O’MEARA: Disastrous Harvest: Le Pen’s Worst Score in 26 Years
Posted by alex in Europe, France, Michael O'Meara at 12:54 am | 
by Michael O’Meara
Tonight in Washington, Brussels, and Tel Aviv
champagne glasses are being raised to toast the
System’s triumph.
For the first round of the French presidential
election went exactly as programmed. The two System
candidates — the socialist Ségolène Royal and the
cohnservative Nicolas Sarkozy (one favored by the U.S.
Democratic Party, the other by U.S. neocons) — will
now go on to the second round of June 6, when it is to
be decided which of the two will take possession of
the Elysée. The System prefers Sarko, but Ségo will
also serve their interests — which is how the
democratic process works in liberal-Jewish
But the real news for nationalists is that their hero
— Jean Marie Le Pen of the National Front — went
down to a humiliating defeat, his worse showing since
1981 and a pathetic end to a rather extraordinary
political career.
The System, of course, does not tolerate real
opposition. Its media and financial powers are all
arrayed against whoever resists its wholesale
liquidation of the white race, as are the vast array
of left-wing, anti-racist, and Zionist organizations
responsible for policing the opposition. Even the
innocuous Vlamm Bloc, which purged its language, bowed
to the established gods, and raised an occasional
glass to the Chosen, were outlawed (November 2004) for
refusing to sell out the cultural, historic, and
genetic interests of Dutch-speaking Belgium. The
present NF leadership has learned nothing from this.
Guided by Le Pen’s daughter, Marine, and by the
modernizers she’s installed in the party’s political
bureau, the NF decided to play by the rules and
appease the System’s subversions, surreptitiously
defending whatever it could of the nation’s heritage.
In this spirit, it reached out to multiracial France
with promises of assimilation; backed off its former
Catholic opposition to homosexual marriage and
abortion; abandoned in the name of Jacobinism the
Breton, Alsatian, Corsican and other regionalists,
representing the micro-nations undergirding “la Grande
Nation;” pretended that Islam and the Muslim hordes
transforming the country weren’t really a problem;
alienated and demonized those numerous nationalists
who refused to go along with the modernization;
portrayed itself as a friend of the Jews; and, not
least, substituted a “jus soli” (residency) concept of
nationality for a “jus sanguinis” (blood) one. All
this was done, it turns out, for nothing.
Instead of making the National Front more marketable,
these “modernizations” made it only more like the
System’s other fabrications — minus their vast
advertizing revenues. They also obviously alienated
the party’s historic core constituency.
As I write, an hour after the balloting, the final
scores are still not in. But it’s already obvious
that Le Pen did not win more than 11 or 12 percent of
the vote, coming in fourth among the four leading
candidates. Five years ago he had almost 18 percent
(19 percent if you count what Mégret brought to the
party). And in the last five years increasingly large
swaths of the French population have been alienated
from the System and were obviously looking for an
That Le Pen did so poorly had, to be sure, something
to do with the way the System managed to recuperate
his key themes. But above all it reflects on Le Pen
himself and the misculation of the modernizers, who
sacrificed the NF’s most defining, and mobilizing,
principles on the altar of expediency and compromise.
As Le Pen’s nationalist critics say: “You reap what
you sow.”
23 April, 2007 at 2:47 am
First, we who know the truth do not need popular affirmation. Any revolution is waged by a tiny minority. Regardless of NF’s craven compromises, France is an anomaly. Most of the white men there are probably voting for Royal because they’d like to fuck her. Oops…oh dear, wait a minute, that sounds like a lot of American men too.
23 April, 2007 at 4:32 am
I wouldn’t rule out vote rigging either. There was vote tampering in Blair’s own constituency in 2005. I’ll bet America doesn’t have the monopoly on this anymore.
Either way it only serves to illustrate that there is no room for genuine dissenters within the present systems and rules.
The French will eventually find this out the hard way in a couple of years.
23 April, 2007 at 5:22 am
O’Meara tries desperately to mask his misguided disappointment with blame.
Nationalism is a fucking joke. Guys like O’Meara browbeat you for not believing in their little unrealistic hopes, then, when by no surprise at all, they are disappointed, browbeat someone else – you or the object of their hope – for not satisfying them. He looks toward Le Pen, cautiously, reservedly, but the boner he has for the idea of PM Le Pen cannot be hid; one snickers at such delusion, but what’s the use? White Nationalists will not be dissuaded by reality: tomorrow belongs to them!
And here we see, once again, that it does not.
23 April, 2007 at 5:30 am
If “we who know the truth” don’t need popular affirmation, why aren’t you calling O’Meara out for writing about the election in the first place? did you read his last one, of just a few days ago, where his obtuse, fan-boy hopes were quite obvious? One with no faith in elections shouldn’t be “observing” elections — and his moralistic journalist act is repulsive enough.
Mark well what O’Meara does here: instead of concluding from Le Pen’s reduced support that NATIONALISM IS, IN FACT, DYING OUT COMPLETELY, he decides it’s Le Pen’s fault for letting his daughter, a talented woman trying to make the best of a bad deal, round out some edges to scrape more votes than they’d have gotten. In other words: it isn’t the fault of the goyim, it’s Le Pen’s fault. He reaped what he sowed, whatever the fuck that means.
I don’t know why Linder is stoked by this scholar/journalist act O’Meara puts on. All this stuff is – Big Von, O’Meara – is preaching for the WN crowd. It’s “feel-goodism”. Keep your eyes on the prize, all good dogs go to Heaven, tomorrow belongs to us, we shall overcome Lawd. Anyone ever heard of the GREAT DISAPPOINTMENT? Look it up, if not. When a bunch of naive people gather round an eloquently naive demagogue, they’ll believe anything contrary to reality — the Second Coming, the Holocaust, PM Le Pen and World Wide White Revolution.
23 April, 2007 at 6:11 am
Why are French nationalists so surprised? WN cannot trim their sails and compromise with the corrupt farce of elections and expect success.
WN need to stand for election not in expectation of winning but to use the free publicity and general interest to spread the message of the White man’s forthcoming struggle. We need to prepare the public psychologically for the conflict that is just over the horizon. Do middle class white French men seriously believe that 10 million nigz & mudz unleashed by the kikes are going to quietly let them continue their head-in-the-sand life?
By mistakenly extending his hand to the mudz….to become part of the electorate, Le Pen lost votes and credibility of the White electorate.
What we need are true-believing White Nationalists who are convinced in their aims and clear about their means.
23 April, 2007 at 7:02 am
Do the French have guns ? I’m sure they can get them , plenty of AK’s from Russia.
23 April, 2007 at 7:31 am
Le Pen’s “WORST” Score…
Do you think maybe you could manage not placing a grammatical error/misspelling in the headline, at least?
23 April, 2007 at 7:41 am
At least the frogs ain’t spending their social security & old age medical insurance money on the jew homeland, and on wars to protect, and expand the jew homeland.
23 April, 2007 at 7:47 am
I noticed the anti-racist’ “Anti,” stopped promoting multicultural crayons on this blog. Given the anti-racist mentality, it’s probably a better marketing strategy to promote crayons on the communist “Anti Racist Action” or “One People’s Project” websites.
23 April, 2007 at 9:21 am
Quote –
With a smile on his face, flip-flops on his feet and a cannabis joint in his hand, Jean-François Charmand wandered up to the polling station at Buffle Primary School in Grigny, south of Paris.
“I’m not going to tell you who I’m going to vote for,†said the 38-year-old painter decorator. “But I’ll tell you who I’m going to vote against – Nicolas Sarkozy.â€
Amongst the largely immigrant population on Grigny’s infamous Grande Borne estate – scene of riots in 2005 and again last year – Mr Charmand’s opinion was widely shared.
“If Sarkozy’s elected, it’s going to be chaos,’ he said
… In the centre of the bleak 1970s council estate – where only 44 per cent of adults are employed – Koné Jaoussou, 28, was waiting with a friend, Zair Issa, 18, after voting for the Socialist candidate, Ségolène Royal.
“I just hopes she gets in because if Sarkozy wins, this place is going to explode again,†he said. “There’ll be riots here in the suburbs all over France.â€
… “What I like about him is that he speaks clearly and tells the truth,†said Lucien Sarrazin, a 38-year-old factory worker with a gold earring and dreadlocks.
He went on: “Someone’s got to restore order in this country. The kids around here are completely out of control and the parents can do nothing about it.â€
End quote
Nobody, repeat nobody recruits better than rioting invaders. Currently 30% of French openly self-identify as racists. This means the real figure is around 50% or more.
So one part of the message is almost in the bag and we need Sarkozy to get more riots going so it becomes a done deal.
The other part of the message is NOT in the bag yet. And here we need Sarkozy yet again. Far too few French understand the it’s their own government and establishment that is collaborating with the invasion. They need to understand the present system is too Jew-corrupted to be redeemable.
Seven years of Sarkozyite stabs in the back should do that job as well.
Bob’s Riddle
All anti-white racists agree that it’s ok for whites to become minorities in their own countries. All anti-white racists also agree that a Japanese person who wants to become a minority in his own country is either a traitor or clinically insane. Therefore, what is an anti-white racist? Answer
23 April, 2007 at 9:34 am
And one more thing: Under Le Pen’s daughter the FN has been moderating very rapidly. It sold out its base and its principles for media airtime.
This is the time for all loyal French patriots to strike at the moderating sellouts and to reassert that they stand for a white France. Had the FN achieved a good result, all the hardliners would have been purged by the moderates. Do unto them as they would have done to you. Strike now while they are vulnerable and have no mercy.
That crap about muslim invaders being fully French and “branches of the French tree” was absolutely unforgivable. It gained them ZERO electoral benefit while crushing morale within activist ranks – hence the defeat.
Since the defeat can be laid squarely at the feet of this policy of appeasement toward muslims and multiculturalists, there is a real hope that the FN either reverses its compromises or that a new real pro-white formation enters the stage and steals their lunch.
The worst scenario would have been a result good enough to validate the FN’s new daughter-instigated media-centric pro-invader sellout.
Bob’s Riddle
All anti-white racists agree that it’s ok for whites to become minorities in their own countries. All anti-white racists also agree that a Japanese person who wants to become a minority in his own country is either a traitor or clinically insane. Therefore, what is an anti-white racist? Answer
23 April, 2007 at 10:43 am
LePen never had a chance, nor will he or any other “nationalist” candidate in any western country. The time of being able to change the system from within has long passed, and the sooner white racists get this through their heads, the better. The Jewish power elite will never allow what happened in 1933 to happen again.
The only answer for White people in this day and age is lone wolf insurgency.
23 April, 2007 at 11:21 am
Give them a few more riots. The french might just get one big enough to shake them from their stupor.
23 April, 2007 at 12:06 pm
First of all, Le Pen still garnered over ten percent of the vote. I only wish the same were true here in the kwa. Imagine… ten percent of the fat, kwa sheep getting off their asses and supporting a WN…
Secondly, the fact that there in no WN candidate who will be able to win an election either due to the changing demographics or sheer and outright manpulation of the vote, will make it clearer and clearer overtime that there is only one way out of this mess we find ourselves in and we know what that is!
When I began reading articles on WN websites, I too believed in change through the election process. However, over the last two years and after a painful but enlightening conversion from a liberal, brainwashed, system educated member of the cult, I have become awakened to our plight and the urgency of our situation. If I can wake up from system stupor, I am very optimistic others will too.
So, take heart my brothers and never fear the results of one election. Change is coming- – the only question is when!
23 April, 2007 at 1:33 pm
O’Meara is for once speaking sense; a watered down FN is an irrelevant FN. We could actually learn a few things from African nationalists here. When the ANC was banned in South Africa, the ANC said “Fuck you!”. Come to think of it, when Hitler’s NSDAP was banned, the German state also got a “Fuck you!”. The rest is history.
The moral is: radicalize. You know, the reverse of what “White Nationalists” are doing. That’s a general rule actually; if “White Nationalists” tell you to do one thing, do the opposite.
23 April, 2007 at 9:50 pm
O’Meara’s excellent analysis is complemented by Bob Whitaker’s analysis that the only time Republicans do well is when they run a RACE-based campaign.
The masterful “Southern Strategy” of Nixon proved this, and the failure of the Republicans as they go increasingly further from WHITE values proves it all the more.
The key is simple – Bob Whitaker has noted that it is all coming down to RACE, and the Wordists positions – those who believe in the triumph of Ideologies over the elements of RACE – “blood and soil,” if you will – MUST be defeated as people return to the primacy of RACE as an organizing principle.
Simple as that!
New America
An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!
24 April, 2007 at 12:31 am
The fact is, that Le Pen has always failed, no matter how many times he stood for president. One should surmise, that there was a lesson for him to be learned after the first defeat (no matter whether the election results were rigged- what I believe). If he ever was serious with doing better for France, he would have worked harder, built a personal following and a political program, which appealed to native Frenchmen. He did nothing of this sort and thus it is fair to assume, that he would have become, if elected, the same sort of failure- not only as far as white France is concerned.
It seems unlikely, that in future any change can be achieved at the ballot box. This is already recognized by other correspondents.
24 April, 2007 at 2:10 am
in reply to Arminius:
you wrote:
The fact is, that Le Pen has always failed, no matter how many times he stood for president. One should surmise, that there was a lesson for him to be learned after the first defeat (no matter whether the election results were rigged- what I believe). If he ever was serious with doing better for France, he would have worked harder, built a personal following and a political program, which appealed to native Frenchmen. He did nothing of this sort and thus it is fair to assume, that he would have become, if elected, the same sort of failure- not only as far as white France is concerned.
It seems unlikely, that in future any change can be achieved at the ballot box. This is already recognized by other correspondents.
in reply:
I agree with the basic thrust of your analysis, but suggest that the support LePen had made it possible for Sarkozy to adopt a policy that is effectively racialist. By addressing forthrightly the fact that the people of France, bitterly resentful of Paris being the Second Capital of Algeria, would just as soon ship them back, as soon as possible.
I remember the comments of Sir James Goldsmith in the ’97 British election, when he noted that his very small Referendum Party had, in fact, crystallized the Eurosceptic position so clearly, and driven it to such prominence, that “all of the other parties had become Referendum Parties.”
We have had the luxury of distance to avoid dealing forthrightly with the issue of RACE for more than half a century, and those days have come to an end. Affirmative Action, and RACE-based housings laws have had the effect the demonic JEWS wanted – an attack on White people- and had an entirely different effect – we see, all too clearly, WHAT is was we were running FROM, and what we were running TO. We were running from the practices the jungle savages take with them, wherever they go; we were running TO a WHITE Community.
In America, we have had the luxury of distance; France has no such advantages, and their superior mass transportation system has allowed the predators to quickly gain access to the prey.
The Prey now have no illusions; with a national unemployment rate in excess of ten percent, the unskilled, uneducated, untrainable jungle savages see that they can intimidate the WHITE people of France.
For now.
Sarkozy will recognize that every vote for him is a vote to stop the policies and practices that have made Paris a place that tourists will be avoiding, particularly at night. France depends HEAVILY on tourist revenue, and shortfalls in tourist revenue might be blamed on currency changes. These might simply provide an economic rationalization for what is an inherently rational act – avoiding being at the tender mercies of the jungle savages.
France can be defined as Paris, and Everything Else; the LAST definition you want for “Paris” is the Second Capital of Algeria.
Royal says her election will be a referendum on the power of women in French politics.
Sarkozy’s election will be a referendum on the power of FRANCE, seen RACIALLY, in French politics.
I think Whitaker’s right on this.
I think the WHITE people, worldwide, have simply had it with being lied to about the myth of RACIAL equality, and having to pay for this myth, with their jobs, their family’s safety, and their lives.
Incidentally, if Royal wins, I suspect a good many WHITE citizens of France will emigrate to Quebec, and a lot more to suggest to their children that Montreal has some WONDERFUL schools, and perhaps they might want to consider applying for Canadian citizenship, while they’re there, “just in case…”
In case of what, you ask?
“The Battle of Algiers” is a wonderful movie that recalls a time, in the memory of many French citizens, that France was involved in a RACE war with the people who now occupy Paris…
And lost.
New America
An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!
24 April, 2007 at 6:31 am
from slashdot.org
Hardware: French Voting Machines a “Catastrophe”
24 April, 2007 at 8:55 am
I suspect that the economic imperative of self-interest is the ONLY thing which will force the subsumed white bunnies everywhere to face racial reality. This is hard for many to admit, but people are money driven, pure and simple. Nobody knows this better than the Jews.
Only when they are hurt financially, loose their expensive toys, are hungry, and have to face the Simian low-lifes in the gutter, will they organize and act. Read: resource competition. And even then, they will try to choose an “easy” way out through counterfeit, patriotard false flag, decoy shills, or “mainstream” diversions. We have already witnessed the Amerikinder cheerleading the bonifide moron Bush’s charade. They still have a long way to go, and an awful lot to learn, and not much time to arrive and wake up.
Currently, they are in the complete thrall of the Jewish manipulated media, and in denial of their own ethnic identy. Open and subliminal Jewish psychological warfare has them totally confused. They have been deliberatly conditioned to not respond, and programmed to adore their real ethnic enemies, and fear their real friends!
The system has been subverted and literally hijacked by alien interests who control the pipelines of thought, and the white bunnies are absolutely CLUELESS about it! They are psychologically and politically immature, and are babes-in-the-woods, living in a virtual fantasy world. Trying to save fool’s from themselves is a hell of a challenge!
We have a very tough road to travel in trying deal with this double whammy, and it’s going to be a battle royale.
24 April, 2007 at 3:10 pm
It is naive to expect “great things” from an overwhelmingly somnulant electorate in an OMOV democracy. Great things demand a revolutionary approach, and that begins not among activists on the ground but among intellectuals and profound men like Michael O’Meara.
A Scottish guy on an MR thread made the astute observation that the process of racial awakening runs more along the lines of a religious conversion than a political change of mind. It’s true that it deals with ultimate rather than proximate value, and operates at a deeper level of conviction than one encounters politically. Our asset is strength of conviction, not numbers.
That said, the electoral effort must and will continue to be made. The very least that parties like FN, VB and the BNP achieve is to speak a few truths to our own people who, otherwise, will wonder their whole lives what the hell is going on, and never get a proper answer. This is so even if our political people are misunderstood in the moment of their speaking, even if they are brutally rejected at the polls. It is their choice to work in this way, and I respect them for it.
But the System – which is liberalism in its postmodern form – will only prove susceptible in general extremis and to a philosophy embodying ultimate value. I would really like to see agreement on this, and an effort to determine the simplest and most communicable ideological form.
24 April, 2007 at 9:24 pm
in reply to Guessedworker:
you wrote:
But the System – which is liberalism in its postmodern form – will only prove susceptible in general extremis and to a philosophy embodying ultimate value. I would really like to see agreement on this, and an effort to determine the simplest and most communicable ideological form.
in reply:
Your post is much stronger than it seems at first glance; the irrefutable conclusions are:
1) The conversion to RACIAL Awareness is the functional equivalent of a religious conversion, and…
2) the System – consider it to be the functional equivalent of Moloch, the true Diety of the demonic Jews – IS becoming the extreme case of “post-modern liberalism” – in other words, it is becoming the exact opposite of what it was meant to become (I don’t use the term “post-modern,” for obvious reasons.)
Students of religious conversions have discovered that most religious conversions take place as part of a deep personal crisis, when the System has essentially failed to meet the person’s needs. Some might convert temporarily, until the crisis has passed; others see it more as a redefinition of the Persona at a Foundational level.
ALL see themselves as having been betrayed by the System, and have no temporal answer to their crisis; literally, a New God is called for.
It is not by accident that I have referred to RACE as the Living Bridge between Family, and Culture. THIS is Peter Shank’s Insight, and it explains so much, so succinctly.
That being said, by defining the issue of RACE in a term they can accept EMOTIONALLY, our superior analytical constructions will come the fore in explaining their situation in a manner they can accept, INTELLECTUALLY.
Our basis should be that Sailer’s formulation, that RACE is simply an extended FAMILY. The LDS Church, and Dobson’s Focus on the Family, have used this theme to great effect. From FAMILY to RACE is a short step, and one we can explain to them as their lives are slowly rebuilt, on the higher ground of RACE, writ large, as the Living Bridge between FAMILY and CULTURE.
THIS is where Harold Covington’s Idea of a Northwest Homeland begins to reveal its inherent brilliance.
Covington states, in so many words, that to play the hands we are dealt in a crooked game might be noble, but it is also folly. The time and efforts should be better spent on active solutions to a temporal Goal that can be understood, in the spiritual context of the fulfillment of a Destiny.
This is the policy and practice that has worked so well for our Implacable RACIAL Enemies, the goddamn JEWS. Indeed, the entire battle between Western Civilization and Asiatic “Civilization” can be accurately summed in just four words: NO JEWS, JUST RIGHT.”
It’s time we shifted from Defense: “I’m not a RACIST!” to Offense.
How about this?
Just some ideas…
New America
An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!
25 April, 2007 at 4:17 am
I can’t say more than the past few excellent postings.
Sure, most White people are living in a consumerist dream world and tend to define themselves by the gadgets they have. They don’t look upon themselves as part of an unfolding pattern of life; a race that has achieved great things and has much more to accomplish.
If there is one thing we need to bash into White people’s heads, it is this; the system means to utterly destroy and liquidate the White race. Hopefully the natural instinct for self preservation has not been completely erased by the evil kike.
25 April, 2007 at 9:19 pm
“New America”:
I do not object to your opinion….BUT… Sarcozy is reportedly a Hungarian Jew, and if anybody has there any doubt, his non-french name and a look at his portrait says it all.
So what choice the French are now given? As much as Americans had between Jew Kerry and jewboy Bush– in France Jew Sarcozy and shicksa Royal. And Le Pen, the eternal nationalist failure, has so little political instinct not to foresee that.
“Sarcozy’s election will be a referendum on the power of FRANCE, seen RACIALLY, in French politics”. Well, if you substitute France for ISRAEL, you are quite right.
26 April, 2007 at 12:56 am
First of all, Le Pen still garnered over ten percent of the vote. I only wish the same were true here in the kwa. Imagine… ten percent of the fat, kwa sheep getting off their asses and supporting a WN…
Yes, and do you know why? He doesn’t call France “the kwa,” or the people he wants to recruit “kwans”. He says France and the French. The people are insulted enough by the establishment, they don’t need more insults from holier-than-thou keyboard intellectuals.
26 April, 2007 at 1:26 am
I think it was Stalin who said that if there were to be elections that he’d be in charge of counting the votes.
As the Tyrannies in the western world become less and less responsive to Whites and less and less White men are willing to run the charade, the less able they will be to fool the masses. They will most likely destroy millions of lives, but we — or some version of us — will get them.
It is important, therefore, that we keep the message radical. For one, it grows our numbers (contrary to popular belief) and secondly it will ensure that the jews get their proper reward when power is ultimately seized. It is the very least we can do for posterity.
26 April, 2007 at 2:34 am
in reply to Arminius:
you wrote:
“New Americaâ€:
I do not object to your opinion….BUT… Sarcozy is reportedly a Hungarian Jew, and if anybody has there any doubt, his non-french name and a look at his portrait says it all.
So what choice the French are now given? As much as Americans had between Jew Kerry and jewboy Bush– in France Jew Sarcozy and shicksa Royal. And Le Pen, the eternal nationalist failure, has so little political instinct not to foresee that.
“Sarcozy’s election will be a referendum on the power of FRANCE, seen RACIALLY, in French politicsâ€. Well, if you substitute France for ISRAEL, you are quite right.
in reply:
I suspect the demonic JEWS realize they have overstepped their demographic attack on the WHITE race with their Algerian and Francophone African attack animals, all of whom have no illusion whatsoever as to thge meaning of the demonic JEWS for all Mankind.
I agree with you that, at the end of the day, Israel will be the true winner of the French election; it pretty much treats France as their Gallic village idiot, and the French people certainly seem to support them in this.
Hopefully, this national object lesson will drive home with all the more importance the idea of Harold Covington’s Northwest Republic, for a COUNTRY of our own, where the White NATION can be at peace, for a well-earned change.
New America
An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!
26 April, 2007 at 8:22 pm
“his worse showing since 1981”
I don’t think he was on the ballot in 81, he didn’t have the signatures
O’Meara is right to a point but the system/media started working 5 years ago to prevent Le Pen from getting to the 2nd round, by organizing a duel between a dumb crazy flaming feminist patched with facelifts and boobjobs and a semi-jew leftist that they wrapped in a ‘rightwing’ package despite having done absolutely nothing during the race riots of a year and a half ago. (9 out of the 12 candidates were leftists or communists by the way). The media and the leftists began playing this game of demonizing Sarkozy to make him appear as a Le Pen light while the other cunt was embracing immigrants 7 days a week and the result was a shift of the white electorate towards the phony nationalist because they don’t like Royal.
Imagine the US system matching Hilary against Giuliani – Giuliani would win despite being as bad his so-called opponent because the media would turn this phony political fight between a “conservative” and a “liberal” and they would have flaming liberals calling Giuliani a fascist and so on and a majority of whites would vote for him.
read more of my comments on the elections here :
27 April, 2007 at 3:55 pm
Ofcourse, LePen doesn’t call the French kwans or insult them. He’s a politician currying favor and hopefully gaining votes.. In contrast, I’m not a politician and if using insulting or confusing language will make the sheep angry- – good! That’s more than has been achieved thus far, and maybe it will help them awaken from their stupor. Make them angry and perhaps they’ll get off the sofa…
Oh, and by the way, they ARE fat!
29 April, 2007 at 11:38 am
Anti wrote: “I don’t know why Linder is stoked by this scholar/journalist act O’Meara puts on.”
Why do you care?
29 April, 2007 at 11:39 am
New America wrote: “Sarkozy will recognize that every vote for him is a vote to stop the policies and practices that have made Paris a place that tourists will be avoiding, particularly at night.”
Is this the same Sarkozy who, according to the May (2007) issue of American Renaissance, at a campaign rally in Paris on January 14th, “departed from his prepared text to praise ‘a France that understands that creation comes from mixing, from opennes, from coming together, and from–I’m not afraid of the word–miscegenation.'”?
New America wrote: “I suspect a good many WHITE citizens of France will emigrate to Quebec, and a lot more to suggest to their children that Montreal has some WONDERFUL schools, and perhaps they might want to consider applying for Canadian citizenship, while they’re there, ‘just in case…'”
Have you been to Montreal lately? Montreal is becoming a Third World cosmopolitan shithole, a cesspit of miscegenation, increasingly balkanized along racial/ethnic lines. No one wants to live or run a business in Montreal proper anymore; they’re all moving to the suburbs. Hop on the Montreal subway any time of day and you’ll see more black, brown, and yellow faces than white. In other words, the situation is not that different from any other major city in Canada or the U.S. (Actually, Montreal is worse off than Ottawa or Toronto from what I’ve been able to tell.)