Mortgages: Second Largest Liar-Loaner Goes Bankrupt
Posted by alex in Alex Linder, bankers, economy, housing at 4:32 pm | 
The Californian business, once the second-largest lender to Americans with poor credit histories – so-called “sub-prime” customers – bowed to the inevitable after teetering on the brink for several weeks, saying it would now conduct a fire sale of its loan portfolio and sack half its workforce.
New Century down for the count. Turns out loaning money to deadbeats doesn’t work.
What does this mean to Whites? Simple. Save money, get ahead. Most Americans are a paycheck or two from the street. Don’t be one of them. Save not 10% of your income, but as much as you possibly can. Buy top quality where it’s important, other than that, buy little. Keep your money out of the hands of the giant jewish e-circus conglomerates and in your bank account where it can wax fat.
Credit inflation is immoral because it steals from earners and rewards the underserving. Naturally, credit inflation is a time-honored jewish tool for stealing wealth from goyim. The jews own the Fed, a private bank, and through it are able simply to print money out of thin air. This is stealing by another name. Silent stealing from me and you and all White earners, all in order to line jewish pockets. Fed greed, Fed easy money policies, stimulates greed in private industry, which is reinforced by jew tag-teams of regulators and media burrocrats complaining about redlining and other practices that limit credit extension to the credit worthy, and insist that private creditors be forced to make bad loans – which are in turn “guaranteed” by the U.S. government, which itself is bankrupt, if you look at the matter technically.
As always, what is good for Whites is all that matters. What is good for Whites is staying out of debt, and keeping White money in White hands.
For keeping up on housing matters, the best blog we know of is Housing Panic, located here:
HP offers the best in blog journalism – it fills in the details the captive media leave out, and offers a forum for those actually buying and selling homes to tell you the realities of their local markets. You will also note the parallels to direct politics. The realtors, like the diversity-pushers, have an interest in lying about the state of the housing market. The gap between what is reported in the jew-produced media and the genuinely alternative media, such as HP and VNN and our network of local WN blogs, has never been greater. Instead of putting money into the hands of the jews producing the lies printed daily in the New York Times and the Washington Post, better to find the best blogs on the ‘Net, get real information, and help them out with an occasional donation. In that way real journalism is stimulated, judeo-corporate shilling is desubsidized, and the Aryan Agenda is advanced.
Here (from HP) Ron Paul explains the housing bubble:
3 April, 2007 at 4:44 pm
Ron Paul:
The Fed has roughly tripled the amount of dollars and credit in circulation just since 1990. Housing prices have risen dramatically not because of simple supply and demand, but because the Fed literally created demand by making the cost of borrowing money artificially cheap.
Hear that? That’s the sound of jews stealing your money.
3 April, 2007 at 5:23 pm
I started to talk about the forthcoming U. S. mortgage problem and suggested effective ways of tackling it a year ago at Stormfront. I have been laughed at that time by the average suspects over there, who attempted to portray themselves as advocates of a free market, though in fact they were just a banch of usurers. Now I am fully vindicated, yet I do not feel like covering this: there just too many broken hopes and human trategies behind the reported numbers.
3 April, 2007 at 5:27 pm
The real caveat in this mortgage crisis is not just inflation, but the inprudent lending standards: loans were extended to people who were unlikely to repay them, and credit derivatives were used to sell the default risk to pension funds and other institutional investors, that were misinformed about the risks involved. Thus an average American will end up paying twice: his mortgage rate would get up, while his pension or mutual find shares would go down.
3 April, 2007 at 8:00 pm
There are a lot of white people who have bad credit, for one reason or another. The real reason this company is going belly up is because they charged outrageous rates and stuck people with ARMs, the people that could least afford it. It’s called preying.
3 April, 2007 at 9:21 pm
Fuck how come thats not my jewey lender? Fuck me!, Fuck Me!
3 April, 2007 at 9:32 pm
[…] Sean Tubbs wrote an interesting post today onHere’s a quick excerptThe gap between what is reported in the jew-produced media and the genuinely alternative media, such as HP and VNN and our network of local WN blogs, has never been greater. Instead of putting money into the hands of the jews producing … […]
3 April, 2007 at 9:38 pm
[…] (Redstate Network) wrote an interesting post today onHere’s a quick excerptThe gap between what is reported in the jew-produced media and the genuinely alternative media, such as HP and VNN and our network of local WN blogs, has never been greater. Instead of putting money into the hands of the jews producing … […]
3 April, 2007 at 11:44 pm
John Milton: You sharpen the human appetite to the point where it can split atoms with its desire; you build egos the size of cathedrals; fiber-optically connect the world to every eager impulse; grease even the dullest dreams with these dollar-green, gold-plated fantasies, until every human becomes an aspiring emperor, becomes his own God… and where can you go from there?
Devil’s Advocate
Writers: Andrew Neiderman (novel)
Jonathan Lemkin (screenplay)
(hey, they should know)
read plot keywords:
4 April, 2007 at 1:48 am
Is there an online resource to find out which names are jew/jew derivative? I’m being sued and I’m just extremely interested to know if he’s a kike. Krisor is his name. Pretty notorious from what I read on the web. I definitely won’t be taken in on this mortgage scam.
4 April, 2007 at 6:55 am
Spell this word: jigaboo.
Anyway, I think the matter of the housing matter of the housing market relates directly to the matter of race. How much is the colored presence in this country responsible for the increase in the expense of living? Think of how much more land would be available in economically desirable areas if not for the infestations of nigs and spics in such places as, well, everywhere.
However, I’m going to have to disagree on your monetary economics. The problem with the Fed is not that it’s, as you say, “privatized.” It’s not privatized; it’s a government monopoly that was started by the short-sighted banks who thought they could make easy money with such a monopoly because there is nothing stopping such a monopoly from printing money out of its arse. So actually money should be privatized like everything else, in which case there would be competition in the money market, and a real incentive to keep the money as valuable as it should be.
Also, I’m going to have to disagree on your financial advice. Having your money just sit in the bank might be better than having no money at all, but it would be even better to invest some of your money in the stock market. You don’t have to do any gambling. You don’t have to invest all of your money in e-bubbles. Setting aside some of your money in a good mutual fund is bound to pay off in the long run.
Then you can use that money to fund honest journalism.
4 April, 2007 at 7:58 am
Can you say, “Jigaboo has poor credit. Give it a house anyway”? The farce in loaning out money is the loaning out money to the privilege class in America which is so risky that Whites are never included. That would be too politically incorrect of course. Jews would rather have less whites and more non-whites booming the neighborhoods. Notice a surge of non-whites in your neighborhood in the last 10 years? Well, here’s the answer. Negroes are ranked as the highest consumers, but what they don’t tell you is that they don’t pay their bills resulting in poor credit. In fact, they have the poorest credit rating in America. A little below than the mexicans.
4 April, 2007 at 4:34 pm
2 Amos Jones
There is an excellent program, Hoozajew, designed precisely for this purpose:
4 April, 2007 at 4:52 pm
Also, I’m going to have to disagree on your financial advice. Having your money just sit in the bank might be better than having no money at all, but it would be even better to invest some of your money in the stock market. You don’t have to do any gambling. You don’t have to invest all of your money in e-bubbles. Setting aside some of your money in a good mutual fund is bound to pay off in the long run.
Putting money in the stock market is gambling. Plenty of people have lost everything betting on stocks. It is typical of the self-righteous christard moralist to pretend that he isn’t gambling, everybody else is. Of course, when the kike kasino goes bust, why, he’s not to blame, the government or some other third party is. Not saying that stock market can’t go up, am saying that investing in the stock market is gambling.
The question is where one is likely to realize the highest return: CD, gold, stock market, lotto ticket, betting on sports, day trading, commodities, etc.
4 April, 2007 at 4:55 pm
Anyway, I think the matter of the housing matter of the housing market relates directly to the matter of race. How much is the colored presence in this country responsible for the increase in the expense of living? Think of how much more land would be available in economically desirable areas if not for the infestations of nigs and spics in such places as, well, everywhere.
It’s that to some extent, more pressure on space and rents, but to a greater extent it’s that the social engineers can use the blacks and browns, and the fact that whites cant stand to live around them, to flush whites in and out of areas, cyclically destroying and gentrifying areas, and making money both ways. Point is, the U.S. could have been, once was, a nice, safe middle-class nation (people related by history and birth) of 120 million. Instead, because jews and other undesirables see profit in it, it’s become a muticultural melange and empiric disaster of 300m and growing, linked by the common sewer culture of tv and sewer morality of semitical correctness.
4 April, 2007 at 7:22 pm
“It’s not privatized; it’s a government monopoly”
It’s both. Of course, money should be free from the state, with differing monies competing with each other.
In economic theory, what is the name of a private monopoly, enforced by the guns of the state? Is it simply “monopoly”?
4 April, 2007 at 9:42 pm
The only people assured of winning in the stock market are the insiders, and we know who they are.
All the rest are a bunch of deluded suckers and fools “throwing darts at a board”, as the Gordon Gekko charachter from Wall Street put it.
5 April, 2007 at 2:04 am
“In economic theory, what is the name of a private monopoly, enforced by the guns of the state? Is it simply “monopolyâ€?”
A government granted/established monopoly
5 April, 2007 at 3:39 am
2 Timothy
Well, not necessarily. I can assure you, the stock market can be a source of significant additional income for WN investor, and by investor I mean a person who know the company he is investing in, has a good working understanding of business valuation methods, and a discipline to stick with his investment despite the short term market swings. However, if one buys a market or sector representative mutual fund, he is not likely to get anything except a meager return, and given significant short temr risks, would be better off keeping money in the bank.
8 April, 2007 at 9:09 am
Most people ought to stay the hell out of stocks, however. Our people dont have the education they need, by and large, any more.
And then there are the boolies. Who are being driven into your and my neighborhoods…
Time to move way out in the country.
20 May, 2007 at 2:06 pm
didn’t God’s black assed PAKI banker get HUNG under the BLACKassed friars’ bridge in LONDONistan, england ? shame those ole rednecks didn’t hang him by his brahmin mafia pecker , eh?