16 December, 2006

New Linder

Posted by alex in Alex Linder, Linders at 9:14 pm | Permanent Link

Damn good 48 hours. Wrote a bunch of stuff, recorded a primo Goyfire, and then to cap it off…

…second child was born this morning, a boy. He’s big and healthy, nine pounds 12 oz. Haven’t named him yet. Still pondering. Like to look at baby’s face and get a read on character first.

  • 44 Responses to “New Linder”

    1. Beast Says:

      Name Idea: Juden Hascher Linder.

      Jewhunter. They say the name makes the man. ;)

    2. Tyler Durden Says:

      WOW! Good going…I hope to fight for them some day.

    3. Steve B Says:

      Nine pounds 12 oz….name him Moose!

      Congrats Alex

    4. bubba Says:

      Congrats on the white baby!

    5. jimbo Says:

      heartiest congrats’ to Mr & Mrs Linder!

      (keep em’ coming……..the more the MERRIER!…..eight should be enough!)

    6. jimbo Says:

      (Alex: remember what i told you abt ‘vaccinations’…..AVOID THEM LIKE THE ‘PLAGUE’….boys are particularly susceptible to the ‘side-effects’!)

    7. JimInCO Says:

      Congratulations Alex!

    8. Slim Says:

      Holy Cow, that is a big lad! How is his mother doing? Couldn’t have been easy on her. He may eat you out of house and home. Just joshing. May he live long and well and bring joy to your soul.

    9. Robert Says:

      Congratulations to you and yours on the birth of your Son. What a joyful day! Let him be empowered with your strength, wisdom, and resolve and let him be nurtured in good health with the loving influence of his Aryan Family. True fatherhood is a noble pursuit, one that will keep you on your toes for the rest of your life. The fight is just begining for all of us fathers who look onward to the future we are leaving to our children and our children’s children. Battle on brave father, battle on!

    10. CZ Says:

      Congratulations!! What a wonderful yule gift you have there Alex. I suggest the name should be that of one of great strength and fortitude, perhaps name him after a man with courage and toughness, like yourself.

    11. Congrats Says:

      Middle name : sisu

    12. Curt Says:

      Congratulations! May he grow up in a world free of Jewish tyranny.

    13. Nxhiku Says:

      Congratulations, Mr. Linder and Family. My best wishes to you.

    14. Steve Says:

      If you wanted to play a sick joke on him, Deshawn. Deshawn Abdul Linder. If it’s true that the name makes the man, expect a tail to pop out upon announcing it, or “mothafucka” from his mouth, his first word!

    15. fdtwainth Says:

      Congratulations on birth of the 1st son, Mr. Linder. May he have the same strong character and will-to-fight I have always admired in you.

    16. Theseus Says:

      Congrats! I’m going to be a dad too!

    17. Hans-Jürgen von Stossenhammer Says:

      It is a joy to hear your news Alex!

      A strong, healthy white son who thankfully
      will receive an excellent upbringing, having
      such a resolute, intelligent leader for a
      father. Congratulations to you and your

      – Hans-Jürgen von Stossenhammer

    18. New America Says:


      The slightest good deed is more powerful than the strongest of Dreams.

      New America

      An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!

    19. Devere Says:

      Big day, indeed! Well done! Best wishes on your deeper fatherhood.

    20. JimSummers Says:

      Name him Craig Cobb!

    21. brutus Says:


    22. Hoosier Says:

      Congratulations to the Alex Linder family on the birth of your boy!

      Congratulations to you too, Theseus, for the upcoming birth in your family!

    23. Carpenter Says:


      Some name suggestions: Erik, Carl, Marcus, Thomas.

    24. Mati The Estonian Says:

      Go-go man – congrats for a son ;-)

      some of those are mine – take a guess ;-)

    25. saltriver Says:

      Congratulations. It does my heart good to hear of another white child coming in to this world.

    26. pseudo-doc Says:

      Felicidades !!! 9lbs is pretty damn healthy. Name idea: HEIKO. Good north German diminutive/name (Henry-Heinrich).

    27. Terry Phillips Says:

      What a wonderful gift, a brand new White child! From my myself, my wife, and my son, here’s wishing your family all the best.

    28. honkey tonk man Says:

      Congratulations Mr. Linder and to the mother of the child!!

      I think you should name him “Adolf “just to piss people-off.

      Good work!

    29. Antagonistes Says:

      The only “miracle” we will ever see.

      Why not name him Antagonistes Linder?

    30. Il Duce Says:

      a roman name;claudius, ect.

    31. New America Says:

      Another idea:

      Well, Alex, you see to have the Fatherhood idea down pretty well; we now have our versions of Romulus and Remus.

      Today, Fatherhood, tomorrow, Fatherland.

      THAT one will take a bit longer!


      New America

      An Idea Whose Time IS HERE!

    32. zoomcopter Says:

      Congratulations to you and your wife on the birth of your first son. May your children bring you many, many years of happiness.

    33. Glenn Miller Says:

      Wow !! 9 lbs 12 ounches !! That ain’t a “boy”. That’s a “hoss”. It takes a real man to make boys, ya know. You can make a girl with your finger. (just kidding)

      A hearty congratulations Alex and your lady.

      Give him a macho name, and preferrable one from among your blood kin. I named all mine after relatives I admire. Youngest son named “Gunjer Bill” after an uncle who lived in SC about 200 years ago.

    34. Michael Mavros Says:

      Congratulations , may he live a long life and by the way name him after your father.

    35. jackumup Says:

      congradulations Alex, May all of are children grow up in a safer, stable, jew & nigger free world.

    36. Olde Dutch Says:

      I hope all of you well wishers send Alex a few dollars; I’m sure he can use them right now.

      A. Linder
      POB 101
      Kirksville MO 63501

      Btw, how about “Jefferson” Linder? Jeff for short.

    37. Ahnenerbe101 Says:

      Congratulations Alex and family!

    38. N.B. Forrest Says:

      See how these roll off the tongue:

      Forrest Linder

      Thor Linder

      Wolf Linder

      Titus Linder

      Haman Linder

      Antiochus Linder

      Chmielnicki Linder

      Longshanks Linder

      Linder Mark II

    39. Anchorage Activist Says:

      Congratulations on the birth of your son! Now the fight for our Cause becomes even more personal.

    40. Sandor Says:

      Congratulations to you and your family. Rockwell said something about loving your people, and I have to tell you, I get a big smile when I see a white family with 3 or 4 kids. I love white people more now that I realize how special and endangered we are. I hope all the young people you reach follow your example, and have children.

    41. Shabbos Shabazz Says:

      I offer to perform the “surgery” next Saturday. . .

    42. wayne h. Says:

      Congratulations Alex and Family ,May you all live long and Prosper

    43. Wade Thalweg Says:

      Good man keep it up.

      Forget the basket ball team, go for the Viking Crew Size family.

    44. Wade Thalweg Says:

      August —– Augusto Pinochet Ugarte
      William —– Dr. Pierce
      Robert —– Matthews

      Great men who will live in our memories, and the names of our children.