection in 2008.
1 July, 2007 at 12:31 pm
Had an email argument with some email correspondents at work. One said it was reid’s bill, not bushy’s bill.
au contraire, bushy’s bill all the way. mr. president jew tool.
thing is, the jew-stablishment is hurting now. no bill. no real id. scotus slaps libs down. i believe tptb will lash out somehow. false flag? kill the browns (up in nh)?