31 July, 2006

Instant Shithole: Niggers Given Political Power

Posted by alex in black crime, South Africa at 5:58 pm | Permanent Link

The New South Africa, body politic by Jake, is a crimson joke…

Along with many exciting new stories about humans being robbed, raped, and butchered by negrids, the weltberuehmt “South Africa is Crap” blog has spawned a bloglet:

Introducing”Get Out of South Africa”

Here is an idea a comment has spawned. The suggestion was to set up a network whereby former South Africans, now safely abroad, could help sponsor, find employment for, or employ, South Africans wishing to leave this Turd World hellhole.
I have created a new blog, http://getoutofsa.blogspot.com/ “Get Out of South Africa” as a test to see what, if any, the response to that suggestion might be.

If it does take off, I will convert it into a proper site with its own domain. Have a look and see if you think it’s viable.
# posted by The Real Realist @ 8:42 PM 18 comments

  • One Response to “Instant Shithole: Niggers Given Political Power”

    1. alex Says:

      Here on British kids attacked by man-monkeys:
