27 June, 2007

History Repeating Itself

Posted by Socrates in Iran, jewed foreign policy, Socrates, tikkun olam at 2:38 pm | Permanent Link

Concerning the Iran Counter-Proliferation Act, a bill from Jewish congressman Tom Lantos [1]. Significantly, the same thing happened to Germany just before World War II, i.e., anti-German sanctions were put into place by the U.S. for the benefit of world Jewry [2]:


[1] the Lantos bill, H.R.1400: [Here]

[2] an example of pre-war anti-German sanctions: [Here]

  • One Response to “History Repeating Itself”

    1. lawrence dennis Says:

      Just part of a much larger ongoing effort of the “tribe that loves to hate” to get even more Americans to “fight and die for them” as they continue to “rule the world by proxy.”

      See: http://www.haaretz.com/hasen/spages/872761.html


      Last update – 19:05 19/06/2007

      Netanyahu departs for U.S. in bid to increase pressure on Iran
      By Barak Ravid, Haaretz Correspondent

      Opposition leader and Likud Chairman Benjamin Netanyahu on Tuesday will embark for the U.S. on a visit aimed at increasing financial sanctions against Iran to get it to drop its nuclear program.

      During his visit, Netanyahu is slated to meet a New York State financial official, asking him to withdraw or freeze hundreds of millions of dollars the state pension funds have invested in Iran.

      Netanyahu will then arrive in Washington where he will meet for talks on the Iranian issue with Vice President Dick Cheney, Democratic Party presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton, and Republican Party presidential hopeful Fred Thompson.

      The Likud chairman was recently involved in Florida’s State assembly’s passing a law sanctioning investments in Iran.

      Before Prime Minister Ehud Olmert departed for Washington, Netanyahu met with him to inform him of his efforts.