The Story of Nicholas Minucci
Posted by alex in black crime, double standards, judges, loxism at 12:34 pm | 
White men must never dare to defend themselves. So teach the oppressors. There is no arena in AmeriKwan society left without a double standard favoring niggers and other incompetents or criminal jews over Whites. Why do we tolerate it?
What’s “good for Whites”? A nation without niggers or the jews who sicced them on us.
Double Standards
The story of Nicholas Minucci’s troubles began on the night of June 29, 2005, when the 19-year-old was approached by a friend, Frank Agostini, who said he had just been accosted by three black men attempting to rob a gold chain he wore around his neck.
During their search, they spotted three black men, who Minucci claimed were acting “suspiciously†like the types who frequently came into their community to steal cars. Minucci grabbed a baseball bat from his car and chased the men, two of whom fled, while one slipped and fell. This was Glenn Moore, who Minucci then struck twice over the head with the bat. After being struck, Moore got up and ran away and went to a hospital under his own steam. From the manner in which he behaved in court a year later, it appears that the injuries suffered had not interfered with his ability to get on with his life.
Minucci was sentenced to 15 years in prison. New York State Supreme Court Judge Richard Buchter added eight years to Minucci’s sentence because, in the commission of his crime, he yelled “Nigger!â€
When Minucci went looking for the men who attempted to rob his friend, he skipped over several blacks when told they were not the culprits. If he had been looking for just any “niggers†to beat up, he had ample opportunities, which he did not take. He stopped purposely at three men who appeared to be casing the automobiles in the area. In court, the men admitted this is exactly what they were doing. (The modus operandi of a car thief is a pattern familiar to savvy New Yorkers.)Not only, but he was with a partner, making it a conspiracy. He was never charged for this crime.
Contrast and compare:Fastow, Enron’s former chief financial officer, had agreed to serve a maximum 10-year term when he pleaded guilty in 2004. But the judge said he deserved a lighter sentence because Fastow has been persecuted following Enron’s collapse and that his family has suffered enough. “Prosecution is necessary, but persecution was not,” said U.S. District Judge Kenneth Hoyt. “These factors call for mercy.”
The collapse wiped out thousands of jobs, more than $60 billion in market value and more than $2 billion in pension plans.
Andrew Fastow, one of the key figures in Enron Corp.’s collapse, was sentenced to six years in prison Tuesday.
Eight years for calling a negro car thief a nigger. Six years for defrauding an entire industry and costing shareholders sixty billion dollars.
But the judge said he deserved a lighter sentence because Fastow has been persecuted following Enron’s collapse and that his family has suffered enough.
“Prosecution is necessary, but persecution was not,” said U.S. District Judge Kenneth Hoyt. “These factors call for mercy.”
The “Hate Crime†Lobby Wins Another Round
Elizabeth Wright, Issues & Views, August 30, 2006 “Mr. Minucci’s words and actions and the very nature of the crime send out a deplorable message of intolerance and exclusion which impacts us all… . The fact that the crimes were committed as hate crimes makes them far more repugnant and deserving of an enhanced punishment.â€
That such words should come from a newspaper pundit or Op-Ed commentator would be perfectly acceptable. The fact that they come from a judge is disgraceful. The views of an editorialist or commentator, however misguided, can be tossed aside or taken to heart by those who agree or disagree with him. But what recourse is there from a judge with the power to punish, based on some bias in his own head concerning the proper way to think about race?
We have published at least a dozen articles on this site about the emergence of municipal and state “hate crime†laws. What more can be said about divvying up groups into those who deserve greater protection on the basis of their race or special characteristics, and those who do not? What more is there to say about a society grounded in freedom of speech, while its citizens allow for the punishment of thought? As predicted, it did not take long for “hate crimes†to encompass “hate speech.â€
The story of Nicholas Minucci’s troubles began on the night of June 29, 2005, when the 19-year-old was approached by a friend, Frank Agostini, who said he had just been accosted by three black men attempting to rob a gold chain he wore around his neck. Minucci set out in his car with his friend to find the men in question. Their neighborhood was the predominantly white section of Howard Beach, in Queens, New York.
During their search, they spotted three black men, who Minucci claimed were acting “suspiciously†like the types who frequently came into their community to steal cars. Minucci grabbed a baseball bat from his car and chased the men, two of whom fled, while one slipped and fell. This was Glenn Moore, who Minucci then struck twice over the head with the bat. After being struck, Moore got up and ran away and went to a hospital under his own steam. From the manner in which he behaved in court a year later, it appears that the injuries suffered had not interfered with his ability to get on with his life.
Minucci’s act was a foolish pre-emptive crime that deserved to be punished. We cannot decide that someone might commit an act we disapprove of, and attack on that basis. A punishment was certainly due, but for the crime itself. Minucci was sentenced to 15 years in prison. New York State Supreme Court Judge Richard Buchter added eight years to Minucci’s sentence because, in the commission of his crime, he yelled “Nigger!†Syndicated columnist Nat Hentoff writes, “Those eight years were not because of Minucci’s act (the beating of Moore), but for what he said. “
When Minucci went looking for the men who attempted to rob his friend, he skipped over several blacks when told they were not the culprits. If he had been looking for just any “niggers†to beat up, he had ample opportunities, which he did not take. He stopped purposely at three men who appeared to be casing the automobiles in the area. In court, the men admitted this is exactly what they were doing. (The modus operandi of a car thief is a pattern familiar to savvy New Yorkers.)
There is no reason why the court should not have accepted this motive-intention on the part of Minucci for his crime. None of the details concerning his speech should have been rationalized or thrashed out, as they were in court, because the only issue that should have prevailed was the defendant’s unwarranted assault on the victim. In the course of the trial, the subject of Moore’s fractured skull was all but lost. In fact, the New York tabloids began to refer to Minucci as the “hate-crime defendant,†not the “assault and battery defendant.†As far as they were concerned, Minucci was on trial for “hating.â€
Contrary to Judge Buchter’s ridiculous claim, the thoughts that might have been in Minucci’s head did not make his assault “far more repugnant and deserving of an enhanced punishment.†If the judge personally found Minucci’s thoughts repugnant, he was doing nothing more than expressing his own personal inclinations. However, his personal feelings about Minucci’s attitudes should not have entered into the manner in which he conducted the trial or affected the sentencing procedure.
Buchter also claimed that the use of the “n†word was “an affront to Glenn Moore’s worth as a human being.†So, if we verbally affront someone’s worth as a human being, are we deserving of eight years in prison? And just what would Buchter do with the tens of thousands (maybe millions?) of blacks who regularly use the “nigger†term deliberately as an invective against other blacks? Even if Minucci did harbor the malice described by the judge, since when did Americans lose the right to hold intolerant attitudes or to be exclusive? Again, Buchter, finding such notions “deplorable,†simply gives us a view into his own mindset.
Minucci, known as a neighborhood tough, certainly had been in his share of fights with other white youths his age. What were the nature of the expletives he spewed out during those feuds? In a brawl with an Irish kid, for example, might he have pulled out all the stops, and delivered every denigrating insult he could connect to Irish ethnicity? Of course, there would be no “enhancement†of his prison sentence, under those circumstances.
In their book, Hate Crimes: Criminal Law and Identity Politics, James Jacobs and Kimberly Potter make the point that a great many, if not most “hate crimes†are committed by young people, a high percentage of them juveniles. The epithets that fly are often spur-of-the-moment outbursts, and are not motivated by hard-core ideology. To call a person a “racist,†who succumbs to his anger and spews forth a verbal tirade against an adversary, is overreaching and is not accurate. Jacobs and Potter write: “Hate crime cannot be accurately counted because, given the ambiguous, subjective, and contentious concept of prejudice, it cannot be accurately defined.â€
From comments made in interviews, Minucci seemed sincerely perplexed by the “racist†tag being applied to him. He had, after all, spent so much of his life among other ethnic groups, having been raised in the racially mixed neighborhood of East New York, Brooklyn. Like most kids his age, he was preoccupied with “urban†music and similar past times. In interviews, he seemed genuinely put out by the racist label that the newspapers were fixing to him, which he found incomprehensible.
Ride the New York City subway and listen in on teenagers, blacks and non-blacks, interacting with one another, while the word “nigger†punctuates their conversation. In the intimacy of one another’s company, they are oblivious to the offensive origin of the word, and think that “old fogies†are kind of nuts to make a fuss about it. No doubt, Minucci used the word in a derogatory fashion, when he pounced on Moore, but he had come to know the word on several levels of meaning.
As if understanding the nature of Minucci’s dilemma, members of Glenn Moore’s family graciously asked the judge for leniency in the sentencing of the defendant. But the judge was on too much of a personal “anti-racist†roll to be distracted by mercy.
Besides the judge’s own prejudice in the case, Minucci had to face three other troublesome hurdles. These were the appearance of ambulance-chaser Al Sharpton, who felt compelled to call out the troops and do his rally-march thing; the interference of New York’s Mayor Michael Bloomberg, who could not resist grandstanding against “racismâ€; and the prior history of a similar crime committed in 1986, in Howard Beach, where the black victim, also a suspected thief, was not lucky enough to survive being chased into traffic by a white man.
A good judge, of course, would have seen to it that none of these extraneous factors interfered with fair treatment of the defendant standing before him.
(Posted on September 26, 2006)
28 September, 2006 at 3:07 pm
The game that has been set in motion has only one logical and intended end to all of this, our own extinction. This slide into insanity is already far beyond what any of our ancestors would have tolerated.
Considering how Minucci was railroaded, I can just see a news story in the not too distant future, it tells the story of yet another hate crime.
The Peoples Press
–Ari Schuler Golan–
Sept. 26, 2007
Sentencing was handed down in the Terry Phillips murder trial today. Phillips, a rage filled white supremacist, hurled hateful invectives while he railed at 11th Circuit Court Judge Shondrakeya Amalia. Phillips was sentenced due to his conviction on one count of first degree murder, assault with a deadly weapon, deprivation of a protected minority’s civil rights, and a hate crimes enhancement resulting from the Oct. 5th ’06 cold blooded murder of Jamail Obama Kendraku Jones.
Jones, and his cousin Rufus T. (TeeBone) Jackson were involved in a simple breaking and entering, as high spirited young men will do, of the Phillips home. It was a simple heist, no harm intended. According to Jackson’s testimony, Mrs.Phillips surprised them when she unexpectedly entered the room and turned on the lights. Then, while they were having consensual sex with Mrs. Phillips on the floor (Jackson admits she was bound and gagged and beaten and seemed to be struggling, but he and Jones just knew she was really enjoying it) Phillips charged into the room and yelled, “You g*****n stinking, black ni****s!! I’m going to kill all of you!”
TeeBone swore that those words hurt as much as the threat. Such a painful reminder of 300 years of oppression at the hands of white racists like Phillips.
TeeBone further said that Jones snatched out a pistol, but was only trying to scare Phillips, and keep the aggressive bully from hurting them. But, in spite of their best intentions, the known white racist pulled a gun and shot poor Mr. Jones through his 19 yr. young face, shattering his poor mama’s dreams for his future. Mr. Jackson says he barely escaped with his own life as he ran out the door with the blood enraged Phillips in close pursuit.
Friends and neighbors all agreed with the Rt. Rev. Willie Green, IX of the Beulah Land African Methodist Episcopal Church when he said, “There was no harm in young Jones. He’d never, never been in any kind of trouble before. Well not much. There was that thing with the gun & all, & then there was that girl & those drugs. But, he was so quiet and so kind to the old peoples. Its a shame racists like Phillips are allowed to live.”
Phillips was sentenced to death.
28 September, 2006 at 3:21 pm
The cops are just the ZOG’s goon squad. Never involve them,they’re no help.
28 September, 2006 at 3:47 pm
Why don’t all the whites rise up for Nicholas Minucci?
28 September, 2006 at 4:44 pm
the adl tells the cops how to think now.
slightly less than average intelligence uniformed zog zombies with high powered weapons.
you’re right. stay away from cops. most of them are shit and would just love to put your white ass in jail so it can be invaded by a horde of nigger baboons.
fuck the cops! fuck the injustice system! FUCK THE WHOLE GOD DAMNED SYSTEM!
we’re not going to live forever…it’s time for ACTION!!!!!
28 September, 2006 at 6:05 pm
The lesson is if you have to defend yourself against a nigger, keep your mouth shut and kill them. Leaving them alive only causes you trouble.
28 September, 2006 at 7:19 pm
Holy crap! Anyone reading this has to be shocked by it.
Eight years in prison for saying nigger. If we ever wonder if we’re right to be racialists, we only need to look at a story like this one to know that we are 100 percent right. We must fight or we will die. This case proves that the enemy’s plan is not based on anything other than the goal to kill the White race.
Fifteen years in prison, for defending his neighborhood, for defending his friend’s honor, who had been attacked. It is insane. If nothing else, we must fight for men like Nicholas Minucci. So that one day in the future, he will live in a world where he has gotten his freedom back, and his oppressors have been punished.
28 September, 2006 at 9:01 pm
The corner that we’re being painted into grows ever smaller.
Ventilated heads for jews is the solution. I will keep saying this until they haul me off to jail for saying it.
28 September, 2006 at 10:13 pm
What a hideous crime it is that this Minucci boy will be condemned to spend the next 15 years struggling to keep his ass from being turdcocked just because he called a spade a fucking spade….Caftanned fartbags like kike Buchter are the most disgusting scum ever to ooze over the face of the earth.
If Micucci doesn’t go into the living tomb a “hater”, he’ll surely come out one.
28 September, 2006 at 11:30 pm
Where is Woody Harrelson’s father when you need him?
29 September, 2006 at 12:52 am
“The game that has been set in motion has only one logical and intended end to all of this, our own extinction.”
I agree. These stories only confirm my worst nightmares. The ruling establishment apparently wants all white people exterminated. There’s simply no other explanation. They have now made it illegal for us to even defend ourselves. This is truly a world gone mad. It is too damn late to reform the system — only an outright collapse will allow us a fighting chance and possibly a new beginning.
I knew a guy who was sentenced to 6 months prison time to a state penitentiary for defending his friend who was attacked by a black savage at a billiards hall. The Negro threw a punch at his friend and he responded by cracking the coon over the head with a pool stick. He permanently blinded the animal in one eye. Fortunately, he did not scream out “Nigger” or he would have been sentenced to many years in prison. Any racial epithet used by a White in the commission of a crime, even in self defense, equals a “hate crime” and a tripling of the sentence. Nearly all states have these statues on the books.
When I read stories such as this, it only confirms to me that my country is truly dead and buried. I will not raise one hand in defense of this multicultural cess-pool called the U.S.A. I hope it implodes. I have come to despise it with an immortal passion that is difficult for me to articulate in just a few sentences. The Liberals and the Jews who have brought this on us will pay one day for their crimes. They too will be consumed by the monster they have concieved. Never let what they have done be forgotten!
Strength and Honor – Scipio Americanus
29 September, 2006 at 9:00 am
“Brutus” waxes more explicit than usual. I say we ventilate their heads and I’m kicked off the forum! Linder says it and it’s good show, chap.
29 September, 2006 at 9:28 am
‘Minucci was sentenced to 15 years in prison. New York State Supreme Court Judge Richard Buchter added eight years to Minucci’s sentence because, in the commission of his crime, he yelled “Nigger” ‘
Richard Buchter?!
London-to-a-BRICK that cunt’s a KIKE!
Mr Minucci will have to be amongst the first batch of white prisoners ‘sprung’ from ZOG’s gulags when the New White Imperium arrives!
(after we’ve had a ‘hung court’, of course!)
re: ‘Scipio Americanus’
‘When I read stories such as this, it only confirms to me that my country is truly dead and buried. I will not raise one hand in defense of this multicultural cess-pool called the USA. I hope it implodes. I have come to despise it with an immortal passion that is difficult for me to articulate in just a few sentences. The Liberals and the Jews who have brought this on us will pay one day for their crimes. They too will be consumed by the monster they have concieved. Never let what they have done be forgotten! ‘
m8: FACE IT!
ZOG has DECLARED WAR! on the White Race!
the sooner we ‘recall our ambassadors’ and issue a counter-declaration, the sooner this matter will be resolved!
29 September, 2006 at 11:21 am
Just more evidence that we’re being marched to the Gulags, one by one. We’re being flushed out like doves, even here…just not shot right away. I won’t lift a finger to help because I have children, and I am primary support for my family. If I was 50, divorced, and no one really needed me, I’d be up for some ‘adventure’. In fact, that’s a damned good retirement plan. Why die in a nursing home? That being said, in a nation of 300 mil, we’re getting closer to the point where those vets on the margin will start to break loose. My greatest hope is that some higher level military people will get sick of the stench and put an end to it…or at least kick off the beginning of the end.
29 September, 2006 at 1:38 pm
What outrage! Minucci should be freed at once as an example of a brave and upstanding man. The crooks that put him in the slammer should be sent behind the bars. A major mockery of justice that one cannot defend one’s property against any random arboreal thug!
29 September, 2006 at 2:08 pm
The comment about killing them is actually the right thing to do. Some time ago, Fred Reed wrote a column about his experiences writing the police beat in D.C. The white cops told him that if a black person ever broke into his home to shoot him at least once, but probaly twice to make absolutely sure he’s dead. The reason? White people cannot get a fair trial for maiming blacks, especially before an black jury, and if the black witness is alive to lie about the event.
This case is different since the niggers actually confessed to being in the neighborhood to steel cars. Given that the nigger was hurt, but apparently not seriously, Minucci should have been given a suspended sentence or none at all when you consider this wouldn’t have happened had the niggers not come into the neighborhood looking for trouble.
What if four skinheads went into a spic or nigger neighborhood to cause trouble and one wound up getting beat with a ball bat? The spic or nigger would be given a civil rights medal and a slot on Oprah bigfry, but their communities would not allow him to be sent to jail for injuring a white person under those circumstances. They’d threaten a riot and the judge and prosecutor would shit their pants and drop the charges. The system, however, would never tolerate a white riot and I can guarantee kike chertoff would be all to happy to unleash the raceless sadists of federal law enforcement on us whites similar to the Gordon Kahl and Randy Weaver incidents.
Until there is widespread civil unrest and violent backlash by the white community over grossly unfair court verdicts don’t expect any judges or politicians to change their thinking.
29 September, 2006 at 8:23 pm
Well, that is just great. This is what they mean by “Democracy”>democraponwhitey: Kikes on top, and mud-sharks in the bottom feeding off the whites.
30 September, 2006 at 2:00 pm
“I won’t lift a finger to help because I have children, and I am primary support for my family.”
Thanks for the frankness.
So, must young people without children (without future on this planet) open their belly for your children before they reproduce themselves?
I suppose yes: when they reproduce, they’ll think the same way.
For ants those sacrifices would be fine, but for humans, that’s harsh
30 September, 2006 at 2:23 pm
He got 23 years for not killing the nigger. Minucci could still give his racial epithat, kill the nigger, and got away scott free. “I killed him in self-defense.”
I think we all should have our bats and start beating the crap out of every dam person who follows or enforces made up jew laws that are totally illegal. Call it — “The Bat Fest”.
30 September, 2006 at 5:38 pm
I will not raise one hand in defense of this multicultural cess-pool called the U.S.A.
Well, this is what I don’t understand with “White Nationalism”, the reflex to equate the attack on the country with the country itself. And people wonder why normal Americans don’t support WN. That is because they know that normal White society, which is America, is at its core good and wholesome and needs to be defended.
Maybe I’m going out on a limb here, but perhaps White Nationalism, at least on the internet, is too full of people without a connection to that real, White American core, and that’s why it is never celebrated, only spit at.
And that’s the defective strategy that makes sure nationalism in the United States fails to make even the petty gains of nationalism in West European countries; it’s too damn intellectual and removed from the patriotism that people know a country must be based on. (And don’t give me any shit about “European countries have real culture and cohesion, we don’t.” America in the fifties was more conservative and better held together than any West European nation.)
1 October, 2006 at 7:15 am
The inquisitor Buchter knows that there will be no consequences for his vindictiveness towards a white man. He knows what his kike bosses like to see so he gives it to them. Whites stupidly continue to believe that there is some impartial justice for all in the Soviet States of America and that they are not targeted because of their race. As long as that idiotic mindset continues then travesties like that committed by Buchter will not stop. How many tens of thousands of white men are rotting in ZOG’s prisons on spurious charges? Kikes who steal billions or sell snuff movies of white children being killed are given wrist-slap sentences or avoid jail altogether, while some 19 year old white is sent down to a nigger hell hole for ten years if he spray paints a synagogue. It is the same for whites in the European homeland so there is nowhere to run. Our backs are to the wall. Debating with liberals, conservatives and kikes is a waste of time. It is time to shed the illusions and prepare for the struggle ahead.
1 October, 2006 at 8:13 am
the ‘truth’ according to ‘Carpenter’:
“And people wonder why normal Americans don’t support WN”
WN is pretty much what the over-whelming majority of ‘Kwans believed 100yrs or so ago!……BEFORE they were jewed
thus: ‘normal’ Americans support WN!
those who don’t are ABNORMAL or ‘jewed’!
and that’s not just ‘jimbo’ saying that…’s MacDonald also!
“perhaps White Nationalism, at least on the internet, is too full of people without a connection to that real, White American core and that’s why it is never celebrated, only spit at”
many WNs on the ‘net are not just ‘keyboard commandos’: they are also engaged in real street-level activism!
perhaps those ‘spat @’ will be to-morrow’s ‘spitters’?!
“it’s too damn intellectual and removed from the patriotism that people know a country must be based on”
a ‘country’ must be based on race or, if you like, ‘racial patriotism’; ‘patriotism’ is simply ‘petty nationalism’ is simply yooish ‘patriotardism’!
‘too damn intellectual’ sounds suspiciously like ‘too complex’ or ‘it`s a complex issue’ : a canard continually ‘trotted out’ by ZOG to deflect attention from the fact that the basic issues WN addresses are really VERY SIMPLE!
Klassen’s ‘Nature`s Eternal Religion’ and ‘The White Man`s Bible’
are easily under-stood and accessible to any-one of even avrg intelligence.
In fact, the whole basis of White Nationalism can be summed up by the basic credo of Creativity: “to aid & assist the survival, expansion and advancement of the White Race” or, as David Lane puts it: “we must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children”
1 October, 2006 at 12:50 pm
our credo right now needs to be: REMOVE THE JEW. all other endeavors are bound to fail until this monumental task is accomplished.
alex alluded to this on goyfire 41, and i think it needs to be hammered into every white nationalist, and even hammered into other races as well.
1 October, 2006 at 4:05 pm
i see a lot of tough talk on here, just bear in mind that there are Feds everywhere.
Did you know that Pastor Butler of AN was a fed asset? The CIA helped him with his operation after he had a heart attack when brought up on Sedition in Arkansas in ’88. They assured him that they would protect him after he filled them in on certain things and continued to do so. In his files, there was a letter confirming this by one of his assistants who accessed his file cabinet which he normally lokked. Its unknown if they (CIA) abandoned him later or not as he was probably of no further use.
Think about all the weirdos and dysfunctionals that place attracted and the media attention. Its the perfect place to give WN a bad rep. Added to that mix is Butler’s hookey religious system.
1 October, 2006 at 4:22 pm
“The white cops told him that if a black person ever broke into his home to shoot him at least once, but probaly twice to make absolutely sure he’s dead. The reason? White people cannot get a fair trial for maiming blacks, especially before an black jury, and if the black witness is alive to lie about the event.”
This is true. I lived in Over-the-Rhine, Cincinnati back in the late 1990’s (a few years before the Congoids’ violent outbreak in 2001 which ruined the city) and experienced an attempted break-in by one of these savages. The detective made in clear, off the record of course, to me and my roommate that if we are to shoot an intruder, shoot to kill! What we have now is not a justice system, but an injustice system designed to terrorize and instill fear in White people.
“Well, this is what I don’t understand with “White Nationalismâ€, the reflex to equate the attack on the country with the country itself. And people wonder why normal Americans don’t support WN. That is because they know that normal White society, which is America, is at its core good and wholesome and needs to be defended.”
The question remains what percentage of White society is actually good and wholesome at it’s core. I’m sorry to say, but most White people do not meet that standard. We are no longer a nation of men, but a nation of sheep that apparently has lost the instinct of self survival. Regarding an attack on the country, we are being invaded already by tens of millions of anthropoid vermin from “south of the border” and the great masses of asses — Boobus Americanus — say not a damn word while they continue grazing in the fields and watching there beloved negro sports stars on the idiot box.
We have become a nation of sheep mindlessly waiting for the slaughter who apparently do not give a damn about their nation and their posterity. It took me 5 long years to accept this fact and that is this: our nation is dead and has been dead for a very long time. The Second Republic, which emerged from the ashes of what the propagandists call the “American Civil War” perished in 1945 (although the beginning of the end began with the election of that unspeakable monster back in 1933). We are now experiencing the results of this, first hand, in all of its horrifying forms.
If you doubt the veracity of my statement regarding the average White person, just walk on in to any church, school board meeting, local town hall get together, etc… and tell them that you would like to raise a point and that is you are concerned about the hordes of on-white people who are “immigrating” to our country. You will be shouted down as a “racists”, “bigot” and the like. What we must do is convince people that they are heading for disaster and that is a very difficult thing to do, especially when nearly all are fat and happy and enjoying the so called “good life”. I’m afraid that when this comes to an end, then and only then will we see them waking up to the terrible reality that they have for so long ignored.
1 October, 2006 at 9:45 pm
Talk about utter insanity! Read this short essay regarding the psychological derangement of Western man. To call the majority of White people “Aryans” is really a misnomer. Aryan means noble, and there is nothing noble about White people whose minds are completely rotted as described in the article below. — Scipio Americanus
Death Before Discrimination
In the old days, people used to talk about “death before dishonor.†In our age, this has become “death before discrimination.†Westerners would rather get killed by Islamic terrorists than do profiling of Muslims, because this would be “racism,†which has thus quite literally become a mortal sin, perhaps the only sin left in a world where there is no good or bad and everything is permissible and “equal.â€
The ideological sickness of the West could be called Egalitarianism, of which Multiculturalism, but also radical Feminism and sometimes economic Marxism, is a part. Everybody should be equal, not just before the law, but their choices should be equally valid. If they have not achieved exactly the same level as everybody else, this constitutes “discrimination†and requires state intervention to correct.
The scary thing is, Egalitarianism is not just limited to the political Left anymore, it has made inroads into what used to be the political Right, too.
Bjørn Stærk is the Grand Old Man of Norwegian blogging, and still one of the most famous bloggers in Norway. He’s also considered a right-winger by local standards, and definitely not a Socialist. He writes:
[Being] brave is sitting down calmly on a plane behind a row of suspicious-looking Arabs, ignoring your own fears, because you know those fears are irrational, and because even if there’s a chance that they are terrorists, it is more important to you to preserve an open and tolerant society than to survive this trip. [Being] brave is insisting that Arabs not be searched more carefully in airport security than anyone else, because you believe that it is more important not to discriminate against people based on their race than to keep the occasional terrorist from getting on a plane.
2 October, 2006 at 1:10 am
You know, Jimbo, it’s funny how you could miss my point so extremely, in fact accusing me of claiming the very opposite of what I was claiming. I said that the normal mode among White Americans is to have good traditional values, that these people are America, and we shouldn’t contemptuously equate America with the attack on it.
Because I mentioned this as a flaw among White Nationalists, you somehow got into your head that I was claiming normal Americans back in time weren’t nationalists. Amazing. That they were traditional and nationalistic is exactly what I was claiming, it was the whole point of my post.
2 October, 2006 at 7:01 am
I really hope Russia and China bring the smack down on this sodomite kike hellhole shortly.
2 October, 2006 at 12:53 pm
Whiteskelet wrote:
“”I won’t lift a finger to help because I have children, and I am primary support for my family.†(Sandor)
Thanks for the frankness.
So, must young people without children (without future on this planet) open their belly for your children before they reproduce themselves?
I suppose yes: when they reproduce, they’ll think the same way.
For ants those sacrifices would be fine, but for humans, that’s harsh”
Good point. What future am I giving my children? My children will be the ‘young people without children’ that you mention. I don’t have the answer, but maybe we’ll come up with one as a group. Some background: I have family that has been killed by Bolsheviks. I’m a son of a survivor of the euro-genocide, complete with semi-starvation and american bombers. We knew Stelmokas – google him sometime. So I’m not keen on being flushed out like a grouse and shot, which is what we’ll get with a frontal assault. Put enough creative white brains on a problem, and we’ll nail it eventually. Problem is that ‘eventually’ is getting pretty close.
3 October, 2006 at 8:17 pm
Shoot, shovel and shut up.
Rusiians may be one thing. May be. Dont wish for the Chinese to come here.
4 October, 2006 at 3:36 am
The part I don’t get, is that when I’m out in public, I notice Niggas all the time wearing clothing that is racially insensitive and I might add offensive. For example, I was out at a restaurant last week and a fat Negress sat at the adjacent table across from me.
She was wearing a shirt that said in big bold letters across the back: The Blacker the College, The Sweeter the Knowledge. I thought about this for a moment and became offended. What was that shirt saying and by virtue of her wearing such a shirt, did she support such a perspective?
No individuals other than myself appeared offended and as fat as she was, that shirt appeared the size of a billboard so it made for easy reading. I thought to myself, what if I was wearing that shirt and it read: The Whiter the College, The Sweeter the Knowledge? I actually laughed at this, because what White person would dare wear such a thing out in a public restaurant? I’m positive had I worn such a shirt, some harm may have come to me. BUT, the fat black woman wears such a shirt and it’s socially acceptable and you’re not supposed to get offended.
Basically her shirt was expressing a pro-Black, racially-charged message in plain view of my White face. I wonder sometimes if the reason that Blacks can do this, is because Whites KNOW we are superior and perhaps we are all just suffering fools aka Blacks? Is it some form of appeasement? How much longer will we have to suffer these Black fools?
7 November, 2006 at 10:24 pm
It is long understood that the black race must be exterminated; there will be another American Revolution one day; it will involve the purification of Niggers(animals disguised as partial humans) Kikes, spics, and indians( not the civilized ones); Jews like the Nigger need to be exterminated off the face of the entire earth; this would mean killing all 30,000,000 of the subhuman animal filth we call coons first; then concentrate on finishing what the great Hitler started. Hitler understood that Niggers are useless degenerate subhuman filth but Jews were even worse because of the tatics they use to enrich themselves and hog the media. He wanted to get rid of them first because as we can see the did indeed throw these garbage beings at us and infested us. We really are infested with these apes and I am afraid to announce that one day we will have an all out race war in this country; it is not a question of if, but when!!!
We need to start preparing now for the war; my white brethern wake up please!!! I don’t know why these beings exist but I know enough to see they are nothing but shit standing!!! If I were a freaking Nigger I would consider suicide!! Really!!! that is the most human thing I could do.
The gentelman that said he wishes Russia and China would take out this piece of shit Jew and Nigger infested country will not have much longer to wait; it has been planned for many years now and will happen; it shouldn’t be too much longer; it may be about 12 years out; maybe sooner; this country can’t go on much longer being the way it is. Remember Rome.
26 December, 2006 at 10:53 am
whiteskelet Says:
28 September, 2006 at 3:47 pm
Why don’t all the whites rise up for Nicholas Minucci?
cops been invaded by adl Says:
28 September, 2006 at 4:44 pm
we’re not going to live forever…it’s time for ACTION!!!!!
We are not going to live in this world forever, so why not die like real men, fighting for our rights that have been taken away by criminal politicians, and Jews, and given to the non whites.
Everybody’s got to die sometimes, so let’s do it taking back what is rightfully ours. It would be a great honor….The whiteman has been disgraced for the last 60 years, and I think it’s time to stand up for what is just and right….Save our race while we still can. GOD will be with us, and he is waiting for us to obey him………….Psa 149:5 Let the saints be joyful in glory: let them sing aloud upon their beds.
Psa 149:6 Let the high praises of God be in their mouth, and a twoedged sword in their hand;
Psa 149:7 To execute vengeance upon the heathen, and punishments upon the people;
Psa 149:8 To bind their kings with chains, and their nobles with fetters of iron;
Psa 149:9 To execute upon them the judgment written: this honour have all his saints. Praise ye the LORD.
11 June, 2007 at 1:18 pm
wow, exactly where do white people think their ancestors came from??? it was africa….
jesus christ wasn’t white, his hair wasn’t blonde, he didn’t have blue eyes, his hair was dark and curly, his skin was tanned, his eyes were brown,who gave you the right to decide who belongs in america and who doesn’t, people like you all are the ones that don’t belong, your only goal is to cause problems that can be avoided. you judge other races based on stereotypes and the media, you don’t know every jewish, black, latino in the world, so how can you make a single judgement on them. i guess white people don’t do drugs, they don’t murder, they don’t commit any felonies right??? you want to secure a future for your white children, do that, you don’t have to associate with anyone you choose not to, why must you rely on violence and disrespectful statements to get your point across. you never hear about the black panthers causing riots do you??? the answer is no, because they don’t have hatred for anyone, they just want equality.
i guess jeffery dahmer, ted bundy and charles manson were in the right after all huh?