‘The Charm’ by John Bayldon
Posted by alex in poetry at 6:42 am | 
The charm
Whenever I am feeling sad,
Because an argument is lost,
I simply emulate my Dad,
And scream his hate word, ‘Holocaust’.
The patient seeker after truth,
Sifts documents his whole life long,
Who dares to read his well-turned proof,
When ‘Holocaust’ I call upon?
The journalist, at times may roar,
Lion hearted to defend free speech,
But when I call out ‘Holocaust’,
He, darts for cover with a screech.
The Churches, which, from Luther’s time,
Would guide to Christ its Gentile flock,
Now is become a Judas shrine,
A holy, Holocausting shop.
Each day through books, and plays and sketches,
The Holocaust that’s battered in,
To brains of trauma-pated wretches,
Fills up my coffers to the brim.
History, is the way I write it,
This is the law from time long past,
The Goyim’s love of truth I smite it,
With bible myths and Holocaust.
22 July, 2006 at 8:19 am
Excellent. I hope you publish poetry on a regular basis, and encourage your readers to submit their poems.
Possibly, a semi-annual poetry contest, with little prizes?
On a related topic: Now, would be the time for all of us to make a donation to Alex, to help him get the word out.
A. Linder
POB 101
Kirksville MO 63501
22 July, 2006 at 3:01 pm
Roses are reddish. . .
Violets are blooish. . .
If it weren’t for X-Mas
We’d all be jooish
22 July, 2006 at 4:33 pm
Shabbos, Don’t quit your day job.
22 July, 2006 at 4:40 pm
The Jews shouldn’t use the Holocaust as a pathos, and they certainly shouldn’t exaggerate its toll. Pity is an immoral emotion and I, for one, don’t ask for it. However, envy is also immoral. And it is envy which is at the root of anti-Semitism: hatred of the Jews for their goodness, not hatred of the Jews for their badness. Both pity and envy are irrational and immoral, and do not exist in the heart of a wise man: a man who knows the meaning of life.
22 July, 2006 at 7:11 pm
Re Johnny the Jew:
Let me set the record straight. We Aryans do not envy you jews. We merely wish to live our individual lives and achieve the glorious destiny of our race WITHOUT the constant interference of zionist and their multi-culti bolshevik program aimed at our destruction.
Your people were welcomed to our shores. In thanks you declared war on us. We didn’t seek this fight, but you have declared war on White people everywhere.
Zionists have sown the wind, they will soon reap the whirlwind!
PS you no doubt consider the Talmud full of “goodness”!
22 July, 2006 at 7:56 pm
“And it is envy which is at the root of anti-Semitism: hatred of the Jews for their goodness, not hatred of the Jews for their badness.”
And your proof of the above is- or are Jewish assertions co-equal with, ahem, objective reality?
So the problem is not Jews, it is their critics. Anyone not sucking the ass of IK (International Kikery- pronounced ICK) is suffering from psychopathology.
Jews were kicked out of umpteen countries because of envious rage over their GOODNESS. . . Has anyone here heard of PATHOLOGICAL NARCISSISM? Do you know of its connection to ambulatory schizophrenia (walking crazies)? Jew Kernberg (Otto) wrote BORDERLINE CONDITIONS AND PATHOLOGICAL NARCISSISM. One of his observations: Narcissists
cannot stand the autonomy of others (Like us).
Apparently the Jewish subjectivism goes all the way down to DNA- or lower.
22 July, 2006 at 8:26 pm
“Apparently the Jewish subjectivism goes all the way down to DNA- or lower.”
And that is precisely why it must be rooted out at that level.
22 July, 2006 at 9:16 pm
anti-semitisim is not based on envy. we just want you to leave us alone. stop meddling in our lives. is that too much to ask? can’t you just all just move to israel and live amongst yourselves and leave us alone? we’ll get along fine without you, gauaranteed.
if it were based on envy, we’d want to SUCK OFF OF YOU, like the NIGGER DOES TO US. we don’t want to suck off of you, we don’t want your money, we don’t want you around us. ok? can you just go away?
why would a race that produced newton, shakespeare, moliere, bach, handel, mozart, beethoven, schubert, schumann, wagner, chopin, richard strauss, johann strauss, stravinsky, mussorgsky, tchaikovsky, hugo wolf, monteverdi, verdi, carl orff, the beatles, pink floyd, led zeppelin, radiohead, nirvana, elton john, and countless other FIRST RATE GENIUSES envy the likes of a race that has produced freud, einstein (his theories are still just that: theories), MARX!, boas, bob dylan, carol king, neil diamond, MICHAEL BOLTON!, mendelssohn, schoenberg, and a counhtless list of other THIRD AND FIFTH RATERS envy you jews???
damn, the presumption of you jews, to think we ENVY YOU!!! you, johnny jew, are the SICKENING PRESUMPTIOUS JEW PAR EXCELLENCE
22 July, 2006 at 11:56 pm
“Let me set the record straight. We Aryans do not envy you jews. We merely wish to live our individual lives and achieve the glorious destiny of our race WITHOUT the constant interference of zionist and their multi-culti bolshevik program aimed at our destruction.”
Why would we Jews want to destroy you? Why is that in our best interest? Why would we want to destroy people who could only benefit us as trade partners? What you say makes no sense. We are not born with a “kill the Aryans” gene, and that’s what you NAZIs have to realize. Yes, you expose a lot of bullshit that is fed to Joe Q. Average through a liberalized media and academia. I like the honesty of VNN as much as you do, and I appreciate that Alex posts my comments. But even racially honest people such as yourselves have a lot to learn. The Jews are not born with a “kill the Aryans” gene. Mentally, there is only one way that the Jews differ from the Aryans, and that is intelligence. The average Jew is slightly more intelligent than the average Aryan. That’s it. There is no other neurobiological difference between Jews and Aryans.
Given that that is the ONLY fundamental difference between the Jew and the Aryan, it can be inferred that the Jews are bound to be envied by people who are ignorant of the meaning of life. The evidence of this can be found on any playground. The less intelligent children who lack self-esteem like to bully the more intelligent “nerds” because the “nerds” are guilty of the crime of being more intelligent and successful. (The exact nature of envy is explained on my website.) Well, the Jews have been the nerds on the playground of history, and the Gentiles have been the bullies. Not all of them, and not all the time. But once the Jews start making a lot of money and once everyone sees the Jews for what we are, the foolish Aryan masses invariably hate the Jews and wish to drive them off of the land. Aryans are not necessarily foolish. I’m not an arrogant Jew. If I were an arrogant Jew, I wouldn’t be talking to you right now because I would be telling myself “the Aryans are incapable of reason … you can’t reason with them.” Further, such arrogant Jews would have to be fools, in which case they don’t even have reasons to give. I have reasons and explanations, and I am more than happy to give them to you. Now, if you were a bunch of niggers I’d think I’m wasting my time, but this is not exactly nigger territory.
Now, hatred of the Jews BEGINS with envy, then the Jewish fools who don’t know the Philosophy respond to the threat of envy with leftism. Leftism is a defense mechanism – one which I do not sponsor. Wise Jews such as the late Ayn Rand and myself know that leftism is absolutely immoral and unacceptable. Rather, the answer to the world’s biggest problems is enlightenment in the meaning of life and how to live, whereupon no one would envy anyone else. As it says in the Hebrew Bible “Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s wealth.” Well, the Bible is certainly not the best philosophical document, but it was the first to acknowledge that a wise man is without envy.
As for Zionism, that is merely the desire for a Jewish state. So let me get this straight. You don’t like Zionism, yet you want the Jews to live amongst themselves? How can they live amongst themselves if they don’t have their own country? As you can see before your very eyes, White Nationalism is not the final solution to the world’s problems. Envy is bad, and leftism as a “solution” to problem of envy is bad. What I offer is a philosophy that any intelligent human being – Jewish or Gentile – can and should agree upon. Because regardless of what you may glean from certain black and white videos, the Jews are not rats. The Jews are not parasites. The Jews are not innately malevolent. Rather, the Jews are – on average – slightly more intelligent than Aryans, which has led to envy and thousands of years of persecution based upon that envy. Leftism is a recent phenomenon made possible only because the Enlightenment liberated the Jews from the ghetto, after which the Jews subconsciously used leftism to try to prevent such persecution from ever happening again because – as I said – leftism blinds people to the Jewish race, by attacking the concept of race. By blinding people to the Jews as a race, the Jews aren’t envied and persecuted. But again, leftism is not the answer. The answer is ENLIGHTENMENT: enlightenment in the meaning of life and how to live, whereupon envy would not be a problem, and leftism would not be a problem, and the Jews and the Gentiles would live in harmony.
As for the guy who is perplexed by my proposition that the average Jew is slightly smarter than the average Aryan, let me tell you that I’ve been there. I was once ignorant of this fact. But what I came to realize is that
1. There are far fewer Jews than Aryans, so naturally they would produce fewer geniuses.
2. The Jews have been persecuted for thousands of years, and they have spent thousands of years wandering from place to place. It’s hard to write a sonnet when you’re trying to make ends meet in the Ghetto, or when you’re trying to flee from a death squad.
3. Much of Jewish genius has been dedicated to the cause of leftism because leftism has been the “solution” to the problem of Jew-envy for the past few hundred years. Naturally, any product of leftism is distorted and warped and apparently “second rate” material. It is not second rate because the Jews couldn’t do any better; it’s second rate because the Jews were injected leftism into their work at the cost of truth and beauty.
Note, however, that Western civilization is based on Christianity, and that Christianity is based on Judaism. Also note that postmodernism is a product of the Jews. If we are LESS intelligent than the Aryans, then why is the history of Western civilization essentially the history of the Jews?
This is going to be misconstrued as “narcissistic,” but if you want to see a real work of Jewish genius – one unadulterated by leftism – visit my website and read the Philosophy.
23 July, 2006 at 4:47 pm
Hitler, The Jews, and Rabbi Lapin
by Chad Powers (Jewish Tribal Review)
“You’d have to be a recent immigrant from Outer Mongolia not to know of the role that people with Jewish names play in the coarsening of our culture. Almost every American knows this. It is just that most gentiles are too polite to mention it.”
— Rabbi Daniel Lapin, “Our Worst Enemy”, Toward Tradition, January 20, 2005
In modern “free,” Western “democracies,” one may defame the Pope, the prophet Mohammed, or even God Him/Herself, smearing and slurring anyone’s “sacred cows” (Hindus’ obviously included) with impunity, but the “Holocaust” — holy, sacred, transcendent — is beyond public reproach. Consider that in at least seven Western countries a critic can be fined and jailed for “denying” or even “trivializing” the Holocaust, that event of Jewish obsession that has usurped what was once known as World War II, a pan-human disaster from which as many as 64 million people may have died. There is an old adage to understand this phenomenon of the holocaustal pedestal in Western life: one may gauge true power in any culture by what is forbidden to be publicly spoken.
Which brings us to Rabbi Daniel Lapin.
Quite a milestone occurred on the pages of the Internet the other day. Rabbi Daniel Lapin, an Orthodox Jew, declared that Hitler was right. At least about one thing: that highly visible Jews were in the vanguard of cultural decadence in pre-Nazi Germany. In other words, Lapin dares to infer that which cannot be publicly spoken: Jewish responsibility — at least partially — for soliciting hostile German feelings that led to the Holocaust. And attendant Jewish blame.
As we all know, particularly in “free” Western democracies, no one is allowed to speak like this. Even agreeing with Hitler that the sky is blue engenders considerable political and personal risk. Hitler and the Nazis are held to be an airtight ideological package — a kind of vacuum cleaner. If one dares to suggest that not everything Hitler said about Jews was maliciously invented, that — in today’s Judeocentric dictate — brands the offender as a certifiable “Nazi” whose latent aim must be to murder Jewry.
Well, surprise. Rabbi Lapin has broken all the rules. And for a Jew to admit that Hitler’s disdain for Jews had reasoned basis in pre-Nazi German culture, as Lapin explicitly does, is truly revolutionary. He poses a small ray of light in a very dark chamber, a light that can reveal clearly and honestly the moral and rational roots of Gentile (and Jewish!) “anti-Semitism” throughout the Jewish story.
Rabbi Lapin even has the galling audacity to quote Hitler, with both sympathy and understanding:
“Was there any form of filth or profligacy, particularly in cultural life, without at least one Jew involved in it? What had to be reckoned heavily against the Jews in my eyes was when I became acquainted with their activity in the press, art, literature, and the theater….It sufficed to look at a billboard, to study the names behind the horrible trash they advertised…. Is this why the Jews are called the “chosen peopleâ€?? The fact that nine tenths of all literary filth, artistic trash, and theatrical idiocy can be set to the account of a people, constituting hardly one hundredth of all the country’s inhabitants, could simply not be talked away; it was the plain truth.”
( – Mein Kampf, Adolf Hitler, Chapter II)
Lapin cites Mein Kampf (which is banned in some countries today) to illustrate the parallels between Jewish prominence in the destruction of traditional German values and to underscore similar Jewish erosion of its American counterpart today. (Lapin’s limit, however, is that he believes that secular Jewry so prominently corrosive in American and pre-Nazi German culture has wandered far astray of its allegedly noble religious roots).
Lapin interprets Hitler’s excerpted passage this way:
“It does not excuse Hitler or his Nazi thugs for us to acknowledge that this maniacal, master propagandist focused on a reality that resonated with the educated, and cultured Germans of his day. Not once in Mein Kampf did that monster charge Jews with being complicit in the killing of Christ two thousand years earlier. He knew that long-ago event, shrouded in mystery and theological profundity, would never goad enlightened people to murder. Instead, he drew attention to the obvious and inescapable; that which every German knew to be true. The sad fact is that through Jewish actors, playwrights, and producers, the Berlin stage of Weimar Germany linked Jews and deviant sexuality in all its sordid manifestations just as surely as Broadway does today. Much of the filth in American entertainment today parallels that of Germany between the wars.”
Agreeing with Hitler about anything is one of foremost taboos in Western culture. Brutal, ruthless Adolf Hitler is the completely dehumanized icon for Evil: he is an amalgamation of the Devil, Darth Vadar, Tolkien’s Dark Lord, Headless Horsemen, Zombie Death Machines, and bloodthirsty Martians from Outer Space. And within this heavy matrix, the gravity of Jewish suffering under the Nazis effectively screens inquirers from investigating the enduringly delicate “whys” of the way so much of Europe turned on the Torah’s favored tribe. The frozen monolith of Jewish Good versus Anti-Semitic Evil is held to be polar, dualistic, dialectical: the Dark Lord enacts his bloody role in history from one side and completely Innocent Jewry fulfills their martyrological destiny on the other (although this has changed with nuclear bomb-laden Israel), with no middle ground or factual shades of any sort allowed.
Rabbi Lapin was careful to delineate — as well he should — the difference between what Hitler said and what he did. As much as Jewish convention dictates otherwise, decrying Jewish behavior and herding them into ovens aren’t synonyms. Nor is there logical closure between open critique in 2005 and the peculiar contexts of World War II. The “Holocaust” occurred in the very heart of a very vicious war and, as reminder, the second world war did not center around the singular issue of Jewish survival problems in battlefield countries where anyone stood be decimated.
Rabbi Lapin is obviously a very unusual man, let alone an unusual Jew. You won’t find any other Jews (or anyone else in “respectable” public discourse) quoting Hitler to make a point these days. And, truth be told, only a Jew has the remotest chance of getting away with it.
One would imagine that Jews at-large would be eager to understand the social, political, and psychological currents that gave rise to violent political action against them. You’d think they would want to remedy the problem of anti-Jewish hostility, once and for all. Once truly understood, one might logically presume that what Jews call “anti-Semitism” could be finally eliminated — by negotiation, frank exchange, sharing of grievances, and building mutual good faith between Jews and Gentiles.
But of course the Jewish community as an organized group isn’t really interested in understanding “anti-Semitism.” On the contrary. It merely condemns and forbids it and that is all. In this regard, modern Jewry is obsessed with spirited censorship and myth-making towards the central premises of Darwinian self-survival or, much more correctly, tribal survival.
The key to understanding Jewish identity in 2005 is the Holocaust and Israel. Religious, racial, and ethnic Jewish identities morph and unmorph, overlap and underlap, but when the dust always settles it is Jewish fears of the omnipresent ‘anti-Semitic” boogeyman that represents the pillar of Jewish self-conception. And in the hidden Jewish torture chambers lies the heart of modern Jewish being: the military garrison state of Israel, sworn to the sword to protect the world’s diverse “stiff-necked” tribe — whoever they are, whatever they’ve done, to the very last man or woman.
Herein lies the pulse of today’s Jewish morality: corruption, deviance, exploitation, deception — anything to protect the Tribe. Universalistic moral precepts take second rung to the hysterically defensive Judeocentric injunction to defend the Tribe from all and any attack, large, small, or marginally perceptible. This includes the regular censorial exercise of smothering the smallest “anti-Semitic” kindling, lest it broaden its fire of complaint.
Enter Rabbi Daniel Lapin with dire warnings for deaf Jewish ears.
But not even Lapin (who ignores the unseemly premises of traditionally racist, segregationist Judaism as a self-defined Orthodox Jew) seems to understand the dire “evil” that weighs so heavily in the Jewish direction. The principle threat to Jewish survival is not a “second-coming” Holocaust, led by barbarous Jew-hating goyim, in physical form. It is courageous Jews like Rabbi Lapin himself, who may not grasp the totality of the problem at hand, but stands firmly, defiantly, along the right track (more or less), digging deeply for the moral threads of his identity. The greatest threat to collective Jewish survival comes not from Frankenstein-like “anti-Semites” and a world Islamic uprising. It comes from the potential “Holocaust” within the Jewish fortress line: the long, steady tradition of Jewish “self-hatred” (an in-house form of “anti-Semitism”) that has always paralleled — like a magnetic echo — Jewish self-obsession, self-delusion, and self-evasion. And this is what the formal Jewish community has always had to defend most robustly against.
Here lies the key to Jewish censorship and the profound dangers to Jews by dissident tribalists like Rabbi Lapin. In 2005, such a man is far more dangerous to Jewish comfort than any obscure anti-Jewish militants sporting red and white swastikas or an Arab “terrorist” sneaking over one of Israel’s Mordar Walls. If rank-and-file Jewry (let alone the Gentile world) were ever allowed to freely face the factual hypocrisies, paradoxes, and outrages of Jewish identity and history, the community would probably self-destruct with an exodus of shame and disillusionment. Rabbi Lapin, intended or not, points in that direction. He starts bluntly with massively visible Jewish deviance that inspired Germans against them. Robbed of their incessantly propagandistic “victim hero” status, many “born Jews” would inevitably migrate out of the Jewish Fortress Against Other People, seeking new identity allegiances rooted in negotiation with their common man: the generic “anti-Semite.”
Why did Hitler turn so vehemently against Jews? Rabbi Lapin directs us towards an honest answer, towards honest understanding, towards a true reconciliation. Introductions to the broader problems of Jewish attitude and hegemony in Germany’s pre-Nazi Weimar Republic start below.
And it should look familiar:
* Jewish dominance of German culture (private banking, film, the theatre, publishing, etc.), leading up to the Nazi take-over
* Jewish dominance of the international white slavery (sex trade) racket, leading up to the Nazi take-over
* Traditional (Yiddish) Jewish perceptions of non-Jews, leading up to the Nazi take-over
* Ultra-Orthodox dominance of many Eastern Europe’s Jewish communities, leading up to the Nazi take-over, and secular Israelis’ parallel condemnation/disdain of them
23 July, 2006 at 5:36 pm
You are narcissistic and the use of a qualifier doesn’t change that. It simply makes you a typical Jew. Your whole post is typical. You practice an in group /out group mentality through out the whole post. This, Jews allow themselves. But for Gentiles to do so can only be a result of jealousy, which you promote by constantly referring to Jews as no different except slightly more intelligent than Aryans. I guess this is what is meant by Jewish cleverness. But, there is nothing original about your philosophy. It’s everywhere.
As for Zionism, that is merely the desire for a Jewish state. So let me get this straight. You don’t like Zionism, yet you want the Jews to live amongst themselves? How can they live amongst themselves if they don’t have their own country?
You don’t get it and that’s because you only see through a Jewish lens. It’s our money and our good name that is being used for a Jewish state. Otherwise, what do we care? How would Israel feel about their money going to support an Aryan state? Among Jews the thought would be considered insanity. It’s impossible for you to place yourself outside of your Jewish group solipsism.
Besides, it’s Jews that don’t want a Jewish state and we know that because they aren’t moving there, nor were they ever happy living among their own.
Note, however, that Western civilization is based on Christianity, and that Christianity is based on Judaism.
The Talmud and the New Testament are one and the same? We are dependant on Jews and not the other way around? The truth standing on its head. Are you going to argue that the cash flow comes from Israel and not to Israel?
Also note that postmodernism is a product of the Jews.
And if, or should I say when things go bad can we then blame the Jews. Of course not. To think otherwise would be “gentile unreasonableness“.
. . . why is the history of Western civilization essentially the history of the Jews?
How so? Did the Jews build Greece and Rome, France and Spain, Great Britain?
Jews place the Jews at the center of history. We don’t. Once again Jews claiming their interest above all others. The history of Western civilization is not the history of Jewish persecution. Hardly. That’s only how Jews see it. And ask yourself this. In the conflict between Jews and non-Jews has there ever been one instance when the Jews were wrong, one instance over thousands of years?
Yeah, I didn’t think so.
23 July, 2006 at 5:57 pm
Re Johnny the jew, again:
There is an old saying, “don’t waste time arguing with a crazy person”. Many jews appear to be afficted with a form of egomania so egregious that it is unrewarding to attempt to reason with them.
However, I’ll try! To repeat, we Aryans wish to be left alone. We do not want nor do we have any need of jewish ‘guidance’. We are quite capable of developing a high culture that satisfies our inner most needs without an alien group, whose thoughts are not our thoughts, imposing itself upon us.
The glorious flowering of Western civilisation in the Middle Ages was a product of the creative European mind, any Jewish input was less than zero.
True, Christianity contains many references to Judaism but its ultimate evolution was a complete rejection of Judaism and the Talmud.
Yes, the average Jew is probably slightly more ‘intelligent’ than the average Aryan. This is a result of the self esteem and the care your people place in ‘good breeding’ and sensible marriages. The practise of which the media, largely Jewish controlled, is trying to extirpate from the collective consciousness of White people.
Why does the Jewish media constantly encourage young White women to have sexual relations with negroes? ANSWER THAT QUESTION.
I will tell you why. The Jewish power elite, the neocons, the zionists and all their sympathisers wish to exterminate the White race. That evil criminal intent is a result of Jewish hate and envy!
23 July, 2006 at 6:36 pm
Hey, Johnny Jewboy: Jews … and I repeat, Jews are NOT more intelligent than Aryans. Their superior verbal skills often give that impression, but a fast-talking mouth (like those also possessed by nigger rappers) is not indicative of a fast-thinking brain. I say this based on considerable personal experience, but if you want objective measurement, I could also point out that the average IQ of Israeli jews is about 90. I often have jews like you taunt me that I am somehow “envious” of their superior intellect, but, you see, I don’t buy their premise. And who could possibly be envious of your squat, ugly, swarthy, hooknosed race?
rich brooks
23 July, 2006 at 8:49 pm
“But, there is nothing original about your philosophy. It’s everywhere.”
You don’t know my philosophy. You need to read my book in order to know my philosophy.
“You don’t get it and that’s because you only see through a Jewish lens. It’s our money and our good name that is being used for a Jewish state. Otherwise, what do we care? How would Israel feel about their money going to support an Aryan state? Among Jews the thought would be considered insanity. It’s impossible for you to place yourself outside of your Jewish group solipsism.”
I never said that the American government should support Israel. You come to conclusions without knowing anything about me. It’s really quite horrific that you draw all of these conclusions without knowing anything about me except that I’m a Jew. I repeat: I do not support American involvement in Israel. Stay out of it. Leave it alone. That’s all I ask of you with regards to Israel. That’s my brand of Zionism: the good kind. I would personally beat the crap out of a bad Zionist who lobbies for America to sacrifice itself for Israel. Fuck those Jews who give the rest of us a bad name. Fuck the neo-conservatives. My philosophy – which you pretend to know – is strictly against neo-conservativism. The US should not be fighting Israels wars. Israel should be left to fight her own wars without interference from the international community.
“Besides, it’s Jews that don’t want a Jewish state and we know that because they aren’t moving there, nor were they ever happy living among their own.”
The foolish Jews would intermarry don’t care for Israel, but the wiser Jews realize the value of Israel and your statement that “the Jews don’t want a Jewish state” is worse than laughable among such people. I’ll have you know that that is precisely what the Jews want. We just don’t want to get blown up by terrorists. Israel wouldn’t have the problem of terrorism if the Jews were to learn the Philosophy, and if the Gentiles were to leave Israel alone.
“The Talmud and the New Testament are one and the same? We are dependant on Jews and not the other way around? The truth standing on its head. Are you going to argue that the cash flow comes from Israel and not to Israel?”
I didn’t say that you’re dependent on the Jews. I said that the history Western civilization is essentially the history of the Jews. What I meant was that people are guided by philosophy, history is guided by philosophy, and the Gentile world has been using Jewish philosophy. You’re confusing economics with ethics. Also, I didn’t say that the Talmud and the New Testament are one and the same.
“And if, or should I say when things go bad can we then blame the Jews. Of course not. To think otherwise would be “gentile unreasonableness“.”
There’s nothing wrong with blaming the Jews for actions that are wrong, but there is something wrong with blaming the Jews for actions that are right or out of self-defense. This liberal age we live in and all of its trouble is the collateral damage from the war against anti-Semitism using the blunt weapon known as “leftism.” That weapon shouldn’t be used now that there is the Philosophy. The Philosophy is the solution to the world’s biggest problems, and leftism has nothing to do with it. Look, I hate this world as much as you do. Before I came to you, I came to the Jews. Just as you give me shit, the Jews give me shit. That’s okay, you don’t know me or my philosophy, despite claims to the contrary.
“. . . why is the history of Western civilization essentially the history of the Jews?
How so? Did the Jews build Greece and Rome, France and Spain, Great Britain?”
No. The Jews built Christianity. Again, you confuse the intellectual with the economic. You don’t realize that philosophy is a supremely important commodity. Everyone has philosophy, and everyone lives by philosophy. Decisions are based on philosophy, history is guided by philosophy. For the past 2000 years, Christianity has been the philosophy of choice for the Gentile world, and all of Europe’s history has been guided by it.
“Jews place the Jews at the center of history. We don’t. Once again Jews claiming their interest above all others. The history of Western civilization is not the history of Jewish persecution. Hardly. That’s only how Jews see it.”
You misinterpret me. I didn’t say that the history of Western civilization is the history of the Jews. I said that the history of Western civilization is ESSENTIALLY the history of the Jews. Again, read my commend on Christianity. And yes, the Jews are responsible for the leftism of modern times. It is you NAZIs who place the Jews at the center of history more than any other people! It is you NAZI’s who say “the Jews are responsible for this.” Indeed, you over-do it. You put too much blame on the Jews. You could be stuck in traffic and having a bad day and you would turn and say “the Jews did this to me.” And you don’t distinguish between different Jews. You don’t realize that there are better Jews and worse Jews; that not all Jews are the same. You would be surprised how DIFFERENT Jews can be. The Jews hate me. I don’t go to synagogue. I’m not an observant Jew. I’m a freak within my own race. I can’t even get a date with a Jewish girl because, well, you know how most women are.
“And ask yourself this. In the conflict between Jews and non-Jews has there ever been one instance when the Jews were wrong, one instance over thousands of years?”
What a silly question. As long as a Jew doesn’t know the Philosophy, he or she is a fool and his philosophy is wrong. Like I said, I would personally beat the crap out of an Israel lobbyist who lobbies for American taxdollars to be sent to Israel, or who wanted American troops to sacrifice themselves for Israel. Fuck the liberals, and fuck the neo-cons.
“However, I’ll try! To repeat, we Aryans wish to be left alone.”
So do we Jews! But you don’t leave us alone! You invite us into your land, then you drive us off of it or enslave us. That is a historical fact. You want us to leave you alone? Then leave us alone! For God’s sake, open a history book, have some common sense. Don’t you know that the Romans invaded Israel and took it over and tried to force its polytheistic gods on us and destroy the Temple not once, but twice?! If you want to know at least a little something about Jewish history, read Max Dimont’s Jews, God, and History.
“We do not want nor do we have any need of jewish ‘guidance’. We are quite capable of developing a high culture that satisfies our inner most needs without an alien group, whose thoughts are not our thoughts, imposing itself upon us.”
The first sentence is what is called “invalid” as in “it doesn’t make sense.” Monkeys didn’t need to be pulled out of Africa, but should they be glad that they were? You are better off if you trade with the Jews, which is why you’ve been trading with us. That goes for philosophy as much as it goes for non-philosophical commodities. Further, because the Jews are – on average – slightly smarter than the Aryans, you’ve been enjoying the fruit of Judaism called “Christianity.” You’d all be better off with the Philosophy, which was invented by a man who had a Jewish mother.
“The glorious flowering of Western civilisation in the Middle Ages was a product of the creative European mind, any Jewish input was less than zero.”
I wouldn’t even care if this were true. However, it’s not true. You skipped the part about Christianity, finance, and more. Believe it or not, Gentile government invited Jews into their countries to strengthen their economies! Yes, that’s right. If you know anything about Jewish history, you know that the Jews were invited into countries and, once in, they helped the economy of the country, and then they were either evicted or enslaved. The flowering of the Middle Ages was not only backed by Christianity, it was backed by Jewish finance. Again, I recommend Max Dimont’s Jews, God, and History. Learn at least SOMETHING about Jewish history before you speak of it.
“True, Christianity contains many references to Judaism but its ultimate evolution was a complete rejection of Judaism and the Talmud.”
Again, I’m sorry to disappoint you, but even Christianity was invented by Jews. Also, Christianity isn’t necessarily better than Judaism, but the debate is irrelevant considering that I stand for neither. I have a philosophy that is better than both Christianity and Judaism.
“Yes, the average Jew is probably slightly more ‘intelligent’ than the average Aryan. This is a result of the self esteem and the care your people place in ‘good breeding’ and sensible marriages. The practise of which the media, largely Jewish controlled, is trying to extirpate from the collective consciousness of White people.”
Oh, is that why Jews are intermarrying at a rate of 50%+? That rate is a little higher than that of Aryans and coloreds, wouldn’t you say? … To be exact, frum Jews like to breed with their own, but according to my “Jewish” Philosophy, Aryans should breed with Aryans, and Jews should breed with Jews. I don’t say “Jews should breed with Jews, and Gentiles can go to hell.” No, it’s important that the Aryans breed with their own. Notice that I’m an individual with my own individual philosophy even though I’m of Jewish blood. What a concept …
“Why does the Jewish media constantly encourage young White women to have sexual relations with negroes? ANSWER THAT QUESTION.”
Because the average Jew is a liberal. The average Jew has been trying to destroy the concept of race. Leftism is an outgrowth of that campaign. If there’s no such thing as race, then everyone’s equal. And again, the only reason that the Jews have been liberal is that liberalism, leftism, egalitarianism – whatever you want to call it – has been used to blind people to the Jewish race so that the Jewish race isn’t hated for no good reason. And again, I don’t sponsor that. I say to hell with envy AND to hell with leftism.
“Hey, Johnny Jewboy: Jews … and I repeat, Jews are NOT more intelligent than Aryans. Their superior verbal skills often give that impression, but a fast-talking mouth (like those also possessed by nigger rappers) is not indicative of a fast-thinking brain.”
I know what you’re saying, but itsn’t so. Jews don’t merely have superior verbal skills, and they certainly don’t have a fast-talking mouth. I know what you mean by “fast talking mouth,” and the Jews don’t have it. The Jews have superior verbal skills, and they also have a superior faculty of reason (which I explain in the Philosophy). Also note that Jews have a higher average IQ, and they make up a disproportionate number of Nobel Prize winners in every area. In fact, consult many of your NAZI brethren who know that the average Jew is slightly smarter than the average Aryan.
“I say this based on considerable personal experience, but if you want objective measurement, I could also point out that the average IQ of Israeli jews is about 90.”
Okay, you may not be aware of this, but there are two kinds of Jews: Ashkenazim and Sephardim. The Ashkenazim are the real Jews. The Sephardim are Arabs who took up Judaism. I think they’re smarter than the average Arab, but according to the book The Jewish Mystique, the average Ashkenazi is so much more intelligent than the average Sephardi that the difference in IQ tests is tantamount to that of the difference in IQ tests between whites and blacks. Having said that, a great many Israeli Jews are Sephardic. They are the tan looking, Arab looking Jews you see on television. I once spoke to a smart Aryan woman who – in all her intelligence – didn’ t realize that the Jews are smarter, but she did know of Jewish race. However, she thought that the Sephardim were “the Jews.”
I’m sorry to tell you this, Rich Brooks, but your failure to acknowledge the Jewish race as smarter than the Aryan race is PRECISELY what the Jews want from you Aryans. That is and has been their goal, and they have obviously succeeded.
“And who could possibly be envious of your squat, ugly, swarthy, hooknosed race?”
Wait a minute. The Jews aren’t swarthy. Swarthy means “dark, dark complexioned.” To the contrary, Jews tend to be whiter than “white” people.
24 July, 2006 at 12:12 am
Jews have had plenty of time to PROVE their supposed GENIUS.
Sorry, not in music. All jews have done is produce SCHLOCK, like the pop song composers from irving berlin to today’s typical american broadway hack.
Even in the schlocky pop song period from the ’20’s to the ’60’s the best of them, and classiest, was cole porter, a gentile. even most jews would agree that cole porter was the class act among them.
And in modern popular music? The jews are ALL represented by ersatz schlock and phoniness; even supposedly progressive groups like RUSH (with 2 jews) grates on one’s nerves and doesn’t hold up to repeated listenings, because of its inherent shallowness underneath the flashy complicated rhythms.
All the best current (’60’s to the present) music is made by gentiles. Even though JEWS RUN THE WHOLE MUSIC BUSINESS!! and, there are a disproportionate number of jews as artists. BUT THEY ALL ARE THIRD, FOURTH AND FIFTH RATE!
And this, in the AGE OF THE JEW. even now, they can’t produce a songwriter or group of first rate distinction.
The closest they come is the Ramones, and they are unmusical.
Name one jew group of the first rank. you can’t. name one jew songwriter today of the first rank. you can’t. hey, you always have BARRY MANILOW!!! HA HA HA!
Beck? he’s third rate, and he’s the best you have. No Cobain or Yorke or Stewart Murdoch be jews; no fucking way. you can tell the moment you hear them; they are REAL, not phoney soulless FAKES; not FUCKING JEWS.
How about modern poets? name one great 20th century poet who is jew. you can’t. ginsburg? fifth rate. pound, eliot, williams, frost, all the great americans gentiles, in the land of the jew. any jew compare to yeats? what a stupid question!
How about modern medical discoveries? only salk-jew, that’s it. and he gets mega-press. what about all the gentiles? we don’t even hear their names.
how about drama? all you have is miller, one fucking play, and that one gets old after the first viewing. shaw, williams, o’neal, all the greats are gentiles. there are countless jews who get produced all the time, but no one who can stand beside these greats. and in the AGE OF THE JEW.
movie directors? all you have is kubrick, whom i’ll admit is first rate. he is the only one. the rest are sellouts and schlock purveyors. any orson welles’s, hitchcocks, lynch’s, scorcese’s in the bunch? nope. not even close. and frankly, kubrick sickens me in every movie except 2001 with his sexual perversion. but he is first rate.
i’m tired. i could go on all day, but that’s enough. someone else will have to pick it up from here, or just drop it; point made. hopefully point taken
24 July, 2006 at 9:17 am
Remember that Kubrick said that everything that Hitler said about the jews was true.
24 July, 2006 at 10:16 am
Jew Sniffing Dog, I will repeat myself.
1. There are far fewer Jews than Aryans, so naturally they would produce fewer geniuses.
2. The Jews have been persecuted for thousands of years, and they have spent thousands of years wandering from place to place. It’s hard to write a sonnet when you’re trying to make ends meet in the Ghetto, or when you’re trying to flee from a death squad.
3. Much of Jewish genius has been dedicated to the cause of leftism because leftism has been the “solution� to the problem of Jew-envy for the past few hundred years. Naturally, any product of leftism is distorted and warped and apparently “second rate� material. It is not second rate because the Jews couldn’t do any better; it’s second rate because the Jews were injected leftism into their work at the cost of truth and beauty.
Now, with respect to Jewish music, the Jews have produced plenty, and if you consider it second rate, that’s because the Jews wanted it to be second rate. That goes with the leftism. Leftist art is abstract and warped and – for all intents and purposes – bad. That goes for music, visual art, and movies.
As for the lack of Jewish poetry, here’s a newsflash for you. The Jews don’t need nor desire poetry because they have the Torah. Rather than write secular Gentile poetry, the Jews have become rabbis and dedicated themselves to the memorization of the ultimate work of literature: the Torah. They may also have commented on it, as did all of those Jewish sages and rabbis. You point to the lack of good Jewish poetry because you are ignorant of Jewish culture. You have Shakespear. Who gives a shit? We have the Torah and the Talmud and the Mishnah, and all of the known or unknown men behind it. Jewish art centers around Judaism. If Jewish poetic genius isn’t dedicated to producing leftist pseudo-art, it’s dedicated to Torah. Actually, that’s a false alternative. Spinoza, Ayn Rand, and me are exceptions to the Jewish rule. We are neither leftist nor Jewish in the religious sense. And for that reason, our works are not distorted. Also notice that there isn’t one woman in the history of the Gentiles who holds a candle to Ayn Rand. The Aryans can’t produce an Ayn Rand, nor can they produce someone like me. The best that an Aryan can do in the philosophy department is whine about the Jews. Only a Jewish man could discover the Philosophy.
24 July, 2006 at 1:35 pm
heidegger (german gentile) is lightyears beyond and far greater than ayn rand; ayn rand is second rate philosophy for second rate pseudo-intelletcuals, such as libertarians. it is also very shallow. read heidegger if you want depth. heidegger and rand are contemporaneous, by the way. so much for your shit about no great aryan philosophers.
oh, and all the great philosophers of the past (except spinoza, whom i can’t abide) are gentiles. so much for your stupid jew crap called THE philosophy (jews love giving brand names to things, like THE holocaust)
24 July, 2006 at 4:28 pm
I was being hyperbolic, glue-sniffer. I know about Aristotle, Pythagoras, Kant, Heidegger, Newton, Socrates, etc. I didn’t say that there are no good Aryan philosophers. Now let me be exact. Jewish philosophy has the capacity to be better than Gentile philosophy. And you missed my point, which is not that Ayn Rand was better than Heidegger, but that there is no Aryan woman who comes close in the brains departnment. In fact, you just shit yourself because Heidegger was romantic with a Jewess by the name of Hannah Arendt, who is yet another great female philosopher.
To say that all of the great philosophers were gentile except for Spinoza is ludicrous. Have you ever heard of Judaism? Have you ever heard of Christianity? How about the Jewish sages and rabbis like Rashi and Maimonides and Nachminides? Those were philosophers. Judaism is a philosophy. Indeed, Judaism is a better philosophy than anything produced by the Gentiles? Why should a Jew produce a new philosophy when he already has the glory of Judaism? They shouldn’t, unless they are so good that they should. But almost no one is that intelligent. So let me make myself clear. The greatest philosophers have been Jews. You just don’t know their names because they didn’t produce their own philosophy; rather, they taught and/or contributed to the excellence of Judaism. There has been more written on the Torah than there are Mexicans within our borders.
24 July, 2006 at 5:16 pm
“You invite us into your country and then you kick us out because of your envy.”
Okay. For the sake of argument say I grant you this, guilty as charged. Now, once again, are the Jews as a group in their long history guilty of anything? Not neo-cons, not liberal media, aipac, or hollywood, all Jews.
24 July, 2006 at 5:21 pm
jewjohn said: “you just shit yourself because
Heidegger was romantic with a Jewess by the name of Hannah Arendt, who is yet another great female philosopher.”
what does heidegger fucking a jew whore for pure hedonistic fun have to do with his being an aryan philosopher? does that make him un-aryan because he chose to get his rocks off with a third rate jewess-philosopher-wanna-be? he was just having fun with the jewess beast. (if what you say is true about the “romance” in the first place; can’t trust anything you kikes say)
and due to the above reasons, i did not shit myself. sorry to disappoint you, you shit-obsessed, toilet-obsessed, scatalogical anal-plugging jew boy.
“Have you ever heard of Judaism?”
no, what’s that?
“Have you ever heard of Christianity?”
“How about the Jewish sages and rabbis like Rashi and Maimonides and
Oh yes, of course, such great pillars of deep thought, those. scatalogical, aryan-hating, pornographic thought, that is.
the smell of this particular jew-thing is making this dog howl with nause
24 July, 2006 at 7:18 pm
“The greatest philosophers have been Jews.”
Rand herself says the West owes its existence to ONE MAN: the Pagan Greek, ARISTOTLE.
24 July, 2006 at 7:55 pm
“Okay. For the sake of argument say I grant you this, guilty as charged. Now, once again, are the Jews as a group in their long history guilty of anything? Not neo-cons, not liberal media, aipac, or hollywood, all Jews.”
As a group, the Jews can not be said to be guilty of anything because “guilt” is a reason to punish someone, and the Jews have never deserved to be collectively punished. The question is not “What should be done about the Jews?” The question is “What should be done to make this life what it should be?” The answer is to learn the Philosophy. And after people learn the Philosophy, they would support the privatization of government, in which case eminent domain can be used to throw the Mexicans and niggers off of any land that is desired by the wealthier white people because the wealthier white people would pay the government for the land. Privatization is what you should be supporting in the realm of politics. In the realm of personal relationships, a Disciple of the Philosophy is against interracial marriage, and seeks to make it illegal. It is conceivably moral to physically assault a nigger or a Mexican or an Asian who is seen with a white woman. There must be an evolution of the human species. People should breed with that goal in mind. And as a guideline, miscegenation is antithetical to reproductive propriety, according to the Philosophy. So
1. people should learn the Philosophy
2. the government should be privatized
3. miscegenation should be abolished.
The Jewish Question is irrelevant. It is conceivable that driving the Jews off of the land would be good for the Aryans. Hell, it would even be good for the Jews as long as you don’t kill any Jews. But it would be best to leave the Jews alone, and to focus on the three goals stated above. What you really want is to support private government, in which case white and Jews alike wouldn’t be forced to fund the real parasites: the welfare dependent and social services dependent peoples of every race. Privatization is the ultimate politcal goal. White Nationalism? That’s a mixture of immoral envy and legitimate discontent with Jewish self-defense. It doesn’t even have a clearly defined political goal except “kill Jews,” and that’s not in your best interest. That’s not the best philosophy that you can have. The best philosophy that you can have is the Philosophy.
24 July, 2006 at 10:50 pm
I never said, kill Jews. And I’m not going to get into a discussion about another form of libertarianism. My point is that you judge us as a group. We invite you in, we throw you out. We are all envious of you.
But Jews, no. You cannot judge Jews as a group. Of course we seem unreasonable. You demand two laws, one for you and one for us. You demand the right to treat us as “other” at the same time demanding that we treat you as one of our own. I myself don’t believe in group guilt, but I recognize group dynamics. And there’s no reason we should have to live within the same political system with people practicing an in group/ out group against us.
25 July, 2006 at 11:42 pm
THE philosophy. bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah!!!!!
THE holocaust. bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!
7 August, 2006 at 11:37 pm
Now we are sick
I envy the Jew
I do.
So they say, so I must
It’s just
His natural beauty,
I’m led to suppose,
His statuesque bearing,
Or repousite nose.
Their courage,
When facing a child with a brick,
While surrounded by steel merely half a yard thick.
Is something I envy, because I am sick.
So they tell me, and what a Jew says must be true,
For the psychopath thinks that his problem is you.
So for three thousand years by all nations detested,
‘They hate me through envy.” The psychos protested.
Yet the never bethought them to alter their ways,
But then, thats psychopathic, the medic book says.
11 October, 2009 at 6:02 pm
What the hell is there to envy about Jews?! 20 jewish genetic diseases? Fun house faces. Endless neurosis. An obsession with excrement. Physical deformities and wimpiness. Terrible pathetic parents? Inbreeding? If jews had something enviable they could, not necessarily would, play fair. Everything jews have is stolen from better peoples, through old testament worthy abuse and manipulation. Jews are envious and clearly cannot exist naturally on their own. But then, to turn truth on its head, projection, as Jung outed Freud on? How very Jewish.
11 October, 2009 at 6:39 pm
Ok, I just have to ask: Why, even on Vanguard is jewish cunning and neurosis equated with intelligence? Isn’t the Israeli IQ barely above the retarded and black IQ? Isn’t the kind of manipulation that jews so typically practice just the standard adaptation for survival of the less intelligent? Don’t jews have an especially high rate of retardation?
I have yet to encounter a jewish work that doesn’t obfuscate, or an unjewed healthy Aryan one which doesn’t clarify.
24 October, 2009 at 9:37 pm
“1. There are far fewer Jews than Aryans, so naturally they would produce fewer geniuses.”
Pathetic try for your supposed superior mind, Johnny the Jew shit. If Jews were superior, they would produce a disproportionate number of geniuses, and as shown on here, they don’t. Even einstein was a fraud.
Duh! This response on here alone is evidence of an inferior reasoning capacity as well as arrogance.
I love how jews never seem to have anything better to do, but pick petty fights endlessly, as exemplified on here. I know I found this thread late, but how lond did it go on?! Didn’t Hitler say something about how arguing with Jews was like trying to hold green slime in your hands. IE it keeps slipping through your fingers?