1 March, 2007

Goyim Celebrate Slaughter of Goyim

Posted by alex in Free Republic, jewed culture at 7:04 am | Permanent Link

Shabbos goyim unite! Six million of you unclean animals!

“Worship us!”

You have nothing to gain but your chains!

Freepers rejoice! “Purim ping!” “Bump and ping!”

“The number six million is a reminder to Christians that never again must we allow a Holocaust,” he said. “And since the young suffer most in times of catastrophe, it is fitting that children should be the ones praying.”

“Hopefully, it will awaken the entire world to the Iranian threat,” said Batzri. “If the goyim have come to the realization that we are in danger, maybe the Jews in the Diaspora will finally wake up.”

Six million Christian children to pray for Israel on Purim
Jerusalem Post ^ | February 28, 2007 | MATTHEW WAGNER
Posted on 02/28/2007 6:39:54 PM PST by West Coast Conservative
Inspired by a kabbalist rabbi, an Evangelical leader from Ft. Worth, Texas, plans to enlist the “pure hearted prayers” of six million Christian children worldwide to protect the Jewish people from the Iranian nuclear threat.

The prayer rally will take place before Purim, a holiday that commemorates the redemption through divine intervention of the Jewish people from an evil Persian ruler about 2,500 years ago. Purim starts on Saturday evening.

Michael D. Evans, best-selling author of The American Prophecies: Ancient Scriptures Reveal Our Nation’s Future, said on Monday evening that the inspiration for his idea from a report in The Jerusalem Post.

“After reading about Rabbi [David Batzri’s] campaign to enlist 10,000 children to pray that God annul [Iranian President Mahmoud] Ahmadinejad’s plans for the destruction of the Jewish people, I said to myself, ‘Why stop at 10,000?'” Evans said in a telephone interview from his Jerusalem hotel room.

“The number six million is a reminder to Christians that never again must we allow a Holocaust,” he said. “And since the young suffer most in times of catastrophe, it is fitting that children should be the ones praying.”

Evans, who heads the Jerusalem Prayer Team, an Internet-based initiative to encourage Christian prayer for the State of Israel, said that Pat Robertson and Jerry Falwell would undoubtedly join forces to muster the 6 million young prayers. Evans said that there were approximately 1 billion evangelical Christians worldwide.

Rabbi Yitzhak Batzri, son of David, welcomed the initiative.

“Hopefully, it will awaken the entire world to the Iranian threat,” said Batzri. “If the goyim have come to the realization that we are in danger, maybe the Jews in the Diaspora will finally wake up.”


  • 16 Responses to “Goyim Celebrate Slaughter of Goyim”

    1. jimbo Says:

      i thought that the New Testament was the foundation stone of xtianity: NOT six million dead kikes!

      …once again demonstrating just exactly WHY jd-xtianity is totally incompatible with White Nationalism…..any-one chucking in their lot with the jews is clearly an enemy of the White Race!

      one wonders when Falwell, Robertson et al are going to remember the fate of 50+million dead white Russians…..ohhh….sorry…..i forgot!…..they were ‘kosher slaughtered’ by the kike, right?

    2. a student of the Elders Says:

      “Pure hearted prayers” or vows of pure hatred? Or, what isn’t the opposite of the truth in Yid-speak?

      The only thing more disgusting than the Yids and their blood libels are the sheep that worship them.

      But then, The Book of Esther, how revealing! A “secret Jewess” connives a less than knowing King into killing 75,000 Jew-aware goyim. Then, the blood-thirsty Jews celebrate forever after.

      Isn’t that Jews for you? Is it true that the gorier descriptions of hacking and sawing their victims to death have been expurgated from current Bibles? So I have read … Can anyone verify this?

      Isn’t it true that an unwitting king initiated the slaughter of hundreds of thousands of Iraqis based on whispered lies coming from the mouths of the Chosen during Purim? That that same king asked his father and former king, “Daddy, what is a neo-con?” Hence, admitting his obliviousness?

      “Redemption through divine intervention of the Jewish people ?” Is that not eerily reminiscent of “shekinah,” the “divine manifestation of G-d”? Oh yeah, isn’t that pronounced the same way as “shock and awe,” delivered to Iraq as Jews were celebrating Purim? Those same Iraqis who then welcome us with “hearts and flowers”?

      Wasn’t the “highway of death” wherein an estimated 100,000 Iraqis were mown down as they waved their white flags during the first Gulf war initiated during Purim?

      And more revelations: “The number six million is a reminder to Christians that never again must we allow a Holocaust.” The brow-beating and brainwashing is acknowledged. Thanks, Jews! We already knew that the Copernican notion that the earth revolves around the sun is false. In fact, it revolves around Jews, the only people chosen by God to hate, rule, and wantonly kill.

      But, Never Forget, that isn’t Pathological narcissism speaking. It’s actually G-d! After all, Jews are G-d!

      The only thing more disgusting than the Yids and their blood libels are the sheep and vermin that worship them: Freepers’ Creepers. Here’s what the Freepers themselves (lowly animals unfit to eat at the trough of Jews and only worthy to be spit and shit on) say for themselves:


      “I think I’ll join ’em.”

      “Sounds good to me! I know about Purim because when SirKit was in Grad School, we were good friends with a another couple, Tom who shared an office with my hubby, and his wife, Nancy, who is Jewish. Her Grandma Gruber sent her Hamentashen every year for Purim, and when Nancy told her how much I liked them, she always sent extra for me. ;o)”

      “A call to prayer….”

      “The evil Persian ruler is back. Haman Jr. is threatening the same horror against the Jewish people.[pic of swastika] Prayers for the quick downfall of entire Iranian terrorist exporting régime’s.

      Recall the fate of the first evil Haman :)”

      Hatred, thy name is …

    3. Mati The Estonian Says:

      I agree – NS and Xity is not wery good bedfellows. Problem is mostly started with 325 AD in Trent when they but a Bible togheter. Looks like pro-parishee elements did a good job to but in some passages about jews. Catching THOSE frases today religious leader (mostly in US by the way and not in Europe) getting too big support for israel.
      But if we look Bible more closely then it denounces most of the crap jews pushing – including usury and fags. So in the future Xity can coexcist with NS if they remove or forget thoses frases (sorry I’m not very familiar with this book cant make any references to those frases) because most of the Bible teaching are quite close to ideals of NS.
      What comes to kikes in and around Russia then we must not forget not only 50-60 million russians but allso white russians, ukrainians, estonians, latvians, poles, fins and countles other nations jew-bolseviks killed.
      Before WW2 they where 1,3m estonians after war we have less then 700 000 left. 200 000 of them where sent to GULAG in 1939/40 and 1945/48.
      And Germans – basically 2m POW where starved to death in 1945/7. And I dont sart even counting civilians. And we must not forget countrys like Germany, Hungary and few more after the year 1919 when bolseviks made they revolutions there …
      And yeah – 6M never died in German camps – there wasnt enogh room for starters ….

    4. Mati The Estonian Says:

      Israeli Vampires and Russian Blood
      Christopher Jon Bjerknes
      The Nation of the Jews has repeatedly gorged itself on Russian blood. World Jewry sent the Zionist puppet Napoleon Bonaparte, who emancipated the Jews of Europe and sought to conquer Palestine for the Jews, to bathe in the blood of the Russian People. Jewish bankers cut off Russia’s access to international money markets, organized crippling strikes and manufactured a war with Japan and financed Japan in this war against Russia. World Jewry orchestrated the First World War by artificially pitting pan-Germany against pan-Slavia, in order to leave pan-Judaea in control of the World. The leaders of Germany and Russia at the time, Czar Nicholas II and Kaiser Wilhelm II, were cousins. In addition to manufacturing the First World War, Jewish bankers financed Jewish revolutionaries to destroy Russia, and Jews organized strikes to cripple the Russian economy and leave it weak and ripe for Jewish revolution. Jewish bankers then had their Bolshevik agents mass murder Russians and other Slavs in the tens of millions. Jewish bankers thrust their agent Adolf Hitler, another Zionist Bolshevist, into power, and through him mass murdered tens of millions more Russians and Slavs.
      For centuries, World Jewry has been promoting the myth that the “Gog and Magog” of the Jewish book of Ezekiel chapters 38 and 39 signifies Mother Russia. Gog and Magog is not Russia, see: Genesis 10:2-3; and the battle against Gog and Magog is post-Millennial in true Christianity, see: Revelation 20:7-8.
      However, Jews and crypto-Jews have convinced their Protestant Christian dupes that Russia must be annihilated in the coming staged Jewish “Battle of Armageddon”. Under the Jews’ deliberate misinterpretation, the Jewish book of Ezekiel 39:2 calls upon the Jews to reduce the population of the Slavs to one sixth its present population. You can expect that a fifth column of disloyal Jews in Russia will do their best to incapacitate Russia’s nuclear arsenal, as the artificial fulfilment of Ezekiel 39:3. Under their misinterpretation, the Jewish book of Ezekiel 39:17-18 instructs the Israeli vampires to feast upon Russian blood and flesh:
      “17 And, thou son of man, thus saith the Lord GOD; Speak unto every feathered fowl, and to every beast of the field, Assemble yourselves, and come; gather yourselves on every side to my sacrifice that I do sacrifice for you, even a great sacrifice upon the mountains of Israel, that ye may eat flesh, and drink blood. 18 Ye shall eat the flesh of the mighty, and drink the blood of the princes of the earth, of rams, of lambs, and of goats, of bullocks, all of them fatlings of Bashan.”
      Zionist Jews control the American media and the American Government. They also have financed and control the “Christian” Zionist movement in America, which, through a group of reckless and aggressive warmongering Jewish agents, regulates the opinions of tens of millions of politically active Americans, who do go out and vote. These “Christian” Zionists openly and regularly call for the “Battle of Armageddon” in the hopes that they will be “raptured” into Heaven, while the rest of World is consumed in a nuclear genocide. They openly and regularly call for nuclear war against Russia. Russians must respond to this threat. It is the single greatest threat to your national security.

    5. Filles du Roi's Boi Says:

      Anything that distracts freepers from the ’08 elections is fine with me. After eight years of Bush, those sonsabitches should be prohibited by law from having anything to do with politics.

      More from Michael D. Evans here:


    6. Mark Says:

      Even when whites bow down and worship Jews, they still refer to them disrespectfully as “goyim.” Willing slaves, all of them.

    7. Chris Says:

      I always laugh when I read shit like this. That dumb bastard in Ft Worth would be lucky to get his twenty parishoners to pray for the kike. My blog gets far more attention than this idiot, yet he can count on the Jews Media to make him someone, at least ybtil the reader moves on to the next article. These people are even less popular than Debra Lipstadt, and Seattle Chicken Shit gets far more attention than she does.

    8. jimbo Says:

      “Jewish bankers thrust their agent Adolf Hitler, another Zionist Bolshevist, into power and, through him, mass-murdered tens of millions more Russians and Slavs”

      nah….. that’s malarkey!

      jewish money may hv been in-directly involved in the rise of the NSDAP but: Hitler a Zionist Bolshevist?

      NO WAY!

      Hitler’s actions clearly demonstrate that he was for the White Race and against its enemies….’Operation Barbarossa’ was to save Western Civilisation…..most of the casualties can be dumped on the door-stop of the jews!

    9. lawrence dennis Says:

      Holocaustianity comes naturally to those deeply enmeshed in Xianity. There are, after all, many similarities:


    10. Dave Jones Says:

      Is Xianity pronounced with an ‘X’ sounding like a ‘Z’ as in Zi-anity
      or as an sibilant ‘Sh’ Sh(y) anity or simply in it’s natural evocation
      as an ‘X’ as in would be the case in (e)X-avier?.

      Somehow (e)X ianity makes no sense. Is this meant to confuse, insult, or are we pursuant of the jEwish proclivity of truncation on the grounds of ineffability or simple hatred of anything pertaining to the deification of a physical or spiritual entity either in specific or terms or in generality.

      Just wondering as I like to try to keep abreast of linguistic tends. The niggers have done such a fun job of bastardizing my Native English language I suppose I must concede that it is permissible for the rest of the world to do likewise.

      “Britain and America, two nations divided by a common language”. Oscar Wilde.

    11. X-avier Crement Says:

      “Is Xianity pronounced with an ‘X’ sounding like a ‘Z’ as in Zi-anity
      or as an sibilant ‘Sh’ Sh(y) anity or simply in it’s natural evocation
      as an ‘X’ as in would be the case in (e)X-avier?.”

      Maybe pronounced ex-savior

    12. Filles du Roi's Boi Says:

      Meanwhile you have an obviously Jewish judge ordering Christian children to undergo pro-homosexual indoctrination, and only one freeper, a female, has the nerve to timidly wonder about his tribal affiliation:


      What can you say about these gutless White conservative bastards that hasn’t already been said?

    13. Nick Says:

      Go ahead – post your crap, it is just our secret way to
      track down every single one of your Nazi-scam, because at the end
      we own the Internet just like the rest of it! Get it?

    14. Hoosier Says:

      # Nick Says:
      3 March, 2007 at 2:59 am

      Go ahead – post your crap, it is just our secret way to
      track down every single one of your Nazi-scam, because at the end
      we own the Internet just like the rest of it! Get it?

      I see your hate couldn’t be contained, lil’ jew boy, and so you had to spew.
      We OWN the Internet, and you know it. BTW, If you “own everything”, why does it sound like your sorry inbred trash tribe is shitting it’s collective pants about “hate on the internet” and ‘anti semitism” these days? It sure doesn’t “sound” like confidence to me. It “SOUNDS” like sweaty, guilty fear.

      Any by the way, stupid Jew boy, did it occur to you, that by posting here, YOU’VE left tracks that can be traced? “Tracking down” cuts both ways, Jew boy. When push comes to shove, You cowardly lil’ penis sucking perverts are certainly not “all that” when it comes to face to face confrontation, as Hezbollah has so clearly shown when they kicked your sorry Jew-boy asses for all the world to see. I don’t think you want to play this particular game.

      Get it? Idiot.

    15. Pony Says:

      Just get ready for the oven Nick…it’s coming.

    16. will Says:

      This article makes me want to puke!