29 April, 2007

The Only Good Nigger is a Dead Nigger

Posted by alex in Alex Linder at 5:59 pm | Permanent Link

Thought you might enjoy this one, Alex. Comes complete with pic of the nigger.


White trash – see how common the term is in the captured media: used in SF, LA papers in the last couple days; in a report in Australia, in a major news source in Australia; in multiple mainstream sources in the UK. Not one of these papers, of course, would use the term nigger.

[Google news search: “white trash”]

Can’t do anything about the real problem? Then curse white trash. It’s safer that way. You’ll feel better, and the jews who prevent us from doing something about niggers won’t throw you in prison.

Nigger crime is the symptom, JEW IS THE DISEASE.

  • 6 Responses to “The Only Good Nigger is a Dead Nigger”

    1. Kalki Says:

      Niggers being niggers.


    2. squest Says:

      Watch this news video, where they give a complete(?) description of the suspect, then ask the public for help with identification.

      Oops! They again forgot to mention THE RACE of this subhuman Negro beast [of course]. How do they ever expect to actually capture this animal, when they only give an incomplete description? Just more proof of a conspiracy, one designed to consistently cover-up the true violent nature of Negro crime.

      According to the US Department of Justice, Negroes murder at a rate 700% higher than Whites. SEVEN HUNDRED PERCENT HIGHER! This kind of negligent reporting practice even occurs with my local (Des Moines, Iowa) media outlets, where they will often show surveillance footage of the crime being committed, footage clearly indicating that in most cases the perpetrator is indeed Negro, however in the printed or verbal account of the crime, no mention of RACE is ever made!

      In 2004, offending rates for blacks were 7 times higher than the rates for whites (7 times higher represents a 700% increase over the White murder rate)

      Do not forget that violence is never required when mugging a 101 year old woman. Violence is simply the very nature of the Negro!

    3. squest Says:


      Here’s a typical White racist hater. We need more Jew sponsored “anti-hate” laws to protect those benign, gentle and loving (but misunderstood) Black people from hate-filled White guys like this! ;o) Just kidding. ;o)

      “No Bail for Suspected Queens Granny Mugger”

    4. squest Says:

      Let me show you guys something.
      then click on the following names…

      Race White
      ATTEMPT TO COMMIT MURDER $75,000 Cash or Surety

      Race White
      INDECENT EXPOSURE $1,950 Cash or Surety

      Even here in Iowa, they are classifying Mexicans as “White” in order to artificially inflate the statistical number of “White criminals”. In some of these cases they include a picture of the inmate, so that anyone may clearly identify that THEY ARE NOT WHITE!

    5. Devlin Says:

      I was wondering why these people who are convicted, says that their race is white when their last names are of hispanic. It sounds to me that who ever is doing the statistics is clearly fixing the statistics to benefit themselves and thier own beliefs onto others.

    6. TheUnknownSoldier Says:

      You are right. Those are a bunch of beaners. Leave the white folks alone, sure there are white fuck ups, but they’ll go down with the niggers too. Goddamnit. Fucking I hate everyone.