10 July, 2006

Illustrating the hypersensitivity of the Jew

Posted by alex in media notes at 10:41 am | Permanent Link

Letter to Mad magazine

I resent and I extremely disapprove that you listed in the Fundalini Pages (MAD #457) in the “Updated Library of Extremely Thin Books” the book titled “Notable Jewish Bullfighters.”

Have you ever heard of the world famous jewish bullfighter Sidney (Frumpkin) Franklin? Born in Brooklyn, he went on to be a renowned bullfighter in Mexico and Spain. Ernest Hemingway wrote of Franklin that he was “one of the most skillful, graceful and slow manipulators of the cape in his day.” So yes, there was a “great and notable Jewish bullfighter” — I want an acknowledgement of Sidney Franklin.

Dr. Norman Goodman, Langhorne, PA

Stormin’ Norman — Good lord, you’re right! Sidney (Frumpkin) Franklin! How could we forget “The Frump”?!? He was a famous Jewish bullfighter! Boy, that brings the tally to…one! So you can see why it would be a thin book, Doctor. We didn’t call the piece “The Updated Library of Non-Existent Books,” did we? Here’s another slender tome you can add to your library: [Jokes That Dr. Norman (Frumpkin) Goodman Gets!]  Happy reading and feel free to write in again if you need this joke explained to you as well! –Ed.

  • 2 Responses to “Illustrating the hypersensitivity of the Jew”

    1. Mark Says:

      Brilliant! LOL!

    2. New America Says:

      Do you think a LOT of people have pretty much had it with Jews continually insisting on hyping their achievements, ignoring their crimes, and relentlessly hyping their agenda at the direct expense of the rest of us?

      Do you think that the tide is turning?

      Do you think people understand the dramatic difference between the reality they can see for themselves on the Internet, and the incessantly filtered bullshit called “NEWS,” and turn away from the Jew-controlled Propasphere?

      Do you think an Awakening is beginning, first at the Edge, with the Dispossessed, and from there, on to the Center, with what is left of the middle class realizing that SOMETHING is profoundly wrong, and all roads lead to the synagogue down the street?

      I think so.

      I think the Jews are just terrified that a snowballing effect will take place on this issue, and, in the words of Edgar Steele, “It’s a very short line from being Aware of how the Jews hate us, and use us, and our deciding it’s time to play Cowboys and Jews.”

      New America!

      An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!