11 June, 2007

Comparing Putin and Bush

Posted by Socrates in AmeriKwa, globalization, New World Order, Russia, Socrates at 4:45 pm | Permanent Link

Putin: “If someone wants to turn the G8 into an exclusive club for a few members who will try to resolve humanity’s problems among themselves, I think that no good will come of it.” It seems that Putin doesn’t embrace the idea of playing global interloper like AmeriKwa does. And why should he? How would that be good for Russia? Putin thinks locally, while Bush thinks globally. Globalism is a dangerous, international ideology which has caused Western countries lots of trouble, and Putin – a former KGB intelligence agent – is smart enough to know it. (In fact, in his farewell address of 1796, George Washington warned against America becoming involved in foreign matters, especially political ones):


  • 4 Responses to “Comparing Putin and Bush”

    1. jim Says:

      ‘Comparing Putin and Bush’

      There is no comparison.

      One is a real man. The other, a marionette on the string of Big Jew.

    2. dq Says:

      The article is very long and I intend to read all of it (I have only read about half of it so far). From what I have heard so far putin is a great man we can only hope that the next president will be as good as he is or maybe even beter.

    3. Logic88 Says:

      I read this yesterday and Putin rocks! I’ve been following him for a few years now trying to figure out his angles. I could be wrong, but my feeling is he knows the score with Jews and he acts against them, but he doesn’t speak against them. He doesn’t have to speak out. He has the power to do what he wants and to speak out against them would only make him an easy target for Western kike-controlled media. Look at the clarity, depth and out and out Aryan simplicity in the president of Russia’s replies. He even makes sarcastic jokes which cut to the heart of the truth. When he says someone is incompetent or stupid, he’s absolutely correct.

      An American president like Putin? No f’ing way. The closest thing we have to even a chance at that is Patrick Buchanan, and I mean intellectually and charismatically. Of course, Buchanan’s screwed up because he’s too old and missed his chance, and besides, he copped out on his any racial principles, if he ever had any. And forget about Ron Paul. Yeah, he’s pretty smart and has the right view on a lot of issues, but his charisma is low and he is FOR multi-racialism and not a racist at all. No, despite all the good men we have here — Kevin MacDonald, Hutton Gibson, Alex Linder and a few others come to mind — AmeriKwa just doesn’t have the racial stock of the Europeans, especially the Germans and Russians.

      Back to Putin… the man is a true statesman as Hitler was. I think the only time he plays the “politician” is when he’s making remarks about certain agendas and beliefs. Such as “democracy” or the infectious diseases problems in Africa. Someone as smart as him knows that definitions are everything and playing word games with “authoritarian” and the like are just tricks of the trade. He has shown that there’s nothing wrong with authoritarianism as he’s acted in the best interests of his people just like Hitler. Not saying he’s perfect. Neither was Hitler. But we won’t see his like for a while. Wish he could be president of the United States next.

    4. expat Says:

      Good article at Takimag: