More Loxist Attacks on Prussian Blue…
Posted by alex in loxism, music, New World Order, Prussian Blue at 4:20 pm | 
[Memo to April Gaede. The website is owned by an ostensibly British band, and they make a big deal of their trademark registration. Do they or their operators intend to pull a Church of the Creator attack on your name? Real Prussian Blue’s blog.]
Morality in the media universe follows laws as predictable as those governing the celestial universe. Whites are “good” if their, in this case, songs advance New World Order agenda items, such as race-blending, bad if they oppose them. There is no more meaning to it than that. “Hate” as used in the jew-controlled media has no objective meaning, rather it is a way to stigmatize any person or group that threatens the flow of Aryan blood into jewish stomachs, or Aryan money into jewish bank accounts. The use of ‘hate’ indicates the position of the writer rather than his subject. Lynx and Lamb may or may not hate jews, JEWS HATE LYNX AND LAMB. Because they are proud Aryans of German descent who encourage other girls not to swallow the POISON the jewish loxists would feed them.
We ask again, for the thousandth time: how come there’s a word for people who supposedly hate jews, but no word for jews who hate Aryans? Is that because jews don’t hate? To say it is to laugh. If words and logic and facts and evidence have any meaning, then jews are the most hateful people on earth… But there is a word for jewish hatred of non-jews in general, and Aryans in specific: LOXISM. Aryans are well advised to use it. A thing, to the vast majority, only exists if it has a name. “Reverse racism” or “jewish supremacism” don’t cut it.
A homogenous, civilized White society threatens jews, and so they attack anyone who defends it – even teenage girls. The White man in Jew World is always guilty. Welcome to AmeriKwa, the Unhappiest Place on Earth, a wild-game-themed amusement park operated by jews…
Racial and gender slurs and assaults against minorities, women, gays and feminists are considered publicly impolite.
“Assaults”? Against whom? Prussian Blue is assaulting minorities? On what planet? The people assaulting us are black. And those assaulting blacks are also black. Slurs? Look who’s talking!
Many white males are gripped by the ultra-paranoid delusion that the government conspires with minorities, women and the poor to marginalize them.
Affirmative action? Technically illegal, but still the law. “Set-asides and quotas?” More of the same. 58% of undergrads are now women. How does that happen? Just by chance? When men outscore women on the SAT?
Studies prove the average black worker benefits to the tune of $10,000 per year from affirmative action, but you’ll never hear that on TV. That’s half a million dollars over a lifetime!
“Ultra-paranoid”? Pleeze!
Read the letter below … let’s flood this site with some factual data!
Prussian Blue: Music To Hate By
New America Media, News Analysis, Earl Ofari Hutchinson, Sep 19, 2006
Editor’s Note: Prussian Blue, a band led by 14-year old twin sisters, are famous for their white supremacist lyrics, and getting more followers. According to NAM contributing editor, Earl Ofari Hutchinson, this is the new tactic of hate groups: appealing to the musical taste of young white listeners. Hutchinson is the author of The Emerging Black GOP Majority (Middle Passage Press).
Last October ABC News profiled 14 year-old twin sisters Lamb and Lynx Gaede and their white supremacist band Prussian Blue. It branded them the new musical spokespeople for white supremacy. That ignited rage and disgust in their hometown of Bakersfield, California.
The pair’s mother said she wanted a whiter place to live and moved to Kalispell, Montana. That didn’t quiet the furor. A group of enraged townspeople recently circulated flyers headed “No Hate Here,†and demanded that the family pack up and leave.
That may or may not be a good thing. After all, as odious as their hate message is, the twins and their mom have the right to say and sing what they want.
But even if they were given the swift boot from town, their music and the influence they may have over their targeted audience of impressionable teens can’t easily be booted out. Prussian Blue pumps their music through a 24-hour internet radio stations. The sites feature more than 5000 youth-oriented white supremacist songs on their play lists. They market their songs through record labels and websites.
The twins’ cleverly mix personal giggly teen chatter in their lyrics, along with patriotic appeals to fight for freedom, all to a stomp down, toe tapping rock beat. That appeals to the musical tastes of many youth. The songs can easily be slipped into an MP3 player and listened to away from the prying ears of adults. In “I Will Bleed For You,†for example, they make a plea for pride and dignity: “Have you no pride in your heritage, and no pride in your name. I’m glad that I’m not like you. I know my children are proud of me. Mine will always stay free.â€
White supremacist groups quickly spotted a good thing in Prussian Blue. A critic on the National Vanguard website gushed over the release of the group’s second album, “The Stranger.†He hailed it as the first white nationalist album that appeals to young (white) girls. The potential tap of the mainstream alternative rock market potentially could translate into millions of listeners.
The twins’ lyric deception is crucial in selling their race baiting ideology to teens. Much of the public frowns on the crude racism and anti-Semitism of the old Klan. Racial and gender slurs and assaults against minorities, women, gays and feminists are considered publicly impolite. And white supremacist groups have adjusted to the times. They borrow the techniques politicians perfected during the past quarter century to win white votes. They use racial and gender-inferred double speak, code words and code concepts.
White supremacist groups have transformed the government into an evil instrument that wrings hard earned tax dollars from the shrinking incomes of the white middle-class. Many white males are gripped by the ultra-paranoid delusion that the government conspires with minorities, women and the poor to marginalize them.
Oklahoma City bomber, Timothy McVeigh, punched all the code buttons in angry letters in 1992. He railed against crime, high-taxes, corrupt politicians, government mismanagement and the “eroding American Dream.” McVeigh made only a passing comment on race and nothing on gender. It wasn’t necessary.
The new breed white supremacist groups are also helped by dodging tactics many Americans use to mask racism. They accuse blacks of always “making an issue out of race.” They avoid having any physical or personal contact with blacks. They get angry or defensive when racial issues are raised.
The immigration reform battle has created a fertile new field for white supremacy groups to sow their bigotry, and corral new recruits. The Southern Poverty Law Center which tracks 700 hate groups notes a jump in the number of threats and outright physical attacks on Hispanics in its latest Intelligence Report. The Klan, Neo-Nazi and racist skinheads have also staged anti-immigration rallies and marches. The twins appeared at one of those rallies and sported “Stop Immigration!†t-shirts.
Prussian Blue’s disarming lyrics and soft sale marketing have touched off warning bells among the Anti-Defamation League and other groups that monitor hate groups. They warn school officials to be on the alert for sneaky efforts by the hate groups to recruit youth through catchy rock songs. The popularity and deadly innocence of two 14- year-old singers give the warning even more urgency.
User Comments
Carol Rose on Sep 19, 2006 at 15:05:24 said:
It isn’t white Gentiles who are marching by the millions in Washington DC at an event sponsored by a group akin to the Nation of Islam, an organization with many prominent members who promote the extermination of a race.
It isn’t white people who join in large numbers La Raza — The Race — organizations, dedicated to racial separatism.
It isn’t white Gentiles in mass who demand that we support an ethnically defined state akin to Israel.
Just about all whites have been conditioned to act in a racially emasculated way, while Jews and nonwhites are encouraged to be racially conscious and racialy aggressive, to organize along racial lines, and to openly promote their ethnic interests.
When whites do this it is called hate. When Jews and nonwhites do it we take it for granted. Ironic, because the typical Jew and nonwhite in America is no different than the typical pro-white person.
20 September, 2006 at 5:44 pm
Coloreds and kikes feed off Whites, and they will do anything to prevent the orgy from being interrupted. They notice whites are easily cowed and shamed, whereas niggers and jews can hardly be embarrassed at all. A race has to use what nature gave it. We must use our superior brains to realize that coloreds and kikes are out to destroy us, and our superior fighting ability to destroy them.
20 September, 2006 at 5:46 pm
User Comments
Victor West on Sep 20, 2006 at 11:35:02 said:
I’m against racism, & have yet to hear any of the music discussed here, but Carol makes a good point:
Does anyone bat an eye if a non-white person declares they would prefer to live in a neighborhood composed predominantly of like race?
If a nonwhite claims “White people are always opressing minorities!” it is not so different from saying “[blacks are always] making an issue out of race,” yet which will arouse more backlash?
We should strive for equality, not racial hypocrisy.
Chuck Cawood on Sep 20, 2006 at 11:29:26 said:
First Hutchinson own bigotry is shown to all when he like the rest of the media continues to misrepresent these girls. They are not white supremacist but white separatist.
When Indians have identity it is called culture.
When Blacks have identity it is called pride.
When Semites (Jews) have identity it is called history.
When White People have identity it’s called racism!
Here is another example of why we can’t get people out. One is a statement of there culture and the other is a statement of hate. Funny, I think they say the same thing.
White Nationalist:
We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children.
Jewish Federation:
Our mission, here at the Jewish Federation is to ensure Jewish survival and enhance the quality of Jewish life locally, in Israel and worldwide.
Based on the above statements the Jewish Federation is certainly a hate group by the views of all major and minor media outlets. Maybe Hutchinson would like to do an article about how they are attracting new members to there organization.
Amy G. on Sep 20, 2006 at 08:29:41 said:
No one takes hate for granted. Hate, fostered in any community, can be detrimental to the concept of “cohesive community.” That being said, the effect of hate is substantially increased among populations with power or mass to affect change. To compare Prussian Blue to groups like La Raza, is just ridiculous. When has La Raza supported a comparable figurehead to Rudolph Hess!? He was, um…. a Nazi, remember?????????
John Prenton on Sep 20, 2006 at 02:48:22 said:
These two girls may seem like easy targets to the media, they aren’t on a big record label, and they are only 14 years old, but constantly attacking them is a despicable act.
Why are there no articles on the high numbers of rap songs that blatantly attack White people, in many cases calling for, or boasting about, murdering or physically attacking White people?
While rap music exists, with its extremely violent and racist lyrics, no one has any business attacking Prussian Blue and claiming they are racist or hateful.
Being proud is not racism…
ed mcmahon on Sep 20, 2006 at 01:36:16 said:
You call me “Whiteboy,” “Cracker,” “Honkey,” “Whitey,” “Caveman”
and that’s OK.
You say that whites commit a lot of violence against you, so why
are the ghettos the most dangerous places to live?
You have the United Negro College Fund.
You have Martin Luther King Day.
You have Black History Month.
You have Cesar Chavez Day.
You have Yom Hashoah
You have Ma’uled Al-Nabi
You have the NAACP.
You have BET.
If we had WET(White Entertainment Television) we’d be racists.
If we had a White Pride Day you would call us racists.
If we had white history month, we’d be racists.
If we had an organization for only whites to “advance” our
lives, we’d be racists.
If we had a college fund that only gave white students
scholarships, you know we’d be racists.
There are over 60 openly proclaimed Black Colleges in the US,
yet if there were “White colleges” that would be a racist college.
In the Million Man March, you believed that you were marching
For your race and rights. If we marched for our race and rights, you
would Call us racists.
You are proud to be black, brown, yellow and orange, and you’re
not afraid to announce it. But when we announce our white pride,
you call us racists.
You rob us, carjack us, and shoot at us. But, when a white
police officer shoots a black gang member or beats up a black
drug-dealer running from the law and posing a threat to society,
you call him a racist.
I am proud.
But, you call me a racist.
Why is it that only whites can be racists?
Karl Hodges on Sep 19, 2006 at 22:55:11 said:
Hate hate hate, it’s getting old liberals, have some cheese with that whine, and get over it.
When Indians have identity it is called culture.
When Blacks have identity it is called pride.
When Semites (Jews) have identity it is called history.
When White People have identity it’s called hate!
No La Raza! on Sep 19, 2006 at 21:52:31 said:
Amazing, the fact that two teenage WHITE girls can motivate an generation to love their heritage, love and protect their country and to be proud of who and what they are, yet bwe abused by the media at every turn.
I\’m going to their website and buying anything they have for sale.
When Indians have identity it is called culture.
When Blacks have identity it is called pride.
When Semites (Jews) have identity it is called history.
When White People have identity it\’s called racism!
– Cydonia
Carol Rose on Sep 19, 2006 at 15:05:24 said:
It isn’t white Gentiles who are marching by the millions in Washington DC at an event sponsored by a group akin to the Nation of Islam, an organization with many prominent members who promote the extermination of a race.
It isn’t white people who join in large numbers La Raza — The Race — organizations, dedicated to racial separatism.
It isn’t white Gentiles in mass who demand that we support an ethnically defined state akin to Israel.
Just about all whites have been conditioned to act in a racially emasculated way, while Jews and nonwhites are encouraged to be racially conscious and racialy aggressive, to organize along racial lines, and to openly promote their ethnic interests.
When whites do this it is called hate. When Jews and nonwhites do it we take it for granted. Ironic, because the typical Jew and nonwhite in America is no different than the typical pro-white person.
20 September, 2006 at 6:05 pm
Was a very good article until the author decided to split white men and women, which I believe to be a strategic mistake, purposefully?
20 September, 2006 at 6:50 pm
The jews have engineered a system that treats White men and women very differently. That is a fact. Women are 58% of college graduates, yet they have IQs that average five points lower than men. The astounding fact (I still can’t fully believe it) that blacks are 30% of the freshman college class, with Whites 40%, when taken with the female majority, indicates just how strongly White males are hated and discriminated against by the System. So, the author made no “decision,†he pointed out a wedge the jews have driven. It is their way, after all, setting class against class, sex against sex.
20 September, 2006 at 7:12 pm
The astounding fact (I still can’t fully believe it) that blacks are 30% of the freshman college class
I heard “Theseus” state this in FTL, and share the same extreme skepticism you’ve repeatedly expressed. The factoid needs a credible source.
20 September, 2006 at 7:34 pm
Maybe it’s for his college, rather than all America, but I thought he said the latter. I would like to see a source on that.
20 September, 2006 at 7:50 pm
Yes, I fully understand that the “system” sets sex against sex.
It states in the Book of Exodus, “We shall set Egyptian against Egyptian” also quoted in “Hunter.”
However, in the interest of unity, I thought perhaps we could avoid the split and focus instead on the racial divide.
20 September, 2006 at 11:48 pm
i think we can find a better term than LOXIST.
it reminds me of a harmless bagel with lox and cream cheese and some onion.
21 September, 2006 at 6:56 am
First me and PB: VERY qute girls – makes me hope to be 14 again LOL ;-). voices are OK they will better by time I hope – I like lyrics to – so basically I just love them ;-)
Second PB and other stuff: currently I am workingin in hotel – I made a CD and but some they music on it – it’s funny to watch some time if some turist from Germany or Sweden catches the message – just love that look on they eyes …
Third – boys and girls: lets but it that way – all the tests are made (or controlled) by jew universities – so I dont think they represent true picture about IQ or diffrence between boys and girls. thing in the nature is – boys are “destined” to sleep whit as many girls they can and girls are destined to pick best guys they can find – anything else is coming from those 2 points. white men MUST respect a white woman for that what SHE is – (not for kikes want them to be) bearer of the childs. its the white men duty to support her whit that. if she wants she can becam a astronaut or doctor or whatever she wants but the main point stands – womens FIRST priority is to bear children. she can do it later or earlier (not to earlie I guess but thats subjective) or later but thats hers destiny and man must stand beside her.
21 September, 2006 at 3:21 pm
better term than loxism, how about anti-nordite, one who hates the nordisch race
21 September, 2006 at 4:10 pm
seriously, the jews are the masters of coming up with trademark slogans; holocaust.
hard to compete with a jew on his own level. a demonic level. clever. hateful. evil.
GOD DAMN, JUST FIGHT ‘EM! we’re no good at coming up with neat slogans like ROCK ‘N ROLL (Alan Freid).
21 September, 2006 at 5:35 pm
I posted this in comments over at New America Media; don’t know if they’ll publish it:
Earl Ofari Hutchinson doesn’t simply rat out the 14 year old twin girls of Prussian Blue as one minute hate-able residents of Kalispell, Montana, he’s let the anti-hate crusaders know the sort of support they can expect when they get there: “A group of enraged townspeople recently circulated flyers headed “No Hate Here,†and demanded that the family pack up and leave.†Kalispell, Montana: Come for the girl stomping, stay for the camaraderie – did the Chamber pay you for that one, Earl? I know, I know – you also wrote of the need to abuse their mother, who logically is no longer a girl: that was unfair of me.
Does anyone think that there is any reward sweet enough for an act as vile as using your media status to call down abuse onto 14 year old girls, anything that a man who would publicly employ himself doing the work of a shemale prison snitch could possibly get in return and feel well used, other than segregation? Raise your hand if you believe Earl lives in the hood. My guess is that in Earl’s integrated neighborhood, Earl’s the integrated part. And what a perfect bougie negro to have around to vibrant up the place – I’m sure your neighbors love you almost as much as they love themselves for loving you.
But what inquiring minds want to know is: Do your neighbors love your people? Just how black and brown is your zip code, Hutch? As long as a minimum sense of public justice requires that people know at least that much about where public figures are coming from, a public justice so demanding it requires a grown man to advertise where to go and abuse teen aged girls, what’s your zip? Kalispell, Montana’s is 59901, and it’s all of 1.6% black and brown. How black and brown is your zip code? And, yes, you can include all the black and brown members of your household – even your maid.
So what’s your zip? Or could you tell us but then the ADL would have to come and kill us, and you love us too much? No…nothing…earth to Earl…silence…I guess in America today you really have to be a man to be 14 year old girl, eh Ophelia? Sweet life, ain’t it Earl: white girls to punk and the part of the baddest, blackest butt on the block to play to adoring neighbors. And what’s not to adore: When the black and brown mob gathers at the gate of the community, who they gonna call, Earl? “If this was a racist community, would they let me live in here, my peoples? Now, if you’ll just follow me, I know where there’s some white girls…â€
22 September, 2006 at 2:21 am
Alex, I think I would describe Loxism as Jewish psychopathological hatred of the non-Jew, specifically applied to blue-eyed, blond haired Aryans. I know no other way to describe their absolute, fanatical hatred of these two young girls but in these terms. The Kikes absolutely HATE these twins with an implacable passion that is really inconceivable to understand by rational men. But that is just it, Jews are not rational people. This hatred in not directed at the girls flaws, but their virtues. This is Jewish nihilism in the extreme and if they could, G-d’s Holy Vampires would murder them outright just as the Jewish Bolsheviks and their collaborators did to millions of Russians and Germans before, during and after World War 2 –the crusade to save Judeo-Communism and destroy the West.
22 September, 2006 at 7:47 pm
look, the jews will just turn any slogan we invent into a negative term. look at the term REVISIONISM. they’ve turned that into a dirty word. attempt at a slogan, and now it’s equal to being called the dreaded HOLOCAUST DENIER. which is itself an absurd term, one that they invented, and with their power of the media, they equate in everyone’s mind HOLOCAUST REVISIONISM and HOLOCAUST DENIAL.
so we can’t win with slogans as long as jews have the upper hand with the idiot box in every goy’s home, and their filthy rag jewspapers to back ’em up.
we have to fight with ARYAN strategies. sloganism, commercialism, is JEW territory
23 September, 2006 at 1:20 pm
A black or a white, an Arab, a Chinese can be anti-Semitic.
Anti-Semitism is defined toward the target of “hate”, not the source.
So, an equivalent term should be as general, and not be confined to Jews hating whites. It’s everybody hating whites.
Anti-White, blond bashers, blond or white bashing, anti-Whiteness, coloured parasitation, White dilution, anti-European, anti-Europeanism, anti-Caucasian, anti-Caucasus, North-hater, Beauty-hater, Intelligence-hater, civilisation-hater, honesty-hater, anti-fairness, anti-fair, anti-North, anti-Nordic, anti-Caucasoid (=pro-Congoloid or pro-Mongoloid or pro-Semite), pro-Coloured, anti-Cro-Magnon (?), antihuman
“More anti-White Attacks on Prussian Blue…” … everybody understands at once
24 September, 2006 at 2:02 pm
ok, i can live with ANTI-WHITE as a slogan, brand-name, whatever.
but i tell you, the jews control the media, and will do their fucking damndest to find a way to make even so seemingly unhateful and clear and innocuous a term as ANTI-WHITE into a fucking hate term! just watch those bastards! they control the idiot box, they have been at this slogan word twisting game for over 3 thousand years at least; so go for it. i’m actually for it. but don’t be shocked if they turn ANTI-WHITE into an ANTI-SEMITIC or RACIST or whatever the fuck term.
FUCK THE JEWS, and their games. play by our own rules, aryan rules. fuck the jew strategies. fuck trying to emulate jew strategies. defeat the jew with aryan honesty and FEARLESSNESS! face the jew out in the open. the dirty rat will scurry away. we need to concentrate on eliminating the white man’s fear of the jew
25 September, 2006 at 7:09 pm
It isn’t the word that is important, but the ability to thrust it into the minds of the public while attaching a negative connotation to it. We don’t have that ability, but I do think it is the best choice for a word. It certainly won’t hurt if we all start using it.
13 December, 2006 at 6:14 pm
bagel bagel bagel
28 December, 2006 at 7:20 pm
Rats will always find a way Geffy, all we can do is drive the rat away from our food (metaphor)