Macho, Macho Q-RIDers Twixt the Thighs
Posted by alex in Alex Linder, spintros at 3:01 pm | 
Neo-HIV is here, and it’s not taking any prisoners. Two months from blow to go. Be warned, gluticians, eminent and mothballed. [H]ealth officials in New York [are] try[ing] to locate as many as 100 sexual partners of a man in his mid-40s, who was the first person found with what may be a new type of HIV. Oh whee, a brand new Gaetan Dugas. You never heard of ol’ Gaetan? He was a homo steward /homo who had a gay old time spreading AIDS through North America. The faggots at Twinkipedia use this classic line: Dugas was a prominent figure in the early development of AIDS research. Guy spreads AIDS to hundreds and they call him a “prominent figure in the early development of AIDS research.” He gave his bunghole, that others might live. What a hero. I mean, WTF? I guess in a world where good guys like those who bring you Free Talk Live and Goyfire are called “haters,” that makes sense. You see, in the wacky Wiki world the guy spreading the disease is actually an important researcher. In the wacky world o’ Wicki, there are death-spreading queers and there are homophobes. Which camp are you in? Here on brothers on the down low.
12 February, 2007 at 7:59 pm
“Be warned, gluticians, eminent and mothballed.”
Beautiful, just beautiful.
12 February, 2007 at 9:03 pm
2 months? We need to start a superfund to send these super diseased faggots to Africa, Haiti, Mexico, South America and Israel with bundles of cash for young faggots.
12 February, 2007 at 9:40 pm
The wiki article has been altered…hehe. Prominent is such an improper word. The secondary definition, and the one most commonly associated with the word is “oustanding, salient, spectacular”, all of which typically convey feelings of respect, so yes, the wiki was in great need of a little altering. I’m sure it’ll be back to saying “prominent” within a few minutes though when the wiki jews check it and see the newspeak has been changed.
13 February, 2007 at 4:18 am
“Be warned, gluticians, eminent and mothballed.â€
Beautiful, just beautiful.
Ah, itz so nice to be appreciated.
You know, I got that word from thinking about Mencken’s ‘bootician’ for purveyors of alcohol during Prohibition. But if you think about, bootician works just fine for fags too!
13 February, 2007 at 6:20 am
“The unidentified man had unprotected sex with several male partners while taking the illegal drug crystal meth. ”
Nothing like speedin’ things along a bit.
“In a statement, New York Health Commissioner Dr. Thomas Frieden called the case a ‘wake-up call to men who have sex with men, particularly those who may use crystal methamphetamine.'”
“Wake up call…” for those on crystal meth.
Pretty funny. Where do they find “journalists” to write this shit?
“In a statement, New York Health Commissioner Dr. Thomas Frieden called the case a ‘wake-up call to men who have sex with men, particularly those who may use crystal methamphetamine.'”
These people are allowed to wake up?
13 February, 2007 at 12:49 pm
Up to a couple of generations ago all medical associations in civilized countries classified homosexuality as a mental illness; in addition to it being a criminal offence. Unfortunately, as so many of our ‘leaders’ are closet bumboys, and because it was another weapon in hymie’s arsenal for use against us, homo behaviour has been decriminalised and is now agressively promoted. A society that not only tolerates this sort of pathological behaviour but actively and enthusiastically supports it is in terminal decline. Like everything else promoted by the kikes faggotry causes us grevious physical, psychological and moral harm.
On a positive note, this new version of AIDS seems to show promise. If it kills large numbers of queers and niggers quickly it is to be welcomed. The old version is just too slow-acting.
It should give all healthy whites cause to worry when they realise how many potentially diseased niggers and queers are working in the food and health industries. Who knows what some filthy ape or queer has done to your food in a restaurant or what diseases you are being exposed to when your resistance is low if you are in a hospital. It would be fine if scum like Dugas was only a threat to other queers, but diseases can mutate in many ways. Perhaps AIDS might become an airborne infection some day. Then the only solution would be to shoot the infected on sight.