Yesterday’s FTL Archived
Posted by alex in Free Talk Live at 8:17 pm | Permanent Link
The archive for yesterday’s Free Talk Live broadcast is now available. Thanks again to Lita, James, Todd, Theseus and Chain.
ftl_10_23_06_p1.mp3 (13 MB)
ftl_10_23_06_p2.mp3 (15 MB)
ftl_10_23_06_p3.mp3 (24 MB)
Every FTL broadcast and all other VNN presentations are available for free from the media archives. For shownotes and podcast see archive.
24 October, 2006 at 10:34 pm
who the fuck is gonna download these segments? 2 or 3 people?
if I had been allowed to come on the show, 100’s would be downloading these.
25 October, 2006 at 3:51 am
another good one!
hope-fully: young ‘Lita’ is the future…..remember: white youth: rebel against ‘the establishment’: that means: rebel AGAINST ZOG & ALL ITS WORKS
re: the discussion abt the so-called ‘Torture Bill’….HR6166(?)…..hv to agree: sheer desperation to try &
‘stave off the inevitable’…….but, of course, ZOG gets its premisses WRONG AGAIN!….waddya expect from a bunch of dialectical Talmudic ‘hair-splitters’……..?……’the shape of things to come’ ain’t gunna be ‘the dissident prblm’ BUT THE RACE PROBLEM!……the COMING RACIAL TSUNAMI IS GOING TO OVER-WHELM EVERY-THING!….no amount of extra cops, ‘security firms’, ‘hired mercenaries’, FEMA detention camps and/or ‘anti-terrorist lgsltn’ is GUNNA STOP IT!……HOW THE FCK ARE U GUNNA STOP 100 million RAMPAGING MUDS?……u’d hv to hv a fckn ‘detention camp’ the SIZE of Russia!
these Talmudic ‘neo-con’ schmucks and chabbez-gois would hv been infinitely better served by a careful reading of Raspail’s ‘Camp of the Saints’ and appropriate lgsltn framed accordingly!
25 October, 2006 at 6:35 pm
A really wonderful show; full marks to all, especially Lita, and Theseus.
The issues addressed by all, and some coments:
ONE: LITA and the Future of Social Inversions
Lita was discussing the issues involving our RACIAL future. Beck, citing “The Time Machine” by Wells, said our future was Eloi (soft surface dwellers who have been groomed to serve Morlocks) and Morlocks (underworld monsters who have been groomed to rule with unquestioned ruthlessness). (As an aside, doesn’t that sound like Institutional Christians, and the Goddamned JEWS?) Beck addressed the institutional nature of the Lower Orders, and referenced the book, “Time on the Cross,” which was the first cliometric analysis of slavery as an economic institution. Beck then noted that he sees societal inversions everywhere, that literally make him sick. We note this is part of the Awakening, where you suddenly see what was “Hidden” to your lower level of Awareness. Beck also observed that America was being transformed into the World Government.
TWO: Todd and the “911 Truth Movement”
About two and a half hours later, Todd cited the example of the “success” of Alex Jones in getting out his side of the 911 “Truth,” and his success in selling videos in getting the word out.
This issue deserves extended comment, and analysis.
Virtually the ENTIRE “911 Truth Movement” is a JEW-controlled false flag operation; Peter Shank was the FIRST to notice that the “911 Truth Movement” discusses EVERYTHING about the Crime of The Century, except – EXCEPT – who pulled the trigger, who GAINED from 911.
As well, Shank interviewed one of the prominent members of the “911 Truth Movement,” who said that the Movement COULD not, and WOULD not, address the issue of JEWISH preeminence in 911.
Jones is also on the public record as saying “Israel COULD NOT have been involved…” in 911.
In short, one you get away from the issues of “physics and facts,” the “911 Truth Movement” is simply a BIG, JEW-controlled false flag…
THREE: Our Future – Recruiting People, Who, How, and Why
At about two hours and forty-five minutes, Beck said we have to attract people as best we can, and he would not join any WN organization.
Todd said we must meet people face to face on activism, and the days of “greet, meet and eat some barbecue” are over.
Beck noted we’ve already lost the game, and are trying to get out of stadium without being attacked.
Todd noted that, with Mexicans, we are being almost forced out and forced to form enclaves.
Todd noted Alex Jones has presented the movie “Terrorstorm,” as an example of how we must focus our efforts in one idea, and get that out by Internet or DVD; a video format is essential.
At about three hours and fifteen minutes Beck noted an example of cultural suicide; the local Lutheran Church was running a day care center for children of dotheads.
Theseus raised a most important issue: we owned this country free and clear when we were kids, and need another use of the principle of youth rebellion. The movie “White Terror” provides a useful example. If you replace the word “race” with “rock ‘n’ roll,” an example is presented of how youth rebellion can be harnessed in a different manner. The adolescents are facing an unsustainable system, which leads to an inherent amplification of the eternal generational conflict. These will lead to spontaneous actions, and can be used to good effect. Along these lines, I would simply cite Alex Linder’s truly important observation, “THE BEST REBELLION IS EXCELLENCE.” Our challenge is to define “excellence” in explicitly RACIAL terms.
At about three and a half hours Theseus noted that we need New Answers to New Questions. This is an observation of singular importance; literally, an Old Order passes, and our people do not have anything positive to replace it. This is where we have to develop New Answers, by explicitly rejecting the unquestioned assumptions of the Old Order.
Beck noted that, inevitably, White Nationalism is the future. This is why the government and media suppresses us; (at least implicitly) we have Answers to the problems. Theseus made a major point, that our society has become very Soviet, with the military treating us as civilians, not citizens. We might note that “Soviet” is simply a code word for “Jewish-controlled.” Overall, The Truth is anti-Semitic.
Todd noted the Communists (the JEWS!) knew they had to bring us to our knees, and did so by degrading the country’s values, morals, and government.
Theseus addressed this issue from an intergenerational perspective – the time span that the JEWS use in destroying us. For almost 100 years we have been “managed” by these Kikes into the ground; woe to us for the decisions of our grandfathers.
Beck noted that the System is remaking Jefferson into a Universalist.
Theseus cited an important observation by Dr. Kevin MacDonald, that the “Others” don’t have “competitive altruism,” and, in fact, they lord it over you once they are in charge. A correct policy is to have no weakness among our own, whereas the “Others” they have a quantity over quality breeding strategy. We have “high investment” child rearing, with fewer children who are raised. In contrast, the “Others,” in particular the colored, look at having children as little more than merely spreading seed. Like seed used to grow a lawn, no single seed is precious.
Beck noted the useful success of R. Crumb’s “When The Goddamn Niggers Take Over America.” This would make a useful front section of a flyer, as well as Crumb’s “When the Goddamn JEWS take Over America.”
Todd noted that flyers are primarily used, not to change the minds of people who receive them, but to get the news media to report it, and get our websites on their news report.
Chain made a very astute observation; we MUST must understand the cognitive dissonance – the discrepancy between what people are told, and what they KNOW – that controls so much of the openly hostile cultural order in which we find ourselves.
FOUR: The Importance of RACIAL Identification for Organizational Purposes
At almost three hours and fifty minutes Theseus looked to the inescapable foundations of Who We Are, by speaking to the issue of RACIAL CHARACTER: “When the power goes out, people change.” He went on to observe, “It’s so much healthier as you think about things that matter; when your skin becomes your uniform and the shooting starts, Whites will prevail, and THIS angers the Jews.” In time, blackouts will become more sustained, more often. Theseus spoke to the Deep Truth that we all must face, sooner or later, as to our RACIAL DUTY: “WE ARE NOT CONSERVATIVE, WE ARE REVOLUTIONARIES, LET AMERICA GO, IT’S MUCH BETTER, I FELT SO MUCH BETTER AFTER I REALIZED THAT.”
COMMENT: This is probably the most important issue to be discussed in the broadcast; whether our Way Out is Harold Covington’s Northwest Homeland, or connected enclaves (not really a long-term option, if you think about it), we must recognize that Our RACE Is Our Nation, and “America” is a country that ONLY has value if WE are there. The various forms of the American nation-state over the years are simply proof that WE can make of it, what WE need to make of it, without being wedded to the archaic structures that no longer meet the needs of the new cultural moment.
Beck amplified Theseus’ observation, that “once you make the emotional break, ending this crap forever, (you are freed up to) starting new with something better.”
Theseus replied, “We are going to fight back at one point, even if there is only 500 of us in an enclave.” (In reply, perhaps all might want to view the trailers for the upcoming Warner Brothers movie, “300.”) Beck noted the government could have been overthrown in the late 60’s, but this is not possible today.
Theseus noted the importance of correctly framing the issue; “As soon as you talk about the JEWS, the first thing they see is hundreds of bodies pushed into mass graves by a bulldozer…The organizational principle at present is Marxism, where people divide along socioeconomic lines. Before that the organizational principle was bloodlines of family, tribe, nation, RACE.”
Chain spoke to the Reality of the 24/7 JEW-controlled Propasphere: “Whites should not have to listen to this Jew version of the Matrix. We should have our own REALM, a contiguous white environment.”
Theseus noted an observation made by Peter Shank; “The lesser races must come to OUR system.”
COMMENT: This is a more important point that many might fully appreciate at first glance. It is a simple truth that ALL of the Lesser RACES wish to come to the world created by the White RACE. This simply destroys the idea of an sort of inherent “equality” BETWEEN the races.
Theseus noted we MUST take the battle to the enemy on the Holocaust, and our efforts MUST focus on a generation of younger men for the revolution.
COMMENT: We should also begin to define the parameters of such a necessarily intellectual “revolution,” knowing full well that those who would have us even discuss the (folly) of the use of arms would experience the fulfillment of the fondest dreams of our RACIAL Enemies. All success, in any field of endeavor, comes from a correct formulation of the issues, and opportunities, before you. Peter Shank made the correct observation: the Goddamned JEWS took over this nation without firing a SHOT, through control of the pictures we see, and the words we hear. Our Struggle must BEGIN at that very fundamental level, as we begin, anew, and build a Better World for OUR Posterity.
Covington’s “Northwest Trilogy” does offer some very pragmatic ideas along the lines of forming OUR COUNTRY, where OUR NATION can live in peace, a peace where none may make afraid.
New America
An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!
25 October, 2006 at 8:59 pm
Hi N.A.,
Your praise made my evening. :]
“Theseus noted the importance of correctly framing the issue; “As soon as you talk about the JEWS, the first thing they see is hundreds of bodies pushed into mass graves by a bulldozer…”
That was Todd, and he was right on (I was noticing we sounded alot alike at times, too).
Tune in Friday. :]
25 October, 2006 at 11:17 pm
Thanks, and sorry for the misunderstanding.
I think that those who will lead us foreward are coming forward, and this impetus is coming from the best of the Next Generation – people like Lita, preadtor2prey, Todd, and yourself.
Historically, the Conservatives/Patriotards/Libertardiots have “fought” a series of losing battles to live in an America that never really was; they are worshippers of a past that never really was, and certainly will not be again.
We really need a New Way of Thinking – Chain’s comment about all too many of us being trapped in the JEW-controlled Propasphere is all too accurate.
At the same time, people who have complained about the Goddamned JEWS have, with precious few exceptions, never really done anything constructive about the situation before them. They miss the point that Goddamned JEWS, the demons in shoe leather who walk the Earth in OUR Country, are here as the parasites they are, because of our forgotten heritage as the CREATIVE RACE.
This has led to their collective impotence, as they still see themselves as professional victims of this nebulous, all-encompassing conspiracy; in short, the JEW-controlled Propasphere has, literally, put them to Sleep, just as in the movie, “They Live.”
“Awakening,” on the other hand, requires a continuous committment to at least SEE things as they really are; from that, honest inquiry can begin as to a Creative Solution to our problem that transcends the false duality that is offered to us by the Goddamned JEWS.
I admire thhose who take the initiative to lay the foundation, however tenuous, for New Thinking about the issues before us; Bill White, say what you will, is defining one way of loking at the issues of National Socialism as a solution for our RACE. Harold Covington’s “Northwest Trilogy” is well worthy of review, slowly, and with many pages of notes to be taken, as he, more than anyone I have read, has laid our a Plan, and a discussion of the Issues to be dealt with between where we are, and where we want to go.
Beck made a profound point that really deserves much more comment, and it might be worth exploring in your book, as a dialogue between characters: overthrow of the Government IS an impossibility.
This point is worth elaborating on at length, and I might do so in a later post in this thread, but it is is especially important for several reasons:
ONE, there will ALWAYS be those among us who will advocate the overthrow of the lawfully-constituted Government. They will ALWAYS be agents provacatuers, who are there solely to get you to agree, and then get YOU to volunteer YOUR ideas on how this might be done.
Your words will be played back in Federal court, as you are on the way to a Federal Correctional Institution.
When someone proposes such a thing, look at them and say, firmly, so their microphone picks it up, “STAY AWAY FROM ME!” And then, get up and WALK AWAY FROM THEM, and keep walking….
TWO, as proof of why these people who propose overthrowing the Government AREN’T agents provacateurs should be ignored, consider that, somehow, these people, who can’t hold a job for any period of time, are proposing to take on, head on, the most powerful government in the history of the world, which can stop them in their tracks with a simple traffic stop…
These fools are NEVER to be given a moment’s credibility; again, tell them to stay away, get up, and walk away, and keep walking…
I mention this to you because you have an excellent Idea – that the Old Order Passeth – and realize that the Deep War is the Battle of Ideas, where the Goddamned JEWS took over this country WITHOUT FIRING A SHOT.
Ever use the phrase “THE Holocaust?”
Ever wonder how THAT phrase became a part of the common vocabulary?
Ever use the phrase “Judeo-Christian?”
Ever wonder what it could mean, when you realize that (1) in the word, “Judeo” comes FIRST, and (2) Judaism is the EXACT OPPOSITE of Christianity?
Alex Linder said it best; “It’s a battle of memes, and genes, a battle of Ideas, and RACE.”
The Goddamned JEWS are winning, because we won’t even take the field…
So, thanks for all you are doing, and I’ll be sure to download your Friday Night Fights! You MIGHT want to discuss some issues you are developing in your book….
Just an idea.
Another Idea well worth exploring is the Idea that America AS WE KNEW IT is pretty much lost to us, and it will be up to us, and our heirs, to literally CREATE it’s successor from scratch, on a DAILY basis, by the renewing of our Minds to create, and form, our new RACIAL HOME.
Incidentally, that’s why I like Covington so much; he took the responsibility to actually outline the issues, and define some ways of resolving the conflicts that will appear along the Way.
New America
An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!
26 October, 2006 at 2:09 am
NEW AMERICA, you type too damn much; i bet hardly anyone bothers to read what you write, damn it! BREVITY!
funny to see how chain and becky are at each other’s throats, what with chain accusing becky and me of being in on a little conspiracy together with the duck to bring vnn crashing down.
great stuff.
FREE STUTTERER AND SUBY NOW! and faggypants too.
26 October, 2006 at 9:55 am
Fuck Silverkike!