Advertising Idea
Posted by alex in advertising, White solutions at 6:26 pm | 
Anti-immigration billboard stirs emotions, debate
Anti-immigration billboard stirs emotions, debate
15 September, 2006 at 6:35 pm
Sounds like a good idea, I think I’ll wait to see the outcome of the raging debate now taking place on the forum.
15 September, 2006 at 10:50 pm
“. . . felt targeted.”
15 September, 2006 at 11:16 pm
I mentioned before an internet promo using a series of small signs posted in high traffic areas.
The signs, on plastic type poster board, only contained the web address. Although, a few signs had a slogan in smaller letters below the web address.
Very clean, very simple and very noticeable! GOVNN.COM
As far as the VNN Forum goes—it should be for adults—not for nuts, flakes & foul mouthed children.
16 September, 2006 at 2:28 am
I bet this creep Sielbeck is a jew. They’re the ones with the most to lose if English is sidelined as the primary means of communication amongst turd worlders.
I say let these turd worlders speak whatever language they like. The more the merrier. With institutionalized multilingulism, the jews will lose their grasp on white civilization. This will accelerate their demise and as the jews of Auschwitz did when the Soviet babarians were at the gate, they hooked their wagons to the fleeing and regrouping whites.
Don’t it strike anyone else at how important white goyim are to jews in maintaining their shitty little position. Whenever a jew voices a position that seems sympathetic to the whites, it’s done primarily out of fear. Fear of the alternative.
Only by marginalizing the perceived white hold on the world will the jews become assailable
The coming white flight will without doubt include these parasites. This time the opportunity to permanently take care of the jewish problem should be jumped at.