THOMSON: Letters (January 2007)
Posted by alex in Eric Thomson at 8:02 pm | 
28 JAN 07. Dear [ ]: […] I was surprised to see all the Polish job applicants in Limerick. If I were an Irishman, I might think I’d come to Poland by mistake. Then to find a Black presiding over my local post office would tend to make me wonder what brand of whisky I was drinking which was giving me such hallucinations. As I wrote to X, the USA’s present is Ireland’s future, & Ireland is changing for the worse quite rapidly. I’m sorry to learn of some snivel servant denying your female friend a visa. What is going on when it appears that any nig-nog & golliwog can come to Ireland, but a pretty Russian girl cannot? Maybe she should have daubed her face with Kiwi shoe polish of the ‘politically correct’ shade of darkness, before applying for her visa. The drug culture you describe is the bane of political activism. The jew, “Lenin,” called religion “the opiate of the masses,” but today, opiates are the religion of the masses. One observer of the Hippie Era noted that the drugs seemed to neutralize the political radicals of the time. Not only wree the drugs potent time-wasters, but they came in the touted guise of an “alternative culture/society.” Thus, one could choose from politics, drugs &/or drug-induced religious experiences, as if they were all on par as being important for human progress.
Your report that the nearby factory which employs thousands is due to move to Poland is what seems to be the hallmark of the ZOG’s economy: Factories out; aliens in. I guess jobs will be created in Poland so Poles may be unemployed in Ireland, along with Irish people. In the USA, this process is much worse, as factories go down to Mexico & Mexicans pour into the USA like a brown tsunami. An Oklahoma correspnodent who is looking for a job there, repoted that no Mexicans applied for an alleged job-opening for trash-sorters. The reasons no Mexican applicants appeared, he discovered, was that they already had the jobs!
Thanks for your new bio-political term, “Genocracy.” That word has great potential in describing what we are about. Your order of priorities seems wise: First, achieve power; then sort out the nasty issues which work against White Unity, like the Ulster mess. Indeed if ZOG confers self-determination on non-Whites, why can’t Whites achieve the same? I used to attend anti-South African demonstrations in Canada with a poster: “Majority Rule for Canada, Now!” You should have seen the expressions of fear and loathing amongst the demonstrators. I imagine that the Reds may have thought tha6t majoirty-rule for Canada would mean the end of Canadian recognition of White-ruled South Africa, so they left me alone. The jew, Gershwin, wrote “An American in Paris,” so perhaps someone will write a musical based on my experience: “An American in Toronto.” Lots of bongo drums would be appropriate. Another correspondent noted how the jewsmedia prefer to use European-style classical music to accompany Black African affairs, but they like to use Black ooga-booga orchestration for European subjects, including science & technology. Israeli gangsterism is accompanied by sombeer, sympathy-inspiring classical themes we would call not just chamber music but gaschamber music to describe this “nation of martyrs” who inflict jewish horrors on true Semites, based on fake “Nazi horrors” visited on the ‘holy’ hebes. Israeli P.M. Olmert has declared in the press that one must support war against Iran OR the “Holocaust.” In other words, peace with Iran is on par with gassing 6 million jews. Jewish ‘logic’ is a wondrous thing!
“True jews” of British Israel/Israel Identity/Christian Identity et al. seem to have claimed that “Britain” is derived from B’nai B’rith (Sons of the Covenant), but their etymology is notoriously inaccurate. These characters say that “Red Sea” derives from “Sea of Reeds,” which does not translate into any known language, as I understand. No doubt they believe that the ancient Hebrews came from The Hebrides. One “Idiot Identity” freak claimed that Hebrew & German are much the same. I replied that Yiddish uses German words & can be written in Hebrew script. Cockney could also be written in Hebrew script! It is similar to Roman script, which is used for English & French, but does not mean that English & French are the same languages. I base my findings on Britain’s jewish aristocracy, in part, on Arnold Leese’s findings. ‘Jew’ is a biopolitical term, as jews use it, as distinct to a religion. Thus, jewish mothers determine one’s jewishness, according to jews, who can be ‘religious’ or ‘securlar.’ As you say, many Goyim are quite jew-dazed in their values.
The ORION banner is indeed beautiful. Many thanks!
Thanks, also, for the information about the suspected cause of autism: fathers who conceived beyond their prime. I understand that Down’s alias Mongoloid children are associated with mothers who conceive beyond their prime. Nature provides us with maximum lust at our proper breeding age. We ignore Nature at our peril. Nature is Nazi. ORION! — Eric
30 JAN 07. Hail [ ]! It’s remarkable that [ ] and the jew writer, Art Buchwald, apparently died of kidney-failure. In Rhodesia, many young people became infected with bilharzia, from contact with water which carried the organism (blood-flukes), which often caused kidney problems. I was lucky to have avoided malaria, yellow fever, dengue fever, chagas disease & bilharzia when I lived in South America & Africa. A local contact here in Brownest Yakima showed me a list of such diseases he’d contracted when he lived in Brazil< which preclude him from ever donating blood. I have been very fortunate! I hate mosquitos, so I always sleep under a mosquito net when they are present. Most tropical diseases are carried by blood-sucking insects & contaminated water & food, otherwise known as "adventures in eating." Of course, I needed to worry about landmines, bombs & snipers, which were distractions from other health hazards. I remarked to a local jew-quack that health issues have been very low on my list of concerns, unless one would call starvation a health-risk. I dumped the kosher quack who wanted to prescribe all sorts of unnecessary medications for his profit. The major jewsmedia report that over 100,000 Americans die every year from prescribed medications & improper dosages, so let the patient beware!
I am as enthusiastic as you are in regard to your forthcoming freedom from confinement & from substances which abuse you. As usual, zoggies get it wrong: we do not abuse drugs; they abuse us when we are dumb enough to take them. Would a drug-abuser be guilty of “cruelty to drugs”? One fellow told me that he hated alcohol so much that he wanted to destroy every drop of it, by drinking it! The alcohol is still around, but he isn’t. It’s great you can have real visits for a change.
I like your distinction between “northern Mexicans” & southern ones,” which I guess are the ones most recently arrived from Mexico. Our local jewspaper, “The Yakima Harlot-Repulsive,” said that there was good news & bad news about methamphetamine. The good news is that local manufacture of meth is way down. The bad news is that meth-smuggling from Mexico is way up, so there is no shortage, thanks be to ZOG.
ZOG claims that mestizos (Eurasians), including American Indians & Mexicans, are “White.” I see that on federal wanted posters, which list Mexicans as “White, Hispanic.” Hispanic is not a race, but a language group. I speak Spanish, but for some reason I am not deemed a Hispanic by ZOG, nor by the Mexicans. ZOG lists Mexicans as “White” if they commit crimes, but as “Hispanic” if they are crime victims. George Orwell warned us that “Tyranny6 begins with the abuse of language.” So why are we killing Moslems in The Middle East? To bring them “freedom” and “democracy”! One critic of the Romans said that “They create a cemetery, and call it ‘peace.'” We are the new Romans, & we shall go much the way of the old ones, as our empire collapses from within. How boring it is to see history repeated, even with the added entertainment of jet planes & “weapons of mass-destruction.” Famines & plagues served the same purpose in ancient times. In “Rats, Lice & History,” diseases traditionally killed more warriors than war itself, in addition to civilians. According to a high school history teacher, more Americans died of disease (9 to 1) in the Civil War, than by combat. If an army camped out in the same place too long, the soldiers would contaminate their drinking water with their excretions. In civilian life, wells were often dug next to latrines, which allowed water-borne diseases to spread easily, such as typhoid, cholera & dysentery. Only after microbes were discovered did we begin to defend ourselves against these infections, but we so far have not protected ourselves against ZOG’s mental poisons, as we must do, in order to survive. All the best & ORION! — Eric
31 JAN 07. Hail [ ]! […] My reservation about the effectiveness of skinheads is based on my own military experience. Americans like to laugh at the British redcoats who were so visible to concealed snipers. The British themselves adopted khaki or dirt-colored uniforms when weapons & marksmanship improved, but they still paraded into battle, much to the Boers’ delight. The last thing a soldier wants in modern warfare is to attract the attention of the enemy. I benefit, aside from the obvious fact that I am White, by wearing no badges of my political affiliations. I have no tattoos, which all cops love, which is like displaying one’s rap sheet on a sandwich board, wherever one goes. When one is visible, one is vulnerable, especially when we are outnumbered & outgunned by the enemies of our race. Soldiers do not wear big red targets, but skinheads do. Those of us who want to be effective do not advertise the enemy of our beliefs in advance. This tells me that skinheads do not want to be effective, & they are not. Outward display often betrays inner weakness, as in the case of skinhead leader George Burdi, alias Reverend Eric Hawthorne of the CCTC. How quickly he caved in to ZOG pressure & betrayed his touted principles, after such defiant displays! I’m not happy about his behavior, but I am not surprised. I have stood up for my principles in public because I did not turn off the public before they heard what I ave to say. It is better to gain entrance than to have the door slammed in your face. Of course, there is ntohign wrong wtih skinheads associating wtih fellow skinheads at a skinhead party, or KKK members donning their costumes, but it is wise to doff such uniforms in public, so as to avoid unnecessary trouble, & to keep one’s job & to doff such uniforms in public, so as to avoid unnecessary trouble, & to keep one’s job & lodgings. One fellow got into a fight before he’d crossed the sidewalk from his car to our office in Toronto, & we asked him to leave because he was bleeding all over the place from his nose, which had been punched by a pedestrian whom he’d antagonized on his 5-step journey from his car to our entrance. Now, that is pretty dysfunctional! Other Toronto skinheads could not make it to meetings. They got into trouble with cops or into fights in their attempts to cross town. I’ve faced jews & fought them in the streets, but at least I could make it to the scene of the fight & not get waylaid en route. My comrades needed me with them, & not somewhere else. As you say, discipline is necessary if we are to be effective. Knowing when not to fight is just as important as knowing when to fight.
As you say, ignorance is often a matter of preference. I noted a tendency in Brits that they refused to take politics seriously, preferring not to think about issues & people, but when their misleaders told them to obey, they would melt into maudlin stupidity without any question of their misleaders’ motives. Likewise have I heard many Americans call political discussion “bullshit.” I tell such sheeple that this country was founded by bullshitters & liars, so why did you serve in the bullshitting military? Yours not to reason why, ’cause ZOG says so. Poor, dumb goy sheeple! ZOG love ’em, just as you have noted.
I have no TV by preference. That is my advice for those who seek freedom from ZOG: No TV & stay debt free. This we can do by ourselves: our first steps in achieving our collective freedom as a people, rather than as isolated individuals.
Freedom of association is so obviously desirable that the writers of The Constitution neglected to put it into The Bill of Rights. ZOG demands ‘diversity’ in close proximity, which usually produces conflict. Our rulers would really be upset were rich people made to live & go to school with poor people on a quota or affirmative-action basis, & they deserve it! In White-ruled Rhodesia, there were Black millionaires who obviously had better things to do than to spend time with poor Whites. I wonder how they fared under Mugabe’s Marxist Misrule, if there are any of them around in present-day Zimbabwe. I’m glad I was forced to leave when I did, in 1976, before Ian Smith’s sellout in 1980. I knew brave White men who died fighting for what they thought Smith believed. I wonder if Smith ever had a conscience. But the same would go for Churchill. FDR & Stalin were jews, so such a question would be unnecessary, for “the best of the Goyim must be killed,” according to Yahweh.
Thanks for the great essay about the little White girl, entitled “Please Help Her to Live!” How willing are Whites to hand their defenseless children to our racial enemies. What can they be thinking, if they ever think? All the best. DOWZ! ORION! — Eric THOMSON
WHAT WE CAN DO by Eric Thomson
Alert Aryans know that the Zionist Occupation Government is using the old trick supposedly used to kill the frog in the pot of water: by raising the temperature gradually, the frog does not defend himself by leaping out of the pot, and thus expires from the heat. One example of this deadly gradualism is the Income Tax Act, which was passed in 1913 along with the so-called Federal Reserve Act. As I recall, the Income Tax was originally fixed at 1% of one’s income, and it was supposed to be a temporary measure for meeting emergency expenses. Now we groan under its burden. What an outcry there would have been, had the ZOG’s minions of Congress in The District of Corruption proposed the present rate of income tax back in 1913! The Gentile frogs would have jumped right out of the kosher-cooker.
I don’t need to tell you how bad things are for Our Race. Those Ostensible Whites who don’t see how desperate things are may never see, regardless how we exert ourselves to warn them and to spur them to action. What is our first objective, as activists? Survival, plain and simple; the survival of ourselves and our loved ones. As I mentioned in “Here Comes the Revolution, Ready or Not!”, events have a way of occurring sooner than we expect.
Our first task is to make ourselves capable of survival. If we lack knowledge, skills and the will to survive, we can expect our loved ones and associats to be no better off. To survive, we must be able to raise or capture food and defend our means of living, as well as defend our own lives. Those ARYANS WHO LIVE IN SKYSCraper condos are perhaps the most vulnerable to a social breakdown and consequent race war. Those Aryans who are now surrounded by liberals, Christians or race-mixing family members are no less vulnerable, for these are the foremost enemies of Our Race, and they will betray you with rightteous fervor. It is absolutely urgent that we seek out like-minded members of Our Race, with whom we can collaborate. Ask yourself if you could trust your life with your present associates, be they ‘friends,’ workmates or even family members? Long-time associates are not necessarily trustworthy, for there are few people whose loyalty has been tested through hardship or danger. Many are the lone, right-thinking Aryans I have known who are surrounded and neutralized by antagonistic family members. Many are the Aryan martyrs and victims of misplaced trust. Your first step on the road to survival is to analyze with cold objectivity your immediate personal relationships. We cannot afford the dubious luxury of associating with anti-White family members and fair-weather ‘friends.’
Perhaps you will find potential allies via correspondence, Internet communications or other means of long-distance contact. Once you have confirmed to your satisfaction that such people are reliable, you may co-ordinate activities with them. Long lines of communication are, of course, vulnerable to enemy interference. It is nice to have a comrade on the same continent, but it is much nicer to have him close enough to share sentry duties with you in defense of your position. Aryan activists are not only few, but they tend to be very very far between.
Aryans who want to be active on behalf of Our Race often shop around for existing groups who can supposedly provide them with a ready-made organization and support of a psychological and material nature. Most such ‘organizations’ are really publishing outfits, rather than political organizations. They can provide us with vital information, but in the end, it is we who must provide the organization and the action. There are also pseudo-activist groups who call themselves ‘militias’. Unfortunately, many of these well-advertised groups conform to the ‘phoney combat cells’ which the CIA organized in Latin America and which I warned about in 1976. Many of the ‘true-jew’ militia members are, in fact, mestizos, who give White people a bad name. No organization is stronger than its weakest member, so we must be very careful in choosing our comrades in this life or death struggle. As Francis Parker Yockey observed, a political organization is not a soical club; it is earnest and deadly to its enemies. Politics is not like a game of baseball which ends so the players can all go home. Politics is people-power. Once you engage in this pursuit, you must devote your entire life to it. That is the only way you can win. Some self-styled ‘leaders’ have tired of what they thought was a game. To their distress, they discover that the Zionist enemy will not forgive nor forget their behavior, regardless of the childish motives which prompted it.
Thus it is best that you initiate and organize your own recruiting program and such activities as come within your purview and capabilities. Your credo must be: FORM FOLLOWS FUNCTION. Work on a ‘need to know’ basis. Don’t waste your breath talking to the enemy. You will need every resource to reach out to potential Aryan comrades. To mobilize Our Race, we must first mobilize ourselves. OUR RACE IS OUR NATION! — Eric Thomson
31 JAN 07. Hail [ ]! It was great to receive your letter of 28 JAN 07, thanks be to ZOG. It reminds me of the words of a warrior about to go into battle, one of mind, rather than metal, but a battle nevertheless. Our thoughts & hopes are with you, for I pass on your words to others in the White Nationalist struggle, including John Gerhardt of Liberty Rights Advocates. He is also a long-time warrior & a fellow ZOG-Buster, o nbehalf of our POWs. His fliers refer.
Were ZOG not anti-White, I’m sure he would be funded, on behalf of “The Race,” rather than “La Raza.”
Re the Chinese brainwashing program in Korea: J.B. Campbell’s article on “This Savage Nation” took me down Memory Lane, back to my U.S. Air Force ROTC course which included the Pentagon’s official report on U.N. POWs in Korea. This official FEDZOGUSA report claimed that there were “no escapes,” but Campbell’s research reveals that 2 did escape on the U.S. side: one Black & one White soldier. FEDZOGUSA’s behavior toward them indicates that there is one ZOG & that The Jew World Ordure exists, as I discovered in regard to the USA-USSR. Jewish influence also extends into China, as revealed by mainstream jewsmedia sources, including NPR jewsradio. “The Empire of the City (of London)” mentions the jew-bankster connection: a kosher network running from London’s Rothschilds via India’s Sassoons to China’s Soongs. This kosher-commie-capitalist nexus has existed, long before Marx & Mao appeared on the scene. The so-called Korean Police Action (war) was a jew war, like The American Revolution, the U.S. Civil War & all wars to the present ‘holocaust’ (burnt offering to Yahweh) of Goyim in The Middle East, on behalf of jew power & profit. There is thus no doubt that FEDZOGUSA shared information on the Soviet/Red Chinese methods & results of their mind-manipulation of POWs & political prisoners. As you say, intensification of the liberation struggle will cause ZOG to use torture in its gulags, as has been used against U.S. citizen Padilla, who has been accused of undefined “terrorism.” After 3 years in ZOG custody, he is now unfit to stand trial for any real (if any) crimes of which he may be guilty. To my knowledge, FEDZOGUSA whicih abducted him & incarcerated him seems to lack any basis for trying him. Under our present official ‘justice system,’ it appears impossible to try a person for an undefined crime, but it is permissible to abduct, confine & torture him as an “illegal combatant.”
It is obvious that ZOG uses racial rivalry to ‘divide & rule’, so the network known as The Anti-Zionist Alliance is appropriate in co-ordinating the efforts of nationalists, both White & non-White, since the jew supremacists of the ZOG are the “enemies of all mankind,” as the Romans described the jews. As Thomas Chittum wrote in “Civil War Two,” ZOG’s U.S. empire is becoming all-inclusive, but this policy will result in competition for jobs, food & livingspace, which will likely cause the empire to self-destruct, as occurred with Rome’s multicultural empire. Rome sought to impose its slavery on the world, but it failed because all men are not equal. ZOG will fail from the same delusions, despite their many means of mind-manipulation, which the Roman plutocratic tyrants could only envy.
As I understand, ZOG-stats are no more reliable than those of the former Soviet Jewnion. Blacks allegedly make up 13% of the U.S. population. ZOG deems Mexicans as “White” for its crime statistics, but as “hispanic” when they are deemed victims of crimes. ZOG does the same with AIDS statistics & census reports, to conceal th efact that Whites are really THE minority in this land of ZOG, rather than the reverse. Jews certaily make up mor than their touted 2% of the U.S. population, unless all of them are in The District of Corruption! On the local level, Yakima County never had such high crime stats before the Mexican invasion. According to County Commissioners, Yakima spends 90% of its budget on the ‘criminal justice system.’ Before the invasion, most of the county’s budget went for roads & other public works. There is no such thing as ‘cheap labor.’ I’ve seen the future, & it is Mexico. Ha! Well, we’ve always lived in a banana republic, even when we must import our bananas, kosher ones, at that. All the best. DOWZ! ORION! & 88! — Eric
9 February, 2007 at 12:00 pm
If I were an Irishman, I’d be fucking pissed. You don’t see Irish coming to Pollockland to live off THEIR backs. I find that a good many white nationalists are hypocrites, claiming a right to live in another ethnic’s nation simply because they’re also white. Before a train of demagogues and social sorcerers confused the word ‘race’, the nations/ethnic groups were considered races unto themselves and the word ‘race’ was so used. Poles: please get the fuck out of ireland.
9 February, 2007 at 12:30 pm
China the next giant heist for the jew bosses although they already had them with Marx.
Jewish ‘success’ sells big in China
Boom in books purporting to reveal business secrets
Ariana Eunjung Cha, Washington Post
Friday, February 9, 2007
Printable Version Email This Article
(02-09) 04:00 PST Shanghai — Showcased in bookstores between biographies of Andrew Carnegie and the newest treatise by China’s president are stacks of works built on a stereotype.
One promises “The Eight Most Valuable Business Secrets of the Jewish.”
Another title teases readers with “The Legend of Jewish Wealth.” A third provides a look at “Jewish People and Business: The Bible of How to Live Their Lives.”
In the United States, where making broad generalizations about races, cultures or religions has become unacceptable in most circles, the titles of some of these books might make people cringe. Throughout history and around the world, even outwardly innocuous and broadly accepted characterizations of Jews have sometimes formed the basis for eventual campaigns of violent anti-Semitism.
In Shanghai, which prides itself on having provided a safe haven for Jewish refugees fleeing Europe since the 1930s, some members of the city’s small Jewish community are uneasy about the books’ message.
These Jewish success books are very dangerous, said Audrie Ohana, 30, who works at her family’s import-export company and attended China’s prestigious Fudan University. “What they say — it’s not true. In our community, it’s not everybody that succeeds. We’re like everyone else. Some are rich, but there are others that are very, very poor.”
Nonetheless, in China, a country where glossy pictures of new billionaires have become as common as images of Mao Zedong, aspiring Chinese entrepreneurs are obsessed with getting their hands on anything they think can help them get an edge on the competition.
In the past few years, sales of “success” books have skyrocketed, publishers say, and now make up nearly one-third of the works published in China. And perhaps no type of success book has been as well marketed or well received as those that purport to unveil the secrets of Jewish entrepreneurs. Many sell upward of 30,000 copies a year and are thought of in the same inspirational way as many Americans view the “Chicken Soup for the Soul” series.
Among this booming genre’s most popular books is William Hampton’s “Jewish Entrepreneurial Experience and Business Wisdom.” It comes packaged in a red and gold cover, and a banner along the top brags that it was a “gold list” best-seller in the United States. Among Hampton’s credentials, according to his biography: “Business Week editor,” part of the “pioneer batch of Harvard DBAs,” “professor in business strategy and philosophy” with “many years of experience in Jewish studies.”
China is the fastest-growing book market in the world, with 130,000 new titles published in 2005. Sales reached $8.3 billion that year, a 50 percent jump from 2003, according to China National Publications Import and Export’s data research arm.
Several of the business success books, despite their covers, focus on basic business acumen that has little to do with religion or culture. But others focus on explaining how Judaism has ostensibly helped Jewish people’s success, even quoting extensively from the Talmud.
Practically every book features one or more case studies of the success of the Lehman brothers, the Rothschilds and other Jewish “titans of industry and captains of finance,” as one author put it.
Some works incorrectly refer to J.P. Morgan, an influential Episcopalian leader, and John D. Rockefeller, a devout Baptist, as Jewish businessmen.
Most Chinese people have never met a Jew; they number fewer than 10,000 in a country of 1.3 billion people. But several of the most successful businessmen in the nation’s financial capital, Shanghai, were Jewish. The Sassoon brothers, for instance, were real estate moguls of British descent from Baghdad who constructed the landmark Peace Hotel.
Positive stereotypes about Jews and their supposed business prowess have given the Jewish community iconic status in the eyes of the Chinese public. The cover of January’s Shanghai and Hong Kong Economy magazine wonders, “Where does Jewish people’s wisdom come from?”
Jewish entrepreneurs say they are bombarded with invitations to give seminars on how to make money “the Jewish way.”
When asked for contact information for William Hampton, author of “Jewish Entrepreneurial Experience and Business Wisdom,” a representative for the book’s publisher, Harbin Press, said the company obtained the manuscript from a translator and had never met the author.
A search of international ISBNs — the 10-digit codes that identify books published in the United States and other countries — pulled up no hits for books by a William Hampton with a title similar to “Jewish Entrepreneurial Experience and Business Wisdom.”
Harvard Business School has no record of a William Hampton in the first class of its doctorate of business administration program. Officials at Business Week magazine said there was a former employee with that name. William Hampton publishes an automobile newsletter.
Reached at his home near Detroit, Hampton said he was a former bureau chief and auto writer for the magazine, working there from 1977 to 1984, but had never served as an editor.
Moreover, he said he had no idea where the book came from.
“I can confidently tell you that this is not something that I did,” he said. “This would not be a topic I would be knowledgeable about in any way. It would be helpful to be Jewish, for one thing.”
9 February, 2007 at 2:05 pm
I have heard that the Chinese are worse than the Kikes.
btw- What is a Chinese Kike? Nothing less than a CHIKE. . .
The CHIKE-COMS come home to roost. . .
9 February, 2007 at 4:41 pm
Jewish business secrets: Nepotism, cronyism. Work together to backstab and destroy non-jewish businesses. Buy off and blackmail non-jew politicians. Seems the Chinese do their fair share of this, and get US military secrets from the kikes as the cherry on top.
Being Irish I find the remarks about Ireland galling. The yids use different ethnic groups and races to create conflict. They figure if they can’t wipe out the race quickly enough, destroying the borders will do just as well until they can stamp out the last of the white race. The yids are an alien life form, through and through.
9 February, 2007 at 4:43 pm
I don’t blame the east Europeans for coming to Ireland for work. While they do take jobs from us they are fellow whites and in time could be assimilated here. However, the apes and wogs can’t be assimilated and no country should ever try. Ireland is no different than any other white nation in that its leaders are treacherous scum. Our schools and universities are mostly liberal brainwashing centres, just like elsewhere. You can find some of the most poisonous feminists, faggots and multi-culturalists in western Euorpe here in the Emerald Isle. The Catholic Church, of course, works tirelessly against the health and survival of the Irish race. You will invariably find some bishop or priest pleading the case of some monkey invader who is supposed to be deported.
Unfortunately, most of the Irish people are too busy chasing the almighty euro to pay attention. Money and the status that it brings is the new religion. The environment is being wrecked and the timeless landscape is being turned into a parking lot. Even though we are part of Europe it is American anti-culture which is admired most. Appropriately, we now have a drug and crime problem which is becoming American in scope.
If only the Poles were our most pressing problem.
Most white people would like to continue as our ancestors did, living our interesting cultural variations of white civilization; whether Swiss, Finnish, Russian, Irish, Canadian, Australian, German or whichever. I’m afraid those times are definitely past. Unless we as a race begin to pull together we will all be destroyed separately. The kike and its minions intend to utterly ruin us and everything we value. The evidence is plain as day. It doesn’t matter where a white man is from or what his language, religion or culture is so long as he is for the survival of the white race. We really have to get over our cultural and religious differences. Nature has given us no guarantees, only the strength and brains of our men and the fertile wombs of our women. It’s up to us.
11 February, 2007 at 5:55 pm
I’ve had it with the so-called freedom of speech believers on this site censoring my statements. What hypocricy, gagging true white ‘nationalists’, who insist that nations are not to be merged, even among related groups. This site is as phony to me as the ‘jews for preservation of firearms ownership’. So mod, keep on squelching. I’m done with VNN and I’ve contributed my last dime to Glen and TAA. etc.
11 February, 2007 at 7:34 pm
I second that. Fuck you all.
10 October, 2007 at 9:01 pm
The Poles are Slavic and ethnically the same as the Khazars from whom modern day Ashenazim Jews are descended. Just as Russians. modern day Poles may look white and some are quite literally blond and blue eyed notably the women even though it has come from interracial breeding with their German neighbors. The major difference of course is the religion they follow, and it should be acknowledged that some of the most enthusiastic Jew haters are in fact ethnic Poles although I doubt they are represented at all in the influx.
The only reason Poles are tolerated in Ireland is because they are overwhelmingly Catholic…the archilles heal of the Irish. Of course not all Poles are Jew dupes but the Irish can be assured that that there are a good many of the Ashkenazim parasites coming into their country neatly tucked inside the bedding of these mulish Poles that have long since sold their soul to mammon.