Advertising: Normalizing Nigger
Posted by alex in advertising, Alex Linder, Hiph-op at 3:19 pm | 
Few television ads today are NOT influenced by the Hiph-Op, a decades-long campaign to turn Whites to mud. More and more ads dispense with Whites and pitch mestizos and ‘groids directly. The following PSP ad from Sony, discussed in Goyfire #41 below, is a perfect example.
The ad features a Greaseball talking to a goose about PSP, some kind of game player/web cruiser. How do you entertain yourself on the road without one? asks the ‘ball, in
“You poop on people’s heads? Oh, man, that does sound pretty entertaining.”
There is nothing more characteristic of the nigger and mexican than destroying things for the sake of entertainment. Thanks to the jews, this attitude has been mainstreamed. You’re not a troublemaker or all-purpose shithead, you’re “Jackass II,” the highest-grossing movie this weekend, or, if discolored, you’re “diversity,” our “greatest strength.” More like stench. America is the Mexican’s pinata.
See the ad:
Ad from TBWA/Chiat/Day
Exec producer: Michael Feder
Director is a little nipper pushing usual gooknerdism, the appeal of which escapes me by football fields
Media controlled by jews become obsessively, reflexively masturbatory, puerile, obscene-yet-sterile, as anything real is off limits. In subconscious recognition of this, there becomes an obsession with reality and credibility and ‘keeping it real. ‘sex and money are the only reality to the jew and his dancing nigger monkey.
3 October, 2006 at 5:48 pm
South Carolina city councilman wants to sterilze monkeys to stop crime….
3 October, 2006 at 7:13 pm
It is going to get worse – much worse – before it begins to “get better.”
It’s only going to “get better” if we recognize that the JEWS attacks on us will only increase from here on in.
Remember, suddenly, a WALL of “911 Truth Movement” analysts and commentators have come along, all discussing EVERYTHING about 911 except the ONE COMMON FACTOR THAT MATTERS – WHO DID IT, AND WHY?
Hence, JEWS are trying – successfully! – to change the subject as quickly as possible; suddenly American Renaissance discusses EVERYTHING about RACE in a Black/White/Mexican context, to the deliberate exclusion of ANY discussion about the most successful RACE in the West, and an analysis of HOW they achieved, and maintained, their successs.
Watch as more and more commercials, and then shows, feature a policy of “White OUT.”
New America
An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!
3 October, 2006 at 10:21 pm
sterlize monkeys? Whhhaaattt? How dare you refer to african americans as monkeys! “your hate speech people” you should all die while waiting in line at the martin luther king personal culture diversity kindregarden of advance black future history studies malcolm X division Dr reginold t Washington pfd,mfb, and a whole lot of other letters presiding. Don’t you realize that people of color enrich our society (I learned that in school) by sharing thier culture with us, and if we listen we will all live in harmony forever & ever, they have so much to teach us. Wait you didn’t actually call blacks monkeys, i just assumed that. I’ve been infected. you infected me. YOU FUCKIN WHITE BASTARDS
4 October, 2006 at 11:15 am
This is the second white man to come out publicly about sterilizing blacks to reduce crime! LOL! Of course, he is for using it on everyone, not specifically blacks. However, it would obviously disproportionately affect blacks (and Hispanics), and therefore is racism by today’s political standards. You see equity to many people today is not equal opportunity, but equal outcome. And you know that all black chil-rens need is more education! A brotha just can’t get his learn on in this racist sa-si-o-tee!
4 October, 2006 at 10:13 pm
Gentlemen! Let us not call the poor blacks Niggers, or monkeys……thats an insult to the monkey. Let us use the more polite term of Spear chucking jungle bunny. Atleast there is 2 mentionings of their culture in there. Spear chucking and Jungle…..just incase you thought Bunny was in some way related. poor bunnies.