Irving Tells Truth About Gas; Jews Hiss
Posted by alex in Alex Linder, David Irving, German nationalists, real history, World War II at 4:12 pm | Permanent Link
British Historian Denies WWII Gassings
By Associated Press
March 23, 2007, 10:57 PM EDT
ROME — British historian David Irving, who was jailed in Austria for questioning the Holocaust, visited the Auschwitz death camp and renewed his claim that there was no proof it had gas chambers during an Italian TV program aired Friday.
In the Sky TG24 documentary program “Controcorrente” (Countercurrent), Irving is filmed walking down the remains of railroad tracks in the former death camp in southern Poland as he insists that engineering techniques back his claims that mass gassings by the Nazis during World War II didn’t occur there.
In Poland, Jaroslaw Mensfelt, spokesman for the Auschwitz museum, told The Associated Press that they heard that Irving probably was there one or two weeks ago, but they did not see him.
“He is a persona non grata here,” Mensfelt said. “It would be best if he never came here. Such people desecrate the place and are not welcome.”
Poland prosecutes Holocaust deniers.
Earlier this year, Irving told Sky in an interview that there was no doubt the Nazis killed millions of Jews, but said the killings did not take place at Auschwitz.
Irving was sentenced in February 2006 to three years under a 1992 Austrian law that applies to “whoever denies, grossly plays down, approves or tries to excuse” the Nazi genocide or other Nazi crimes against humanity in a print publication, broadcast or other media. He was released after Vienna’s highest court granted his appeal and converted two-thirds of his three-year sentence into probation.
25 March, 2007 at 8:12 pm
Comments through link:
Viva Irving. Point is, whenever nations start throwing people in prison for questioning historical events, intelligent people start looking at what these people have been saying. A no-brainer really, but something the Jews just can’t wrap their minds around.
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23 hrs ago
You can say anything about anyone, but the Jew. What should that tell us?
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23 hrs ago
The holocaust fable is just that, a fable
Wentzville, MO
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23 hrs ago
It’s a fact that no one was gassed in any camp the Germans operated in. Why is against the law to disclose this fact? Why has such a courageous man such as Mr. Irving lost everything for telling the truth? Don’t we live in a democracy? Guess not.
Speak Out Right Now
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23 hrs ago
The holohoax story is pure unadulterated BS
harry barnes
Madison Heights, VA
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22 hrs ago
Interestingly enough, in his many published monographs David Irving does not write as a “Holocaust Revisionist”(probably for the simple reason that it is difficult to write substantively on something that never happened). Irving has written excellent works on all manner of WWII history; he has only spoken, however, on the extreme paucity of evidence supporting the idea that there existed in the 3rd Reich official programs intended to exterminate Jews.
Ed B in CT
New York, NY
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22 hrs ago
There is no forensic evidence that anyone was “gassed”. at ANY concentration camp. It’s a one big lie designed to extort billions of dollars from countries that the jews don’t like and to elicit sympathy so they can make laws protecting their lies.
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22 hrs ago
We,in the United States, live under a jewish oligarchy. Most Americans know only what the jews want them to know.
Alice Mary
United States
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21 hrs ago
All “Holocaust denial” laws should be thrown out. If the gas chambers and other alleged atrocities were made up war propaganda, it’s high time to admit that and deal with it.
Urbana, OH
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21 hrs ago
Irving says that the Nazis did kill millions of Juden, and is STILL called a holocaust denier.
Give the Jews enough rope, and they’ll hang themselves.
Randolph Scott
Cathedral City, CA
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21 hrs ago
WHITE MAN WAKE UP! Turn off the TV, stand up, and fight back! Take back your country. Lop the Jewish head off the beast and cast out the mud it has thrown upon your land to drive you out! FIGHT BACK NOW BEFORE IT’Z TO LATE! ITZ COMMING.
Geoff Beck
Dallas, TX
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21 hrs ago
I’ve been an informant for years trying to expose these holocaust deniers. Of course its important to get all the facts together, and in this case, its impossible to DENY the holocaust. It should be clear to anyone at this point that it definitely happened exactly as it was described.
Dave C
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21 hrs ago
If you ever wish to know just who is controlling things behind the scenes, ask yourself just who it is that cannot be criticized?
Criticize Jews in America and you’ll never win an elected office.
Criticize Jews in Europe and you go to jail.
Dallas, TX
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21 hrs ago
If the Germans could kill six million Jews without making a dent in the world Jewish population, then Jahweh is powerful indeed!
Totally Awesome
Columbus, OH
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21 hrs ago
“There are many who believe that Irving builds some new shock to public belief into each book he writes. The other side of Irving makes him a most formidable opponent…. He has uncovered enormous quantities of private diaries and papers hidden from Allied investigators. And he has shown a combination of generosity and commercial acumen in their disposal.”
Professor Donald Cameron Watt in The Sunday Times, August 13, 1989.”David Irving, a remarkable researcher, a brilliant discoverer of documents, and a skilful writer, tells the [Göring] story well….”
Professor Hugh Trevor-Roper (Lord Dacre), in The Sunday Telegraph, August 20, 1989.”Irving’s research effort is awesome.”
Professor Larry Thompson reviewing Göring in The Chicago Tribune, April 15, 1989.
He was a respected historian until he questioned the flatness of the Earth…er…I mean Jesus being the son of…wait a minute, wrong heresies.
AJ Balfour
Anonymous Proxy
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20 hrs ago
Interestingly, there are taxpayer supported Holoco$t museums all over the world for the alleged “6 million jews”(though the current plaque at Auschwitz only recognizes 1.5 million), yet there are NO taxpayer funded museums ANYWHERE for the ACTUAL 10-15 million White Christians who were starved to death in the Ukraine from 1932-33, courtesy of bolshevik-jews. In fact, Moscow has warned Kiev against even referring to this mass murder as “genocide”.
It’s not too hard to figure out why jews are hated by every other race of people around the world.
Armando Esteves
Bangkok, Thailand
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20 hrs ago
Hello Geoff Beck.
The holocaust religion that claims that 6,000,000 Jews were methodically gassed in gas chambers rests on the “scientific” premise that despite that total lack of scientific evidence to the contrary, because 6,000,000 jews dies in teh gas chambers, it must have been scientifically possible.
See the (circular) problem?
No amount of “it’s impossible to deny the holocaust” statements can undo this Inconvenient Truth. And the internet is enabling millions access to the FACTS, for the first time in 60 years. The door is open, the toothpaste is out of the tube etc.
You can’t legislate against the truth. Sorry.
Laughing Tree
Sugar Land, TX
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20 hrs ago
Hmmm, does this all mean that soon FBI is going to hunt down every one who left a negative comment? Isn’t justice the same for everybody? Hey, Germany, it’s time to reopen the camps for the hordes of the deniers! Yeah, don’t forget to clean and chlorinate the swimming pools and cut the grass at the football fields.
Anchorage Activist
Anchorage, AK
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20 hrs ago
I’m wondering if David Irving will show up at the Second International Holocaust Revisionist Conference, to be held on May 26-27 at Hillsboro, WV? So far, there seems to be an impressive guest list, including Professor Arthur Butz, Ingrid Rinland-Zuendel (wife of the German political prisoner Ernst Zuendel), and Lady Michele Renouf, who attended the first Conference in Tehran. Since Lady Renouf is known for her close association with Irving, it’s quite possible that Irving might turn up at Hillsboro as a surprise guest. More information on the Hillsboro Conference can be found at the following link:
Of course, the Hillsboro Conference might have to compete for attention with a proposed Memorialization Rally for Channon Christian and Chris Newsom in Knoxville, TN, which is also tentatively projected for Memorial Day Weekend. Irving may be reluctant to compete for attention with a rally in Tennessee. More info on the Knoxville rally can be found at the following link:
Anchorage Activist
Anchorage, AK
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20 hrs ago
I wonder if David Irving will decide to attend the upcoming Second International Holocaust Revisionist Conference to be held on May 26-27 in Hillsboro, WV. One of the scheduled participants is Lady Michele Renouf, who attended the Tehran Conference and who is a close associate of Irving. More about the Hillsboro Conference at the following link:
Los Alamitos, CA
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20 hrs ago
I never really doubted the holocaust until I found out how harshly any real study of it is punished. Now I’m not sure what to think. At the very least, it’s obvious the holocaust has been exaggerated for political and economic gain.
Everyone knows there were prison camps for Jews, Communists, and other political prisoners. But “death camps”? With gas chambers disguised to look like showers? That sounds a lot like Iraq’s “mobile weapons labs” i.e. a trailer home with a bucket of bleach.
United States
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19 hrs ago
Doesn’t anyone have documentary proof and real forensic evidence from respected scientists who are known to be skeptical of this issue? Is this issue completely based on stories? It would be a great follow up article to bring in a team of skeptic scientists and deal with this once and for all.
oh yeah
United States
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19 hrs ago
And the truth comes out. Go Irving!
Derik B
Coupeville, WA
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19 hrs ago
Irving is a man with backbone and integrity. To jail someone for holding an opinion is a blatant sign of tyranny. If someone’s opinion is wrong then what is so difficult about debating them and proving so?
Why hasn’t David Irving been taken to task by the historians who back the “official” view of the alleged holocaust by publicly debating him?
Calling someone an anti-semite and dragging their credibility through the mud just shows that you can’t refute his arguments.
My advice to those who would jail people for questioning historic events is DEBATE the person you feel is wrong. Put up or shut up.
Chicago, IL
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19 hrs ago
After over 60 years, we are STILL waiting for honest evidence of these alleged “gas chambers.” All we have is “eyewitness accounts” but no FORENSIC evidence, including no blueprints for homicidal gas chambers.
Anne Frank, the poster girl for the Holocaustâ„¢, SURVIVED Auschwitz, and died of TYPHUS (just as Revisionists claim most Jews died of) at Bergen-Belsen. WHY would a sickly girl who couldn’t work not be “gassed” IMMEDIATELY upon arriving at Auschwitz?
One day, the world shall realize the Holocaustâ„¢ is the greatest marketing con-job in all history.
Lower Boro, Australia
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19 hrs ago
The “Holocaust”(TM) is a calculated hoax created by Zionists as a pretext for forming the state of Israel and preventing criticism of the actions of Jews worldwide. On both counts it has been a resounding success.
Conventional thought on the Holocaust is based on Soviet and Jewish propaganda as well as grossly exaggerated and often baseless “survivor” stories. You need only look at scientific data, pre and post war Jewish census figures as well as using logic, reason and common sense to find that the entire Holocaust story has no basis in fact.
Jewish deaths in WWII were no more than around 300,000 the overwhelming majority of which were caused by typhus and starvation due to Allied bombing of German train lines which fed the camps. There were no homicidal gassings. The “gas chambers” shown to tourists are either reconstructions made by the Soviets or delousing facilities which tried to control the spread of typhus.
For more info see:
“Judea Declares War on Germany” at
David Irving supporter
Osoyoos, Canada
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18 hrs ago
What does David Irving write that causes him to be banned from Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Austria and Germany?
Is there any other writer that causes this many governments to fear his presence in their countries?
See why for yourself at:
Johny Weissmuller
Caulfield, Australia
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18 hrs ago
Always the jews. No-one whines but the jews. It is always the jews
Pompano Beach, FL
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18 hrs ago
You can’t even question the holocaust or be arrested?We are living under another inquisition.A state/religion that is forced upon us this is a threat to free speech everywhere.They will be after you next.
Alex O
Charlotte, NC
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17 hrs ago
I’m not certain if what they say happened actually did (the holocaust), but by criminalizing people who claim to have contradictory evidence, it makes me wonder if what I have been told is actually the truth.
What “truth” is there that needs to be protected by such draconian speech laws?
Nomen Nescio
Seattle, WA
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17 hrs ago
The gas chambers have long since been proven to be a hoax, although Irving himself was not instrumental in that particular field of research.
I am glad to see he is out of jail and back in the fight.
Mark from NJ
Clementon, NJ
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15 hrs ago
If the Jews of Europe are jailing people for questioning the Holocaust, I suppose they have something to hide then don’t they? Think about it people, otherwise they would just call him a quack and forget about it.
Mel Gibson
Grove City, OH
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14 hrs ago
You can be put in prison for what you are thinking. George Orwell’s 2007.
Mel Gibson
Grove City, OH
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13 hrs ago
Wow. You can be put in prison in Europe for what you write? That’s real freedom, eh?
Auckland, New Zealand
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12 hrs ago
Wow! The lights really are going out all over Europe. Imprisoning those who you disagree with is not the way we should be heading. I fear for my children’s future. How can I teach them to be honest and speak their minds if it might result in a prison sentence?
Walter Highbridge
Knoxville, TN
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11 hrs ago
Any viewpoint they imprison you for having is probably more true than false.
Paris, France
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10 hrs ago
The truth needs the full might of the state to protect it? Such a fragile flower indeed! All this would have made perfect sense to Orwell. Wish I had half Irving’s stamina, willpower, and courage. For me, the icing on the cake is that he is an Englishman. Suck on that, Alex!(VNN)
Catasauqua, PA
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10 hrs ago
Yup. Truth is persona non grata with the Tribe – cause it cuts into their “Skinning the Giy” scam.
Too bad for Das Juden that the cracks are beginning to appear.
Catasauqua, PA
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10 hrs ago
When are we going to start hearing one SINGLE word about the millions and millions and millions and MILLIONS of Russian Christian death camps, in Russia, set up and run by the Bolsheviks JEWS? Jews destroyed Russia – and now they are finishing off the rest of the West.
Catasauqua, PA
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10 hrs ago
Herzbruder wrote:
If the Germans could kill six million Jews without making a dent in the world Jewish population, then Jahweh is powerful indeed!
You’ve answered your own statement. The Holohoax never happened.
Hitler was fighting a DEFENSIVE war. He knew how Jews organized to invade and DESTROY Russia – and Germany was up next, in the batting order. TheJewish World Congress declared war on Germany, in 1933. Simply because the German people were trying to get up off their knees, after the 80% JUDEN-led Treaty of Versailles. Just another Western nations, designated to be crushed, and enslaved. Jews are Nation Wreckers. History tells their evil tale.
Educate yourselves, folks. Learn about the vile, RACIST, monstrous legal” code of the Talmud. They HATE you, Goy!
Cynthia Ninnetto
Los Angeles, CA
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9 hrs ago
Well the gassings didn’t happen.
The Allied bombing cut off the food and the people, including some Jews, starved.
I guess we have to blame the Allied bombing.
Catasauqua, PA
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9 hrs ago
Anchorage Activist wrote:
I’m wondering if David Irving will show up at the Second International Holocaust Revisionist Conference, to be held on May 26-27 at Hillsboro, WV? So far, there seems to be an impressive guest list, including Professor Arthur Butz, Ingrid Rinland-Zuendel (wife of the German political prisoner Ernst Zuendel), and Lady Michele Renouf, who attended the first Conference in Tehran. Since Lady Renouf is known for her close association with Irving, it’s quite possible that Irving might turn up at Hillsboro as a surprise guest. More information on the Hillsboro Conference can be found at the following link:
Of course, the Hillsboro Conference might have to compete for attention with a proposed Memorialization Rally for Channon Christian and Chris Newsom in Knoxville, TN, which is also tentatively projected for Memorial Day Weekend. Irving may be reluctant to compete for attention with a rally in Tennessee. More info on the Knoxville rally can be found at the following link:
Has any-one noticed that the brutal,inbelievably SAVAGE murder of Christian and Newsome didn’t recieve a hint of media attention? Had the victims of this butchery NOT been White, and their vile, loathesome attackers not been melatonin-enriched, then the story would be flogged 24/7.
Voorschoten, Netherlands
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8 hrs ago
Anthony says:”Wow! The lights really are going out all over Europe. Imprisoning those who you disagree with is not the way we should be heading.”
It is easy for you to say so from down under, where never ever anything happened; almost all serious revisionists come from Europa: Irving, Faurisson, Zundel, Rudolf, Graf, Montognio, etc. The only serious institutionalised threat against the New World Order comes from Europe (political parties, Putin); so it is here that these laws are necessary (in the eyes of the NWO crowd). Anglosphere is safely in the pocket of the Jews and can be used any time as a tool against EU/Russia (=Boreas), the core white homelands, still whiter than America has ever been.
Ah well, now it is your turn to experience the poison of the jews. And at some point many of you will be flocking home. America will be the next South-Africa.
Go east young man, go east !
Madrid, Spain
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7 hrs ago
When a person is jailed for saying something, anything, there is a lack of freedom. This article seems to encourage the authorities to crack down on this historian. What happened to the days when the press encouraged freedom of speech?
Bens Opinion
Ridge, NY
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6 hrs ago
I also fell for this. I went to kiss the “ass of Israel” but, only got the back of Hillary’s head. She beat me to it!
New York, NY
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6 hrs ago
I’m so tired of hearing about the holocaust. I suffer from holocaust fatigue!!
And what is this nonsense? Holocaust enforcement? Don’t tell me what I should or shouldn’t listen to or what opinions I shouldn’t hear. I want to hear a healthy dialogue on the facts and falsehoods of history! Do you mind??
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5 hrs ago
” If you want a vision of the future, imagine a (jewish) boot stamping on a human face – forever.” G.O.
Ulfur Engil
Beverly Hills, CA
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2 hrs ago
Mr. Irving has exercised great courage in remaining unwavering in his conviction that the course of history simply did not go as the textbook-media-bent institutions have claimed.
Incarceration for the Truth is heroism, and Mr. Irving can proudly be noted as one.
25 March, 2007 at 11:02 pm
Go to the actual story and read all the comments. The bit from a person going by the moniker of “Annie Frank” goes way off beam but is full of truth. There are aware people out there. They just need to reach a critical mass.
26 March, 2007 at 7:38 am
What jews want everyone to hear is that Hitler was such an evil man and that he killed jews. However, there is no truth on the “why†the jews were put in concentration camps and how and how many died. No reasoning is involved on “why.†Oh, but wait a minute, the jews say it’s because of hate. And? Still, no reasoning on the why. I guess they just figure we would be stupid enough to accept their sad dilemma without further questioning. So what does this really mean? It means the jews are hiding the truth and that they don’t want the truth to be known they created havoc on German economics and its society as a whole. They don’t want anyone to know how many Germans were treated with disrespect, thrown out of their homes because the rent was too high, and that the Germans were displaced from their jobs because of mass immigration from the eastern emigrants from other countries. Eastern emigrants made up of jews that is.
Jews, we don’t accept your silly one or two liners of your deserving dilemma. If you want to save face and be honest, explain the treacherous behavior you exhibited against the true Germans. Explain that you wanted to take over and rule Germany with your massive jewish immigration plans, which are no different than the immigration plans you have for the United States and for White European nations. Explain that you communists wanted not only their country, but to drive out and kill all White Germans. Again, no different than the plans you have for all Whites in all White host nations.
What’s the matter jew boys and girls? Aren’t you people noble enough to tell the truth?