THOMSON: Letters (11/06)
Posted by alex in Eric Thomson, holo-factualists, Holocaust, holocaust racket at 4:21 pm | 
14 NOV 06. Dear [ ]: Many thanks for your insightful letter of 9 NOV 06. Egad! How embarrassing it would be if we saw ourselves as Chinese see us. Sun Tzu’s term, “mad bandits,” seems most charitable.
What we see ongoing in the USA would be even worse in Mexico, under Chinese economic conditions in which China trades manufactured goods for raw materials, including oil. All Mexico needs is additional unemployment in the midst of their uncontrolled birthrate. Experience has demonstrated in Canada, Argentina & the USA that manufacturing is the locomotive in a country’s economic train. Primary & tertiary sectors of the economy: agriculture & mining + service industries, do not generate sufficient employment & income to sustain a country’s economy, especially when combined with a high birthrate which dictates job-creation, or else; the ‘else’ being political instability of the sort we now see in Mexico. Local Mexicans complain to me that they are scared to visit Mexico City, where crime is rampant & cops moonlight as robbers. They also complain that jobs taken from the USA are now going to China. Mexican agriculture is being inundated by subsidized crops from the USA, which causes more economic displacement & more illegal immigration in the USA. It’s what people call a zero-sum game, in which one man’s winning is another’s losing. Two people cannot occupy the same space at once, therefore if I occupy the space, no one else can. This knowledge is a well-guarded secret in the U.S. school system. That’s why Goyim are led to believe that the USA can ‘thrive’ on infinite numbers of unskilled, needy immigrants. The current ZOG-prop is that “we are a nation of immigrants.” What is omitted is the grim fact that most White immigrants to early America were slaves, who were followed by additional slaves from Black Africa. White slavery never ended in North America, for Anglos, being the world’s foremost hypocrites, called slaves by other names, including “employees.” Child-slaves were also called “apprentices,” although they had no choice whatsoever in their occupations, as if one would acquire skills by hauling coal on one’s hands & knees! One accurate cynic described ‘economic progress’ as transferring our own slavery to other peoples. Capitalists always search for “cheap labor,” at the expense of the societies in which they live. Hence, the former USSR was, in the wise words of Bakunin, “not a workers’ paradise, but a bank (sters’) paradise.” As long as plutocrats prosper at the expense of their communities & civilization it will be so much more the worse for our communities & civilization. I have noted, over the years, that U.S. stock markets appear to prosper when U.S. employment drops & vice versa. Businesses seem to increase ‘earnings’ by firing workers. Another well-kept economic ‘secret’ is that productive, educated workers improve the general prosperity, which generally, but slower than capitalists like, improves capitalist profits. German economic thinkers have long deemed the USA as a “Raubbauwirtschaft,” or “robber economy”, designed for short-term profit & long-term loss, through disinvestment in its workforce, pollution & depletion of its environment & natural resources, as if tomorrow will never come, at least in our own lifetimes, as we pass our debts onto our young. Indeed, we have a criminal economy, run by crooks, for crooks, with a majority of sheeple who think that crime pays, at least for them. That’s our incentive for electing criminals to office, for we think they will steal for us. Obviously there are lots of surprises in store, as former Enron employees discovered. Enron is the USA writ small, so denizens beware. History shows us that the USA was never a republic, but always a racket, which General Smedley Butler defined as an enterprise which benefits the few at the expense of the many.
It is also history that “the best government that money can buy” will always sell out to the highest bidder. A corollary of “cui bono?” is “follow the money.” the jew banksters create our money out of nothing, which we owe to China in our growing trade deficit. If I were a Chinese decision-maker, I’d hasten to spend my jew funny-money on acquiring raw materials, fuel & foodstuffs, as well as real estate or control thereof. From a White viewpoint, we see that our Zionist Occupation Government is selling America to China, via the kosher connection & con game. We are letting the hebes sell the ground out from under our feet. I’ve been shocked, shocked! by the Democrats who call for a coup d’etat in The District of Corruption, in terms of The Declaration of Independence, but will that coup be kosher, like the one which began in 1776? Stay tuned! We will, as we have no other choice.
As you observe, the symbolic proposal of a symbolic 700-mile border fence will symbolize the division of 1/2 of Mexico from its other 1/2. Such a deal! Our situation is currently hopeless, but not serious, so we may enjoy a laugh or two during this lull before the storm. Whites are asleep & we wish that they will wake up in time to save themselves, but people are known to die in their sleep, so waking up is by no means a sure thing. All the best. DOWZ! & ORION! — Eric
15 NOV 06. Hail [ ]! It was great to get your letter of 11-11-06. Since your zoggies object to Thor’s Hammer in metal or wood, why do they permit, as I understand, crosses of both materials? Would a Thor’s Hammer made of paper or plastic be ‘kosher’ with them? If not, why not? It sounds like religious persecution to me, in violation of our 1st Amendment. Would it be all right to wear a cross upside down? If so, would it be permissible to remove the cross part, thereby leaving an upside-down T? If not, why not? Good luck with your new chaplain. He sounds conscientious.
If White Nationalism is ‘bad’, isn’t jew nationalism equally bad? In debate your jew-zoggess’ arguments are called “special-pleading,” in which an exception should supposedly be made for one, but not another. Special-pleading is deemed invalid in debate, as are ad hominem arguments which attack a person, rather than his points of discussion. Example: If I say that today is Wednesday, & my opponent in debate says: “You’re just a Nazi!” Any debate judges would disqualify that retort as a non-rebuttal of my statement.
If you are required to watch movies of struggling Black males, why not struggling White males? Or struggling Yellow males? Or struggling females? Zoggies promote the specious idea that all our problems stem from failure to communicate, & to make ourselves understood. A Black fist in a White face is definitely a form of vigorous communication, for example, so must a White reply in words, rather than action on the same level? Blow for blow is indeed communication. If I am spoken to in Spanish, why should I reply in English, when I am bilingual? Silly zoggies! Two men may agree that they are hungry. They may also agree that there is bread which can feed only one of them. Can we thus say that their resulting fight for existence is due to “lack of communication”? Hardly! The Duvall drama only points out the need for DNA testing, not kosher crapology. Let’s consider athletes: Suppose one wanted to be a basketball star, & he ‘thought’ he was 7 feet tall, until a coach measured his height & found that he was only 5′ 10″ tall. This fact might cause our would be all-star to rethink his goal, as well as his identity. Life can be full of surprises.
Why do zoggies consider their Holohoax propaganda more factual than serious research into the matter? It is you who should be teaching them, rather than they indoctrinating you. I used to believe in the Holohoax, as I used to think Hitler was The Bogeyman of History, but, thanks to jewish propaganda & its rabid contradictions, I began to wonder how Hitler could be so many things at once, like a “crazy-brave coward,” a “womanizing woman-hater,” a “cool-headed, hot-headed fanatic,” &c. I was taught in the U.S. Army that the best tactic is to hit your enemy when he least expects it, preferably from behind, when he is asleep. I therefore thought it was quite clever of the Germans to trick their jew enemies into believing they were going for a free shower at Auschwitz et al. As the jews kept repeating & exaggerating their lies, & I became more experienced, I began to doubt the Holohoax, & I considered the possibilities, as well as the impossibilities, as outlined in “Simple Arithmetic vs. the Six Million Myth” written by a jew, Herzog, who lived in Southwest Africa, now Namibia. In courts, contradictory statements by a witness usually disqualify his testimony. If he alleges that he saw the accused “perfectly well” when it was dark, we are entitled to wonder if he is being truthful. So it went when one jew-liar testified under oath that he’d seen “burning pits” at Auschwitz which were over “9 meters deep.’ Our defence attorney asked how that could be when the water table in such a swampy area was barely 4′ below the surface. The jew claimed that the Nazis had ‘somehow’ made the water stand still, as only Yahweh could do, previously, when he allegedly “parted the Red Sea” for the passage of his sacred sheenies. Boy, those Nazis must have been godlike, since they could defy the laws of physics, & also, of chemistry, on a routine basis. Nazi crematories could zap a jew into ashes within seconds, whereas normal crematoria can only do the job in 1 1/2 hours, under ideal conditions. Wow! As you pointed out to your zoggies, our best Holohoax-debunkers are usually jews, like my source, Ditlieb Felderer, who visited Auschwitz 52 times, & took pictures of the swimming pool, the brothel & delousing facilities where Zyklon B was used, but where no one was “gassed,” according to the Holohoax Museum authorities. Zyklon B was allegedly used, but not where “millions were gassed,” as alleged by the holohoaxers. It is a typical example of talmudically-twisted jew-think to claim that a life-saving agent for killing lethal lice was used to kill people, instead. All German internment camps had delousing facilities like those at Ellis Island, U.S.A., where hydrogen cyanide (Zyklon) was used for delousing clothing & bedding, but no one claims that immigrants were gassed at Ellis Island, as yet (I hope!). Before 1960, all German interment camps were deemed as “death-camps” where “gas chambers” killed “millions,” but, suddenly, around 1961, the Allies changed their lies to claim that NO ONE was gassed in any camp outside of the six camps in Poland: Auschwitz, Belzec, Maidanek, Sobibor, Chelmno & Treblinka. Thus, we know that Zyklon B was used in all camps, but suddenly, only six camps in Poland were deemed as “death-camps,” even thought people died of starvation & typhus in all camps. In conclusion, camps where people died were not “death-camps,” but only camps which “gassed” people. So why is a death not a death? ZOG only knows! Another ‘miracle’ occurred in 1961 when all the alleged gassees jumped from their previous locations into the six camps in Poland! The ‘official’ Holohoax figures change rapidly for each camp & from every source, but the “Six Million” figure remains, regardless of subtractions. The jews are guilty for lying & for insulting our intelligence, if we ever have the courage to use it, as few Goyim do. One can still go to prison in Zionist Occupied Europe for questioning any aspect of the hebes’ Holy Hoax. Since when did truth ever have to be backed by guns & prisons?
Obviously, your zoggies wish to inflict bogus guilt upon you, as they did with their previous indoctrination course. This is what I needed to know. Many thanks! DOWZ! ORION! 88! — Eric
P.S.: You raised a good point in regard to why I would vote for Bush II. Decades ago, I read an aphorism by Nietzsche in which he declared that he intended to help those who are falling fall faster & those who are rising rise faster. I also read about the frog in the pot of gradually heating water, in which tolerance for gradual change can be deadly. The jew, “Lenin,” described “objective conditions for revolution” as being a situation in which the masses are all adversely affected by major events, at once. If your house is on fire, most people’s behavior does not change, but if most people’s houses are on fire, at the same time, most people will notice & change their behavior. Russian Nihilists/Anarchists were instructed to kill only the good officials of the existing regime, & leave the bad & the stupid alone, so they could bring the regime into disrepute in the eyes of the majority. Boer commandos were instructed to avoid shooting British officers, because they would lead their troops to slaughter, due to their stupidity. Why kill an enemy who is doing you a favor? So must the jews & Chinese see Bush II, whose Zionist madness urges him to seek “Armageddon” so as to bring on the “Anti-Christ”, so “Jesus” will come again, blah, blah, &c. In saner times, one who is criminally-insane would be confined in an asylum, so the closure of asylums not only put looneys on the streeets, but into the White House. As others have noted, American sheeple are asleep, & my motherly old sergeant warned: “Yer gonna sleep yer lives away!” Too bad he’s not around to tell Americans to wake up, but if anyone can wake up the sheeple, it will be Bush II, in my opinion, with his worst efforts.
Politicians have repeatedly told me that the myopic & ruthless selfishness of the public must be seen to be believed. One went so far as to say: “In the USA, there is no public interest, just a Babel of private self-interests, reaching into the tax-payers’ pockets.” It is unfortunate that the general practice in politics is to couch pernicious private interests in terms of the “public interest.” This borrows a trick from the jews who promote ‘universalism’ on behalf of tribalism. The jews prate of “mankind” & “human beings,” when they really mean themselves, & nobody else, least of all us Goy cattle.” Bush II is firmly in the Israel First/Zionist camp, & I have seen biographical evidence alleging that the Bush family are jews by race, if not by religion. Even if Bush II does not consider himself a jew, his loyalties to Zionism & Israel are obvious.
Are soldiers also patriots? I say, yes, if they remain U.S. citizens & if they apply the U.S.-established Nuremberg Precedents at all times, during their military service. The USA required that all German soldiers filter each & every order they received through their consciences & the Geneva Conventions. If such orders failed to pass those filters, they were supposed to be disobeyed. Since the U.S. & its allies enforced these rules by hanging German soldiers for “obeying orders,” we should behave accordingly. Bush swore to “defend the U.S. Constitution,” but he suspended the Bill of Rights, unconstitutionally. One cannot be a patriot & also fight for Bush & Israel. Sleepers awake! Your present & future are at stake, as well as your children’s. It’s time we learned the meaning of “self-government.”
17 December, 2006 at 10:46 pm
Eric is brilliant, insightful and spot-on here, regaling those who can still think and see with his genuine wit and wisdom. A visionary with 20/20 hindsight and foresight.
18 December, 2006 at 2:26 am
Time spent reading Mr.Thomson is always time well spent .
There will always be some jewel of insight in his comments .
18 December, 2006 at 7:31 am
Very wise man, you can tell from how he introduces quotes and historical facts so liberally throughout his letters. Afterall, there’s little use to historical knowledge if it can’t easily be related to real life and political ideals.