18 July, 2006

White Nationalist Film Makers

Posted by alex in media at 7:45 pm | Permanent Link


We are Burroughs Media/Little Men Entertainment and produce film, video and animation. Our clients include HBO, Disney Channel, MTV and others.

We are producing a film about different points of view about race, religion and homosexuality. Would someone from your organization be interested in participating? There is no pay involved, but an opportunity to get your message out.

That person would have to submit a video using a home camcorder. The video can be any length up to about 3 minutes. Basically you would state what you and/or your organization believe about race, religion and homosexuality.

If you don’t have a camcorder you can still participate. Email us back if you are interested and we’ll give you more details.

Looking forward to hearing from you.

Yours truly,

Steven Burroughs
Executive Producer

  • 9 Responses to “White Nationalist Film Makers”

    1. Lawrence Dennis Says:

      Our clients include HBO, Disney Channel, MTV and others.

      Translation: ‘We work for the Jews.’

      We are producing a film about different points of view about race, religion and homosexuality.

      Translation: ‘We are creating propaganda to advance the Jewish agenda.’

      There is no pay involved, but an opportunity to get your message out.

      Translation: ‘We get to copyright the final product on which we will profit handsomely (since we didn’t pay anyone for their work). You don’t mind being made a fool of on the Jew-tube, do you?’

      The video can be any length up to about 3 minutes. Basically you would state what you and/or your organization believe…

      Translation: ‘Since there will not be enough time to present any verifiable facts, just give us a sound bite we can use to make a video mosaic of “people who hate� which can be interspersed with videos of somber Jewish professors acknowledging “how far we have to go� to reach a multi-cultural paradise.

    2. Mark Says:

      Has he stated they will not edit your clip and show the full recording? If so maybe you can work a decent message into that amount of time.

    3. alex Says:

      Yes, that’s about right. Basically, and I did no research, but going from established fact, you sign over all rights to them for your itty bitty segment, they chop it up, misrepresent it, use it as they see fit, making you look like an idiot, if you appear at all. I can assure you after doing dozens of interviews, no so-called mainstream reporter is interested in getting your side out. Not one. Ever. WN should not be attention whores; if you have the talent to produce a good video, get to us and we’ll get it out there.

    4. alex Says:

      “Has he stated they will not edit your clip and show the full recording?”

      They’re a production company feeding the big boys. No, there is no way in hell they are going to give any non-egalitarian save a nigger nationalist three minutes — one minute — to promote a message athwart The Agenda.

    5. silverstein wtc7 Says:

      man, that mr. burrough’s pitch for some WN’s to be made fools of or worse is a sucker trap if i ever heard one. they aren’t eeven very good at hiding the fact, in their wording. 3 minutes? yeah, right, a real substavntive message in that time, and they’d of course, like alex and others said, chop it to hell and take 10 seconds out of context to make you sound stupid as shit.
      RIGHT, alex: we need to produce our own media and distribute it any way we can. i’m game.

    6. alex Says:

      What they’ll end up with is 8 people pushing the envelope even farther in the jew-queer direction, and one person saying mexicans should come here legally and a final one tepidly remonstrating that men shouldnt be allowed to marry.

    7. FCP Editor Says:

      Never bother with the yids when they say they want to present various points of view. Like everyone else has pointed out, they will chop up your statements to make their statement. Putting a production together gives them the last word. It’s time for white nationalists to make their own films, videos, projects etc. at a professional level. This is possible with all the advancements in NLE systems available to the consumer. Get educated, get a revved up PC or Mac and run with Avid or FCP (Final Cut Pro). Look at “Line In The Sand”. Professional production. More and better projects are to come. They won’t come by going along with jew tools like Burroughs.

    8. alex Says:

      The stuff that gets the biggest response is video of mexicans, well, being mexican. If there’s a demo near you, go out and film it. Show the shits waving their flag. Put the camera on the posters the big networks deliberately hide. No commentary required.

    9. van helsing Says:

      Need video like the one a jew did, picking up day laborers in a pickup in LA and delivering them to ‘La Migra’.