Edgar J. Steele on the Radio (Thursday)
Posted by Socrates in Edgar Steele, radio, Socrates at 4:42 pm | Permanent Link
Edgar J. Steele writes: “Tomorrow morning (Thursday, June 28) I will be cohosting a two-hour Internet radio show with Michael Badnarick (including live local broadcasts in some areas of the country) on the We The People Radio Network (www.WTPRN.com). Please listen in, from 8 am – 10 am EDT (that’s 5 am – 7 am, Pacific time) via the following Internet link:
Michael and I will be delighted to take your calls during the show, as well – the call-in number will be given on the air.”
27 June, 2007 at 5:39 pm
I like Edgar’s personal internet broadcasts, but I think he excels when he can interact with others. Looking forward to it.