Radio: Traditional Catholics Discuss Globokikes’ Dirty Tricks
Posted by alex in Christians who fight the jew, jewish hate & hypocrisy, jewish terrorists & terrorism, Jewish Tyranny, jews jewing jewily, loxism, radio at 6:43 am | 
The global mafia that is Judaism is described in the latest Roman Catholic Report. E. Michael Jones and crew discuss the way the hate rabbis, to be redundant, phone up his hosts to smear him and get them to drop his lectures. The general mentality and M.O. of the SPLC and similar terrorists is described – their shadowy operations involving informants and reputation terrorism.
You can have freedom of speech or you can have jews. Not both.
It is time for good men of all stripes to come together and smash, for once and all, the international jew.
The only thing wrong with this report is Jones’s nearly incredible naivete on the jewish question, as he insists that jewish biology has nothing to do with jewish behavior. “If you introduce this racial type of thinking, then conversion is pointless.” How’s that thinking working out for the church, Jones? Your pope kisses jew ass. Your refusal to see that the kike is a biological pest, not a fellow human to be won over, has left your institution open to being undermined, which is exactly what has happened. The nazis showed the correct way to deal with the jews last century, and their lessons still apply. Well – except that the nazis were too damn Catholic and instead of doing the right thing, rounding the jews up and slaughtering them, they allowed them to emigrate to foreign lands such as America and repeat their pestiferation all over again in fresh fields.
The essence of Judaism is not, in fact, the rejection of christ, but the dual code: ONE STANDARD FOR THE JEWS, ANOTHER STANDARD FOR EVERYBODY ELSE.
The main point here is that men must stand up to the jews. More people doing radio, doing blogs, doing newspapers, just plain screaming that jews are thieves, liars, and murderers is the only way to begin fighting back, short of yanking them out of their beds and slitting their throats, which is also well deserved.
21 February, 2007 at 7:21 am
23 February, 2007 at 1:11 am
(The only thing wrong with this report is Jones’s nearly incredible naivete on the jewish question, as he insists that jewish biology has nothing to do with jewish behavior. “If you introduce this racial type of thinking, then conversion is pointless.)
As I was listening to Jones I was thinking how so many Nationalist make the same mistake, but from a different angle. Jones believes Catholosism is Nationalism and many Nationalist think Nationalism is a religion.
(Well – except that the nazis were too damn Catholic and instead of doing the right thing, rounding the jews up and slaughtering them, they allowed them to emigrate to foreign lands such as America and repeat their pestiferation all over again in fresh fields.)
No, Hitler’s mistake was to leave a quarter millions troops in Moscow to perish instead of pulling them back and fortifying the German position. Arrogance was the Nazi’s “Catholic†mistake