STEELE: “Jesus Had It Coming…”
Posted by alex in Alex Linder, Edgar Steele, jew mentality, jewish hate & hypocrisy, jewish terrorists & terrorism, loxism at 5:01 pm | 
[mp3 streaming audio] (3 mb, 28 min)
by Edgar J. Steele
“…and I’m glad we killed him!” Thus went one of the more virulent of my recent hate mailers, who went on to proclaim the racial superiority of his being Jewish. He never said what, in particular, set him off, or if, in fact, it was anything I ever had written. His intent seemed merely to stun and outrage me. He failed.
A great many other Jewish haters have echoed this fellow’s vitriol-laced message by threatening to kill me, my wife and our children. Click here for a recorded example (this particularly arrogant Jew actually identified himself – he is Mark Wiles, Nevada-based thug for the Jewish Defense League). Or here (left for my wife). Or here (left for my little ten-year-old daughter, believe it or not). Just examples, mind you, left on my home answering machine.
Internet Graffiti
Call it Internet graffiti. I’ve gotten used to it. However, I invite you to be outraged. In fact, I encourage you to be outraged. But, don’t even pretend to be amazed at the brazen and incredibly hostile behavior of the Jews behind it all. You have known about it all along and you have known full well that it is no coincidence that the perps are Jewish. You know that is the very reason for their behavior. You have pretended not to notice. Well, I am not inclined to allow you this little self deception any longer.
It is the general lack of outrage on the part of most Americans in the face of the Jewish campaign against Western civilization in general and Christianity, specifically, that I find amazing.
This is Not a Religious Issue
Now, don’t confuse this ranting of mine today with anything resembling a religious diatribe. Or me with a rapture bunny. Why, I don’t even go to church – but, then, I doubt that Christ would attend, either, given the state of modern religion (a discussion for another day).
If you are not religious or if you actually dare to admit you are not a Christian, the Jewish assault upon Christianity still is your fight, because Christianity merely is the symbol. You, gentle reader, are the target. You know it is true, too. Admit it.
Do not stand idly by and allow others like myself to carry our standard into battle alone, simply because you pretend not to be at war. You may not be interested in this particular war, but rest assured that this war irretrievably is interested in you.
It may be that I will be among the second or the third wave of casualties (the first wave already has been taken down and killed or imprisoned), but that does not mean that you will escape the onslaught. On the contrary – rest assured that, should you allow the battle line to reach your ranks before bothering to pitch in and help, then you will be praying to God to save you, regardless of your particular religious leaning today.
That’s Mr. Anti-Semite to You!
Do not mistake all the Jewish hatred being spewed in every direction these days for justifiable responses to anti-Semitism (whatever that means, since the very term presumes no provocation). The threats to which you just listened, above, were delivered to my wife, my little children and myself before I ever said one word, aloud or in print, that could even have been mistaken for being anti-Semitic!
Both the ADL and the SPLC claim that, only in recent years have I “disclosed” my inherent anti-Semitism. What they refuse to consider, as always is the case with Jews accusing others of being anti-Semites, is the fact that they made me into what you see today. Unlike so many others today, I offer no apology. They should be apologizing to me. To all comers, I say, “That’s Mr. Anti-Semite to you!”
“We killed Jesus and We’re Proud of It”
You think the email I mentioned above is just one nut case venting? You may be right about the nut-case part, but his attitude is far more prevalent and hostile than most possibly could imagine. Visit this web site and click on the picture for an unsettling video of an Israeli threatening Palestinian Christians in their own home, telling them, “We killed Jesus and we’re proud of it.”
This increasingly-open assault upon the sanctity of Christianity has nothing to do with religion. If, like most, you are not a participating member of organized – dare I say “institutionalized?” – Christianity in America (or elsewhere, for that matter), this still affects you. You can be an atheist, yet still you should be outraged! Why? Because Christianity so firmly is embedded in our racial background, that’s why.
Christianity is an inextricable part of our heritage – of all that makes us who and what we are. Not the religious stuff, whatever that means, but the ethos … the lifestyle … the principles and creed by which we conduct ourselves and treat others.
Take it Personally
Take it personally, in other words. Believe me, those who send me such sentiments as I have today recounted take personally anything they decide is anti-Semitic and their response is anything but religious in nature or intent.
This is a racial war and, like it or not, you are a participant. The quote that I paraphrased above,”You may not be interested in war, but war is interested in you,” is an aphorism generally attributed to Leon Trotsky, Russian adherent of Karl Marx and a prime architect of conditions leading to the mass execution of upwards of 80 million White Christians in Russia last century. It is not at all ironic that Trotsky (born Lev Bronstein), like virtually all of his fellow Communist travelers, was Jewish.
My experience isn’t unique, nor is it confined to those of us who dare to use the “J” word in the context of what is wrong with the world today.
All who dare suggest a racial basis for the avarice and aggression now carrying America over the edge and into the maw of the coming world conflagration and, what’s more, who dare identify that race as Jewish, have grown accustomed to my low-browed correspondent’s sort of harsh rhetoric.
The Cut that Hurts
Here’s what hurts: Getting similar hostility from my own countrymen of European extraction. No, not specifically comments like today’s about Christianity, though that occasionally does issue forth from our side of the fence. It’s the hostility and anger, even the marginalization and indifference concerning any sort of warning or complaint that links danger to Jews, generally. No good deed goes unpunished.
Notice that I do not resort to the common cop-out of most who venture into these waters and merely bemoan “Zionists.” That is the politically-correct way of being politically incorrect these days.
Yes, it is the racially-supremacist, “me first, you dead” outlook of the Zionist that I find particularly offensive, but that outlook, in itself, is racially based. How could it be otherwise? Think about that for a moment, because the logically-inescapable racial basis of Semitism and anti-Semitism generally goes unrecognized.
When is a Jew not a Jew?
And, yes, I know all about Khazaria and true Semites and the results of the Roman diaspora (dispersion of a people formerly concentrated in one place) of Biblical Jews. You and I both know what I mean when I say “Jew,” so don’t get distracted with irrelevant, albeit true, history.
Consider the following proposition very carefully – no, seriously, get ready to do some slow, clear thinking right about … here: How could it be possible for racial antipathy to be based upon anything but race, both coming and going?
Stop right there! I saw that. Go read that last paragraph again, even twice.
Is It Racial, Religious or Something Else?
No, we aren’t all the same under the skin just because we all bleed red. Frogs and bugs bleed red, too. This isn’t the place to develop the genetic origins of modern cultural bias and limitation. I have developed that concept extensively elsewhere, in my book, Defensive Racism, which I commend to your attention.
You might be one who has looked down your nose and dismissed my “sort” as racist or, worse, anti-Semitic. In fact, I’d be surprised if you didn’t have some degree of that attitude present in your thinking at this very moment, as you read these very words. Fair enough … please just read on, though. Having acknowledged your thought, don’t you think that, in fairness, I deserve a hearing? I’ll be brief.
I called this a racial war. Even the most casual observer now must acknowledge that what is taking place in the Middle East is a war fought for Israel and against Muslims. The oil simply is a cynical excuse. We could have bought every last drop of Arab oil, and for much less than we are paying for this insanity.
Here’s what all our targets have in common: they are the Muslim enemies of Israel. Muslim, not just Arab. Our next target, the Iranians, predominantly are Aryan, not Arab, even if mostly Muslim. Iran … Aryan. That is no coincidence. One derives directly from the other. Look it up for yourself.
What you see in the Middle East today is a war between Judaism and Islam, simply put. Oddly enough, however, it is not a religious war, but a racial war.
America – Just Another Jewish Nation … Or Is It?
That’s why the Arabs that Americans fight every day refer to Americans as “Jews,” a fact you don’t see or hear reported by our controlled media.
Even more oddly, Islam is much closer to Christianity than is Judaism, the latter of which is nothing more than secular humanism, or self worship, in the final analysis. Muslims revere Jesus Christ and acknowledge His special place. Muslims regard their own Mohammed as only a prophet, though held in very high regard. Again, go look it up for yourself. You won’t believe me, otherwise.
That business flying around the Internet about the Koran being a book of exclusion and a manual for aggression? About Islam’s objective being the killing of all infidels, with all infidels being non-Muslims? About Islam being so unforgiving as to require the mutilation of children for stealing bread? Pure propaganda, false in every regard, designed to whip up Western support for the racial war being waged against the followers of Islam.
Jews vs. Everybody Else
A different sort of war is being waged throughout Western civilization, with countries like Germany, Austria, Britain and Canada farther along and actually imprisoning those who speak just do I today. That is why I dare not visit those countries, even if I never said a word while within their borders. It, too, is a racial war, being fought in the classic Jewish way: Brother against brother, while Jews stand by, wailing loudly about their victimhood, all the while supplying both sides. This peculiar war ultimately pits Judaism against Christianity. Again, however, it is not really religious, but racial. Christianity solidly is in the heritage of Europeans and European-Americans. Religion is the excuse. Race is the target.
We Love Jesus … Not!
Just as always, they have us fighting each other, with even America’s Christians now participating in the demise of Christianity. Consider the abject, written apology offered recently by a Virginia Beach Catholic school principal because some of his students chanted “We love Jesus” during a basketball game with a rival Jewish school. Last I heard, the moron had enrolled all those kids in mandatory sensitivity training.
Follow the URL in the previous sentence and note well that it is not reported just what the Jewish students had been chanting. Does it matter, though? Think about it for a moment. If you are a Christian, how could you possibly consider any context in which saying “We love Jesus” requires an apology? Didn’t Christians endure death in the Roman Coliseum for their faith? Isn’t this precisely the manner in which Judas thrice denied Christ? Would somebody out there who knows the guy please point this out to that school principal for me?
What Does It Mean to be a Christian?
Now, I am not particularly religious, I confess, but I am deeply spiritual. What’s more, I do my best to lead my life in accordance with the very principles enunciated by Jesus Christ. Yes, I know that true believers need more: they demand that one utter the magic incantation, “I accept Jesus Christ as my personal Lord and Savior,” or words to that effect. What on earth does that mean? No, it is a rhetorical question, so please don’t send me endless religious tracts, but please do think about it.
What would Jesus say about one who acts in accordance with His teachings versus another who merely pays Him lip service? You know the answer, of course. Some of the finest Christians I know never go to church. Some of the most clearly un-Christian hypocrites out there are knee down in pews every Sunday and walk around with Bibles in their hands at all times. You know who you are.
Christianity is a way of living, not talking … action, not posture … being, not pretending. As I said, this is about culture, about race and heritage, not religion. It is about what we are and the way we are at our very core. Our very existence is a constant reminder to others of what they are not. It may not matter to you, but it certainly does to Jews, regardless of what you might think.
Are We What We Do, or What We Say?
Here’s the punch line: Christian countries do not bomb third-world countries like Iraq and Afghanistan back into the stone age. Jewish countries do, though. Just ask any Palestinian.
It was no coincidence that those Lebanese ambulances targeted by Israeli jets during its recent genocidal campaign against the civilian population of southern Lebanon (principally Christian Lebanese, by the way) were holed directly in the center of the red crosses on their roofs. (Ambulances…carrying injured children, of all things.)
Nor is it coincidental that the international Red Cross now has agreed, at Israel’s insistence, to replace its traditional symbolic cross with … well, I’m not sure what to call the symbol on this flag held by a Red Cross official, nor am I sure that the organization even will continue to call itself the Red Cross. I am ashamed to admit that, in the past, I have contributed to this shameless, so-called charity with its grotesquely overpaid executives. Never again, however, and don’t you do it, either!
Yes, of course the Israeli Jews intentionally blew up those ambulances with pinpoint guided rockets simply because of the presence of the crosses on the roofs. Yes, it is far more than coincidence that the penetration was directly in the center of the cross. Don’t be naive.
Do You Believe in Coincidence?
Nor is it coincidence that the nonstop legal assault upon Christianity in America is being brought by Jewish plaintiffs, through Jewish lawyers, heard by Jewish judges. It is America’s European culture they are after eradicating, of course, which means our elimination altogether. It’s racial, not religious. Stop and think! Why are the borders of every Western civilized nation being held wide open to the third world, after all, quite aside from the profit motive inherent to killing all American industry by moving it overseas?
I’ve said it before: America has become Jewish. By culture. It has crept into our outlook and our attitudes, dispensed largely through the major institutions firmly in Jewish control: media, entertainment and government. Of course, American industry also is largely Jewish controlled, but that, too, simply is another expression of how Jewish we have become. Think not? Just look at the corporate scavengers carving up the spoils in the Middle East.
True Blue Jew
The coarse nature of our entertainment, which degrades each year to levels unthinkable a generation ago, is yet another mark of America’s Jewishness. And Jews themselves proudly point to the pornography industry’s effect upon America: “Jewish involvement in pornography has a long history in the United States, as Jews have helped transform a fringe subculture into what has become a primary constituent of Americana. These are the ‘true blue’ Jews.” (Jewish professor Nathan Abrams in an article titled, “Triple Exthnics,†published inThe Jewish Quarterly, winter 2004, extensively quoted by David Duke at his website.
America’s greed and sharp dealings internationally, regarding oil and the supremacy of the US dollar, are singularly Jewish in nature. Oh, come on – why do you think it is that “Jew” is one of the very few racial identifiers to come down through history with a whole separate meaning as a verb? We don’t talk of Brit-ing someone or China-ing others, after all!
America’s new-found international aggression and hostility quite simply is Jewish. No? Then I suppose it merely is coincidence that America is taking down Israel’s enemies in order of their threat level. Saddam’s fate was sealed by the first scud missile heaved into Tel Aviv during that first Gulf war. Next up, of course: Iran.
I suppose that it really should be no surprise that there is no place left in America for those of us who dare to criticize her ever-increasing Jewishness or the bloodthirsty savagery of that other Jewish country: Israel. Why else do you suppose that the Kennedy hate-speech bill keeps getting reintroduced into Congress? Eventually it will pass – probably very soon now and due to the Democrats now in control on Capitol Hill. That is when my voice will be silenced.
Here Come Da Pain
My prognosis? Pain. Lots and lots of pain. Both economic and physical. Our very destruction as a people and a nation is the objective of our Stockholm-Syndrome-like captors. We are doomed. Even without the coming outright destruction, our cultural conversion to Judaism almost is complete, anyway. How many generations before natural selection would ensure that only the most Jewish acting of those among us would prosper or, even, survive?
Always, Jews overreach, create a backlash and then get tossed aside. This time will be no different. Already, the reaction is in movement. Witness my own conversion and newfound mission in life. Before my awakening, I was as unaware of Jews as most of America until just very recently. They created me out of whole cloth. 9-11 and Iraq have been opening many eyes. Israel’s outrageous conduct in Lebanon and Palestine, coupled with the obvious Jewish control of America through her leadership, opens even more eyes every day.
Salvation or Destruction? Or Both?
But our society’s imminent destruction contains the seeds of our hope and renewal, as well. Only through the utter destruction of American society can our grandchildren and their children hope to be free of the cultural Judaism that now has all of us in its grip and thereby respond to their own inborn genetic imperative, the same as that which motivated America’s founding fathers. That will be their salvation and that of our culture, our race. We, of course, are doomed, as are our children, whom we have offered up on the altar of political correctness.
In reality, perhaps utter destruction is the kindest thing that awaits us, if only for the sake of our descendants. As a race, I am confident that we will survive. We always have. It’s what we do best. This will be no exception. We who are alive today will not see it, of course, but it is coming. Of that I am certain.
Meanwhile, we all must do what we can to make a difference. Living my life by rock-solid principles, raising up strong, alert, morally strong and mentally healthy children and writing things like this. That is what I do. We all have a role to play. What is yours?
New America. An idea whose time has come.
My name is Edgar J. Steele. Thanks for listening. Please visit my web site,, for other messages just like this one.
26 March, 2007 at 5:46 pm
Steele is a hero and patriot in the struggle against the ignoble tapirmen. Steele is one of the good guys.
26 March, 2007 at 6:30 pm
Steele’s analysis has one section so damn important that it belongs in a class by itself.
He has summarized decades of analysis in one elegant formulation – two short paragraphs- that should serve as the foundation speech of our RACE’s version of “Why We Fight.”
Incidentally, this is at about 24:40 on his mp3, which is available for download at his website; all we have here is a link to the stream of the mp3.
If you copy nothing from VNN, copy this; Hell, I’m going to put he key phrase, which I will capitalize, on my damn screensaver, as a reminder of “Why We Fight.”
My prognosis? Pain. Lots and lots of pain. Both economic and physical. Our very destruction as a people and a nation is the objective of our Stockholm-Syndrome-like captors. We are doomed. Even without the coming outright destruction, OUR CULTURAL CONVERSION TO JUDAISM almost is complete, anyway. How many generations before natural selection would ensure that only the most Jewish acting of those among us would prosper or, even, survive?
in reply:
Freeze it!
Peter Shank said it best; the goddamn JEWS control all of our major institutions – education/indoctrination, financial, legal, political, mainstream media, churches – and did it ALL without firing a SHOT.
The Cultural War has been all but won without firing a shot.
The Patriotards? The CONservidiots?
All off chasing the latest JEW-manufactured-and-controlled fantasy – “Communism,” the United Nations, the NWO, NAFTA, Illegal Immigration, you name it, while the hook-nosed Satanists simply took over the institutions.
The demons in shoe leather called JEWS simply got to define the terms – their control of the mainstream media did the rest, and a CENTURY of relentless, ruthless RACIAL activity, all in the fulfillment of their one RACIAL Commandment – “Is it good for JEWS?” – washed over, and wore down, the rock of American Culture, of Western Civilization.
They DO seek to control ALL sides of an issue, so that whatever conclusion is reached, it is GOOD FOR JEWS.
And the CULTURAL CONVERSION of Christianity into JUDEO-Christianity, and America into JUDEO-America, in fact, is just about complete.
Didn’t Bush say recently that an attack on Israel is an attack on America?
Was he – inadvertantly, I assure you – speaking more honestly than he realized?
Looks that way, doesn’t it?
Edgar Steele wrote:
Always, Jews overreach, create a backlash and then get tossed aside. This time will be no different. Already, the reaction is in movement. Witness my own conversion and newfound mission in life. Before my awakening, I was as unaware of Jews as most of America until just very recently. They created me out of whole cloth. 9-11 and Iraq have been opening many eyes. Israel’s outrageous conduct in Lebanon and Palestine, coupled with the obvious Jewish control of America through her leadership, opens even more eyes every day.
in reply:
And DAMN, but the demons in shoe leather called JEWS are really trying to change the subject, aren’t they?
Edgar Steele wrote:
Salvation or Destruction? Or Both?
But our society’s imminent destruction contains the seeds of our hope and renewal, as well. Only through the utter destruction of American society can our grandchildren and their children hope to be free of the cultural Judaism that now has all of us in its grip and thereby respond to their own inborn genetic imperative, the same as that which motivated America’s founding fathers. That will be their salvation and that of our culture, our race. We, of course, are doomed, as are our children, whom we have offered up on the altar of political correctness.
In reality, perhaps utter destruction is the kindest thing that awaits us, if only for the sake of our descendants. As a race, I am confident that we will survive. We always have. It’s what we do best. This will be no exception. We who are alive today will not see it, of course, but it is coming. Of that I am certain.
in reply:
This is a very somber point, and one that can not be emphasized enough.
The goddamn JEWS dedication to a RACIAL purpose gives them an advantage like no other; further, by limiting effective RACIAL organization to themselves, alone, they guarantee themselves a place above the Lesser Ones, the cattle, the animals in human bodies – you, I, and our posterity.
This all requires we remain Asleep; the minute we start to Awaken, the demons will try to shift our Minds away from ourselves, and racial identification, and above all, from themselves. They truly HATE being identified as JEWS by the goyim. Too much of a loss of control; invisibility is best…
Edgar Steele wrote:
Meanwhile, we all must do what we can to make a difference. Living my life by rock-solid principles, raising up strong, alert, morally strong and mentally healthy children and writing things like this. That is what I do. We all have a role to play. What is yours?
in reply:
It is here that my nightly reading from “Imperium” pays off.
My duty is to my Posterity; ultimately, my RACE.
I can do only what I can, today, knowing that in my every thought, word, and deed, I am laying the foundation for my Posterity to succeed where I have failed – for the moment.
I saw the Hippie Revolutions of the Sixties as simply the triumph of the French Revolution over the American Revolution.
And I know what followed the French Revolution.
And why.
The followers of Jesus saw Him on the Cross and despaired; Rome, it seemed, had won.
The followers of Christ rejoiced, knowing that the Foundation had been laid, and their day was coming.
Theirs, and ours.
THAT is the Deepest Fear of the demonic Jews, they who “are of their father the Devil.”
Our Time Is Coming.
Softly, quietly, implacably, three words are my watchword:
“We SHALL Prevail.”
New America
An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!
26 March, 2007 at 10:52 pm
It never ceases to amaze me that white nationalists, who, in the main, are a fairly (self) educated and intelligent lot, embrace the jewish canard that Christ was a jew, and that the jews, in the Bible, are God’s chosen people. Christ is far and away the most widely reviled personage and His name the most commonly uttered curse in jewish media. This phenomenon didn’t come about because He was just a rebellious jew who spoke out about His own people, but because He was a White man Who wasn’t afraid to expose the jews for what they truly were and are: a race of satanic imposters whose sole reason for existence is the annihilation of the White race.
26 March, 2007 at 11:02 pm
If you want someone to take good care of the lowlife kikes who are leaving death threats, I would be more than happy to do it especially the female whore kike. I’ve always wanted to punch out a female kike and watch it fall. If I can knock out a 250lb 6ft. 5in. man in one blow, I can certainly squash the brains of a little worthless female whore kike. And, no it wouldn’t be an uneven match considering I’m a female.
27 March, 2007 at 6:32 am
There is no such thing as a Jewish race. There is such a thing as the Israelite race or Khazarian race, but the Jews are a religious cult. Even an Aryan can be Jewish if they convert. Furthermore, you can’t have a “racial war against Islam.” The conflict between Jews and Muslims is a religious war, and modern Jewish behavior is the result of religious conflict.
Though it is true that the Jews are concerned with the weakening of the Aryan nations, that is because of the likelihood that an Aryan is Christian. It is because of the correlation between religion and race that the Jews would target certain races, or that Gentiles would target the Jewish race.
By the way, not to subtract from Steele’s point, but those holes on the top of the ambulences were proved not to be bomb holes, but holes created by the removal of the light on the top of the ambulence. If a missile went through an ambulence, the entire ambulence would’ve been destroy. This is a little yet big mistake on Steele’s part.
Otherwise, I agree with the gist of Steele’s message.
27 March, 2007 at 8:35 am
New America wrote: Peter Shank said it best; the goddamn JEWS control all of our major institutions – education/indoctrination, financial, legal, political, mainstream media, churches – and did it ALL without firing a SHOT.
NA, I like Mr Shank, but Father John O’Connor is the first one I heard say that about Jews and specifically Karl Marx back in the 90’s. Shank probably got it from him.
Steele wrote: It is the general lack of outrage on the part of most Americans in the face of the Jewish campaign against Western civilization in general and Christianity, specifically, that I find amazing.
It shouldn’t be “amazing” to Steele at all. This is the way of life. The way of Nature. Only a minority are fit for leadership. Outrage on the part of “most Americans”? Keep dreaming. That won’t happen until the few of us have taken our mass media back and have explained the Jewish problem to everyone.
Steele needs an editor. Someone that will remove his juvenile condescending tone prior to publication.
27 March, 2007 at 8:48 am
Pil Koler: There is no such thing as a Jewish race. There is such a thing as the Israelite race or Khazarian race, but the Jews are a religious cult.
There is such a thing as a Jewish race as it has become. It is a hybrid today of the Ashkenazi (90%) and the Sephardi. One article about their intelligence is posted below (and I used a mainstream media source, instead of a “racist” website).
If you knew this already, I apologize, but you didn’t mention the two most widely known racial classes of those who call themselves Jews today. The attack against Jews in Germany was a racial attack, not a religious one. Muslims and Christians can not be racially defined as Jews can. As Rockwell said, I can draw you a picture of a Jew and you’d say it was a Jew. I can not draw you a picture of a Protestant and expect you to know it’s a Protestant.
By the way, it’s not that easy to become an officially-recognized Jew. Keep in mind that although Christian sects (like the Mormons) send out missionaries to convert people to Christianity, Jews do not. The Jews send out people to bring their racially Jewish tribal members who have strayed from religion back to the fold. Spielberg’s wife is an example of one who was allowed to join the Chosen Israelites’ tribe through much difficulty.
27 March, 2007 at 9:03 am
“Isn’t this precisely the manner in which Judas thrice denied Christ?”
Good article by Steele as usual. One minor mistake though. It was Peter who thrice denied Christ not Judas. I’m no bible thumper I just have an uncanny ability to remember useless things I’ve read.
27 March, 2007 at 9:18 am
thanks ever so much,Arend
27 March, 2007 at 9:49 am
It never ceases to amaze me that white nationalists, who, in the main, are a fairly (self) educated and intelligent lot,
Self-education doesn’t mean half-assed combing through highly derivative and politicized articles that have been circulating on the net for twenty years. Intelligence doesn’t mean repeating a bunch of clichés, or as Dienekes put it, “Nordic feel-goodism”.
White Nationalists are not educated or intelligent. They are well-schooled in their own dogmas, and have become extremely clever in expressing and disseminating the same. Let nothing surprise you about the bad ideas endemic to White Nationalism.
27 March, 2007 at 10:49 am
There is no such thing as a Jewish race. There is such a thing as the Israelite race or Khazarian race, but the Jews are a religious cult.
Ah, no, we were looking for “International criminal conspiracy.”
Yes, “International criminal conspiracy.”
But we do have some lovely parting gifts for you.
27 March, 2007 at 12:02 pm
“White Nationalists are not educated or intelligent.”
Wow, that’s a hell of a statement. What are you basing that on? Why do you not refute anything we say?
27 March, 2007 at 12:54 pm
“Christianity is an inextricable part of our heritage – of all that makes us who and what we are. Not the religious stuff, whatever that means, but the ethos … the lifestyle … the principles and creed by which we conduct ourselves and treat others.”
The “principles and creed by which we conduct ourselves and treat others” are a sickness. Damn Christ and damn Christians. You can leave on an all-expenses-paid trip along with the subhumans to meet your beloved Jew in the sky.
28 March, 2007 at 9:52 am
“anti-racists are not educated or intelligent. They are well-schooled in their own dogmas, and have become extremely clever in expressing and disseminating the same. Let nothing surprise you about the bad ideas endemic to the anti-racists”
There, that’s better, and close to the truth. All one needs to do with someone who project their views onto others, is turn it around, and you come out close to the truth.
28 March, 2007 at 10:10 am
New America said
“My duty is to my Posterity; ultimately, my RACE.”
There it is, the foundation. Race comes first, everything follows from that. Economics, culture, music, art, science, everything. I made the mistake for years thinking that man was primarily economic, not biological, a libertarian viewpoint. I was wrong.
Without an all white territory first, you can kiss your money goodbye – and everything else too.
28 March, 2007 at 10:27 am
Anti Says:
27 March, 2007 at 9:49 am
Self-education doesn’t mean half-assed combing through highly derivative and politicized articles that have been circulating on the net for twenty years.
Yeah sure, the internet was really going balls out in 1987. What was the point you were making again about other people being “not educated?”
28 March, 2007 at 10:31 am
Only a Christian would get upset at Jews insulting Jesus. I am a white racist who realizes that Christinsanity has been a disaster for the white race. Let them insult Jesus for all I care.
It is sad how many “white patriots” still bow down to the big Jew in the sky. Time to move on children.
28 March, 2007 at 1:05 pm
Sándor PetÅ‘fi said : “Damn Christ and damn Christians. You can leave on an all-expenses-paid trip along with the subhumans to meet your beloved Jew in the sky”.
Well I guess we had to have the contribution of at least one kike to reinforce the foundations of this article, as if we needed further convincing. By their fruits etc, et al, ad nauseam.
29 March, 2007 at 9:43 pm
in reply to Man of Steele…balls:
you wrote:
New America wrote: Peter Shank said it best; the goddamn JEWS control all of our major institutions – education/indoctrination, financial, legal, political, mainstream media, churches – and did it ALL without firing a SHOT.
NA, I like Mr Shank, but Father John O’Connor is the first one I heard say that about Jews and specifically Karl Marx back in the 90’s. Shank probably got it from him.
in reply:
Shank is saying it, and it comes as something of a dramatic shock to so many of us who refuse to see the Truth, and persist in Childish fantasies that The Way Back for us is anything other than the battle of generations.
Incidentally, I note that the Pope and his associates seem to be wearing yarmulkes atop their heads.
Why IS that?
you wrote:
Steele wrote: It is the general lack of outrage on the part of most Americans in the face of the Jewish campaign against Western civilization in general and Christianity, specifically, that I find amazing.
It shouldn’t be “amazing†to Steele at all. This is the way of life. The way of Nature. Only a minority are fit for leadership. Outrage on the part of “most Americans� Keep dreaming. That won’t happen until the few of us have taken our mass media back and have explained the Jewish problem to everyone.
Steele needs an editor. Someone that will remove his juvenile condescending tone prior to publication.
in reply:
I agree that “‘Outrage on the part of ‘most Americans” IS something of a Dream. Remember, more than HALF of the nominally Adult population of this country are on prescription tranquilizers.
This means that their Mind is faced with such cognitive dissonance that they literally can not face what their senses are clearly telling them. They would need the use of that Mind to realize “this is not by accident.” They would need the Awareness of the primacy of RACE as an organizing principle in human affairs, and an Awareness that the Asiatic Hive Consciousness known as goddamn Judaism is working implacably in a RACE WAR against the Men of the West, the White RACE.
The problem is, all too often, discussions of what is wrong simply look at sores that don’t heal, and many will simply put on a bandage to mask the sore.
What they see as a “sore” is actually the indicia of a deeply rooted system of cancer.
Demonic goddamn Judaism is the cancer at the heart of JUDEO-American Culture, and it has pretty much taken over the host. The fact that the host is dying means nothing to the cancer; the idea that it will die when the host dies means nothing to the cancer.
The fact that we choose not to do anything about it says all too much about us, and means all too much to our posterity.
That’s what I like about VNN.
The issues around the collapse of White Society can ONLY be understood in the context of this tremendous RACE WAR the goddamn Jews have declared, and all but won.
You can not understand Color in the absence of Light; you can not understand the collapse of White Society in the absence of being totally Aware that the goddamn Jews have used our power against us.
And, we can undo it, to a remarkable extent, by simply being Aware that it is happening, and simply replacing their lies with the Truth.
The keys are simple, and remarkably effective.
Turn off the TV.
Home school your kids.
Get out of debt. Then, save your money.
Be in the world, but not of it.
This last point is one that many miss; every Jew awakes in the morning with an internal Compass that points in ONE Direction, to govern every thought, every action, they do during the day. The goddamn Jewish Compass is their ONE RACIAL COMMANDMENT:
EVERY question can be addressed in that light, and a correct solution will come to mind.
THIS is an example of RACIAL Consciousness being played out in the RACIAL WAR the goddamn JEWS have declared against all of us.
How are goddamn JEWS “in the world, but not of it?”
They are CHANGING the World, in accordance with their policy of tikkun olam; THEY, being a superior RACE (the Talmud says so!) are “in the world,” but WE, the inferior RACE, are “of the world.”
The material World limits our every thought; those thoughts, Ideas, and Ideals, are shaped by the words we read, the pictures we see, the words we hear – most of which are controlled by goddamn JEWS to fulfill their Jewish Agenda.
Once you SEE this, you are like Roddy Piper in “They Live”: NOTHING is the same, and you take very little of what you see, read and hear for granted. Seen through the analytical lens of RACE, suddenly, WHAT the goddamn JEW are up to is very clear, and HOW they are doing it becomes obvious.
The SHIFT in Values is what takes time; either you define yourself in terms of what you are against, which the CONservatards, Patriotards, and Libertariots have done, or you define yourself FIRST in terms of what you are FOR.
If you define yourself merely in terms of what you are against, the goddamn JEWS will just change the matter of Form you have identified with; they have trapped you, again.
If you define yourself in terms of what you are for, and that is RACE, you have a Purpose that the goddamn Jews can not control, and will extend well beyond your lifetime.
You cam easily replace the goddamn Jewish ONE RACIAL COMMANDMENT with your own ONE RACIAL COMMANDMENT: “Is it good for my family, and my RACE?”
Try THAT one on!
New America
An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!
29 March, 2007 at 10:34 pm
in reply to Hoosier:
you wrote:
New America said
“My duty is to my Posterity; ultimately, my RACE.â€
There it is, the foundation. Race comes first, everything follows from that. Economics, culture, music, art, science, everything. I made the mistake for years thinking that man was primarily economic, not biological, a libertarian viewpoint. I was wrong.
Without an all white territory first, you can kiss your money goodbye – and everything else too.
in reply:
This is the fundamental mistake we all make, and it is the ONE mistake the goddamn Jews never make. They so encourage us in this, even going so far as to form a series of philosophies – “Objectivism,” and “Libertarianism,” keeping us trapped in only identifying ourselves in terms of what we SEE before us…
The goddamn Jews, of course, through their control of the Mainstream Media – the 24/7 First Virtual Reality known as the Propasphere – make sure we get their side of the story, and only their side of the story.
The public choice economic theorists formulated Homo Economicus – “Economic Man” – as their solution to making their mathematical models work. This, while Nash was formulating his models of human behavior, while at the same time battling paranoid schizophrenia.
This reductionistic model of human consciousness was the hallmark of how the goddamn Jews tried to make us over in their image of their servants, the subhuman animals called “goyim.”
In short, the Jewish RACIAL philosophy guided Marx, Communism, Libertarianism, Objectivism, and much of the Reagan Revolution thinkers – unwitting goyim had bought into the demonic Jewish model of goyim behavior.
Classical conservative economists would point out that the (JEW-controlled) Soviet Union never made one consumer good that anyone outside the Soviet Union wanted.
Of course they didn’t.
You don’t worry about the “consumer goods” of the cattle in the feed lot, do you?
Neither do the goddamn Jews worry about their goyim, save that they are under control, and pose no threat to them.
I support Yockey and Spengler in arguing that we are much more than the economies, which we created, and the political structures, which we created. We are making the materialistic error – which the goddamn Jews are all too happy to see – of putting what we have created, over us, the Creators, the CREATIVE RACE.
We created these systems to serve the RACE; that the RACE now serves its Creation, which has been placed in the hands of the goddamn Jews, says much about us, and none of it is good.
The Answer is simple – we let this happen to us, and we can take the steps to take back what was, and is, rightfully ours; our Culture, and the very fabric of our lives.
The goddamn Jews awaken every morning and look at every choice they make in light of their ONE RACIAL COMMANDMENT – “Is it good for JEWS?”
I do the same, with one difference.
My ONE RACIAL COMMANDMENT, “Is it good for my family, my Posterity, my RACE?”
That’s why I really like Harold Covington’s Northwest Trilogy novels, where he explicitly defines what it would take to form, and sustain, an explicitly RACIAL Northwest Republic.
So much of the Conservatard/Patriotard/Libertarian commentary and analysis over the last FIFTY YEARS has had only one effect, and that is to demoralize us into thinking, “It is OVER. Let’s just go out and party before our Overlords take over.”
Remember, even as he testified before Congress, Whitaker Chambers said, “I know I have chosen the losing side.”
Remember, the 101st Airborne escorted our children to racially integrated public schools at bayonet point; this, under Eisenhower, in a Republican Administration.
Remember, it was Nixon, in a Republican Administration, that gave us Affirmative Action.
Remember, it was the Reagan , in a Republican Administration, that replaced George Washington’s Birthday, as a National Holiday, with Dr. Martin Luther King Day.
I like Covington’s Idea of a Northwest Republic as our RACIAL Homeland, based on an explicitly RACIAL foundation, for it provides a Creative way out of the box the goddamn Jews put us in.
I use it to address current social problems in a new light; instead of seeing their solutions as either Liberal or Conservative, simply ask, “How could this problem be solved in a Northwest Republic, our RACIAL Homeland?”
I know what you’re thinking – no, it’s not “Conservative” but that’s because there is not all that much left worth “conserving.”
A RACIAL Homeland – now, THAT is the sort of thing that calls forth the best in our RACE, even if we can’t get there in our lifetime, and all the more, if we can.
Before you say it is impossible, let me give you the name of one man who actually did it.
Brigham Young.
So, it CAN be done…
New America
An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!
30 March, 2007 at 12:13 pm
“Well I guess we had to have the contribution of at least one kike to reinforce the foundations of this article, as if we needed further convincing. By their fruits etc, et al, ad nauseam.”
Oh, shut your face you Jew-loving nitwit.
31 March, 2007 at 12:51 am
“Jesus Had It Coming…â€
Yes, I claimed to be the PUN of G$D!
Surely, I deserve this PUNishment!
3 April, 2007 at 6:31 pm
I’m not jewish, but I am in part sympathetic to their causes, and here is why:
They are, and always have been, aggressively attacked by other groups. (Hitler, the present day palestinians etc). No wonder they are paranoid.
I especially enjoy the comment about how the jews take over everthing WITHOUT FIRING A SHOT.
This is TRUE, I agree.
But this does not mean we should then use violent or other unethical means to fight “them”.
If they beat us at business, then its OUR OWN FAULT. In a free market system, the best guy wins.
And rightly so.
You will never hear me cry about how a jew bested me in some business deal, or pulled the wool over my eyes.
Business is not for sissies.
By the way, I’m very successful in business, and I regularly come accross very powerful jews.
They are all
Very Clever,
and they Stick together and root for each other in a way that you have to see to believe.
If they kick our asses in business and culture, then that is just too bad, we have no-one to blame but ourselves.
Empower yourself, rather than reaching for anti-semitism.
Ofcourse I don’t have time for euro-hating jews either.
Again labeling all arabs as anti-semitists, or all jews as hating the rest of us, is a gross over simplification. But where it does occur it should be stamped out on both sides.
The jews that I come accross are pretty talented. Just for interrest sake here is a list of races, ordered from highest average IQ to lowest average IQ
1. Certain jewish and asian groups (e.g. the Japanese)
2. Whites
3. Hispanics
4. Blacks
Now I’ve probably pissed everyone off, and I’m neither Jap nor Jewish.
8 April, 2007 at 11:27 am
The jews have always fought the nameless war, using the lessers and anyone they could, against those they fear, i.e., white and whitish cultures. Yes some losses can certainly be attributed to our mistakes and sometimes gutlessness. Not all. Look at who controls the gummint, media and academe here and in europe etc. It is hard to win when the “jew-rules” dictate that white men dont get to play. Time for new rules…
Jews are not victims. Ever (look at all the societies and civilizations they have fubared over the years.). Anyone who says so is a blithering idiot. When a jew gets “victimized”, the nicest thing it could be called is blowback.
I wouldnt say they never fire a shot. They commit terrorist acts, kill presidents and czars and anyone they cant bribe or silence, take over gummints and send them and their young men after other nations. Shots get fired. Ever notice how our attacks and major invasions happen on days that are important to their “faith”, meaning their “race”…