24 August, 2006

Global Jewish Mafia

Posted by alex in books, Israel, Israel - the facts, jewish mafia at 12:56 pm | Permanent Link

Jews are in many ways best understood as a global mafia; an international crime family; a genetic kosher nostra, as has been said. Wherever you find Israelis – jews – you can bet your life you will find corruption.

“New” crime element?

… (see below)

April 30, 2004

Columnist Jeff German:

Vegas has new crime element: Israeli mob

Jeff German’s column appears Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Sundays in the Sun. Reach him at german@lasvegassun.com or (702) 259-4067.

WITH ITS FREE flow of cash and high-stakes gambling, Las Vegas has always been an attractive target of opportunity for organized crime. For years the traditional La Cosa Nostra dominated street rackets here and even managed to gain hidden interests in casinos on the Strip. We were considered an “open city” for more than two dozen of the nation’s Mafia families. Today Las Vegas still is considered fertile ground for organized crime, but as the mob’s influence has waned because of stepped-up pressure from law enforcement authorities, other criminal groups have risen to prominence on the streets. In recent months authorities have discovered that Israeli organized crime syndicates have set their sights on Las Vegas. One ranking crime figure was overheard a year ago by lawmen on court-approved wiretaps describing Las Vegas as “wide open” territory.

“They’re really trying to rear their ugly head in Las Vegas,” says Sheriff Bill Young, who has detectives assigned to a joint federal drug task force investigating the Israeli crime connection here.

The Israeli syndicates are involved in traditional rackets, such as loan sharking, extortion, money laundering, prostitution and illegal gambling.

And they’re just as violent as the Mafia. Two of the biggest families, one based in Jerusalem and the other in Tel Aviv, currently are involved in a bloody war over control of street rackets in Israel.

But unlike the Mafia, the Israeli crime groups are far more sophisticated and have far-reaching international tentacles. Key members of the groups have homes in multiple countries and make most of their money importing cocaine and the club drug Ecstasy (MDMA) from Europe into the United States. Las Vegas has been the site of some Ecstasy deals, drug task force affidavits revealed.

The booming Strip nightclub scene in Las Vegas, where Ecstasy is popular, has become not only a favored playground for the rising stars of the Israeli crime families, but also an ideal climate to conduct their illicit business.

Drug Enforcement Administration agents, who have taken the lead in gaining a handle on the Israeli mob’s growing influence here, say crime family members have cultivated ties with local casinos, members of the legal community and Israeli-born business people, some of whom are being shaken down for money in protection rackets.

“In my opinion, law enforcement still doesn’t have a full understanding of the presence of Israeli organized crime figures here,” one member of the federal drug task force says.

But the increased scrutiny — which has taken agents around the world and prompted unprecedented cooperation with the Israeli National Police — has begun to bear fruit.

On April 6, following an investigation that began in Las Vegas, a federal indictment quietly was unsealed in Los Angeles charging several suspected Israeli crime figures who have ties here with conspiracy, extortion and money laundering. These figures, agents allege, are members of the Jerusalem crime family known as the “Jerusalem Network.”

The indictment received no publicity in Los Angeles and Las Vegas, but it clearly has significance in the ongoing local efforts to keep tabs on the Israeli mob.

The biggest fish named in the indictment is Gabriel Ben Harosh, the reputed 39-year-old jet-setting No. 2 man in the Jerusalem Network, which authorities believe is run by Itzhak Abergil, who recently was ordered to leave Israel amid the rising mob bloodshed.

Ben Harosh, who is represented by Las Vegas lawyer David Chesnoff, was taken into custody in Toronto and is awaiting extradition.

Though investigators describe Ben Harosh in sworn affidavits as a “high-ranking member of an Israeli organized crime syndicate,” Chesnoff says his Moroccan-born client is a legitimate businessman.

“He’s a multimillionaire who owns one of the biggest construction companies in Israel,” Chesnoff says, adding that this client is looking forward to fighting the charges against him.

Another key defendant in the case is Hai Waknine, 32, a suspected crime family associate who has a beach front home in Los Angeles. DEA agents believe Waknine collects debts and launders money for Ben Harosh.

Over the past 14 months local agents secretly have watched Waknine and his entourage of bodyguards and associates live in the fast lane during numerous trips to Las Vegas. Waknine is regarded as a high roller at several casinos, including the Venetian, Paris and the Palms.

On one trip in 2003, drug task force affidavits say, a member of Waknine’s entourage was arrested by Metro Police on drug charges at the Palms after a prostitute Waknine reportedly brought with him from Los Angeles had overdosed and was rushed by ambulance to the hospital. Police seized a container filled with liquid GHB, a date rape drug, from the associate during the incident. Chesnoff defended him on the charges.

After the prostitute recovered, DEA agents learned through wiretaps that Waknine had instructed her to take a large sum of cash to Ben Harosh in Spain.

One of the more intriguing defendants in the Los Angeles case is Sasson Barashy, a 47-year-old alleged Jerusalem Network member who is now in custody in Israel, where he has a lengthy rap sheet.

The Los Angeles investigation took off after local DEA agents discovered in January 2003 that Barashy was living at a home in Summerlin with his wife. At the time he was a fugitive from Israel in a well-publicized criminal case involving a $60 million bank embezzlement and extortion plot allegedly pulled off by the Jerusalem Network.

Telephone calls coming in and out of the Summerlin home were secretly monitored by agents, who found that Barashy was in steady contact with a who’s who of suspected Israeli crime figures, including Ben Harosh and Waknine.

Calls were made to associates in Las Vegas, Los Angeles and Miami. There were plenty of international calls as well. In one two-month stretch, according to drug task force affidavits, more than 350 calls were made to associates in Israel, Morocco and Spain.

In the ensuing months, through wiretaps and physical surveillance, agents stayed hot on the trail of the activities of the group, documenting, among other things, efforts to extort cash from a luxury car dealer in Beverly Hills, launder money through lawyers in Miami and set up drug deals in various parts of the world.

Through it all members of the group were not afraid to maintain a high profile in Las Vegas. In April 2003, for example, Barashy and Waknine hosted a lavish Passover seder, live band and all, at Bally’s.

Their days of celebrating may be over for now.

But with so much “open territory” for the taking, the odds are that other family members will be more than willing to keep the party going.


Jewish Crime : http://www.jewishtribalreview.org/09crime.htm

Drugs and Drug Money Laundering within Jewish Networks: the “Russian” Mafia, the “Ultra-Orthodox,” and Others : http://www.jewishtribalreview.org/23drug.htm

The Jewish Gangsters in America : http://www.jewishpost.com/jp0404/jpn0404a.htm

Jewish Organized Crime: http://theunjustmedia.com/jew%20organized%20crime.htm

[PDF] The Jew as Criminal : http://christianparty.net/the%20jew%20as%20criminal.htm

But He Was Good to His Mother : The Lives and Crimes of Jewish Gangsters: http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/9652292494/qid=1076939675/sr=1-2/ref=sr_1_2/002-9231189-6409663?v=glance&s=books
The Rise and Fall of the Jewish Gangster in America

The Purple Gang: Organized Crime in Detroit 1910-1945 by Paul R. Kavieff

Little Man: Meyer Lansky and the Gangster Life by Robert Lacey

The Big Bankroll: The Life and Times of Arnold Rothstein by Leo Katcher

Godfather of the Kremlin: The Decline of Russia in the Age of Gangster Capitalism
by Paul Klebnikov : http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0151006210/sr=1-1/qid=1155966824/ref=sr_1_1/104-8074148-6920749?ie=UTF8&s=books

GANGSTERS INCORPORATED – SEMION MOGILEVICH : http://gangstersinc.tripod.com/Mog.html

Paying the Organizatsiya : http://www.natvan.com/free-speech/fs986d.html

The Jewish Mob in America : http://www.natvan.com/free-speech/fs008d.html

Jews and the White Slave Trade : http://www.natvan.com/free-speech/fs982a.html

Special Treatment : http://www.natvan.com/free-speech/fs993c.html

The Corruption of America’s Police
by the ADL :

Enron, Fastow, and the Looting of America : http://www.natvan.com/free-speech/fs0203c.html

Marc Rich and the Rule of Law : http://www.natvan.com/free-speech/fs0103a.html

The Russian Economy : http://www.natvan.com/free-speech/fs989d.html

Child Porn, Ecstasy, and Pardons : http://www.natvan.com/free-speech/fs0102b.html

The Jewish Gold Rush : http://www.natvan.com/free-speech/fs987c.html

The Giant Gold Robbery : http://www.natvan.com/free-speech/fs9710b.html

Jews” + “organized crime“. : http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=%22Jews%22+%2B+%22organized+crime%22&btnG=Google+Search

  • 4 Responses to “Global Jewish Mafia”

    1. Shabbos Shabazz Says:

      ANREN is still posting comments like this:

      To “White, Jewish and Proud”-Pat Buchanan is not a “pathological anti-semite” as you suggest,only a normal, intellectually curious conservative who, like most of us, has pondered who are the leading exponents of liberalism, who are the white liberals, and what are they trying to accomplish when they use liberalism to attack and destroy our traditions, culture and society? Unfortunately, many of the footprints lead directly back to the Jewish camp. I truly wish it wasn’t so, but pretending they don’t accomplishes nothing besides leaving us all in the dark. Why are jews so liberal, and why are they so relentless in attacking our traditions and culture? I’m sure this dismays you as much as it does the rest of us-maybe you can shed some light on the subject. Taking the ostrich approach of sticking our heads in the sand when we encounter an inconvenient truth is just another way of lying to ourselves. Pat is much too honest to do that.

      Posted by Blowtorch Mason at 1:28 AM on August 24

    2. bryan o'driscoll Says:

      I think that most of the readers of VNN and other pro-white sites now know that the jew is the main problem. As the mast head of this site states: NO JEWS. JUST RIGHT. Forget about Freemasons, Illuminati, CIA, UFO’S, communists, conservatives, liberals and all the rest. Solve the jew problem and all other problems will sort themselves out or become much less troublesome.
      The difficulty we have is in simplifying this truth and getting it across to our people. No other label other than JEW need be used when pointing out the bad guy. Have all the facts and figures at hand, describe the evil and identify the kike(s) concerned. It’s a slow process, but over time the message will begin to sink in. The simple message that the kike is the source of our woe in so many ways is the one to harp on continuously. Don’t qualify it. For example, the jews were behind 9/11. Forget about Bush or the FBI or the Port Authority or anything else. It was the kikes. The evidence is overwhelming. As Netanyahu said: it was very good for Israel. What more can you say?

    3. Arminius Says:

      The interesting news in this report is that jewish gangs are fighting among themselves in Israel. An age old phenomen, as you can find out reading the Bible. That”s why they need Anti-Semitism- to deflect from their internal quarrels. It was and is always about their god Jehovah- profanely called MONEY. If they cannot extort it from gentiles, they extort it from fellow jews? The rabbis must be aghast to see this in the “Holy Land” happening, and be unable to keep it under control. Well, all comes naturally out of the religion they teach, it teaches crooked behaviour.
      Perhaps it would be a good idea not to fight Israel, but to seal it off. The jews would then turn against each other and settle Israel’s problems, simply cutting each other’s throat as in 135 A.D.- for the benefit of all other mankind!

    4. Scipio Americanus Says:

      “Solve the jew problem and all other problems will sort themselves out or become much less troublesome.”

      I think the other grave problem facing us, Liberalism including its various sects and heresies, which the late classics professor Revilo P. Oliver correctly identified as the residue of Christianity, would fade rather quickly if it were not fostered by the Jews who own virtually all mass communications and thus promote this succedaneous religion against us. That said, I don’t think things would be all that rosy due to the fact that all around me, I see a cringing, effete and feminine white race that was once the undisputed masters of the world.

      Jews are unquestionably a problem but they could not have gained their prominence without our own moral shortcomings displayed ever so prominently by our own lack of manhood and self-respect coupled with the complete degeneracy and corruption of our own leaders. To simply name the Jew is to give them to much authority and influence over us and in a way is symptomatic of the weakness in our people I just mentioned. We need to get our own house in order first and I’m afraid this will occur only when we have hit rock bottom as a people.

      Strength and Honor